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Persona Community Thread |OT8| Coming Winter 2014


Just met Aigis. She seems to be a "goofy robot doing goofy robot things" character so far, which I hope changes because given how P3 apparently tackles some existential themes (which hasn't been addressed much so far), "robot with human feelings" could be amazing, it's one of my favorite tropes.

You finally have the best character in the game. :D

Can't wait to see how your opinion changes later on.


I maxed out the Volleyball Arcana, how the fuck am I supposed to know how to craft Thor (its best Persona)? This game doesn't have a search function (I admit that it led me to mess with fusion a bit, though).

That said, some more impressions (itching to start an LTTP but I'll probably do that once I hit 30-40 hours) on P3P:

Just met Aigis. She seems to be a "goofy robot doing goofy robot things" character so far, which I hope changes because given how P3 apparently tackles some existential themes (which hasn't been addressed much so far), "robot with human feelings" could be amazing, it's one of my favorite tropes.

Ken seems to be maddeningly annoying from his only couple of lines so far.

The Shinjiro/mysterious trio arc is rather intriguing so far. Too bad its progression is so sparse.

The whole "screwed up experiment" is a bit anticlimactic for an explanation of the Dark Hour, coming from P4G. However, it's plausible.

Also holy shit Aigis, that neck.

Finally out of Arqa and into a new block, the purple had become boring looong ago.

Really liked how Mitsuru's dad isn't the classical "immoral, rich, evil daddy" type. He's a broken man.

Junpei's working a bit too well as a conflict creator, it's started to bore me. Being a sexist/perverted jock gets old, I'm not saying hit it off like the P4G cast did, but if there is going to be shaky interaction between characters then it'd be nice to change its nature for once. There were some bits where he said that he's pissed the Dark Hour will end since his only purpose is fighting, and him claiming that he'd been trying to lighten the mood with his pick-up lines despite it obviously making everybody uncomfortable, so bothering people why trying to have a good time, those are issues I can resonate with. It seems that he isn't completely genuine in his sexism about FeMC being the leader too, which is nice to see. He's a deeply flawed character... somehow, I feel close to him in that regard, heh.

Why what rank of a S. Link should I be wary about romance option appearing? Rank 9/10? Also regarding that "romance option that changes the story" or the one that's seen as cute and somewhat canon for the FeMC, when does that person appear?

Really inclined to make an LTTP, I think I'll do that with my next post.

I remember getting the option to look at specific demon fusions and you can see what demons are necessary. That should come at a later date? Other demons are going to be random unless you look at a fusion guide.

Aigis will change over the course of things.

I seem to be a minority but I quite like Ken. And no, I didn't do a certain route with him.

Shinjiro's part in the plot will get more prominent over-time. As will the mysterious trio.

Tartarus does get a bit long over-time.

Yea, Mitsuru's dad is great.

Junpei's characterization bothered me til he started to show signs of changing.

Some (read all but 2 of FeMCs potential love interests) of the romance paths require you to make very specific choices even early on in the s. linking for it to result in them being lovers. Other choices will lead to them being friends. If you want to spoil yourself on what those choices are, there is a GameFAQs guide on FeMCs s. linking but some of the choices should be somewhatish clear. I would normally suggest to avoid it or to avoid looking up who the characters are because a few listed are incredibly major spoilers. Like seriously, if you look at that guide (which may be necessary if you do want to do the "somewhat viewed as canon romance") do NOT look up who those characters are. One in particular is huge plot spoilers.

You also generally want a persona equipped on you that matches that personas arcana (Like Moon gets Moon, Hanged Man have Hanged Man, Devil have Devil, etc. etc.) when you do an event with them. It helps to speed up the s. link process.

Like I said, FeMC has 5 romance options. You can technically...sort of do two (or three, depending on how you look at it) without actually "cheating" your main lover but to explain why and who you can do those with would be spoilers in and of itself. Suffice it to say, there's 3 characters who could generally be considered a main lover and 2 other people (though even one of those two could be considered a main lover as well? I suppose) she can romance who for spoiler reasons wouldn't exactly be cheating. Mixing the main lovers up would be cheating, however. You currently only have two of her five romance options available to you. It won't be til September that a few more open up to you. Her last romance option appears late into the game. The one I'm referring to that's somewhat viewed as "canon" as it's her romance in the stage play (and the one people tend to ship her with and the one that does change the plot somewhat) appears September 7th. But you're free to romance whoever you want.


Sorry for the double post but you know what Persona really needs? A homosexual/bi lead again. And a female lead butt given Atlus's history I'm doubting either will happen. It's been a while since it had either. Since we're talking about romance s. links and all it popped into my head. I won't say who or who they could be with due to spoilers for older Persona titles (regarding the bi thing) butt...yea. I kinda miss that being a thing a bit.


I would assume the bi thing was already well known because of osmosis and all that, but that might just be in my corner of the fandom. Anyway, when
from P5 was announced, everyone was going on and on about
how similar he was to Jun, who was the gay option in P2,
so I would be really disappointed with Atlus if it turns out to be a coincidence. Although maybe the connection is another unique characteristic.


I would assume the bi thing was already well known because of osmosis and all that, but that might just be in my corner of the fandom. Anyway, when
from P5 was announced, everyone was going on and on about
how similar he was to Jun, who was the gay option in P2,
so I would be really disappointed with Atlus if it turns out to be a coincidence. Although maybe the connection is another unique characteristic.

The entire P5 cast shown so far feels like Atlus is toying with our expectations. People look at Ann, Yusuke and Morgana and usually go on to mention that they remind them of Lisa, Jun and Teddie respectively. It's going to be really interesting to see how the P5 cast differs from the characters they were seemingly based on.


I would assume the bi thing was already well known

I just get the impression most people don't really know a thing about any Persona that came out before 3. Usually when people say Persona they're referring to 3 and 4 anyway. That said, yes, those comparisons were made.


Didn't P1 had the biggest opening for the series? And yet it's the more obscure entry these days.

Masao/Mark didn't show up in P2 either.

But he's still probably more well known in the English fandom than Ayase since he was the "black dude".


The P2 localization team sure were lucky Mark didn't show up and they didn't have to explain the sudden race lift back to Japanese.


Masao/Mark was an actual required character for the main story of P1, so he'd be more well known for that at least.
It was easily the best video game trailer of last year, too. I legit smh when Game Trailers picked the FFVII:R CG teaser over it.
VII:R was a much more widely emotional and moving experience. Sure it might have been cynically taking advantage of nostalgia, but PV1 didn't even come close

PK Gaming

This is all I want from this series.
But I'm not expecting it to happen again.

I'm actually fairly confident that P5 will let you romance Jun Yusuke.

It's absolutely in the cards (you're seeing a lot of more same sex romance from Japanese games), and P-studio isn't going to fall behind that regard.


Today is 1 year since PV1... damn.

That was a wonderful week (stream) , but for some reason the "revival" of Dancing All Night got me more excited than the P5 trailer. After a lot of people saying the game is going to be cancel and shit , plus Naoto and Yukiko not included for some reason,

And was the trailer who sell me the game and i dont regret it still playing the shit out of it.
I'm actually fairly confident that P5 will let you romance Jun Yusuke.

It's absolutely in the cards (you're seeing a lot of more same sex romance from Japanese games), and P-studio isn't going to fall behind that regard.

Ryuji's more my type so I'd prefer him, but if it's Yusuke or bust then I'll settle.

It'd be nice if more games followed Fire Emblem on this, though it'd also be nice if FE gave us more than just one gay option per gender vs. like a billion possible hetero pairings... baby steps, I know.

It'd be nice if romance options were completely removed.

shhhh don't be such a waifu scrooge
It'd be nice if more games followed Fire Emblem on this, though it'd also be nice if FE gave us more than just one gay option per gender vs. like a billion possible hetero pairings... baby steps, I know.

More like one gay option per version,
both of them the psychos.

There being more than one option should be a-given.

It'd be nice if romance options were completely removed.

It'd be nice if the fandom wasn't so heated about which option was the best or worst.
oh yeah I forgot the version split was there as well. FE's really just winning the "it's there and you can do it" award, nothing more.

Game of the serviceable?


The better solution would just be for everyone to stop giving so much of a crap.

Investment and caring is fine. The problem is how it's expressed. I don't think any other fandom I'm a part of is as militant over love interests.
I'm not so attached to the romance that I'd actively weep its demise, but it does add another layer of roleplaying. I'd really want them to expand on that layer by letting you go outside just the opposite gender for once.

Persona romances are basically just side fluff as well, which is vastly preferable to a plot-central love story. I don't think I've ever liked any of those in any game.
Investment and caring is fine. The problem is how it's expressed. I don't think any other fandom I'm a part of is as militant over love interests.
Well, you should see Bioware fans.

But part of the low-militancy in other fandoms is (in my eyes), a lack of good options. People care about Persona because the games are good.


Persona is the one series that truly makes romance by choice interesting. If they don't continue that trend it would severely damper my opinion on 5.

P2 is still the highlight of the whole series for me and that didn't even have s. links. It still has romance, in a sense, but there isn't any s. linking involved.


Didn't P1 had the biggest opening for the series? And yet it's the more obscure entry these days..

P1 is still the best selling Persona in the entire series by a very huge margin if we ignore the remakes and just look at initial releases of the games with around 400k copies sold. In comparison, P4 only sold near 300k. P2:IS sold the next most which was still near P4. Then P3 at an abysmal slightly above 200k and P2:EP in dead last with borderline 200k. I think the reason P1 is spoken less of partially has to do with it's timing of release. Back then there wasn't really any sort of internet machine to hype it up so it had to go on it's own sales alone. Being a new IP from a niche rpg developer probably helped P1s initial sales. The trend stayed somewhat with P2:IS's sales but drops hard with EP and 3. The next two paragraphs help to contribute to the point regarding hype contributing to sales.

The remakes make P3 the highest selling with around like 675k copies. Then P4 with near 600k. P1 with it's psp remake sits at around 550k in sales despite everything. Considering that it started with 400k in sales tells us that the remake had a pretty small contribution to that 550k number. Interestingly, P3:FES only sold a tiny bit more than P1's PSP remake. It's P3P which catapults Persona 3 to be the best selling in the series with a bit over 300k copies sold. That also makes P3P the second highest selling game in the whole series, beaten only by P1's initial PS1 release. Obviously the P3P sales are because of FeMC. P4 and P4G likewise both sold slightly below 300k copies making them the next highest selling games in the franchise.

P2:EP is in dead last for sales overall with around 250k copies including the remake and P2:IS only has like 425k sold with it's remake in mind. A shame that the P2 duology sold the least. That's in part due to the fact that only one version of each released in the states but there's probably other factors to consider.

The remake sales tell me that hype surrounding the recent persona games online helped to bolster the remake sales to make them the higher overall sold games in the series. Least that's the conclusion I make based on how few remake copies sold with P1 and P2: IS and P2:EP. All three of those games released in a time when the internet was very much a new thing. While 3 and 4 released much more recently and have more "modern" design aesthetics in mind making them easier to get into in a sense. This is all going off of sales numbers from early last year and I'm sure since then the LTD for P3 and P4 has only grown over P1 and P2.

Part of it also has to do with the stigma people nowadays express about any "older game" that isn't one of the fabled loved ones like Ocarina of Time, FF7 or Mario 64, for example. That only hurts P1 and the P2 duology more really. Though I tend to hear more people express similar views to mine regarding P2 and those same people generally seem to say to skip P1. Maybe it truly hasn't aged well? I can't say as I have yet to play it. I do own it however on psp so I will try it sometime.


Part of it also has to do with the stigma people nowadays express about any "older game" that isn't one of the fabled loved ones like Ocarina of Time, FF7 or Mario 64, for example. That only hurts P1 and the P2 duology more really. Though I tend to hear more people express similar views to mine regarding P2 and those same people generally seem to say to skip P1. Maybe it truly hasn't aged well? I can't say as I have yet to play it. I do own it however on psp so I will try it sometime.

Persona 1 has actually aged far better than Persona 2 from a gameplay standpoint, thanks in no part to the PSP remake. People tend to say to skip it because it's story isn't as in-depth as Persona 2 onward. Also the PSP remake of Innocent Sin is insanely easy, where as the PSP version of Persona 1 is not unless you abuse specific Personas.


Persona 1 has actually aged far better than Persona 2 from a gameplay standpoint, thanks in no part to the PSP remake. People tend to say to skip it because it's story isn't as in-depth as Persona 2 onward. Also the PSP remake of Innocent Sin is insanely easy, where as the PSP version of Persona 1 is not unless you abuse specific Personas.

Funny cause I always hear the exact opposite regarding Persona 1. Have yet to play it but all I ever hear is "the gameplay sucks and the story isn't good and the characters are bland". So really just lots of harsh criticism. I still need to play it myself but just saying your post is like the first I'm hearing of this at all.

Also, I absolutely love the gameplay in Persona 2, so *le shrug*


I wonder who the least well known playable Persona character is. I'm personally betting on Ayase.

Ayase's great, I'll fight you.

Probably Uesugi.

Re: EP's sales, I reemeber being heart broken the day EP PSP came out and a fricking Idea Hacktory title had triple its sales.


Ayase's great, I'll fight you.

Probably Uesugi.

Re: EP's sales, I reemeber being heart broken the day EP PSP came out and a fricking Idea Hacktory title had triple its sales.

Part of that has to do with P2:EP never coming to America for the psp remake, I would imagine.


Funny cause I always hear the exact opposite regarding Persona 1. Have yet to play it but all I ever hear is "the gameplay sucks and the story isn't good and the characters are bland". So really just lots of harsh criticism. I still need to play it myself but just saying your post is like the first I'm hearing of this at all.

Also, I absolutely love the gameplay in Persona 2, so *le shrug*

I don't mind the gameplay of Persona 2 (taort cards aside), but the PSP version nerfed the damage across the board. Sometimes as high as 90% too. That combined with the technical issues and inability to use the original battle UI really gives a bad impression to players.

Couldn't find the same enemy, but both these enemies are from the first dungeon, and their damage is significantly different:




There's this theory on 2ch that the Persona Stalker Club, Persona 5 VA segments that have started recently are an indication of when new Persona 5 news will come about.

PSC 22 in December 2015 = Morgana (Ikue Ōtani)
PSC 23 in January 2016 = Ryuji (Mamoru Miyano)

The theory proposes that all of the characters will be covered in their own VA segments, which would mean the P5 PSC segments would end at the end of April 2016.

I think that's too late, though. So what I think is that, if there's some truth to this, the PSC VA segments are only covering the initial 3 party members, which would mean Morgana, Ryuji, and the MC himself. So, I think that the Protagonist (Jun Fukuyama) will have his segment for this month's episode, which will lead into March for news.

Persona is the one series that truly makes romance by choice interesting. If they don't continue that trend it would severely damper my opinion on 5.

I think my opinion of it might increase, because it would convey confidence, in that they don't need to rely on dating elements to achieve the quality they desire in a modern Persona game. Would also mean that attention was spent elsewhere, with features I might actually engage with.
I think my opinion of it might increase, because it would convey confidence, in that they don't need to rely on dating elements to achieve the quality they desire in a modern Persona game. Would also mean that attention was spent elsewhere, with features I might actually engage with.
thats not really how game development works though. I want a well rounded game, and im pretty confident that it will be. Currently persona games are the only games doing social links like they do, so at this point its an expectation I have of the series.


thats not really how game development works though. I want a well rounded game, and im pretty confident that it will be. Currently persona games are the only games doing social links like they do, so at this point its an expectation I have of the series.

What do you mean that's not how game development works? When one aspect of a game gets more attention, other aspects of a game can get less. It's a balance of resources and priorities. That's exactly how it works.

And Social Links != Dating. One can engage in the Social Links of Persona 3 and Persona 4 without ever dating a single character.
What do you mean that's not how game development works? When one aspect of a game gets more attention, other aspects of a game can get less. It's a balance of resources and priorities. That's exactly how it works.

And Social Links != Dating. One can engage in the Social Links of Persona 3 and Persona 4 without ever dating a single character.
because the writing team does the vast majority of the work on social links, there isn't much else to spend there time on as the story will be mostly finished well before the development on the game.

If you still are expecting social links then how much time are attention are you actually think is being diverted to turn some of them romances. And in persona 3 vanilla you cant just do social links without romance unless you just ignore the romanceable characters
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