Wow. Well, fuck me for waiting for the European versions of your games, Atlus.
If this is indeed true, I guess that means that we won't get any of the PQ DLC either?
It's a shame that the arena writers make Yukiko into such a joke character. Replaying P4G she participates in the Junes roundtable deductions as much as Yosuke does.
idk if this has been posted here because y'all post So Freaking Much, but:
(Source - please be advised that i have not browsed this particular blog so it may contain adult situations and material not suitable for work environments)
Yeah, they really Flanderized her character in the Arena games, because she wasn't really that bad in P4 to be honest. Yeah, she was awful at cooking and had laughing fits, but she was a decent character all around. But they ran those jokes into the ground and beyond, and I just had to roll my eyes at it all.
I thought they became Ultimate Musicians over the course of, like, two days.
The second bath house scene can jump in a fiery pit tho.
Hey now...When it comes to cherry flavored soda, Coke is the best.
I liked the Beach Trip and even the Band scene.
Mostly I just like that they did more stuff together. It seemed in the original game they only got together every month or so.
So does Persona Q assumedly have Persona 3/4 spoilers? Thinking of preordering the crazy edition for my sister for Christmas but she's only played 3, hasn't done 4 yet.
I don't think either game's characters come from a point in their games where anything spoileriffic has happened. (Aside from Naoto as a party member, I guess...) So you should be safe if you haven't finished 3 and 4.
Gonna have to disagree with you on that. The FIRST one can jump into a burning pit of fire, but the second one isn't that badonce you take resistances into account.
I thought it was almighty.'s the flanderization in PQ?
Looks more likeZiodyne to me.Hot Lightning/
EDIT:, and even then it's understandable to a degree since these characters aren't post-game. They actually have a reason to not be as developed.Rather light, from what I've seen
ewwwwThe Windows Phone UI
You have been redeemed.
I meantSaw a PQ thing for the manga (I think) p4 spoilersI thought Hot Lightning was almighty type. I'm pretty sure in Golden Animation, as much as some of us would like to forget it, that she purposely attacks Yu with it. Though I don't think the writers would care even if Narukami was immune to it.and if I didn't play P4 I could probably be convinced Yukiko is the killer based off of her expression at one point
Also for P4 Golden is there much substance to a 3rd tier persona? I don't recall anything extremely important happening between tiers 2 and 3? Just wondering what you guys think about another evolution because I saw a comic that kind of criticized it, though it wasn't updated with arena.
How's SMT3 on PS3? I heard there are a lot of issues with DDS on PS3, since they use the same engine so......
Runs perfectly I believe (never played PS2 version). DDS has some framerate issues that I wish they would get around to fixing.
Some of the text descriptions in item shops are running off the screen though.
DDS has it's fair share of problems including some insanely out of sync audio not sure if some of those issues are exclusive to the EU PSN version but Nocturne seemed to run fine in the hour or so I played, it's kind of crazy how vast the difference in performance is between the two.
I thought it was just poor lip-syncing at first, but lots of in-game cutscenes suffer from serious delays, the CGI ones play fine though. Weirdly, some sounds don't trigger as well, how does that even happen?
I wonder if DDS2 has the same problems?
It is kind of comical having the sound of something being violently eaten playing over a scene where people are talking because the audio played really early or late. I wouldn't be surprised if DDS2 has similar problems.
It is kind of comical having the sound of something being violently eaten playing over a scene where people are talking because the audio played really early or late.
There's some issues but they aren't nearly as severe as DDS1, and the in-battle framerate is far better too.
That's awesome to hear.I spent a good 30 minutes today playing Persona Q. The game is SOOOO GOOD!!
EVERYONE must buy it. Very impressed.
So I'm about 4 hours in to my first Persona game (P4U) I had to leave the castle to heal and resupply, when I return will I have to start from the first floor?
I spent a good 30 minutes today playing Persona Q. The game is SOOOO GOOD!!
EVERYONE must buy it. Very impressed.
I spent a good 30 minutes today playing Persona Q. The game is SOOOO GOOD!!
EVERYONE must buy it. Very impressed.
P4U is the fighting game for persona. I assume you are playing P4, so no, unless you are playing P4G and they changed it without my knowledge, then no, you shouldn't need to restart from the first.
So I'm about 4 hours in to my first Persona game (P4U) I had to leave the castle to heal and resupply, when I return will I have to start from the first floor?
You haven't finished the game yet and already accepted Chie?
You are good peoples.
I used to not care for chie in that way but you guys make her so cute >.<
How would it fair to someone who has never played EO? Would I be at a loss?
How's SMT3 on PS3? I heard there are a lot of issues with DDS on PS3, since they use the same engine so......
Ive never played EO either, and i had no problems. You'll be fine.
Ive never played EO either, and i had no problems. You'll be fine.
Positively bitchin'!
Stupendously tubular!
I'm out of ideas.
Ive never played EO either, and i had no problems. You'll be fine.
I definitely have no clue how the first one if a reference. (EDIT: Oh, imagery stuff, right)Well, if I ever get the game (I don't have a 3DS, don't know if I'll ever get one) then at least I won't get completely destroyed, which is nice. Though I don't know if I'll get accustomed to the high SP costs.
Wonder if they'll keep up the spin-offs including P3 and P4 cast after P5 is released. Or if the spin-offs will feature the P5 cast and P3 and P4 cast will be forgotten like the P1 and P2 cast, for the most part.
I haven't played P1 or P2, so this may be spoilers, but there is a small reference in P3...
So I went the MCM Comic Con yesterday and Rice Digital (Ultimax euro publisher) were there. They were taking preorders for the Ultimax special edition and while I was talking to the guy I asked him about the dlc. He got really cagey so I pushed for an answer and he told me 'we don't know if we can get the dlc for the euro release'. He then tried to persuade me to pre order with the mystery tshirt and said that the print on it would be the artwork used for Adachi before he fights - rather ridiculous to feature artwork of a character we're not getting no? Talk about salt in the wound.