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PewDiePie in Hot Water Again After Recommending a Known Hate Group's YouTube Channel.


PDP...man, I remember disliking his screaming brand of nonsense a lot, but ever since the first nazigate I like him more and more. He fucks with the media uberfucks so nicely. And the cool thing is, his viewership grows so more and more people can actually see for themselves that he is obviously not a nazi or anything like that, and that media really are in for it for clicks only.


Pew is a douchebag so not surprising. I like how the same people who excuse this as nothing would be raging if a game journalist especially if Kotaku did the same.

No, I wouldn't rage if Kotaku recommended the same channel. Pewd's recommended about 28 channels. I don't have time in my life to search through 2000 videos just to try and sling shit at somebody. Whoever did have the time has no fucking life.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Sounds like your job, not some sort of charity work.

Yes is my work ( I am blessed with my profession) and of course i can help the people... for me the best payment that I can make patients is the appreciation and the fact to help them in their illnesses.


what has he contributed to the world?

I know little of PDP in general, and I am puzzled by a lot of the noise I've heard about these Nazi jokes. Is PDP joking different about Nazi / Holocaust, than say, the type of jokes you'll hear on a show like Always Sunny in Philly, Rick & Morty or South Park?

Xaero Gravity

To save the people of amputations in its members for complications such as diabetes, infections, Isquemia, etc.
Be in the operating room for Peritonitis, appendicitis, sharp wounds or Cholecystectomies.
See more than 25 people every day by different clinic cases.
Be on guard every 3 day in more than 50 hours of work even saturday and sunday.
Be in Emergency Room in night for clinic cases.
Careful man, don't want you slipping and falling off that pedestal of yours.


I know little of PDP in general, and I am puzzled by a lot of the noise I've heard about these Nazi jokes. Is PDP joking different about Nazi / Holocaust, than say, the type of jokes you'll hear on a show like Always Sunny in Philly, Rick & Morty or South Park?
He's famous for ridiculing Fiver by using it to have two Indiabros hold up a "DEATH TO JEWS" sign. He's mockingly included Nazi references in follow-up videos because he's a troll, and that's what trolls do. He also dropped an n-bomb streaming PUBG, which obviously upset a lot of people, and made him perpetually horrible for them.

I get the impression he does what he does (minus the n-bomb) for shits and giggles, and I'm sure he's stated as much on multiple occasions. It's incredibly easy, they always take the bait, and most importantly have repeatedly failed to de-platform him. To be frank, that's gotta feel amazing.

I don't buy into the idea that he's a Nazi,, a Nazi sympathizer, or a White Supremacist. I do think he's (willfully?) ignorant to the fact that a certain percentage of his viewership will see these jokes and think they're appropriate to make in real life because their favorite YouTuber does it.

He has never struck me as a malicious or hateful individual. I look at him and see a 29-year old manchild who caught lightning in a bottle, resulting in fuck you money and a laisser-faire attitude. He doesn't need to give a fuck at this point, as he can stop generating income tomorrow and live out the rest of his days comfortably.
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c'mon man.
I know it's just a joke and I'm not saying you are a Nazi, but holocaust jokes simply aren't funny plus they give this site a bad name.
Dude It’s a joke lol. People here frequntly discuss games that allow simulated mass murders. A joke about a 7 decade old atrocity isn’t going to cause anyone to bat an eye at the forums.
1) not a hate group

2) not in hot water, only in fantasy media land. The vast majority do not trust or care about the fake news media.
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E;R is hilarious. Great edgy humor that pissed off Steven Universe fans because it compares the Gems to Nazis and calls them rapists.

this has nothing to do with anything but steven universe is fucking terrible. i saw it once and jesus christ its bad. anyway on to my opinions

who fucking cares. i hate this nanny shit where when one person does something everyone flocks to it. i cant fucking stand how gossipy everyone is
Why have they targeted him of all people?

He's a BIG target, and he has genuinely screwed up before. He owned his mistakes and apologized, but that's not enough for a lot of people. To be fair, his largest screw up was pretty darn big. He called a character in a game the N-word out of frustration, and then immediately defended his action afterward. After he calmed down, he did agree that was awful and that he didn't want to be that kind of person. I chalk some of it up to him being foreign, and a bit more removed from the kind of racism the US has seen, but it really was bad.

I know a fair amount of people here hate PC culture, but there is a line, right? I would hope most of us would agree saying something like that absolutely warranted an apology, and the people who don't want to hear him using racial slurs like that aren't just "SJWs"


Nah. E;R is funny as fuck. I really do not understand why every thing that has a differing opinion is bad or is a Nazi. If people dont agree with something then that is their right. But to slander them and call them “Nazis” is just dumb. It feels like if i like something that someone else doesn’t i become the worst thing ever. The problem that I see going forward is that people have tied their political beliefs to there litteral character, and any thing that goes against their political beliefs is an attack on them. I do not agree with how things are going but i am powerless to stop people from feeling a certain way. To me this just feels like anther attack on PDP because he is a big target, and these people will go to any langeths to bring him down.

I've been following E;R for a while now, and its pretty funny how the accuser site took his Nazi humour seriously. He makes great points in most of his videos, especially Steven Universe ones.
I've been following E;R for a while now, and its pretty funny how the accuser site took his Nazi humour seriously. He makes great points in most of his videos, especially Steven Universe ones.

Never heard of E;R until I saw this the other day, and it does suggest there might be more to his Nazi / Jewish humor. That's unfortunate if true.

See also this bit at the end. That bit from an actual white supremacist site is especially sad, and the existence of things like that make it easier for people to think "dogwhistles" and "I know what your jokes really mean" which just poisons things even more.


PDP...man, I remember disliking his screaming brand of nonsense a lot, but ever since the first nazigate I like him more and more. He fucks with the media uberfucks so nicely. And the cool thing is, his viewership grows so more and more people can actually see for themselves that he is obviously not a nazi or anything like that, and that media really are in for it for clicks only.

to be honest.. I did not really get the outrage over his Fiver stunt.
Testing how far u can go on Fiverr.. Getting Jezus to say ''Hitler did not nothing wrong''
lol its funny coz u can pay 5 bucks for someone dressed up as Jezus to say that on their platform. But it got him in to much trouble..

But yea lately hes been just true to himself and I love that his audience has grown and more and people who first hated him like him now
He's a BIG target, and he has genuinely screwed up before. He owned his mistakes and apologized, but that's not enough for a lot of people. To be fair, his largest screw up was pretty darn big. He called a character in a game the N-word out of frustration, and then immediately defended his action afterward. After he calmed down, he did agree that was awful and that he didn't want to be that kind of person. I chalk some of it up to him being foreign, and a bit more removed from the kind of racism the US has seen, but it really was bad.

I know a fair amount of people here hate PC culture, but there is a line, right? I would hope most of us would agree saying something like that absolutely warranted an apology, and the people who don't want to hear him using racial slurs like that aren't just "SJWs"

Oh yeah, I forgot about him dropping the N-word.

He should have apologized yeah but that's what he did, I don't understand the lack of forgiveness SJWs have, people make mistakes and do stupid shit.


He's a BIG target, and he has genuinely screwed up before. He owned his mistakes and apologized, but that's not enough for a lot of people. To be fair, his largest screw up was pretty darn big. He called a character in a game the N-word out of frustration, and then immediately defended his action afterward. After he calmed down, he did agree that was awful and that he didn't want to be that kind of person. I chalk some of it up to him being foreign, and a bit more removed from the kind of racism the US has seen, but it really was bad.

I know a fair amount of people here hate PC culture, but there is a line, right? I would hope most of us would agree saying something like that absolutely warranted an apology, and the people who don't want to hear him using racial slurs like that aren't just "SJWs"

Lol he only cared because of financial income and probably youtube policy's which are based around US value's. In his country probably nobody gives a shit.

EU is different then the US it doesn't share its culture and never will. The only thing it brings is there movies and music and frankly it doesn't help them at all with 9 out of the 10 singers saying the n word every 2 seconds in there music.

Saying the n word has little to no meaning here. You could stand in the middle of the city and say the word "neger" which is the dutch term for the n word and nobody gives 2 shits.

The N word only has meaning to people that specifically got teached it has meaning. Which here it doesn't happen at all. You say neger and people will think most likely at food.

When i grew up i was eating this: ( translation : nigger kisses )


While being dressed up like this:


I can totally see where he comes from. And frankly it's impossible to even discuss this subject with US people because they are so brainwashed by giving words idiotic meaning that no matter how hard you try it's useless.

He probably also didn't wanted to lose his US sponsors and US subscriptions which result him to apologize. I am 100% sure he didn't give a shit back then, and didn't give 2 cents about it now.

Now with large stakes going on in the internet space and giant firms making hella money that all lives in a bubble of good faith that can explode at any time for any reason, everybody needs to censure and dictate what people say in order to not get even the slightest negative association with them any way which could reduce there sponsoring and money income etc and eventually the downfall of there platform.

Freedom on the internet is no longer a thing, it becomes worse and worse year after year. And that's also why you see a lot of people making "mistakes" because they simple are in between a shift of cultures that they have no connection with.
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Oh wow Danny O'Dwyer, as good a work as he does, really is a sanctimonious brainwashed moron, what a shame. Comparing PDP to literal baby pedophile..

What a hypocritical cunt, now with protected twitter.

I knew he was a fuckhead when he cheered for women losing their jobs when grid girls were disbanded, that was the time I canceled my patreon support of noclip. But this is something else.
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The Alien

There are also a few articles out these about an UbiSoft employee calling for PeeDewPie "to end" aka blacklist.

She was sr o offended that she set up s Patreon. 🤔😒
Philip DeFranco showed PewDiePie's response in a video already that was basically he was recommending the channel based off of a single video he had seen and liked. I feel like it was just poor research beyond the single video he saw more than pushing a Nazi agenda.

I only wish everyone got as much benefit of the doubt as known racists.


i don't even care about PewDiePie but what the fuck is wrong with you people ? why you have to be overly-fucking-sensitive about every fucking thing ?, i thought you people wanted "FREE SPEECH", or is it just "free" speech about your agenda ?
What do you mean "you people"



I only wish everyone got as much benefit of the doubt as known racists.
Maybe if left fanboys stopped throwing that word around so causally at anyone they disagree with, people would stop seconguessing their motives when they cry wolf
Oh wow Danny O'Dwyer, as good a work as he does, really is a sanctimonious brainwashed moron, what a shame. Comparing PDP to literal baby pedophile..

What a hypocritical cunt, now with protected twitter.

I knew he was a fuckhead when he cheered for women losing their jobs when grid girls were disbanded, that was the time I canceled my patreon support of noclip. But this is something else.

Another brainless npc jumping on the latest witch hunt for sum clickbait views
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ITT - somehow Holocaust jokes are OK with some GAF members. It's NOT ok.
Depending of the joke and the context a joke can be mean spirited or harmless
Besides pdp did not recommend a video where they play a holocaust joke

Recognize this tool by any chance?


I used to watch E:R content but stopped because even he Started to make me uncomfortable. That takes a lot. Their comes a point where you start living the gimmick...

But here's the thing. E:R content is really good and unless you are used to alt right lingo or watch certain videos, you would have no idea about E:R incredibly retarded political ideas. I don't think PDP inserted E:R to convert kids or whatever nonsense the verge and other leftists are spewing, I think he inserted E:R because he made, by far the best video skewering Netflix death note I saw anywhere online.

It's a shame, because I think E:R is talented as hell. I thought his Steven universe critique comparing fusion to sexual assault was inspired, but yeah...he is a fucking idiot. I'm glad PDP edited his video.


ITT - somehow Holocaust jokes are OK with some GAF members. It's NOT ok.
And what makes you the paragon of what is said and what is laughed at? I laughed at the end of E;R video about the Gems, does that make me a bad person now? How do you desided what is “NOT ok”. Like the poster above me stated. Context matters.


I used to watch E:R content but stopped because even he Started to make me uncomfortable. That takes a lot. Their comes a point where you start living the gimmick...

But here's the thing. E:R content is really good and unless you are used to alt right lingo or watch certain videos, you would have no idea about E:R incredibly retarded political ideas. I don't think PDP inserted E:R to convert kids or whatever nonsense the verge and other leftists are spewing, I think he inserted E:R because he made, by far the best video skewering Netflix death note I saw anywhere online.

It's a shame, because I think E:R is talented as hell. I thought his Steven universe critique comparing fusion to sexual assault was inspired, but yeah...he is a fucking idiot. I'm glad PDP edited his video.
Man his stuff about Kora was fucking spot on. And the video about the Death Note movie was fucking on point. God that movie was dumb.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Dude... wtf? That's creepy as shit.
Its tradition. Also, Nigger Kisses lost their name a few years ago because.... it was deemed offensive.

But Jodenkoeken (Jew Cookies) are totally fine still.

Its also not creepy, but i can imagine it is for anyone unfamiliar with the tradition.

ITT - somehow Holocaust jokes are OK with some GAF members. It's NOT ok.
  • If its wrapped in a cuddly package, its okay.
  • If it is presented as a burn <- (hey look, also a bad pun about it!) it is okay.
  • If it is presented as a quip - Eh, it might be okay.
  • If you are geniune - Oh hell nah.
There is a thin line between a successive joke and a blatantly obvious intent that its meant to be humorous and satirical and a terrible comment regarding the holocaust. Not many possess the skill to change that.

Everything can be joked about. I love black humor and probably if you stay a day with me (or someone like me) you are going to cry :p
''I love black humor''

''I love black''

''I love''



Yeaaappp, that's a racist sunofabich rigt there! Get em Rednecks, this pigeon flew a little too close to the cuckoo sun! Yeehaw!!!


Gold Member
''I love black humor''

''I love black''

''I love''



Yeaaappp, that's a racist sunofabich rigt there! Get em Rednecks, this pigeon flew a little too close to the cuckoo sun! Yeehaw!!!

I think it was a dog whistle... I should know, I am an expert! Woof!
He is big, CIS, blonde haired, blue eyed and speaks that language close enough to them nazis!

Yeah, I hate to say it but I can only assume it's because people have a literally racist attitude about him.

Not to mention that he's a gamer of course, so he's like, everything the left hates rolled into one.
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