It's like when it came to PQ, they totally forgot the mini-story of Akihiko getting knocked out of commission for a month or so from the first big shadow so he stopped being as reckless or something. Just him wanting to run facefirst into every FOE you see for the first time is flat out moronic. Teddie is annoying and doesn't have much going to the character in it, but at least that can be somewhat understood considering the timing of PQ. Aki's characterization has little excuse.
Funnily enough, it's probably my only real problem with the game. I kind of cringe anytime Teddie opens his mouth doing the P4 side, and I almost dread doing the P3 side for the same reason with Akihiko...
Teddie's silliness was MUCH rarer and MUCH funnier when it happened in 4. There's the problem.