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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE


That said if I ever replay P3 I'll make it a point to do so undubbed. Not having to put up with Fuuka sounding like.... that , is already enough to make the experience more pleasant.
Man, they really stepped up their game with P4's dub. Hope 5 follows suit.


Shinji's great because he's a realistic depiction of how a depressed person would act in such circumstances. His breakdown and subsequent decision to comply with (and then later undo) the instrumentality project felt like a very natural progression of his character. Even his "getting over depression" phase is done in a very slow, back and forth manner. Sometimes he starts doing better, but then he goes back into full "whiny" mode, which is pretty much how you deal with depression. You do what you can to get better, but you'll still have ups and most certainly downs along the way. I understand people dislike him because of that, but he's a very well done character.

Meanwhile you have Ken and Hope, which are both characters with a super clear cut arc "this is my depressed phase, I constantly whine and am sad here" - "this is me getting over depression" - "this is me all smiles after having recovered, I'm like a different character now!... Because I pretty much am! I also never have any sort of lows from now on, nope, my character already developed past that you see!". It's such a saccharine, shallow representation of the thing and it always rings hollow to me. It always feels like the characters are being dishonest to me when they go from one state to the other and start talking about friendship, constantly smiling and giving encoraging words and all that. It doesn't feel like a natural transition, specially with how quickly these things are usually dealt with, which are usually a single 5 minute scene with them having some "insightful" monologue or something.

Which is why if you're not going to commit then I'd at least like you to go the Simon route and amp it up to eleven with the manly tears, grand speeches and testosterone through the roof. Then you'll look cool as fuck. :p

I thought Junpei was pretty good with this. His conclusive words to the protagonist are pretty much 'It still bothers me how much better you are than me, but that's my problem to deal with.' and he still sorta regresses back into it for a moment when they learn about the fall.
the only character I really liked in P3 was Junpei, P4A gave me an appreciation for mitsuru.

The rest of the cast ranged from fine to uninteresting. I don't dislike anyone other than Ken

Jokester idiot who was hiding loneliness and didnt know how to act was a good arc, and his interactions with Chidori were endearing.

PK Gaming

Shinji's great because he's a realistic depiction of how a depressed person would act in such circumstances. His breakdown and subsequent decision to comply with (and then later undo) the instrumentality project felt like a very natural progression of his character. Even his "getting over depression" phase is done in a very slow, back and forth manner. Sometimes he starts doing better, but then he goes back into full "whiny" mode, which is pretty much how you deal with depression. You do what you can to get better, but you'll still have ups and most certainly downs along the way. I understand people dislike him because of that, but he's a very well done character.

Meanwhile you have Ken and Hope, which are both characters with a super clear cut arc "this is my depressed phase, I constantly whine and am sad here" - "this is me getting over depression" - "this is me all smiles after having recovered, I'm like a different character now!... Because I pretty much am! I also never have any sort of lows from now on, nope, my character already developed past that you see!". It's such a saccharine, shallow representation of the thing and it always rings hollow to me. It always feels like the characters are being dishonest to me when they go from one state to the other and start talking about friendship, constantly smiling and giving encoraging words and all that. It doesn't feel like a natural transition, specially with how quickly these things are usually dealt with, which are usually a single 5 minute scene with them having some "insightful" monologue or something.

Which is why if you're not going to commit then I'd at least like you to go the Simon route and amp it up to eleven with the manly tears, grand speeches and testosterone through the roof. Then you'll look cool as fuck. :p

Shinji is without a doubt one of the greatest characters in fiction; a character like Ken was never going to match him. Still, I feel like you're being incredibly unfair to him by placing him in the same tier as Hope (and the FFXIII tier writing that follows him) and describing his arc in such a super reductive manner. I mean let's be real, you could apply your description to pretty much any Atlus character who starts out depressed or reserved and slowly warms up through some major event and the help of their friends.


Shinji is without a doubt one of the greatest characters in fiction; a character like Ken was never going to match him. Still, I feel like you're being incredibly unfair to him by placing him in the same tier as Hope (and the FFXIII tier writing that follows him) and describing his arc in such a super reductive manner. I mean let's be real, you could apply your description to pretty much any Atlus character who starts out depressed or reserved and slowly warms up through some major event and the help of their friends.

Maybe I am being reductive, it's been a long time since I played P3 and that's just how I remember his character. I compared him to Hope because XIII fans describe him in a similar manner ("he's not a bad character, he develops later on").
For me, the difference between him and a few other characters who start out depressed lies in their personalities and/or character moments. Nothing about Ken stuck with me besides his initial whinyness, which is why I have such a low opinion on him. His personality was nothing to write home about and his character moments were pretty forgettable. If he had the same arc but stronger inidividual scenes and a more compelling characterization I could've liked him. Still talking about P3 characters, like a few other people already mentioned, Junpei had his lows and moments of being whiny but he came out as a much stronger character than Ken because he had better written scenes in general and there was more to his character than his personal problems. Like, those scenes where he was being annoying didn't define him because he had many other scenes where he was just chilling, cracking jokes and being a normal kid. I really can't remember if there was something else to Ken other than his problem, and the fact that I can't remember is already bad in and of itself.


That said if I ever replay P3 I'll make it a point to do so undubbed. Not having to put up with Fuuka sounding like.... that , is already enough to make the experience more pleasant.
Man, they really stepped up their game with P4's dub. Hope 5 follows suit.

??? Fuuka's voice is great. How is she bad??? I dont have any complaints about P3 voice acting.


I don't think Fuuka sounds that bad either. Not a standout performance, but it never irked me or anything. Nothing like vanilla P4's "Aha! Is this out chance?" >.>


So I've been playing the shit out of P4G. It's my first time through.
Well, several years ago I got to the bathhouse once before but lost my save

Just got
Rise and Teddie. Teddie's reveal had me cracking up.
Anyway, at this point most of my social links are 4-6 and I've maxed out Yukiko. It's been a fun time. Kinda ignoring Chie, Yumi, and Naoki for the time being. It's not that I hate them, but I just like everyone else more and I'd rather max out the people I like than only get through half of the character's stories.

Don't really know why I'm posting this except that I really want to play right now, but I'm visiting my parents and don't have a TV except the one in the living room (playing on PSTV; I don't have a Vita). And I'm not playing this game in front of my dad, haha.
Akihiko is a little shallow and silly, which I feel is a problem with a lot of SEES members.

The spinoffs ruined him completely, too.

They are teenagers. I much preferred the drama and selfishness of the P3 crew as it made their consequent arcs feel more substantial.

Yeah there definitely is a notable disjoint with characterisation between mainline games and spin offs though the latter only shows them in the shallowest of lights.


They are teenagers. I much preferred the drama and selfishness of the P3 crew as it made their consequent arcs feel more substantial.

In mainline games and spin offs though the latter only shows them in the shallowest of lights.

I think the spin-offs made me like Ken a lot more.

PQ had
him deal with his issues with Shinji thanks to Kanji. If he had remembered everything from Q, I doubt Shinji's murder would have happened.

P4AU had him dealing with
letting go of SEES and trying to live a normal life. I think it did a good job of progressing the character in a logical and good way. Much better than Akihiko travel the world and fight people like it's fucking Street Fighter bullshit.


It's a shame Dojima didn't even get his own Persona.

Now that I can agree with. Really wish he had been a party member, but I guess that would've interfered with the whole scooby doo mystery vibe the gang had going on.

Akihiko is a little shallow and silly, which I feel is a problem with a lot of SEES members.

The spinoffs ruined him completely, too.

Much better than Akihiko travel the world and fight people like it's fucking Street Fighter bullshit.

Geez, a guy goes on one
shirtless globe-trotting adventure
and suddenly everyone's a critic!

New Soejima art of the MC
So how soon do you think the entire soundtrack for P5 will be available for purchase?

I really just want the actual lyrics to things


]I really just want the actual lyrics to things]

Seriously im tired to found a new version of the lyrics of Last Surprise and each sounds "right" to me , specially since everyone seems to have diferent version of the chorus (see like 4-5 versions of it already)
Very curious to see how some phrases actually are since dont make a lot of sense in the "internet fandom" version of the lyrics

Plus love to know the lyrics for "Whims of Fate" , my 2-3 favorite song in the game but Lyn Engrish is real i can only tell the chorus and some loose words here and there
Seriously im tired to found a new version of the lyrics of Last Surprise and each sounds "right" to me , specially since everyone seems to have diferent version of the chorus (see like 4-5 versions of it already)
Very curious to see how some phrases actually are since dont make a lot of sense in the "internet fandom" version of the lyrics

Plus love to know the lyrics for "Whims of Fate" , my 2-3 favorite song in the game but Lyn Engrish is real i can only tell the chorus and some loose words here and there

I actually want the lyrics to the ending theme which, as is Persona tradition, is 85% in Japanese. I can't really parse that much of it with my slightly better than weeb class Japanese.

There's a transcription on the MegaTen Wikia, but it's by ear, and when I ran it through Google Translate it went about as well as you would expect.


I want a singer who can actually sing English next time, like Dean Fujioka, who sings the YOI op. But I guess Engrish is some kind of tradition now, and they want to continue releasing Persora albums.

Anyway, I mentioned YOI specifically because the director of that skating anime is the director of P5's op. She probably was the one who suggested the characters should be skating.


I want a singer who can actually sing English next time, like Dean Fujioka, who sings the YOI op. But I guess Engrish is some kind of tradition now, and they want to continue releasing Persora albums.

Anyway, I mentioned YOI specifically because the director of that skating anime is the director of P5's op. She probably was the one who suggested the characters should be skating.

She was, yes.
I want a singer who can actually sing English next time, like Dean Fujioka, who sings the YOI op. But I guess Engrish is some kind of tradition now, and they want to continue releasing Persora albums.

Anyway, I mentioned YOI specifically because the director of that skating anime is the director of P5's op. She probably was the one who suggested the characters should be skating.

Only slightly related, but the YOI op is amazing. The show itself is also amazing.


Only slightly related, but the YOI op is amazing. The show itself is also amazing.

Isn't it? I was a bit disappointed when I heard it was going to have an English song, but it fits perfectly and the OP itself is so beautiful, especially for something that was done just by one person. Although I was hoping that the fact that it loops meant that they were going to add more characters skating as the series progressed. I'm a bit skeptical about certain parts of the show, and I feel like a lot of people are going to be disappointed, but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment.

Anyway, back to Persona. Some people were hoping/speculating that the game was going to have a second OP after a certain part, and I'm disappointed that it didn't happen. I think that's one of the things I'm most looking forward to in the inevitable rerelease, a new OP with all the characters having an equal amount of focus.

Edit: Catherine is on PS Now, so I think I'll finally play it now that I can do so on my Vita.


Looking forward to figuring out what reason Joker's parents are not around from Atlus in the game.

"Hey, son! Go do what you want while we goof off somewhere else!" Hahah wasn't that Yu's situation? Mom left him with his uncle while she......? Wow. I really forgot. Hahah.

Minato's always been moving, if I remember correctly.

Naoya aka P1 guy's parents haven't been mentioned at all so far.
I guess I could get used to that... The JP voice for her was god tier though. :p

sorry if my constant "JP was better" is annoying people


Indeed. Morgana is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in Japanese (Pikachu)

The very definition of young and cute.

I know her more for her job as Tony Tony Chopper. Actually it wouldn't surprise me if Morgana has the cute quirks of Chopper and being a sarcastic cat.

Cassandra Morris sounds fine as Morgana anyway. Her voice is cute and can sounds like a tsundere.


Looking forward to figuring out what reason Joker's parents are not around from Atlus in the game.

"Hey, son! Go do what you want while we goof off somewhere else!" Hahah wasn't that Yu's situation? Mom left him with his uncle while she......? Wow. I really forgot. Hahah.

Minato's always been moving, if I remember correctly.

Naoya aka P1 guy's parents haven't been mentioned at all so far.

P3MC's parents are dead. I think only Tatsuya's parents (or at least his father) play a somewhat major role in a game.


To be fair, Morgana is supposed to sound young and cute, even in Japanese.

Dang.... wished she had a deeper voice. Teddie's voice even got annoying at times and I got a feeling Morgana's will fall in that same trap. Damn! A deep woman's voice would've been hype as hell!

P3MC's parents are dead. I think only Tatsuya's parents (or at least his father) play a somewhat major role in a game.

Looking forward to figuring out what reason Joker's parents are not around from Atlus in the game.

"Hey, son! Go do what you want while we goof off somewhere else!" Hahah wasn't that Yu's situation? Mom left him with his uncle while she......? Wow. I really forgot. Hahah.

Minato's always been moving, if I remember correctly.

Naoya aka P1 guy's parents haven't been mentioned at all so far.

For people who want to know:

Joker got sent to Tokyo as part of his probation for "punching a guy in the face"or something along those lines. Sejirou is taking care of him while he's there. Presumably his parents are alive, just not present because he's in the city.
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