I know it's a coincidence lol
It's not a coincidence,.Tatsuya and Maya are characters from P2
Figures, it being called Innocent Sin Online and all.
Fun Fact: The original Japanese version of that S-Link referenced the original Megami Tensei series. Atlus USA changed it because it would have been way too obscure for an English speaking audience.
Tatsuya = N-jima (Nakajima, the protagonist, who created the demon summoning program to deal with bullies harassing him.)
Maya = Y-ko (Yumiko, the heroine and reincarnation of Izanami)
Innocent Sin Online = Devil Buster Online (This one's a reference to Megami Tensei II's game-within-a-game that serves as the tutorial dungeon.)
I am at the end of July, just started the void quest - love the style of it.
I am at the end of July, just started the void quest - love the style of it.
Oh my sweet summer child...
On P3P:
Just ended Floor 26 (the floor after the first trio of tough enemies in Block 2). I miss P4G's polish and 3D environments whatnot, but I love the music and somehow managed to get immersed in the combat. I need a bigger cast dammit, so far there's no character interaction at all. Not as in "P4G level amazing character interaction"- the characters simply do not interact between each other. It's pretty annoying but will hopefully be rectified when Akihiko's healed. Is there really no S. Links for individual party members or do those appear later? I wanna get to know Kirijo better, man.
Oh my sweet summer child...
On P3P:
Just ended Floor 26 (the floor after the first trio of tough enemies in Block 2). I miss P4G's polish and 3D environments whatnot, but I love the music and somehow managed to get immersed in the combat. I need a bigger cast dammit, so far there's no character interaction at all. Not as in "P4G level amazing character interaction"- the characters simply do not interact between each other. It's pretty annoying but will hopefully be rectified when Akihiko's healed. Is there really no S. Links for individual party members or do those appear later? I wanna get to know Kirijo better, man.
S.Links for the girls appear later on, none for the guys on Male route though.
Make sure you have Academics, Courage and Charm maxed out, otherwise you cant start the girls S.Links.
Thanks! What's the most effective way to farm Cha/Aca/Cour?P3's male path has S.Links for the female party members (most of them require a certain amount of courage, knowledge, etc.) while the female route has S.Links for everyone in your party.
The group dynamic in P3 isn't nearly as good as in P4, if you ask me. It's one of the aspects that get mentioned the most when people compare the two games.
Thanks! What's the most effective way to farm Cha/Aca/Cour?
I know there are places (burger shops, desk, library, part time work, etc.) but which ones are better?
Will I know when S. Links start?
Which version are you playing, Golden or the Original?
Man, Xenoblade X has totally tempered my Persona 5 hype. If one of my all time favourite games can get a sequel that is pretty fun, great even, but not amazing then it stands to reason that Persona 5 may well similarly be a good game but not spectacular like 4G.
I mean, it's not that I didn't already know that; but I guess it hadn't sunk in. Persona 5 will almost certainly be great; but is it even possible for it to live up to 3 and 4?
To be fair, XBX is barely a sequel to Xenoblade. They were going for extremely different concepts, and only a few elements carried over. P5 is a lot closer to what P3/P4 established.
That said, yeah, there's always a chance it's not going to be as amazing as either of those games. So much of why we like things has little to do with the game's actual quality. Sometimes you're just never going to top your first experience with something.
Also, expectations color the way you approach something. If you're anything like me, P4 was a surprise: I hadn't read anything about it and just bought it on the brief reccomendation of a friend two years after it came out. With P5, however, I now have a set of expectations from my time with P4/P3.
They're also stylistically different, and there's a chance that style won't click as much as P4's did. P4 has a really nostalgic tone to it, something P5 doesn't appear to be chasing. Just like some people who prefer P3's tone to P4, P5 could be just the same. I think that works in the game's favor, but there's always a chance I might not prefer it to the others.
Can't go wrong with the color red.
Soooooo....Um.....Even FeMC's home girls made the movie?!
But seeing howget "love" i feel sad for our fem burner of dreadtheo and them
made it in? Any attention being given toTheois always cause for celebration.the most neglected Velvet sibling
made it in? Any attention being given toTheois always cause for celebration.the most neglected Velvet sibling
made it in? Any attention being given toTheois always cause for celebration.the most neglected Velvet sibling
Not in the movies, but he was in Ultimax and Q.
I also have no idea why we're spoiling these things.
I'm not gonna judge Persona 5 on how it compares to past games myself. I'll judge it on it's own merits. It helps that it has a lot of things going for it already, like being a traditional RPG in an era of action RPGs and open world RPGs.
I feel really wrong for saying this; but I really don't want P5 to be fresh and experimental now. I hate to speak out against innovation; but I think what I actually want from the game is for it to be as P4 is to P3. I mean, overhaul the presentation and graphics and battle system all you want but I'm really hoping they don't mess too much with the structure that works so damn well. I kinda feel burdened by all these expectations of what I want it to be now.
P5 already seems to be treading the line of new and familiar very well. "Innovation" is a bullshit buzzword anyways, so let's hope we never hear any complaints about that kind of nonsense.
To clarify, I like games that try new things, but when people (particularly reviewers) complain about a lack of "innovation," it never seems to me that they know what they want. It's a lazy way to critique. Hell, it's a lazy way to push your game when devs start blabbing about their game being "innovative."Yeah, Innovation is pretty much overrated I guess.
To clarify, I like games that try new things, but when people (particularly reviewers) complain about a lack of "innovation," it never seems to me that they know what they want. It's a lazy way to critique. Hell, it's a lazy way to push your game when devs start blabbing about their game being "innovative."
Hence, a lousy buzzword.
I'm not gonna judge Persona 5 on how it compares to past games myself. I'll judge it on it's own merits. It helps that it has a lot of things going for it already, like being a traditional RPG in an era of action RPGs and open world RPGs.
On P3P:
I need a bigger cast dammit, so far there's no character interaction at all. Not as in "P4G level amazing character interaction"- the characters simply do not interact between each other. It's pretty annoying but will hopefully be rectified when Akihiko's healed. Is there really no S. Links for individual party members or do those appear later? I wanna get to know Kirijo better, man.
MaleMC it is then, that last reply convinced me.
Thanks, all of you.
And needs. There won't be another female lead in the Persona universe. I guess.
1. Maya from P2:EP (who is shaping up to be my favorite protag in any Atlus game ever by miles-with Tatusya from P2:IS and femc from p3p and potentially Flynn from SMT IV coming near her)
2. Femc in p3p
3. Technically Aigis in The Answer
4. Kei who had a selectable gender from SMT: Nine
5. Tamaki from SMT: If who like Kei was just selectable gender-but was made female in the Persona canon come P1/P2.
6. And Mirai (who is also selectable) from one version of one of the Devil Children games....and that's it.
I would have suggested Female MC only. The Male MC is god-awful (imo anyway, I really do not like his writing at all, it's a huge step-down from how Tatsuya was written in P2 to compare male Persona protags.....tho P3 and P4's writing is overall a huge step-down for me upon experiencing P2 but that's another topic) and playing through the whole game once as him and then again just feels like way more effort than it needs to be if you really want to just compare the two. I would honestly just suggest doing FeMC and watching some videos on the male MC. There's no need to play the whole game twice over really. Especially since P3 starts to drag on in length as it goes on. It's still a good experience but it drags on at a point. Plus FeMC changes the whole P3 experience (for me at least) and elevates it to levels comparable to P2 anyway.
As I pointed out earlier, FeMC was a rarity for Atlus. They've barely had any lead females ever in any of their video game releases.
Edit: 6 in total to be exact....and depending on how you look at The Answer (what with it just being an addition to the main-game and not it's own game itself), Maya is the only canon female lead in a mainline Atlus game who isn't selectable but is purely meant to be the lead of her own game.....that's a bit depressing considering Atlus's long backlog of games.
It's highly unlikely they'll do anything with a female lead for a long while. That said, the Persona series has had half of the female leads that Atlus has ever created. So anything is possible.
Got any ideas why? Maybe out of creative reasons?
-There arent too many female characters in Shin Megami Tensei IV compared to Atlus games like, say, Persona. I mean, theres Isabeau and I guess Burroughs counts as a female lead, but why are there so many guys in this game?
This isnt specific to Shin Megami Tensei IV, but to the core Shin Megami Tensei in general. Because the game is more about survival, on average male figures have a better chance to survive than females thats why the games lean towards more male characters. Of course, there are very strong females, strong willed and females with strong physique, that survive, so we hand pick a few of those strong female archetypes to represent the female side.
-Hmm interesting. Well, you do have a lot of female fans outside the Atlus booth waiting to meet you and I think some of them will disagree if you tell them they cant survive an apocalypse! Would you like to make a Shin Megami Tensei game with a female lead?
I like female protagonists. It would be cool to have a female protagonist in the next SMT game.
However, there are traditionalists on the development team that see the series from the past to present and all of the protagonists have been male. To keep that tradition, there is feedback Ive been hearing saying that if there is a new SMT title we should keep the tradition of having a male lead.
Here's an excerpt from this interview with Masayuki Doi, the character designer for the Trauma Center series, SMT4 and its sequel as well as couple of other things:
we should keep the tradition of having a male lead.
They can't even do a Bifauxnen...?
SMT4F's protagonist confused many, so maybe that was Doi's compromise.