Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I would assume FPC means Full Perfect Chart or something, meaning that all the notes are hit with perfect/best timing.
So last year, the answers Hashino gave to 4Gamer for his most notable media content of 2014 actually turned out to hint for Persona 5's aesthetic and concepts. We had:
- inFamous: Second Son (concept: the duality between what is morally right and wrong)
[*]Gatchaman 2013 (concept + aesthetic: potentially a coincidence, but I do feel certain P5 vibes regarding the team and the setting by watching trailers)- Kikaider Reboot (same with Gatchaman, but more likely to be completely unrelated)
- Lupin The Third (concept + aesthetic: direct inspiration)
So, I guess I'll just put up the list this year for reference in the future:
- Minecraft
- Panty Stocking no You na Sora no Shita
- Mad Max: Fury Road
[*]Panty Stocking no You na Sora no Shita
[*]Mad Max: Fury Road
Is this referring to Gatchaman Crowds? Because that show has a lot of thematic similarities with Persona.
I imagine, though, that if they're both based on the same thing fundamentally, some of the concepts they have in line with Persona are shared.
Made this the direct inspiration for Persona 6 pls lol
Nope, specifically the Gatchaman movie that came out in August 2013.
I imagine, though, that if they're both based on the same thing fundamentally, some of the concepts they have in line with Persona are shared.
Well, shit. That's surprising. That movie isn't very good, and isn't really like Persona outside of the obvious reference. (The original Gatchaman influenced Jetman, which was the inspiration for Phoenix Ranger Featherman in P2 onward.)
Gatchaman Crowds and it's sequel are the ones that are basically Gatchman in a Persona setting.
the list from last can see the influence, but this? well, I don't even recognize the second item
Yeah, from what I see, the movie wasn't that well received. But Hashino is definitely the type of director to take very specific elements out of the media he consumes to transform into what is present in his own games. If Gatchaman actually served as even a slight inspiration, I bet it could be something really small and not necessarily something that encompasses the movie as a whole.
Though, there are a few scenes in P5 trailers that remind me of what I've seen of the film in trailers. Notably,when the P5 protagonist steps out into the crowd surrounded by cops, and when his face is on the large screen monitor.
So last year, the answers Hashino gave to 4Gamer for his most notable media content of 2014 actually turned out to hint for Persona 5's aesthetic and concepts. We had:
- inFamous: Second Son (concept: the duality between what is morally right and wrong)
- Gatchaman 2013 (concept + aesthetic: potentially a coincidence, but I do feel certain P5 vibes regarding the team and the setting by watching trailers)
So, I guess I'll just put up the list this year for reference in the future:
Just discovered that the woman who's been in a couple of recent Atlus videos is Atlus Japan's John Hardin: Ito, Atlus PR.
Depending on whatever Hashino has in pre-production (or maybe even active development) planned for after Persona 5 releases, it could be something really unexpected like Catherine was. Mad Max is pretty much one of the analogs to SMT in the first place (SMT producer Kazuyuki Yamai also states it as one of his defining 2015 works).
I've mentioned it before, but I really want to see a Sentai themed character and Persona.
I've mentioned it before, but I really want to see a Sentai themed character and Persona.
I've mentioned it before, but I really want to see a Sentai themed character and Persona.
I'm guessing you mean a Sentai themed character from the ground up, not Ultimax!Yukari. right?
Like Toma Akagi.
Innocent Sin already did it.
After Persona 5, a Sentai team of Persona users sounds like the natural direction to go.
I've mentioned it before, but I really want to see a Sentai themed character and Persona.
Director Katsura Hashino (Persona 5): I think well be able to safely release an RPG weve had in development.
Director Katsura Hashino (Persona 5): I think well be able to safely release an RPG weve had in development.
Got some spoilery as hell questions for P4G.
I'm on 11/22 so right after Nanako regains consciousness and Inaba gets shrouded in seemingly permanent fog.
1) I started to date Rise (she was in my room etc., got the "You're intimate with Rise now" notification). Is there any events I can activate (a date etc.)? I hear that Valentines' Day has an event but I'd like to know if there are any other romantic events (I'm utterly charmed by Rise and before I'm labeled a pedo or something, I'm 16 myself).
2) According to the SMT wiki, Adachi and Marie both unlock extra dungeons. How do I unlock them (Maxed out Marie's SL already) and would you recommend them on a first run?
3) I can't start Kanji's link, I tried to find the girl on the second floor multiple times but I just can't find her. Am I too late to initiate his Social Link? Not sure if it matters anyways, a guide seems to say that I have until 11/27 or something to get social links. I wonder why...
4) Where do the endings start to diverge? I mean, I know there will be choices that'll lead to different endings, but I don't really know what those choices are and where they occur. What's the date when ending-influential choices start? Anything I need to (and can) do at this point to achieve the True Ending?
Only maxed out Yukiko, Marie and Rise's S.Links so far. GOTY for me.
1. No, V-Day is the only 'event' linked to who you're dating.
2. If you've maxed out Marie's link, you dont need to do anything else, the rest comes automatically. The other one doesnt have their own dungeon related to an S.Link, but does have extra story scenes if you're far enough along.Also, they have their own ending
3. For Kanji, girl is on the 2nd floor of the classroom building on Tuesday,Thursday, or Saturday when it`s not raining. Then you have to talk to Kanji afterwards.
4. The game will give you a very obvious hint that you're coming up to the ending sequences, my advice is to keep a minimum of 3 save games and rotate them, so that if you do accidentally miss something, you can go back easily without having to redo large sections of the game.
1. vday isnt the only one, christmas as well
1. vday isnt the only one, christmas as well
Edit: Wait, nvm.
I wish there was a way to read that Panty Stocking no You na Sora no Shita Hashino praised. Coming from him, the emotional significance in that manga must truly be something special.
- Minecraft
- Panty Stocking no You na Sora no Shita
- Mad Max: Fury Road
4. The game will give you a very obvious hint that you're coming up to the ending sequences, my advice is to keep a minimum of 3 save games and rotate them, so that if you do accidentally miss something, you can go back easily without having to redo large sections of the game.
This is completely pointless advice. As long as you do not overwrite your save game with a cleared save, you can always go back and get the true ending. The only thing that can be missed is, which Funyarinpa already maxed out and therefore obviously can't be missed now.Marie's social link![]()
Save rotations is just good advice in general.
Said the wrong thing? There's a save for that.
Went into the TV instead of S.Linking? There's a save for that.
Fusion accident giving you crap personas? There's a save for that.
It is, but specifically within the context of the endings it's completely pointless. The original game was designed so that if you end up with anything other than the true ending, you could load your save game and try again. Persona 4 Golden's endings muddle the water a little bit by adding a few things that can be missed, but even then the most important one doesn't require more than a second save prior to the ending choices.
edit: NVM fixed it
So, (p4g HUGE SPOILERS)Can I get True Ending without ranking Adachi to S.Link Rank 6?
haaaarsh. lolThis is completely pointless advice.
I completely forgot that Morgana him/herself (or, when he/she killed Teddie and took over the Persona Twitter account) actually introduced the specialties of the P5 thief team among the chaos that was the info released during TGS.
For example, Ann was introduced as the"Special Attack Specialist."
haaaarsh. lol
That it is. >_>;
Three saved games is pretty overkill for Persona 3 or 4 tho. And I say this as someone who saves compulsively.
That it is. >_>;
Three saved games is pretty overkill for Persona 3 or 4 tho. And I say this as someone who saves compulsively.
I would assume FPC means Full Perfect Chart or something, meaning that all the notes are hit with perfect/best timing.
I completely forgot that Morgana him/herself (or, when he/she killed Teddie and took over the Persona Twitter account) actually introduced the specialties of the P5 thief team among the chaos that was the info released during TGS.
For example, Ann was introduced as the"Special Attack Specialist."
I don't mean to start a war but whose worse? Adachi or Nanako? Or how Atlus handled Marie?
For the longest time, I thought Nanako was annoying until a certain HUGE scene happened. Don't really get the love for Adachi and Marie? Lmao just what exactly is going on with her????