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PewDiePie appreciation thread.


This is a great interview with Felix.... Shows who he is actually is without all the memes and silly jokes and screaming...

BONUS Marzia video....

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"The reason I got Sexy Vegan tattooed on my face and on my chest is because both are great things and I want people to know who I am instantly, just looking at me"!





I'm pretty sure these are my favorite videos he does. Surprisingly good at reviewing books. Makes me want to read them. I haven't even considered reading 'Japanese literature'.



I never watched him when it was him playing video games, but I’ve watch some of his recent vids where he is basically an upbeat cultural commentator and thought they were pretty entertaining.


wtf is a THOT?
A woman who pretends to be the type of valuable female commodity who rightfully earns male commitment—until the man discovers that she’s just a cheap imitation of a “good girl” who is good only for mindless sex, not relationships or respect.

If women are products, then thots are cheap goods. More than that, they’re knockoffs: low-quality merchandise that attempts to masquerade as luxury items.

They generally dress in cheap clothing, try to act like they're better than they really are, or think they're not trashy but high class when they're nothing close to classy. They demand respect, money, gifts, dates but do nothing to deserve any of it because they have no self-respect, no manners, low self esteem, little education and on top of all that are slutty because they have no self worth.


I won't post it here, but his last video, I believe it's called "ban pewdiepie", is hilarious. I can't take youtubers drama though.
wtf is a THOT?

Someone who uses their physical advantages, I'd say (I think it stands for That Hoe Over There). But mostly it's just a memeable word and it's something that you'll easily turn into empowerment if you own up to it (I mean, the word "HOT" is in "THOT"). Outside of the memeability of the word, it's really nothing someone should be concerned over.

Btw, on the topic of Pewdiepie, I thought he was very childish in his remarks on Phil DeFranco in the "*Can we copystrike pewdiepie?*. I can understand that to him it must be frustrating and the skepticism towards Alinity is understandable, but that's not what Phil is necessarily concerned about. The great thing about Phil is that he's a unifier, making us consider people acting at their best, instead of at their worst, leading us to find common ground. He's not out intending to attack people and the "white knight" remark was just childish and Felix should be above that.


oh yay a new poodiepie video
oh its about that girl who chews like a cow again... :rolleyes:
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've enjoyed almost every video posted here. I figured he'd still be doing those annoying let's play videos. Respect.


I was never a fan of Pewdiepie during his early career as a Let's Plays streamer as the thought of watching other gamers playing video games is just boring and a waste of my time.

It was not until he started doing non Let's Play videos I began to take interest in his videos because the content he create is both funny and interesting.


Pewds sums up my THOTS on E3...... ( i don get why people obsess over this s***)
Just wait a few days and watch the videos on youtube, people actually watch E3 live? like all day? WTF?
I didn't get into him until after his LP stuff but two of my favorite vids are the Zuckerberg and Katy Perry videos.

The Katy Perry one is a bit slow at first but is it fucking hilarious later on.

Zuckerberg one is so great with the riff on
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hes alright i guess. i always thought of him as one of those stupid screamer video game youtube guys like the mark plier guy with the brick shaped head and awful voice. i watched a couple of his videos and none of them are particularly funny but its loaded with internet meme bullshit which i guess is his thing. im not a hater so if you like it im cool with that


Stealing memes from 4chan doesn't make him a creative genius. He is just pandering to the crowd that grew up on his videos, 5 years ago those were children who wanted screamy LPs, now they want edgy /pol/tard humor.
Stealing memes from 4chan doesn't make him a creative genius. He is just pandering to the crowd that grew up on his videos, 5 years ago those were children who wanted screamy LPs, now they want edgy /pol/tard humor.

Some of his stuff is like that and his early stuff definitely is. He has been branching out in different directions a lot lately though. One example is his recent re-look at Starship Troopers and comparing the film with the book in contrast to modern day society, etc. There's no memes or anything like that and it's an interesting watch.



I swear he keeps getting better and better.

I almost pissed myself laughing on this one

Really? You laughed out loud at this dude reading random 4chan posts? Why not just go to 4chan instead? That board is a complete shithole anyway.

Oh yeah so is Pewdiepie.

I gave that first vid a watch but then realized none of it was funny and its just him reading 4chan posts.

Yeah great HILARIOUS content. How old are you btw? Im 31 maybe you need to be 15 to like this guy.


Really? You laughed out loud at this dude reading random 4chan posts? Why not just go to 4chan instead? That board is a complete shithole anyway.

Oh yeah so is Pewdiepie.

I gave that first vid a watch but then realized none of it was funny and its just him reading 4chan posts.

Yeah great HILARIOUS content. How old are you btw? Im 31 maybe you need to be 15 to like this guy.
you sound very confrontational, are you alright? do you need to talk? It might be best to seek help with your issues


What issues? Im not being confrontational, Im just surprised anyone could find the content in the op genuinly funny.

Seriously, tell me whats good content about him reading 4chan posts for 10mins?

I might start a youtube channel and read GAF posts, could be hilarious.


I don't think his videos are funny but when he's not "on", he seems like a genuine guy.

That whole "nazi-out-of-context" thing that happened to him was complete bullshit.
Really? You laughed out loud at this dude reading random 4chan posts? Why not just go to 4chan instead? That board is a complete shithole anyway.

Oh yeah so is Pewdiepie.

I gave that first vid a watch but then realized none of it was funny and its just him reading 4chan posts.

Yeah great HILARIOUS content. How old are you btw? Im 31 maybe you need to be 15 to like this guy.
What issues? Im not being confrontational, Im just surprised anyone could find the content in the op genuinly funny.

Seriously, tell me whats good content about him reading 4chan posts for 10mins?

I might start a youtube channel and read GAF posts, could be hilarious.

You make an ad hominem post calling someone childish just because they like some memes yet then say your not being confrontational.

Nobody cares if you don't like it that's fine, but that doesn't mean you gotta be an asshole towards someone for no reason.

Maybe you need to do some self introspection because your making yourself look like a massive jerk.


Really? You laughed out loud at this dude reading random 4chan posts? Why not just go to 4chan instead? That board is a complete shithole anyway.

Oh yeah so is Pewdiepie.

I gave that first vid a watch but then realized none of it was funny and its just him reading 4chan posts.

Yeah great HILARIOUS content. How old are you btw? Im 31 maybe you need to be 15 to like this guy.
You are 31 and you act like a 12 year old. By your measure you should be a huge Pewds fan! You know humor is subjective right? You know you may not find something funny that others do? You know he has over 60 Million subs?

Your post was much edgier than anything Pewds does and like 100 times less funny. The irony. And yeah 4chan posts can be funny as hell. Clearly you have some bias against humor.


Everyone, we have an announcement to make.....

(that heron sweatshirt Felix is wearing costs like $500, I want)

PS make sure to invest in the Venom meme.
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Somewhat off topic but I really hate how marzia took most of her vids down. Didn't get to finish watching them all :messenger_pensive:


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Somewhat off topic but I really hate how marzia took most of her vids down. Didn't get to finish watching them all :messenger_pensive:
I left a lengthy YT comment on the whole situation. I understand her.

Id also understand PDP, but if you would ask him he would probably agree that some of his more controversial stuff is indeed that, controversial.

I reckon it helps being of similar age as these two and seeing where they are coming from. Their audience is literally kids hitting puberty, so yeah.

I love Felix's deeper stuff though, on occassion the editing is really killing it. There was a segement recently where someone had made a wheezing compilation which was hilarious (to me) and Felix's reaction was indeed a wheez.

It sounds terribly lame when you write it up though instead of watching it. :p


Somewhat off topic but I really hate how marzia took most of her vids down. Didn't get to finish watching them all :messenger_pensive:
I left a lengthy YT comment on the whole situation. I understand her.

Id also understand PDP, but if you would ask him he would probably agree that some of his more controversial stuff is indeed that, controversial.

I reckon it helps being of similar age as these two and seeing where they are coming from. Their audience is literally kids hitting puberty, so yeah.

I love Felix's deeper stuff though, on occassion the editing is really killing it. There was a segement recently where someone had made a wheezing compilation which was hilarious (to me) and Felix's reaction was indeed a wheez.

It sounds terribly lame when you write it up though instead of watching it. :p

I LOVED Marzias videos. They made me feel warm. I'm sad she took them down but respect her decision. Especially getting married and most likely having children. Hopefully she will make some appearances on Pewds channel. New video today on fashion was actually pretty good. I'm getting into spending over $100 on an item of clothes because of this fuck. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Banenciaga is on one right now for sure.
I used to dislike this guy. But in the recent, last couple of years, he has improved drastically and I dig his humor. His resistance and mockery of PC culture has had a hand in my change of mind. His ability to make a meme out of youtube's monetization guidelines in many of his videos is also smart.

He makes a video a day for about 10-20+ minutes and they are consistently entertaining to watch.


What don't you like about him? Like I said I never watched him until about two years ago, his older stuff is pretty average. But in his 'newer' videos he is hilarious, gives me a nice little boost every day.

I don't have much sympathy for him. He had a online ecosystem that was making him millions. So first that is a little bit of white privilege to not realize how lucky you are. Then you are going to throw it all away because you can't avoid using the N-word.


I don't have much sympathy for him. He had a online ecosystem that was making him millions. So first that is a little bit of white privilege to not realize how lucky you are. Then you are going to throw it all away because you can't avoid using the N-word.

That was a live stream that was never broadcast on YouTube just FYI. Also he apologized sincerely. I'm willing to forgive him for saying a bad word one time while gaming. I mean another VERY successful Twitch streamer said the same thing (see Ninja). Yet he (the guy that is the top google result above actual ninjas) is on late night talk shows and has deals with HP and samsung. People choose these targets, its pretty obvious. Pewds is the biggest target on YouTube.

Also New video :messenger_waving:
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Pewdiepie has become quite awesome, I don't know for how mucj time he can continue to put out video every day.
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