27 hours into Persona 4 and I can finally start making Rise my waifu. Took damn long enough for her Social Link to open up.
Also is going back to Persona 3 after 4 ok? Dates well?
Other than the battle mechanics (unless you're playing P3P), its pretty much exactly the same gameplay wise as P4.
Story is great too, so you should definitely play it.
Which is recommended, FES or P3P?
Ok, I need some help here. It's been years since I last bought anime on physical media and back in the happy days of DVD we (Europe) used to share a region code with Japan. Now in the age of Bluray: not so much.
I missed the US release of the first Persona 3 movie when that was first released and since it seems to be sold out I'm considering getting the Japanese release. As I understand it it has become somewhat common practice for Japanese companies to release their domestic versions region free and with English subtitles. Is this the case with the Persona 3 movies?
On play-asia it's listed as Region A:
Other places say it's region free, but then again I'm not entirely sure they aren't refering to the US release.
Can someone clarify this for me?
Yes, the Persona 3 movies are region free and come with English subs. I'm in the UK, and they work perfectly fine for me.
portable seems worth it, just because AI doesn't control your teammates.. they are MORONS in FES. also i heard there are skill cards in p3p... which unless you love maybe .. HOURS of trying get your personas to inherit the right skills... a plus.
I'll make a video comparison some day to better answer this recurring question. I'll get a few seconds of the intro/animated cutscenes, combat visual and gameplay differences, overworld, dungeons, social links, plot progression, female/male differences and more.
That'd be very handy.I'll make a video comparison some day to better answer this recurring question. I'll get a few seconds of the intro/animated cutscenes, combat visual and gameplay differences, overworld, dungeons, social links, plot progression, female/male differences and more.
edit: nvm the extended mix of Heaven has redeemed it
So I'm thinking of doing something crazy again because my carnal lust for Persona 5 wills it.
I'm currently saving up for my next trip to Japan - most likely for an as-of-yet-determined concert containing Persona 5 music, much like I did for Persona Super Live.
If anyone else is planning on doing something similar, I would definitely be up for a PersonaGAF meetup there - although it's still several months off, if it is even going to happen, so planning something like this may be entirely moot until an actual concert is announced. On the off-chance there won't be any concerts whatsoever, I'll just find another excuse to save up for another trip to Japan.
After 90 hours I finally got the true ending for Persona 4 on PS2, what a ride. Worst bits was getting KOed a few times by random enemies and losing 1-2 hours of progress in the beginning which really frustrated me and nearly made me give up on this game, but I'm glad I stuck through till the very end.
Really gonna miss all the characters and I hope they cameo in P5. Gonna wait a few weeks before starting FES to avoid burning out
Nice, looking forward to it.
That'd be very handy.
So I've quickly thrown together the P3 FES/P3P comparison video. It's getting late so I'll get back to it and fix the ending and try to pace things better but for now that's generally what it should be.
Amazing video. Thank you so much.
I also wonder what kind of alternate theme we will get for the Velvet Room since Persona 3 gave us Blues in the Velvet Room, Persona 4 gave us Electronica in the Velvet Room, and Persona 4 Dancing gave us Disco in the Velvet Room.
So who's Yosuke supposed to be? Is it just a St. Hermelin uniform?
Also, Teddie. I don't recognize the outfit.
I'm starting to question my choices in life.
I really like those recolours, but I kind of think they should have just gone the whole hog and made entire crossover outfits. Some of them are really close as it is.
I mean, would it have killed them to make Kanji's jacket a bit longer? To give Naoto a skirt? To give Rise a tie?
Almost seems weird not to do those things, really.
I can't believe this.MY BROTHER
Yeah, it made sense in games like Ultimax since a small alteration would require sprite redraws but it doesn't make much sense for DAN since the characters are cel-shaded models.
So I've quickly thrown together the P3 FES/P3P comparison video. It's getting late so I'll get back to it and fix the ending and try to pace things better but for now that's generally what it should be.
i play P3FES at the moment, and i'm tired of it.
I'm in January, 244 floor in tartarus. My party level is around 66.
Honestly, i don't have the strength to go on.
I should level up, fuse personas etc but the idea of spending more time in this fucking dungeon is unbearable. I didn't do every side quests (far from it), i don't care about half the cast...
Should i keep playing (interesting last fight(s)? cool stuff at the end? plot twist?) or watch the ending on youtube and move on to P4?
i play P3FES at the moment, and i'm tired of it.
I'm in January, 244 floor in tartarus. My party level is around 66.
Honestly, i don't have the strength to go on.
I should level up, fuse personas etc but the idea of spending more time in this fucking dungeon is unbearable. I didn't do every side quests (far from it), i don't care about half the cast...
Should i keep playing (interesting last fight(s)? cool stuff at the end? plot twist?) or watch the ending on youtube and move on to P4?
i play P3FES at the moment, and i'm tired of it.
I'm in January, 244 floor in tartarus. My party level is around 66.
Honestly, i don't have the strength to go on.
I should level up, fuse personas etc but the idea of spending more time in this fucking dungeon is unbearable. I didn't do every side quests (far from it), i don't care about half the cast...
Should i keep playing (interesting last fight(s)? cool stuff at the end? plot twist?) or watch the ending on youtube and move on to P4?
i play P3FES at the moment, and i'm tired of it.
I'm in January, 244 floor in tartarus. My party level is around 66.
Honestly, i don't have the strength to go on.
I should level up, fuse personas etc but the idea of spending more time in this fucking dungeon is unbearable. I didn't do every side quests (far from it), i don't care about half the cast...
Should i keep playing (interesting last fight(s)? cool stuff at the end? plot twist?) or watch the ending on youtube and move on to P4?
It's better than nothing I guess.