I don't care for his videos but he seems like an ok guy, 10/10 would bang.
What don't you like about him? Like I said I never watched him until about two years ago, his older stuff is pretty average. But in his 'newer' videos he is hilarious, gives me a nice little boost every day.
Lol what a hot take! You are clearly trolling. Not gonna take that lazy ass bait.if he was a better role model and wasn't a racist piece of shit I would probably be OK with him
Lol what a hot take! You are clearly trolling. Not gonna take that lazy ass bait.
Clearly you don't know very much about Felix or his demographic. It's fine if you think he is a racist, you just seem uninformed. Did you watch any of those videos where he was "being racist"? Because it's pretty clear that's not the case. If you could point out to me something he did that had clear racist intent and was not a joke I would consider changing my opinion. But yeah you seem like a troll bud.how is it a hot take? he has millions of viewers, most of them children, and most of them look up to him as a role model and emulate him. This is how children behave in case you didn't realize this. To deny that he's racist is....racist. Too many incidents with black people and Jewish people to pass off as a joke at this point. Unless you're racist yourself, then I can see why you don't think he's racist.
Clearly you don't know very much about Felix or his demographic. It's fine if you think he is a racist, you just seem uninformed. Did you watch any of those videos where he was "being racist"? Because it's pretty clear that's not the case. If you could point out to me something he did that had clear racist intent and was not a joke I would consider changing my opinion. But yeah you seem like a troll bud.
how is it a hot take? he has millions of viewers, most of them children, and most of them look up to him as a role model and emulate him. This is how children behave in case you didn't realize this. To deny that he's racist is....racist. Too many incidents with black people and Jewish people to pass off as a joke at this point. Unless you're racist yourself, then I can see why you don't think he's racist.
Lol so much wrong information. Just as expected. You know he lives in Brighton England right? You know one of his best friends Ethan (h3h3 a Jew) laughed at people calling him an antisemite. Whatever, he makes jokes if you can't handle those jokes thats on you. Don't watch. I meanwhile will enjoy the fuck out of his "Nazi bigot racist childish non comedy" God what a terrible person he is. Making jokes and such. I can't stand jokes REERRRReERrEEE!!!1Just because you like someone doesn't mean your cognitive dissonance can kick in and erase all
I did. I saw him say N****R on stream.
I saw a video of his with the ending credits being prominent people in the Nazi party
I saw him play Conan Exiles and made himself look as much like Hitler and killings mobs he calls "Jews"
I saw the video where he paid some people to hold signs that said Death to Jews
I saw him tell jokes about "smashing", selling, or passing on people he would sell into slavery.
The Daily Stormer (racist nazi website) is a HUGE fan of PewDiePie. Wonder why...
I saw him face swap the Harambe gorilla with Leslie Jone's face
There's probably more too, I gave up on this asshole.
You can like him all you want it's a free country but open your eyes and don't ignore people's incredible faults just because you find them entertaining
to be fair he said he wasn't going to do any more Nazi jokes after Charlottesville, maybe that was sincere since he played ignorant and said he didn't know Nazis existed still...this is a man that runs the most popular youtube channel in existence, is very smart, yet says he didn't know Nazis were real. The dude lives in Sweden. It has one of the worst Nazis groups in existence! Just admit the man you like to watch is racist because to say otherwise given his history doesn't make his defenders look all that great.
Just because you like someone doesn't mean your cognitive dissonance can kick in and erase all
I did. I saw him say N****R on stream.
I saw a video of his with the ending credits being prominent people in the Nazi party
I saw him play Conan Exiles and made himself look as much like Hitler and killings mobs he calls "Jews"
I saw the video where he paid some people to hold signs that said Death to Jews
I saw him tell jokes about "smashing", selling, or passing on people he would sell into slavery.
The Daily Stormer (racist nazi website) is a HUGE fan of PewDiePie. Wonder why...
I saw him face swap the Harambe gorilla with Leslie Jone's face
There's probably more too, I gave up on this asshole.
You can like him all you want it's a free country but open your eyes and don't ignore people's incredible faults just because you find them entertaining
to be fair he said he wasn't going to do any more Nazi jokes after Charlottesville, maybe that was sincere since he played ignorant and said he didn't know Nazis existed still...this is a man that runs the most popular youtube channel in existence, is very smart, yet says he didn't know Nazis were real. The dude lives in Sweden. It has one of the worst Nazis groups in existence! Just admit the man you like to watch is racist because to say otherwise given his history doesn't make his defenders look all that great.
You can like him all you want it's a free country but open your eyes and don't ignore people's incredible faults just because you find them entertaining
Death to Jews
The Daily Stormer (racist nazi website) is a HUGE fan of PewDiePie. Wonder why...
It was nigger. Lets not minimize it.Except the nigga part on stream.
I do not write it like that since I think it a slur but yes he said it and apologized for it. To me its over.It was nigger. Lets not minimize it.
Not what I said. But see ya thanks for the insight on Pewds!opens thread
"Pewds can't be antisemitic, he has Jewish friends!"
closes thread
Yep....It was nigger. Lets not minimize it.
Lol so much wrong information. Just as expected. You know he lives in Brighton England right? You know one of his best friends Ethan (h3h3 a Jew) laughed at people calling him an antisemite. Whatever, he makes jokes if you can't handle those jokes thats on you. Don't watch. I meanwhile will enjoy the fuck out of his "Nazi bigot racist childish non comedy" God what a terrible person he is. Making jokes and such. I can't stand jokes REERRRReERrEEE!!!1
It's really hard to take any of the examples seriously when considering context (and his apologies for his mistakes), but to make a point...
WTH man? Why are you saying stuff like that? Bigot! Boooo!
Really, you're going for that fallacy?
"The world’s #1 PewDiePie fansite” so your fallacy argument is completely oblierated
WTF Why are you linking to this racist website? Are you enjoying spreading the hate by letting more people access it??more specifically Andrew Anglin the founder of the site writes articles like this:
(link removed)
I am pretty sure he condemned the site and its political voices. He can not chose who uses him and who not.more specifically Andrew Anglin the founder of the site writes articles like this:
and on January 22 he changed the page's logo to “The world’s #1 PewDiePie fansite” so your fallacy argument is completely oblierated
MR. GRUMPY - I've removed the site that you linked to after inspecting it, simply because of the bigoted, prejudicial "articles" found on it. I know that you weren't condoning what was on there but we'd really rather not be encouraging people to benefit that site by visiting it. I understand the reason for linking to it but lets try an be more careful about the types of sites that we link to from here.
Thanks you.
Wow mate, seriously? As far as I know that website also endorsed the Wall Street Journal with that exact same slogan. By your ridiculous metric, WSJ is now a Nazi outlet... Get a grip, you're embarrassing yourself!
P.S.: Also I really really REALLY don't appreciate (to put it mildly) you linking that website. I clicked on it and I don't particularly feel like giving that website any traffic.
no, saying wsj is a nazi outlet because they said the same thing about them doesn't make the wsj nazis, that is a fallacy. and i linked an onion article so you would have had to opened tor and copy and paste the link in there, and by reading the url you would have known what to click on. I won't link their site again though as I'm really not trying to promote traffic there
I don't watch as many youtubers as i did when i was like 18. Right now it boils down to H3H3, Jim Sterling, Chris Smoove (NBA recaps), IDubbbz and a few other ones. Most of these don't upload that frequently. Ever since Pewdiepie pretty much switched from gaming to pure Entertainment he has been much more enjoyable, his content definitely suits me.
how is it a hot take? he has millions of viewers, most of them children, and most of them look up to him as a role model and emulate him. This is how children behave in case you didn't realize this. To deny that he's racist is....racist. Too many incidents with black people and Jewish people to pass off as a joke at this point. Unless you're racist yourself, then I can see why you don't think he's racist.
more specifically Andrew Anglin the founder of the site writes articles like this:
and on January 22 he changed the page's logo to “The world’s #1 PewDiePie fansite” so your fallacy argument is completely oblierated
no, saying wsj is a nazi outlet because they said the same thing about them doesn't make the wsj nazis, that is a fallacy.
how is it a hot take? he has millions of viewers, most of them children, and most of them look up to him as a role model and emulate him. This is how children behave in case you didn't realize this. To deny that he's racist is....racist. Too many incidents with black people and Jewish people to pass off as a joke at this point. Unless you're racist yourself, then I can see why you don't think he's racist.
Dude needs to get rid of the beard, though. No one likes that half-irish early bloomer beard crap. Shave for a few months and come back when your face is an oily pool of brown and black and not shirley temple's scalp.
I was annoyed with him when his videos were just overreacting and pretending to be scared while playing shitty horror games like other youtubers. His recent content is pretty damn funny, though.
more specifically Andrew Anglin the founder of the site writes articles like this:
and on January 22 he changed the page's logo to “The world’s #1 PewDiePie fansite” so your fallacy argument is completely oblierated
MR. GRUMPY - I've removed the site that you linked to after inspecting it, simply because of the bigoted, prejudicial "articles" found on it. I know that you weren't condoning what was on there but we'd really rather not be encouraging people to benefit that site by visiting it. I understand the reason for linking to it but lets try an be more careful about the types of sites that we link to from here.
Thanks you.
Dunno, maybe its because i grew up in the Netherlands ( different culture then US ). Where N word got used even on packages for food, people curse 24/7 on TV, gay people kissing each other in commercials already for decades. And people ridicule everybody to ridiculous levels from transgender towards jews, towards muslims. And have blackface every year as national holiday.
I would honestly want to see some US faces when they get presented with media like this:
We Dutch people must be some special breed of everythingist then i guess.
I couldn't see how anybody is racist when they say the N word when they are mad, the american logic behind the N word and being a utter racist is just beyond comical to me. And those internet terrorists that haunt after people to get there life destroyed fighting the good cause is just beyond messed up.
If you want to label people you can pretty much put a label on every single person in the world for something. Beyond pointless and eventually completely meaningless.
Anyway, i personally dislike pewdiepie. It's your typical youtuber that is full of himself with endless cuts and weird voices to get the kids hooked. However business wise dude is a genius. He makes hella bank with his video's and therefore i can respect him.