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Persona Series Story & Spoilers, P4G Reflection, Persona 5 Speculation Inevitable

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Why do so many people like Chie and Yukiko? Yeah, their designs are nice, but wow are their social links boring as it gets. The fact that you have to rank them to ten to get their ultimate Persona wasn't a great idea.
My favourite social link was the fat kid from P3. He was a joke but I loved it. And Kenji was great too. There was a point where I thought me might actually get with the teacher.


My dumb idea is that P5 is set in 2022 and Nanako is the protagonist with strange powers and problems caused by her ordeal in the TV world as a child.
I wrote this gigantic post, but ended up deleting most of it and only this remains: The potential to attract new fans is possibly stunted because they don't have cognitive bias (like nostalgia) for the dungeons/combat.

On a side note, even while playing P4G, I can't help but think the same way I did years ago when I was playing P2, despite it being advanced in many ways: so much tedium. The game practically slams on the brakes and makes you talk to every NPC, everywhere, until a dialogue trigger allows for progression. I'm becoming less and less indifferent to this, but I'd wager many people can't stand it.

Persona is a sensitive issue, veiled insults at what people like, and the cycle will repeat at Persona 7 in 2020 :)

Why do so many people like Chie and Yukiko? Yeah, their designs are nice, but wow are their social links boring as it gets. The fact that you have to rank them to ten to get their ultimate Persona wasn't a great idea.

Everybody is different and has different likes/dislikes.
The reality is, though, that the games didn't sell that well, and I don't think Soul Hackers has very big sales potential in the west either.

"This ain't no charity. Here, have more P4."

Why do so many people like Chie and Yukiko? Yeah, their designs are nice, but wow are their social links boring as it gets. The fact that you have to rank them to ten to get their ultimate Persona wasn't a great idea.

They're yet more characters that wove into the narrative well. I also liked the near-polar opposites angle they were working with them, and the use of a type of friendship drama not often seen in much male-penned video game narrative.

On a side note, even while playing P4G, I can't help but think the same way I did years ago when I was playing P2, despite it being advanced in many ways: so much tedium. The game practically slams on the brakes and makes you talk to every NPC, everywhere, until a dialogue trigger allows for progression. I'm becoming less and less indifferent to this, but I'd wager many people can't stand it.

That's pacing. That's variety. That's not a one-note wonder experience that never changes or tastes "different" from other games coming out around the same time. I've had enough vapid painted-self-into-corners design decisions this generation, thank you.
The game practically slams on the brakes and makes you talk to every NPC, everywhere, until a dialogue trigger allows for progression. I'm becoming less and less indifferent to this, but I'd wager many people can't stand it.

They're terrible, especially since the "investigation" you're doing isn't to find clues about the killer or even who the next victim might be... it's to find "clues" so you can find them in the TV. It doesn't add anything to the game, it just brings the game to a halt for several days. IIRC, there's also a shocking lack of feedback from your allies on whether or not you have enough info to find the dungeon too.
Eh, this design is nice, but I'm glad with what we got.

The tough guy look, but the teddy bear deep down inside suited Kanji well.

You are basing those on what the characters, like Kanji, ended up like in the game. The original versions of all the characters were wildly different. A few remnants of the old versions remain, proto Dojima became Taro Namatame and proto Rise became Ai Ebihara.


Oddly enough, Chie and Yukiko's relationship is much more fleshed out and substantial in the anime compared to the game.


They're terrible, especially since the "investigation" you're doing isn't to find clues about the killer or even who the next victim might be... it's to find "clues" so you can find them in the TV. It doesn't add anything to the game, it just brings the game to a halt for several days. IIRC, there's also a shocking lack of feedback from your allies on whether or not you have enough info to find the dungeon too.

Not really. The gang make several hints and a chime sounds when you've got the necessary info. With Rise and Kanji I believe the game actually says, "You should tell Teddie about the info you've found."

I do agree that they grind the pacing to a halt. It doesn't feel organic. I think the problem with mysteries in a game is that most time they're far too easy to solve or rely on an illogical twist to keep the player guessing. I hated how quickly I figured out the pattern to the kidnappings vs the amount of time it takes the actual P4 characters.

"I wonder who that girl in the kimono is?!"
They're terrible, especially since the "investigation" you're doing isn't to find clues about the killer or even who the next victim might be... it's to find "clues" so you can find them in the TV. It doesn't add anything to the game, it just brings the game to a halt for several days. IIRC, there's also a shocking lack of feedback from your allies on whether or not you have enough info to find the dungeon too.

Interestingly enough, talking with the others could act as a release valve of sorts. The less successful you were in finding info, the more they would have scrounged up on subsequent days. Savvy players (or faqs users, same difference), would get more days in the dungeon. Much less would be explained to the player beforehand.

I hated how quickly I figured out the pattern to the kidnappings vs the amount of time it takes the actual P4 characters.

The thing about that one was we were given "need to know basis" info in cutscenes about that. We werent' there watching TV evening after evening with a bunch of false positives, either.


My dumb idea is that P5 is set in 2022 and Nanako is the protagonist with strange powers and problems caused by her ordeal in the TV world as a child.

Oh god she would be fucking every dude that walks within 20 yards of her with her daddy issues combined with persona shit fucking with her head. >_<


Why do so many people like Chie and Yukiko? Yeah, their designs are nice, but wow are their social links boring as it gets. The fact that you have to rank them to ten to get their ultimate Persona wasn't a great idea.

I really liked them as characters. Doesn't hurt that their interaction with Yu and the others is really funny sometimes, especially Yukiko's fake drunk scene. :D


As a Naoto fan, even I have to say that her S. Link put me to sleep.

I say she has the weakest out of them all.

I liked Ayane's, Ai's, Yukiko's, Chie's, Rise's, Kanji's, and Yosuke's. Yosuke's S. Link was the most bro-est though. Yosuke is such a bro. He is what Junpei should of been.


Hey I'm working through the Music Club S. Link, so fuck you!

I did this when I was playing the PS2 version. But when I lost my save I stopped and went on to something else. Now that I got P4G, I'm gonna attempt her again. I like her.


I..I don't think I can look at nana-chan anymore.

Now picture that sentence while looking at one of the early concept arts for Nanako that has her in a baseball cap, twintails, and jeans. :p

You're welcome for the disturbing mental image.


Yeah, i'm a fan of early-Kanji as well.
Man, how come those kind of designs were nowhere to be seen in Persona 4? It would be so awesome if Atlus could step out of their comfort zone with P5 starring a cast of young adults entering the workforce or something, but I'm not holding my breath.
With the stronger consoles I hope they make a fleshed out, seamless city. There can still be the fast travel menu but I liked running around the city and talking to every npc.


This SO MUCH. I hate how they keep cramming more and more female anime robots into the games. At least make a dude if they insist on having another robot.

A bro-bot would be awesome but I need more adorable female bots like Aigis and Labrys. They should go red head this time and give her a giant zweihander which she makes come out of nowhere through hammerspace.


For whatever they do in P5, I hope they figure out a more seamless transition/cohesion between the social links and the dungeon crawling.


I'm fine with cute female robots, but hopefully the dubbed Labrys is a sign that they realized robo-voice english Aigis was a bad idea.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Just wondering, what's your favorite dungeon in P4G?

I like Rise's,
If they were to continue with a social link style game I would like to see adults maybe in a workplace environment, think about it exams could be a change for promotions.

I love me some Persona but after 3 and 4 I'm done with the highschool setting, a more mature setting like 2 would be very welcome


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing I'd like to see for P5 is an Atlas flavored visual presentation with the quality of those CyberConnect 2 Naruto games. I've been dying to see that kind of animation quality in an RPG and Persona would benefit greatly from such a presentation. If they could just bring the artwork to life...


One thing I'd like to see for P5 is an Atlas flavored visual presentation with the quality of those CyberConnect 2 Naruto games. I've been dying to see that kind of animation quality in an RPG and Persona would benefit greatly from such a presentation. If they could just bring the artwork to life...

Elaborate on this? I have no idea what you're referring to.

As in, like, cel shading? Or literally the visual presentation?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Elaborate on this? I have no idea what you're referring to.

As in, like, cel shading? Or literally the visual presentation?

production quality, animations, etc prolly. Those naruto games look lovely in that regard.


For whatever they do in P5, I hope they figure out a more seamless transition/cohesion between the social links and the dungeon crawling.


I'm fine with cute female robots, but hopefully the dubbed Labrys is a sign that they realized robo-voice english Aigis was a bad idea.

I never once cringed at an Aigis line.

Every labrys line makes me laugh (in a bad way) or cringe. Took away most of the impact from her story.
Just wondering, what's your favorite dungeon in P4G?

I like Rise's,

I like Heaven and Izanami's. Good music, straight forward set up, good enemy combination in some cases.

Hey, can anybody explain how Teddie brought Nanako back from the dead? Was it just a deus ex machina?


I like Heaven and Izanami's. Good music, straight forward set up, good enemy combination in some cases.

Hey, can anybody explain how Teddie brought Nanako back from the dead? Was it just a deus ex machina?

Yes. They never really explained that well. I assume the strain from being in the TV world is what harmed her, but they never state explicitly what Teddie did to correct that. His reason for developing an ego was to help people and gain friends so maybe it had something to do with that?


Then you have Izanami, who is supposed to be literally, the Izanami of Japanese myth? Who wants to grant mankind's true wish? And somehow TVs factor into it? And you need a magic crystal of truth from Igor to see her real form?

Both entities are of the "I'm just giving mankind what it wants" variety, but Nyarl's feels like... less complicated? Like, he just gave mankind the tools for self-destruction, while Izanami set up this really bizarre system involving televisions and fog and tapping a bunch of completely unrelated people as her chosen ones.

I didn't think Izanami was poorly done. There's the summer break when you visit the P3 school where they basically tell you everything about her. The whole game seemed to be a parable of the Izanagi/Izanami mythos and as such, it wouldn't have made any sense for her to be featured predominantly throughout the entire story.

Yumi was the superior Sun social link. I felt that her story fit the tone of Persona more; that mix of bitter and sweet. The moment when she asks if you love her and you have to choose between saying yes or walking away was just heartbreaking.

I liked how it seemingly comes out of nowhere if you've been choosing the friendship responses too. That scene was pretty well done and I got a good laugh from it. But the overly dramatic moment fit with her personality so well.

I did the Band social link in my second playthrough to see what it the links that I skipped were like. I honestly can't remember anything about it. At least with the soccer/basketball one of them was super obsessed about balls to be memorable.

Hey, can anybody explain how Teddie brought Nanako back from the dead? Was it just a deus ex machina?

I read an interesting theory that hypothesized Teddie is Nanako's shadow. I seriously doubt that's what the designers intended but it seemed like a really neat idea (and atleast offered some sort of plausibility for why he has resurrection powers).
At least with the soccer/basketball one of them was super obsessed about balls to be memorable.
Now THAT guy should get a spinoff game.

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