Seriously this, and they better damn well release a freaking apology letter/explain what the hell happened to the European/Australian fans.
Since Sophia is gushing over Yomotsu Shikone, what are you guys' favorite early game Persona?
Aigis is the best.
Seriously this, and they better damn well release a freaking apology letter/explain what the hell happened to the European/Australian fans.
i wonder if there will be a way to tell what personas will be useful in the future from in-game instead of having to consult faqs all the time or just levelling every damn persona forever
Since Sophia is gushing over Yomotsu Shikone, what are you guys' favorite early game Persona?
Since Sophia is gushing over Yomotsu Shikone, what are you guys' favorite early game Persona?
i wonder if there will be a way to tell what personas will be useful in the future from in-game instead of having to consult faqs all the time or just levelling every damn persona forever
i wonder if there will be a way to tell what personas will be useful in the future from in-game instead of having to consult faqs all the time or just levelling every damn persona forever
Since Sophia is gushing over Yomotsu Shikone, what are you guys' favorite early game Persona?
You need an FAQ for that?;
With a couple exceptions (mostly in P4) I didn't need a guide at all to discover what was awesome.
You need an FAQ for that?;
With a couple exceptions (mostly in P4) I didn't need a guide at all to discover what was awesome.
What's this persona holding? I don't know why don't you spend 12 floors leveling it up because it needs 40k xp per level. Oh it's a thing you don't need GREAT JOB
I honestly never cared about those. You can beat Persona 3 without ever seeing a single one, and it seems the development team realized how stupid they were too given they removed em from Persona 4.
I'm not the only one who keeps the Quiz Answers loaded in the Vita's web browser while playing am I? >_>;
Honestly that's half the fun.
I'm not the only one who keeps the Quiz Answers loaded in the Vita's web browser while playing am I? >_>;
Jintor plays Persona for the Social Links.![]()
I just winged it.
So do I, in all honestly.
I play it for everything.
So do I, in all honestly.
Man, P3 gets really depressing
Also, Persona 4's SP system in Persona 3 breaks the game so hard. You mean I can finish all of Tartarus in one night and still have money to spare!? >_>;
Fixed. so much shit happens to the SEES from the begining
You made me sad
Dantis and Sophia made me happy
I had ~4M yen when I finished P3P, probably more.
Hey, I think it's a fantastic game on the whole! The design is brilliant and incredibly cohesive, but I won't pretend I didn't have a motive for playing through P4G on Very Easy.
I enjoy the combat and everything, but yeah if it was just that, I'd be out.
Unless you play on Maniac/Very Hard, there's little grinding.![]()
Grinding is the worst
If you have to grind much on normal on any Persona, I think you are doing it wrong
Is persona considered the same series as shin migami tensei? They just dropped SMT from all the titles right?