Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

So I went the MCM Comic Con yesterday and Rice Digital (Ultimax euro publisher) were there. They were taking preorders for the Ultimax special edition and while I was talking to the guy I asked him about the dlc. He got really cagey so I pushed for an answer and he told me 'we don't know if we can get the dlc for the euro release'. He then tried to persuade me to pre order with the mystery tshirt and said that the print on it would be the artwork used for Adachi before he fights - rather ridiculous to feature artwork of a character we're not getting no? Talk about salt in the wound.

I, uh, I still want an official statement on this. Not getting DLC characters at all is kind of unheard of.

Yeah, but "we don't know" doesn't bode well. There's no doubt that it's at least a possibility at this point.
I don't get how this can happen, it's money on the table. I wouldn't have been surprised if we didn't get the game, but getting the game and not the dlc? That's weird.

Wait, maybe with "for the euro release" he meant at launch? Not like ever.

This also crossed my mind, might be what he meant.
Spoke to the European publisher. Ultimax will come with an exclusive
tshirt. Response,
"isn't that weird considering he's a DLC character and DLC is not coming to Europe."
Publisher lost for words.

P4D - Rise's VA said something about recording singing lines for Rise. I think the translation for P4D has begun.


Chie is the worst waifu
Ive never played EO either, and i had no problems. You'll be fine.

I would *think* they made it slightly easier than a regular EO game to ease people who haven't played one before, but I'm not sure.

Veterans of the series could probably blow through the game on the regular difficulty which is why there's two higher difficulties, plus the easy mode if you just want to play the story.
P4D - Rise's VA said something about recording singing lines for Rise. I think the translation for P4D has begun.

That'd be awesome if that were true! Gives me hope that the game's further along than some fear.

Also, while I'm in NA, I really hope this whole DLC situation for Europe turns out to be nothing and that EU fans get the DLC too. Hopefully there's an official statement before too long.


You think? Its not like They're still incredibly hung up on recording lines for P4AU or PQ.

Yes. When we've barely heard anything about the game compared to when we were hearing information on P4AU and PQ localization, I think it's kind of unlikely that they've started localization on P4D as far in as voice recording unless the process has changed and they're doing it in conjunction with P4D's internal development in Japan.
Yes. When we've barely heard anything about the game compared to when we were hearing information on P4AU and PQ localization, I think it's kind of unlikely that they've started localization on P4D as far in as voice recording unless the process has changed and they're doing it in conjunction with P4D's internal development in Japan.

I suppose that's a good point. Even if P4D released as early as February in Japan, it's probably too early for localization to really be under way. To be honest, for one blissful moment I had forgotten all about P4GA, so I just thought any singing lines had to be P4D.


I'm not so sure. I also watched some of that panel and she was specifically referring to recording for the persona games. She said something like 'so when you hear her singing in the game that's also me'.

Hm, to be clear, Laura Bailey said this? And she was talking about being involved in producing newly recorded lines for a future project and not lines that she had already recorded for P4AU or PQ? Because P4AU has a story scene where Rise Kujikawa is singing.

If she sings in Ultimax or Q it could easily be those games that she was talking about.

Yeah, that's probably it, then.


Hm, to be clear, Laura Bailey said this? And she was talking about being involved in producing newly recorded lines for a future project and not lines that she had already recorded for P4AU or PQ? Because P4AU has a story scene where Rise Kujikawa is singing.

Laura Bailey said it and she was referring to lines she had recorded for all of the games. The panel was much more focused on her other game roles with Rise only getting a short mention so they didn't delve deeper than that. If she sings in Ultimax or Q it could easily be those games that she was talking about.
Hm, to be clear, Laura Bailey said this? And she was talking about being involved in producing newly recorded lines for a future project and not lines that she had already recorded for P4AU or PQ? Because P4AU has a story scene where Rise Kujikawa is singing.

Yeah, that's probably it, then.

She sings in Ultimax? Well, I guess that's what she was talking about then.


So I went the MCM Comic Con yesterday and Rice Digital (Ultimax euro publisher) were there. They were taking preorders for the Ultimax special edition and while I was talking to the guy I asked him about the dlc. He got really cagey so I pushed for an answer and he told me 'we don't know if we can get the dlc for the euro release'. He then tried to persuade me to pre order with the mystery tshirt and said that the print on it would be the artwork used for Adachi before he fights - rather ridiculous to feature artwork of a character we're not getting no? Talk about salt in the wound.

EU gets screwed over yet again :/


So I went the MCM Comic Con yesterday and Rice Digital (Ultimax euro publisher) were there. They were taking preorders for the Ultimax special edition and while I was talking to the guy I asked him about the dlc. He got really cagey so I pushed for an answer and he told me 'we don't know if we can get the dlc for the euro release'. He then tried to persuade me to pre order with the mystery tshirt and said that the print on it would be the artwork used for Adachi before he fights - rather ridiculous to feature artwork of a character we're not getting no? Talk about salt in the wound.

I thought Sega was the European publisher while Koch Media was the distributor?
I think they're owned by the same parent company.

It's unfair to give them shit about this though. They have nothing to do with it.

Parent company? I thought Rice Digital was just a few guys who started selling japanese/inspired indie games..and one of them had something to do with Zen.

All my knowledge is foggy around Zen. Never 100% sure.


Parent company? I thought Rice Digital was just a few guys who started selling japanese/inspired indie games..and one of them had something to do with Zen.

All my knowledge is foggy around Zen. Never 100% sure.

There always seems to be a lot of cross-promotion, and I know there was a guy from Rice who would go around defending Zen around the P4A region lock thing. I think they're not separate entities, basically.


Just something I've been recently thinking about: I wonder what the possibility of P5 having a release in NA at the same time as Japan is. P5 getting a PS4 release is something I only thought would happen if Sony stepped in to help, and a PS4 release is something that would be especially relevant to an NA audience at this point. I just wonder if it could be something akin to a Tales of Vesperia (360) or Star Ocean 4 localization speed, where Sony would see it as valuable enough to tout as a PS4 exclusive in NA, quickly releasing it in the process.

Relatedly: Check Shuhei Yoshida's reaction.


Just something I've been recently thinking about: I wonder what the possibility of P5 having a release in NA at the same time as Japan is. P5 getting a PS4 release is something I only thought would happen if Sony stepped in to help, and a PS4 release is something that would be especially relevant to an NA audience at this point. I just wonder if it could be something akin to a Tales of Vesperia (360) or Star Ocean 4 localization speed, where Sony would see it as valuable enough to tout as a PS4 exclusive in NA, quickly releasing it in the process.

Relatedly: Check Shuhei Yoshida's reaction.

I've seen that video before and it's amazing. I love Yoshida, haha.

Also, his English is actually really good.

PK Gaming

Does Zen even exist anymore?


So I went the MCM Comic Con yesterday and Rice Digital (Ultimax euro publisher) were there. They were taking preorders for the Ultimax special edition and while I was talking to the guy I asked him about the dlc. He got really cagey so I pushed for an answer and he told me 'we don't know if we can get the dlc for the euro release'. He then tried to persuade me to pre order with the mystery tshirt and said that the print on it would be the artwork used for Adachi before he fights - rather ridiculous to feature artwork of a character we're not getting no? Talk about salt in the wound.

The EU must have done something awful to Atlus in the past and this is there way at getting back at them.


Soundtrack CD for Ultimax announced; releasing on December 17. I bet the cover image is something that could very well be shown during this week's PSC.
I think this will be the first (modern) Persona OST that I don't buy. I really dislike all the new songs aside from the vocal theme.


Meguro is leading the arrange album that comes with first prints of DeSu2BR.

Holy Fuck MCM Expo was a lot of fun!

Bought soooooo much stuff it was hard to get it all home!

But most importantly, I got about an hour's worth of hands on with Persona Q! Dont worry there are no story spoilers here.

This game is pretty fucking fun! The gameplay is standard Etrian Odyssey style, choose all of your attacks first, hit go and watch the turn play out. I found that turn order is fairly hard to work out, it probably goes on whoever has the highest agility stat and works down from there, enemies included. Unfortunately, this means that the 'one more' system doesnt apply here, but if you manage to hit an enemy's weakness and knock them down, then their turn is wasted picking themselves back up, so weaknesses still have an important role to play.

Also, when you knock an enemy down, you get a 'boost', and when that character's boost meter is full, that is when you are able to perform a follow-up attack. All out attacks are still in the game and work as normal, knock down every enemy then charge.
Also, while your character is in 'boost' all of your skills cost 0SP, so go nuts!

Now onto Personas, every character, except your MC of choice, has their persona from the original game and they level up as normal and gain skills and boost stats just as you would expect. But, uniquely, you can assign everyone, even the support character, a sub-persona. This allows the characters to have a much wider range of skills available to them. You want to be able to use Agi skills with Chie? Go for it! Akihiko being able to use Bufu? Sure, why not! This is especially useful since Personas now only have 6 skill slots as opposed to the usual 8.

Character interactions in Q seem pretty heavy, as I was wandering the labyrinth, there were multiple occasions of dialogue being shown, even at non-critical areas. I ran into a dead end and got a mini-scene between some of the characters. Oh, and for those wondering, you dont have to have the characters in your active party to be able to see these scenes. There is plenty of stuff to see and chances are, you'll probably not see it all unless you are a completionist by the looks of it.

One of the most fun parts of EO games for me is, strangely, the map drawing. And this is here in Q and as elaborate as ever, and the maps here are HUGE! I spent 30 minutes in one level after taking over someone else's game, who had already filled in a lot of the map, and I barely added anything to it! These levels are going to take a while to fully map out if you want to explore everywhere. Oh, and for those of you who couldn't care less about it, there is a feature that fills everything in automatically as you go if you dont want to bother with it.

Now onto the characters! I managed to get hands on with both sides so I was lucky there. The character interaction is really good here! The characters are a lot closer to their original P3/P4 versions of themselves, as opposed to the caricatures that some of them became in Arena/Ultimax. The dialogue between them all is great, although I wouldnt have expected anything less from the localisation crew. The only downside I had was that it was VERY NOISY, so I was unable to hear the voices clearly, although I did note that not all of the dialogue lines are voiced. A lot of them simply have a reactionary sound followed by text (a la Danganronpa).

One of the things I've seen a few people mention is about how the game looks. Let me tell you this game looks AMAZING, the visuals are gorgeous, whether or not you like the chibi character designs is your personal opinion, but I think they look great. The trailers really dont do the game justice, this game is not supposed to be viewed via youtube going full screen on a monitor, it's supposed to be viewed on a 3ds, and boy does it look good on a 3ds. The colours are vibrant, the animations are smooth, the 3d effect isnt too distracting, overall, it is a great looking game.

Well, thats all I can think of saying for now. If anyone has any questions, then ask away and I'll try my best to answer.


Ultimax in Europe is being published by SEGA, not Koch, not Rice, SEGA. They are the ones with the decision over DLC. The others are merely distributors of the game and have no say, and I doubt even have any knowledge, of what goes on when it comes to the DLC.

Man, MCM was fun! I think next time I'll go dressed up as something! Still, I managed to get hands on with Q, MKX, Evolve, Akibas Trip, UNIEL, Arcana Heart, Driveclub, Lego Batman and a couple others, so if you want to know anything about any of those, ask away.


Holy Fuck MCM Expo was a lot of fun!

But most importantly, I got about an hour's worth of hands on with Persona Q! Dont worry there are no story spoilers here.


Now onto the characters! I managed to get hands on with both sides so I was lucky there. The character interaction is really good here! The characters are a lot closer to their original P3/P4 versions of themselves, as opposed to the caricatures that some of them became in Arena/Ultimax. The dialogue between them all is great, although I wouldnt have expected anything less from the localisation crew. The only downside I had was that it was VERY NOISY, so I was unable to hear the voices clearly, although I did note that not all of the dialogue lines are voiced. A lot of them simply have a reactionary sound followed by text (a la Danganronpa).
Yes a thousand times to this! I think someone already said this before, but hearing this again pretty much confirms that Persona Q's story is going to be more enjoyable than Arena/Ultimax's.

Thanks Reanimatoin for the review and I can't wait to play Persona Q this November!


So, with Themes coming to PS4 and Atlus's love of giving us decorator DLC, I'm thinking there's a good shot at a Persona 5 theme being available eventually.


Never. The sketch of him in the standard style that he did is virtually a scribble.

Oh, hell.

Holy Fuck MCM Expo was a lot of fun!

Ultimax in Europe is being published by SEGA, not Koch, not Rice, SEGA. They are the ones with the decision over DLC. The others are merely distributors of the game and have no say, and I doubt even have any knowledge, of what goes on when it comes to the DLC.

That's reassuring.


I actually did a rough picture of them about half a year ago. I probablt won't draw him again, to be honest, because I don't like his design. It's rather silly.

Oh I kind of forgot that you drew this. I think Zen's design looks pretty cool. I just don't like drawing his spiky neck thing.


Atlus PR
Holy Fuck MCM Expo was a lot of fun!

Bought soooooo much stuff it was hard to get it all home!

But most importantly, I got about an hour's worth of hands on with Persona Q! Dont worry there are no story spoilers here.

Awesome, glad you liked it :D

Were you in the first dungeon? How far did you get?
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