Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)


Yup. Ultra's right. Known as Zepy Games over here in Singapore.


Teddie (and my Valkyria Chronicles 3 Imca nendoroid) are the watchful guardians of the store.

Teddie's been stud-scoring as well. Quite a few (guy) customers asked to take pictures with him (since the R3 copies of Ultimax did not come with the Tarot Card/Teddie Bop Bag) initial bonuses. Weird thing is that it came with the X360 versions of Ultimax in our store. Hmm...

Wouldn't mind if life-size cut-outs are somehow sent our way to watch over/promote the series too.


Makes me sad that mine has a small hole in it somewhere. Every morning, he's deflated.


Here's the official line from Sega Europe I received about P4AU DLC:

  • Pre-order P4AU across select European retailers and receive Tarot Card Set 1 free
  • Marie & Adachi will both be available in Europe as DLC at a cost from release date (21.11.2014)
  • The cost of each will be €4.49

Oh thank god.


I wonder if he got banned for this?

I cannot possibly imagine someone banned him for starting up a discussion about the possibility of the game coming to other systems with Sega's major PC announcement. It surely has to be something else... @_@

Nice to see the EU thing was peeps jumping the gun though. :D


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but glad to see the rumblings about Europe not-getting the Ultimax DLC turned out to be nothing.

Thanks a fucking bunch for charging for it straight out the gate though.
So we're not getting Marie and Adachi free during the first week? I'm glad I downloaded them from the US PSN while they were available. Will get the game from there then.


Speaking of Persona Q, I'm not sure what to do about it. I bought a US 3DS specifically for it, but it comes out here the same week, so do I keep my US preorder or get a UK copy? The thing is, my US 3DS is an XL whereas my normal one is not. The other thing is, customs fees. The other thing is, my US preorder is for the CE, which is very expensive in the UK.

Help me decide, PersonaGAF.
Speaking of Persona Q, I'm not sure what to do about it. I bought a US 3DS specifically for it, but it comes out here the same week, so do I keep my US preorder or get a UK copy? The thing is, my US 3DS is an XL whereas my normal one is not. The other thing is, customs fees. The other thing is, my US preorder is for the CE, which is very expensive in the UK.

Help me decide, PersonaGAF.

Well, is the US CE with customs fees still cheaper than the UK CE? And how long do you think you'd have to wait for the US one to arrive after release? Would you get it before the weekend?
Speaking of Persona Q, I'm not sure what to do about it. I bought a US 3DS specifically for it, but it comes out here the same week, so do I keep my US preorder or get a UK copy? The thing is, my US 3DS is an XL whereas my normal one is not. The other thing is, customs fees. The other thing is, my US preorder is for the CE, which is very expensive in the UK.

Help me decide, PersonaGAF.

Import, screw it.



Makes me sad that mine has a small hole in it somewhere. Every morning, he's deflated.
Mine too. I'm always sad waking up every morning to see Teddie slowly kissing the carpet.

Speaking of Persona Q, I'm not sure what to do about it. I bought a US 3DS specifically for it, but it comes out here the same week, so do I keep my US preorder or get a UK copy? The thing is, my US 3DS is an XL whereas my normal one is not. The other thing is, customs fees. The other thing is, my US preorder is for the CE, which is very expensive in the UK.

Help me decide, PersonaGAF.
Sounds like too much money for me. I'd just keep the normal 3DS and get a UK copy. I think it's better to wait for the New 3DS than to buy a 3DSXL now. Again, this is an opinion coming from a poor college student.


Sounds like too much money for me. I'd just keep the normal 3DS and get a UK copy. I think it's better to wait for the New 3DS than to buy a 3DSXL now. Again, this is an opinion coming from a poor college student.

But that's the thing. He has the XL already, bought it a while ago.

Anyway. Uh, whatever's cheaper, man. As another poor college student I would make my decision based on that e.e

Speaking of which. Dantis, you ever got around finishing SMTIV?


But that's the thing. He has the XL already, bought it a while ago.

Anyway. Uh, whatever's cheaper, man. As another poor college student I would make my decision based on that e.e
I re-read it three more times and I understand what he meant now :p

Dantis, I'd say buy the US CE if you have the money because playing with 3DSXL > playing with regular 3DS. If you are on a tight budget, just get the UK version.
He mentions it in passing that it's all he can afford to buy because it's cheap. Funnily enough, it gets kind of replaced with lotus root in Golden.
Another call-back used in his Ultimax episode.

I'm guessing this happens during the days he slacks off work and hangs around in Junes? Only time I talked with him as an NPC was when someone went missing and I had to find information.

Because I see things like that this and had no idea where they came from (P4
similarly didn't really get how cabbage defined him at all for the P4AU reveal


Oh, so this is a thing we're doing.

If you have any questions about Persona Q's game systems, etc. (spoiler-free!) drop a question on our FB page or here, and we'll try and get it answered.
Hey John, I have wanted to ask, do you know how ATLUS videogames get exported to other countries like Mexico?
I don't understand the point of these poem segments.
nobody understands
That's m'girl!
It kind of irks me that most people credit Naoto for that...

To be fair, she says something extremely similar. She basically calls him an egotistical brat iirc. That whole sequence was just really satisfying. :D

I don't like how, imo, there is some sort of twisted logic to the argument, but then the IT basically start insulting him calling him a brat and a kid and stuff, and saying his logic is stupid without a whole lot of substance to whatever counter arguments they kind of made (though I'm not sure if I'd like them stating bonds are great either, and I am kind of biased towards him and wouldn't have minded if he won or at least put up a good fight).

OK, as for question one, I couldnt tell you, I didnt get far enough into it to actually start using skillcards. Hope this helped.

Also from what I looked up recently about PQ, apparently main personas have 4 skill slots that automatically update
(4th skill learned upon Persona evolution while others are learned rather early and update to better versions over time)
. Other 4 slots are reserved for skill cards. The sub-personas add skills, and apparently cannot have skill cards added to them(?)

So now at least we don't have problems like Vanilla Chie where you have one single-target spell, which is your strongest, for ~20 levels(just a guess, talking about Black Spot) before learning a slightly better one that still kind of sucks (I don't think rainy death was that strong, even for heavy physical). Now you can add a skill card or use sub-persona skills. Plus that means you can actually use a characters magic or strength stat (ex: in P4 Chie had satisfactory magic but no good magic skills to take advantage of it, and Teddie really had no physical skills to take advantage of his decent strength, but now you can teach them skills that do use those stats). Just in case people don't want to know, not related to plot PQ
for example, I don't think Chie naturally learns anything magic related, or even-ice related, which I feel is a bit weird considering in general personas have certain elemental attacks and resists those same elements, while Chie resists Ice and has no Ice spells. So now you can teach ice spells, or teach magic spells, though I'm assuming that she also has decent magic in this game
That's m'girl!
It kind of irks me that most people credit Naoto for that...
To be fair, she says something extremely similar. She basically calls him an egotistical brat iirc. That whole sequence was just really satisfying. :D
I really like the way the anime made that scene, with Naoto, Yukiko and Yosuke each saying their own line while they destroy the
(though I'm not sure if I'd like them stating bonds are great either, and I am kind of biased towards him and wouldn't have minded if he won or at least put up a good fight).game[/SPOILER]
To be fair it's a 8 (or 4 due to the game mechanics) vs 1 fight.

PK Gaming

How comes you're posting that now?

Went against Sonicfox during the [Redacted] vs. Marie character tournament last week. Won the two matches where I was up against him; he plays really crazy for a Marie.

Oh, I just came across it on Twitter and I figured some of you guys might enjoy it. Hadn't realized it was somewhat old (though I imagine most of the people here haven't seen it yet).

You can go toe to toe with Sonicfox already? Heh, nice.


Oh, I just came across it on Twitter and I figured some of you guys might enjoy it. Hadn't realized it was somewhat old (though I imagine most of the people here haven't seen it yet).

You can go toe to toe with Sonicfox already? Heh, nice.

Ah, I see. Yeah, I remember watching TFC live; it was pretty fun. Most of the [Redacted] players in the tournament were extremely bad, though.

Here's my first match against him. He's inexperienced and it shows; managed to perfect him in my second match vs. him because of the stuff he tries to do.

I've been able to stand my ground against notable players before—I had a relatively long competitive set against Bananaken in P4A once or twice—but it's just that I can't go to any of the locals to prove myself, so I'm restricted to online.
If you don't emphasize the Z in FluxWaveZ like Dragon Ball Z then you've received an automatic F.

All PersonaGAFers who've failed must seem me after class.

As a Canadian, I agree. 'Zed' is such a verbal stick in the mud.

EDIT: BAH! Zed is for Power Rangers villains and dead characters in Tarantino movies!


The good thing about random Social Link values is that I can accidentally screw up when following a guide, but then be back on track by the end of the month.
Seriously, I always freak out when I accidentally deviate.
As a Canadian, I agree. 'Zed' is such a verbal stick in the mud.

EDIT: BAH! Zed is for Power Rangers villains and dead characters in Tarantino movies!

I'm Canadian too, and for me it's kind of variable. I read it as Flux waves just because that's what I heard. Though, if asked how I read it if the Z was separate from Fluxwave I would say it like Zee. But I generally try to force myself to say it like Zed, and for me the letter Z all by itself without anything before it or after it is usually read as Zed. It depends on the word as well for me, it's kind of weird.

Unrelated, but wasn't there a stream or some event of some sort a long while back where there were the names FluxWaveY and FluxWaveX?

Is anyone dressing up as any Persona characters for Halloween?

Haven't dressed up since elementary school, and even then it wasn't that great, just so I didn't have to wear a uniform for that day. Apparently I just don't like having fun or something.




Clearly you're not weeb enough to type it out in hiragana!

But seriously though, there's nothing much to get with Marie's poems. They're utterly facsimile - a product of what( little) she actually knows about the outside world. In the context they're written, they are clearly trying to express some kind of awareness, albeit, badly.

She's playing pretend at being a person. The poems are her existential outlet.
No one can deny that they wrote some embarrassing stuff, when they were younger.

I feel like a lot of people have a tendency to misconstrue the purpose those poems serve - making fun of that aspect of her character for that reason. She's supposed to be a contrived creation - she's a walking amalgamation!

Well he's got the best walking animation as a result. Maybe it's supposed to look goofy to heavily contrast with trying to look tough? I don't know.

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