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PewDiePie in Hot Water Again After Recommending a Known Hate Group's YouTube Channel.


Haven't read/seen the videos about the controversy yet, but I bet it's much ado about nothing, like the other Pew controversies. They really, REALLY want to fuck him up, dunno why.
And I'm not a fan of him.

Edit: Ok, seen a few minutes of it, it's the usual bullshit the alt-left spews about him. Not sure why they try character assassination so much with him.
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Silent Duck

Nazis... nazis everywhere....


I suppose what I don't get is why exactly they are trying to paint him as "a hero to Nazis" or "spreading Nazi propaganda"? Or just outright trying to say he is a Nazi?

Is it really the case that they are looking to have him kicked off Youtube? Why though?

They aren't just looking for an apology or anything but rather they are straight up pushing the idea that PDP is a legitimate far-right figurehead that could potentially turn millions onto far-right ideas.

I mean, if we follow some kind of logic here, what happens if these "attacks" would be successful?

The public is convinced that PDP is a "Nazi".
Public opinion forced Youtube to boot him because of this.

So, PDP gets his Youtube shut down. OK. What does that actually achieve long term?
I can't really think of any benefit.

Is it possible that people are SO butthurt that this guy makes millions from his "not a real job" that getting him shut down is the only way to soothe that raging jealousy?

Why are they doing this?


It takes so little to be a nazi these days.

Why though?
Not bowing to the almighty diversity zealots, hence dangerous?

So, PDP gets his Youtube shut down. OK. What does that actually achieve long term?
With 76 million subscribers / 20 billion views he can start his own dewtube, exclusively for himself, or as a platform, or simply jump to another platform and give it a major boost.
Shut down, south-eastern part of my body, chuckle...
PewdiePie in hot water again, but his (probably) "Tens of millions of dollars" air conditioned boat is keeping him plenty safe and cool whilst he sips on Mai Tais and pleasures himself to PornHub prime on his 240 inch, 8k projection television while making another Youtube video when he feels like it or some shit I dunno whatever. This and more unimportant as all fuck news on this channel at 11pm or 11:18pm or whatever.

ignore me



...in July 2018, Wired published an article, referring to PewDiePie's fan base as "toxic", stating that "it's not just that they've stuck with the Swedish gamer/alleged comedian as he peppered his videos with racial slurs, rape jokes, anti-Semitism, and homophobia for nearly a decade (though that's bad enough). It's also that they insist that PewDiePie somehow isn't being hateful at all."[163]
Since time immemorial, in times of perceived trouble, we've sacrificed a goat. Famine, drought, plague? Kill a goat. We'd sort of place all our worries, frustrations, and anger upon this single animal, and in offering it up to whatever goat-loving god there was, released them and hoped for a better tomorrow. In many societies, it was the sacrifice of someone of high standing - but because people of high standing usually had the power to say no, what they would end up doing is take someone of low standing and elevate their standing temporarily. Queen for a day, goat for the slaughter.

We no longer sacrifice goats or people, and even though Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice to save all future goats, the scapegoat is still very much a thing. It's human nature.

We are in times of perceived trouble. We're worried, frustrated, and angry and we don't know what to do about it. The only thing we can do is offer up someone of high standing in the hopes that society will in some way benefit from our sacrifice.

I mean, it won't. But I like to think that PDP is the village girl given the queen for a day treatment just so that we could sacrifice her to save our fields later... it's the only way his popularity makes sense to me.


Isn't this what he always does when he's bored or the world isn't evolved around him?
Stir shit up, gets attention and more subs, apologizes and the process repeats...
If he would to ever do something normal that's when I think we should scream that the sky is falling IMO.


Isn't this what he always does when he's bored or the world isn't evolved around him?
Stir shit up, gets attention and more subs, apologizes and the process repeats...
If he would to ever do something normal that's when I think we should scream that the sky is falling IMO.

He's got like 10 million subs in the last month. This is the far left media's reaction to that not PDP's attempt at more attention. Hell, even the video being criticised couldn't be further from the narrative you are pushing, the last 10 minutes of it was him giving a list of smaller YouTube channels that you should subscribe to instead of him.


Dude makes millions a year, right? Can’t he hire an aid that vets this kind of stuff?

Yeah but the time needed to sift through hours of other peoples content to look out for racy content is too much to be able to meet his 1 vid a day quota probably. I mean in one video he reccomended aobut 30 channels, each with presumably hundreds of hours of content - would literally be impossible to sift through it all in a day just to avoid this.

And he shouldn't have to more than anything, in a way having to hire someone/multiple people, pay them and do what youre asking would kinda be playing into the alt-left's court, because pewdiepie would be losing out therefore alt-left = winning

In order to see what crazy people see, they'd have to be crazy themselves. One does not stare into the abyss without the abyss staring back.

^^^ Much better answer than me, wonder if anyones been banned on the other forum in this topic. I know some people have been on Felix's defense over there so expect a bloodbath
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Well, as an example, he just raised almost £180k for children in India: https://www.gofundme.com/27bcfh44

What have you contributed to the world?
To save the people of amputations in its members for complications such as diabetes, infections, Isquemia, etc.
Be in the operating room for Peritonitis, appendicitis, sharp wounds or Cholecystectomies.
See more than 25 people every day by different clinic cases.
Be on guard every 3 day in more than 50 hours of work even saturday and sunday.
Be in Emergency Room in night for clinic cases.
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I just watched a bit of the E;R review of Solo and I thought it was entertaining enough, I honestly don't understand how people can't seem to assume that maybe PDP did the same and recommended the channel without researching everything about it like a motherfucking crazy obsessive person.

Keep in mind I don't even care about normie e-celebs controversy, but I hate when people expect others to act in a way that nobody does.
They apparently are the only one's able to hear "dog whistles" as well with their newspeak Orwellian terms.
I've never understood the "dog whistle" thing. I mean, the thing about dog whistles is that only the dogs can hear them. So if you are going on and on about racist dog whistles that only you seem to be able to hear... doesn't that suggest something rather untoward about you?


Pew is a douchebag so not surprising. I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.
Pew is a douchebag so not surprising. I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.
PewdiePie doesn't use his platform to criticize the choices of others and call everybody else Nazis. Kotaku does. Therefore, if this happened to Kotaku, it would be a hilarious bit of accidental hypocrisy and it'd be difficult not to enjoy the schadenfreude.


He's got like 10 million subs in the last month.
Poor reading ability and a even more horrible assumption on your part with that response.
Perhaps I should word it better instead of using the term "this" as it lead to a stupid reaction and assumption.

I don't follow him nor care for what he does, what I'm responding to is that this all is rinse and repeat.
Whether it's a racial thing, nazi thing or whatever, rinse and repeat......rinse and repeat.
Pew is a douchebag so not surprising. I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.

We wouldn't be raging, we would be laughing. We don't care that someone makes edgy jokes.

And Era and those sorts would probably go after your hypothetical journalist regardless.


People forget that PDP is Swedish. I know that at this time he is an international entertainer, but come on. He can't be over all cultures. Even if he has an international audience. He even says that some of the references of E;R are kinda obscure.

This is like that guy that had a psn profile named Kike. Dude, Kike is a very VERY common nick name for people called Enrique in spanish speaking countries.

People see PDP with american sensibilities.
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I've never understood the "dog whistle" thing. I mean, the thing about dog whistles is that only the dogs can hear them. So if you are going on and on about racist dog whistles that only you seem to be able to hear... doesn't that suggest something rather untoward about you?

It's just a tactic.

When you think about it, it's absolutely necessary to come up with a concept like "dog whistle" when you are going to accuse people who aren't "The Terrible Thing" of being that thing.

They set themselves up as the "experts" who are the only ones who know the special secret information that you don't know.

A: Mr X is an alt-right scumbag.
B: Really? But he's pro same sex marriage and pro choice and I haven't heard him saying anything racist.
A: No, no, no you don't understand he uses all these dog whistles to signal to far right white supremacists.
B: Um... I don't see it.
A: That's the thing >> I << understand all of their secret signals and >> I'm << telling you he's alt-right. Are you seriously defending Nazis right now?

So you're actually fighting an uphill battle if you wanted to actually defend someone, or yourself, from the accusation. You've got all these self-proclaimed experts who have all these "techniques" for trapping people in the accusation. They may add to this by gently implying that you too could be accused if you don't agree.

They seem to do it a lot with Jordan Peterson, for example. I think the dudes work shows him clearly as an anti-authoritarian and he's definitely against identity politics, which white supremacy would obviously fall under. They need to find a way around that if he is to be accused of being a Nazi and if his "supporters" are to be accused in turn.

So the tactic is to say "but the far right like him" and then you can double down on that by saying that he communicates with them via "dog whistles". So just a regular person who thinks JP is pretty interesting or has some good points can maybe be swayed by a self proclaimed expert saying "well actually there are hidden evil messages here that only I can see". Provided, of course, that the "expert" gives off an air of confidence and trustworthiness. OR if there is an implied threat that if you don't agree that there are some secret dog whistles being used then you may find yourself accused next.

It's not the only thing they try to use.

A: You're The Terrible Thing!!
B: No, I am not The Terrible Thing.
A: HA! That's exactly what someone who IS The Terrible Thing would say! GOTCHA!


To save the people of amputations in its members for complications such as diabetes, infections, Isquemia, etc.
Be in the operating room for Peritonitis, appendicitis, sharp wounds or Cholecystectomies.
See more than 25 people every day by different clinic cases.
Be on guard every 3 day in more than 50 hours of work even saturday and sunday.
Be in Emergency Room in night for clinic cases.
Sounds like your job, not some sort of charity work.


Can’t say I watch a lot of pewds, but he doesn’t come off as alt-right or right wing from what I’ve seen. I do think he has contempt for the media, but I think that is based off his personal experiences and not his political beliefs which I don’t think I’ve ever really heard him talk about.

At worst, he seems like an upbeat color commentator on current events with the occasional edgy joke slipped in here and there.
No its just another hate campaign by "journalist" to defame him. I have never liked Pewdipie's content but he is actually a decent guy who just makes dumb mistakes.
Dude makes millions a year, right? Can’t he hire an aid that vets this kind of stuff?
He did nothing wrong and it would be a waste of money. He did the smart thing and started a charity for child labor in India. Trying to turn something negative into something positive.


i don't even care about PewDiePie but what the fuck is wrong with you people ? why you have to be overly-fucking-sensitive about every fucking thing ?, i thought you people wanted "FREE SPEECH", or is it just "free" speech about your agenda ?

Joe T.

Pew is a douchebag so not surprising. I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.

You're using extremes the same way the author of the article did. It's not nothing, but it's not something worth raising such a stink about either.


Ya know what? I think it's about time I subscribed to PewDiePie. All these witch hunts do is make me want to hit that bell button.


Poor reading ability and a even more horrible assumption on your part with that response.
Perhaps I should word it better instead of using the term "this" as it lead to a stupid reaction and assumption.

I don't follow him nor care for what he does, what I'm responding to is that this all is rinse and repeat.
Whether it's a racial thing, nazi thing or whatever, rinse and repeat......rinse and repeat.

Lol. Pot meet kettle.
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Blood Borne

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. That’s all one hears these days. I’m beginning to think that the hate police are really and truly the hate mongers. Because their hate list keeps on expanding, very soon everyone will be on their hate list.


i don't even care about PewDiePie but what the fuck is wrong with you people ? why you have to be overly-fucking-sensitive about every fucking thing ?, i thought you people wanted "FREE SPEECH", or is it just "free" speech about your agenda ?
If you take the time to read the thread, I believe its pretty level headed, with some exceptions on both sides.
Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. That’s all one hears these days. I’m beginning to think that the hate police are really and truly the hate mongers. Because their hate list keeps on expanding, very soon everyone will be on their hate list.
I mean, they already have a hate list. It's called "intersectionality".


c'mon man.
I know it's just a joke and I'm not saying you are a Nazi, but holocaust jokes simply aren't funny plus they give this site a bad name.

Mel Brooks would disagree with you. Do you know how to make Nazis less relevant? You make them the butt of jokes instead of the boogeyman in your closet. And with how fabulous they dressed, they know a lot about being in closets.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Does anyone give importance to what he do or say a good for nothing like him?
Charities. But much like the websites that try to raise a stink, it usually gets ignored and they aren't aware. Much like you weren't yourself until a fellow poster pointed this out.

what has he contributed to the world?
Skrattar Du Förlorar Du


the guy is a vile piece of garbage.
So i take it you don't watch him. Noted! For those who are not up to snuff, including you Billy, here is this quality post i made regarding PDP.
He had a online ecosystem that was making him millions.
And then you know, Youtube changed its policy. Even a guy like PDP couldn't stop that. Seems a bit silly to blame him for something he didn't even do. Something you would know if you actually were interested instead of projecting.

So first that is a little bit of white privilege to not realize how lucky you are.
Not like PDP hasn't said a dozen times already that he is very aware of his position and how lucky he is. Something you would know if you actually were interested instead of projecting.

Then you are going to throw it all away because you can't avoid using the N-word.
Which has what, done twice and it has been over a year ago, but yes, keep on holding it against him when since he addressed taking measurements to avoid doing this, he actually avoided doing it ever since. He still brings this up as a reminder for himself from time to time in his video's, which means he took his lessons from it and is now incorporating it as an example of how not to do things. Something you would know if you actually were interested instead of projecting.

Rarely do i come across a view that i not only disagree with, but is also profoundly naive on an aggressive level. I have seen posters make naive statements, but not out of malice and that's fine. Nobody knows everything. But this is being angry at a guy without wanting to see the rest of the picture.

Honestly, what kind of post is this?

That was a live stream that was never broadcast on YouTube just FYI. Also he apologized sincerely. I'm willing to forgive him for saying a bad word one time while gaming. I mean another VERY successful Twitch streamer said the same thing (see Ninja). Yet he (the guy that is the top google result above actual ninjas) is on late night talk shows and has deals with HP and samsung. People choose these targets, its pretty obvious. Pewds is the biggest target on YouTube.
He has done it twice however but i just find it rather petty to still use this argument when the burden was accepted and people have moved on. To me it implies you don't really follow his content, yet you still feel compelled to criticize the man on what are now outdated grounds.

is anyone really surprised? it's only his rabid fanbase keeping him going.
I am part of that fanbase. Am i rabid in your eyes?

Well, as an example, he just raised almost £180k for children in India: https://www.gofundme.com/27bcfh44

What have you contributed to the world?
I was just going to put this in, but yeah, the charities Pew does hardly get recognition by the sites that blame him.

Isn't this what he always does when he's bored or the world isn't evolved around him?
No, you are simply letting negativity surrounding PDP (Much like these clickbait articles here) be the better of you. Or, if that assumption is incorrect (and by which i apologize): Then your question is disingenous.

Stir shit up, gets attention and more subs, apologizes and the process repeats...
So i take it you don't know his stuff. Admittely, to an outsider, a random PDP video is hard to discern whether it is geniune or not. You would be surprised to know that behind the character, there is also another guy named Felix.

Dude makes millions a year, right? Can’t he hire an aid that vets this kind of stuff?
Which would make a callout like he does far less spontaneous and much more unnatural. Besides, would we really need to know everything about a channel when the part he voiced support for is something that is completely different to the accusation made?

Pew is a douchebag so not surprising.
Horns is also a douchebag.*

*It does not really work when you don't explain why. So please, elaborate.**

**I do not think you are a douchebag.***

***I do think you have a bag somewhere at home though.

I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.
Except nobody is doing this. And if Kotaku did what the same? Making the same crappy call-out or what?


PDP has messed up in the past, but he done nothing wrong this time. I guess this non-controversy created by the Verge only brought more subs to PDP and the other channel.


This goes both ways and it's hard to make a call.

On one hand, with literally millions of people watching him just to catch him screw up, I doubt he's overtly trying to Trojan Horse Nazi shit into the mainstream.

On the other hand, he's kind of a major multimedia brand focused entirely on himself and he doesn't seem to take even basic responsibility or do simple due diligence to research the things he promotes. That's pretty dangerous regardless of what he's blindly (or knowingly) sponsoring, and he's done it enough times now that it should be obvious he's never going to learn, or even try to.
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This goes both ways and it's hard to make a call.

On one hand, with literally millions of people watching him just to catch him screw up, I doubt he's overtly trying to Trojan Horse Nazi shit into the mainstream.

On the other hand, he's kind of a major multimedia brand focused entirely on himself and he doesn't seem to take even basic responsibility or do simple due diligence to research the things he promotes. That's pretty dangerous regardless of what he's blindly (or knowingly) sponsoring, and he's done it enough times now that it should be obvious he's never going to learn, or even try to.

Eh its all jokes so if you have issues with that you better now go after every stand up comedian ever making jokes about ww2 or nazis.
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Philip DeFranco showed PewDiePie's response in a video already that was basically he was recommending the channel based off of a single video he had seen and liked. I feel like it was just poor research beyond the single video he saw more than pushing a Nazi agenda.

That's a simple mistake but nonetheless a big one for someone with the biggest channels on YouTube and has also had controversy before; I personally research what I share on Facebook and I'm only sharing that stuff to a few hundred people... PewDiePie is millions.


Mel Brooks would disagree with you. Do you know how to make Nazis less relevant? You make them the butt of jokes instead of the boogeyman in your closet. And with how fabulous they dressed, they know a lot about being in closets.

I agree with everything you say, but "6 million" isn't taking the piss out of Nazis (the actual ones). It's making fun of their victims.
Posting that joke on this forum is not a decent thing to do IMHO.
From a comedic standpoint, they are such a lame, low hanging fruit anyways.

I love that GAF offers a wide variety of opinions and hate these "I'm offended" losers on ERA as much as the next guy, but Holocaust jokes should remain off limits.
Everyone who is against globalism, the Marxist doctrine, and the political correctness movement is a Nazi in 2018. Also, being a right-wing person automatically makes you a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. That's how crazy the world is today.
I agree with everything you say, but "6 million" isn't taking the piss out of Nazis (the actual ones). It's making fun of their victims.
It wasn't. I can explain it to you if you want. And given the (predictable) response, it also works double duty as a satirical commentary on Pewdiepie's detractors. I hope you've enjoyed being an unwitting pawn in my clever ruse.

Posting that joke on this forum is not a decent thing to do IMHO.
Too soon?

From a comedic standpoint, they are such a lame, low hanging fruit anyways.
I always find that the best comedic advice comes from people with no sense of humor.

I love that GAF offers a wide variety of opinions and hate these "I'm offended" losers on ERA as much as the next guy, but Holocaust jokes should remain off limits.
Who made you Judge Judy and executioner?


Nah. E;R is funny as fuck. I really do not understand why every thing that has a differing opinion is bad or is a Nazi. If people dont agree with something then that is their right. But to slander them and call them “Nazis” is just dumb. It feels like if i like something that someone else doesn’t i become the worst thing ever. The problem that I see going forward is that people have tied their political beliefs to there litteral character, and any thing that goes against their political beliefs is an attack on them. I do not agree with how things are going but i am powerless to stop people from feeling a certain way. To me this just feels like anther attack on PDP because he is a big target, and these people will go to any langeths to bring him down.
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