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PewDiePie in Hot Water Again After Recommending a Known Hate Group's YouTube Channel.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg is no stranger to controversy, and it seems that he's right back in that familiar hot water following a recent video the YouTuber uploaded filled with recommendations. One of those channels he featured is known for their Nazi imagery and anti-Semitic stance. Pair that with their brutal homophobic videos in the past, and it's clear why so many are upset with the YouTuber's spotlight.

Kjellberg's latest video, seen here, showcases a ton of recent news bits surrounding the YouTube sensation; what drew people's ire is when he featured the channel E;R. This channel has had several of their videos taken down that featured bigotry and hate speech, so many were confused to see PewDiePie recommend them in his latest feature.

After the recommended channel saw a significant increase in subscribers following Pew's video going live, many are calling for the YouTuber to acknowledge what may have been a display of support made in ignorance. So far, he has yet to comment.
Philip DeFranco showed PewDiePie's response in a video already that was basically he was recommending the channel based off of a single video he had seen and liked. I feel like it was just poor research beyond the single video he saw more than pushing a Nazi agenda.


How is PDP in hot water? Everyone can see this is just witch hunt to the extreme by sites looking for their 5 minutes of fame and clicks.
E;R is hilarious. Great edgy humor that pissed off Steven Universe fans because it compares the Gems to Nazis and calls them rapists.

It's literally edgy /pol/ shitposting mixed with reviews. Great stuff.


Connecting Pewdiepie and nazi is like trying to connect piece of a puzzle with a lego.
People should stop doing that, it is stupid, they will never connect!
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PewDiePie is a prince of the social media era.

Some of the disgruntled peasants will lob unpleasantness toward his throne, but he will smirk, unaffected, as they are consumed by age, disease, and ill health.


what has he contributed to the world?
the joy that his tens of millions of subscribers get out of repeatedly watching his videos

Your question is the same as asking:

What has music contributed to the world?

What has art contributed to the world?

What has film contributed to the world?

What have large dildos in the shape of imaginary dragon penises contributed to the world?
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always chasing the next thrill
"and it's clear why so many are upset with the YouTuber's spotlight."

"many are calling for the YouTuber to acknowledge"

Tell me OP who is this many you speak of?
I have this strange idea its some shitty forum.

Stop trying to link pewdiepie with nazi's.

Wait after seeing this picture i take it all back.
Ladies and gentleman pew is the reincarnation of adolf hitler. Unsubbed.


They try so hard to paint Pew with the Nazi label, they are scratching the bottom of the barrel here to find something. And when they do, they try to blow it up and make it much bigger than it is. The worrying part is that so many idiots fall for this.


This thread title should be.. ''Verge trying to make pewdiepie seem like a nazi again''
This is bad for neogaf to have such dumb threads on here.. Hes not in hot water, it was just 1 dumb article. He recommends someone because of a video he likes and it just happend to have some nazi references in it he did not know about. I dont think most people know about that.

lol trying to do something good by recommending alot of youtubers and still getting shit for it


Move on. As others have said, this is basically a witch hunt from a trash magazine to generate klicks. Mentioning his various charities? no! and simply the fact he's shouting out smaller channels? no! he can't do right in the eyes of others


Pathetic, E;R is a great channel. Imagine believing they are a hate group. Fuck me that is so ridiculous and people eat it up.

Subscribe to PewDiePie, show the crybaby twats they are a tiny minority and practically a laughing stock.



the guy is a vile piece of garbage. is anyone really surprised? it's only his rabid fanbase keeping him going.

So you decided to add "vile" to "piece of garbage" just because you thought the hyperbole wasn't strong enough.

I'm not quite convinced yet tho. Maybe try "literally hitler" next time.
same thread as off topic, shouldn't someone make one for politics section too? This is an outrage, the pewds should have his own thread in every section of the forums stickied at the top. 👇😡


This is a garbabe tier website. Why is anyone taking this seriously? That'd be like recommending a Polygon article about videogames.

And why is this in the gaming section anyways?
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Boohoo Pewds is a Nazi... again... trolololo

Does anyone give importance to what he do or say a good for nothing like him?
what has he contributed to the world?

But why is he really a "good for nothing"? It should be easy to justify why when a statement like that is made.
"what has he contributed to the world" Is not a response because, what, everyone who makes a living nowadays on Youtube (and patreon, merchandise, etc..) is also a good for nothing? Is that the reason?

Anyway, never been a fan of him, but never disliked him either.
I've actually seen/enjoyed some of his videos both back in the day (more gaming related) and the ones he makes nowadays. Never subscribed though for whatever reason until like yesterday or the day before, when I saw his videos about the T-Series battle thing. I said to myself, well, I'm subscribed to youtube channels that I see less content of why not him...
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IbizaPocholo watches too much Buzzfeed.

I do believe they're just reporting the news, and this is definitely news, however easily debunked any genuine concern may be.

He promoted someone who has anti-Semitic content on their you tube channel? But the video promoted doesn't really talk about that sort of thing? And he apologized? And he removed the suggestion from his video? Okay. Good to know. I think we're done here. But it's still news.

And why is this in the gaming section anyways?

Remember when PewDiePie used to play video games? That was a thing once.
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PDP makes a living trolling butt hurt virtue signalling douche bags, it's a legitimate and highly profitable business model.

Didn't click on the story, I don't care about him or the fake outrage, but all jokes are valid, even holocaust ones. That's how jokes work. If you laugh at any joke, you need to take the ones you find unpalatable on the chin. Otherwise it all falls apart, and you become extremist... ironically.
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PDP makes a living trolling butt hurt virtue signalling douche bags, it's a legitimate and highly profitable business model.

Didn't click on the story, I don't care about him or the fake outrage, but all jokes are valid, even holocaust ones. That's how jokes work. If you laugh at any joke, you need to take the ones you find unpalatable on the chin. Otherwise it all falls apart, and you become extremist... ironically.



In regards to OP, Felix adressed this himself. He didn't scour each of the channels every video to see if there was Nazi references in them. Turns out, there is - and again it's being used as a joke, not actually to 'indoctrinate our kids'. Plenty of media sources will tell you it is though, showing how little they actually do research into their articles and not just rushing to get a headline.

When you have people calling for the death of an entire race/gender on Twitter daily with no recourse, Felix is the furthest thing away from a controversial figure there is. But we live in a world where up is down and east is west, so normal = controversy and controversial = normal.

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