Nope, I'm online right now.Servers are down for everyone else too right?
Nope, I'm online right now.Servers are down for everyone else too right?
I'd like to remind mew players that you can still join the NeoGAF team on Ship2, since we have around 40 slots left.
The colors are item types - hunter weapons and gunslashes are orange, ranger weapons blue, force weapons yellow, armors (units) violet and rare weapons are all red. Rarity is shown as stars, with 1being the lowest and 9 the highest.Can't have enough legendary pokemons in NeoGAF team haha. Anyways, how do you tell what the rarity of an item is? Like, what are the ranking colors for them. I've gotten some purple and one gold colored item, so I guess that's rarer than green right?
The colors are item types - hunter weapons and gunslashes are orange, ranger weapons blue, force weapons yellow, armors (units) violet and rare weapons are all red. Rarity is shown as stars, with 1being the lowest and 9 the highest.
I'm interested, thanks for the heads up!I'd like to remind mew players that you can still join the NeoGAF team on Ship2, since we have around 40 slots left.
Yeah, I'm using it. It's pretty awesome. Menus, NPC names, enemy names, item abilities, and basic info for quest/matter board objectives are all translated. NPC dialogue and all the server side stuff (item names) are not translated.Aw, I thought they were rare Items, since I rarely saw other colored Items. Also, thanks for the info on Emergency Missions. I got 3 levels out of them and some ok armor and weapons. I could've gotten more but like I said yesterday, I had to work.
I also meant to ask, Has any one here tried the english patch yet?
Yeah, I'm using it. It's pretty awesome. Menus, NPC names, enemy names, item abilities, and basic info for quest/matter board objectives are all translated. NPC dialogue and all the server side stuff (item names) are not translated.
Not even sure what strategy to use against the two cats besides bring more people. One is fine, two is just wtf? Managed to break the claws of the first one and was just getting ready to finish it when banther jumps in and starts filling the gaps in banshee's attacks ( basically the times you'd be free to get your hits in safely). Ugh, going to be a while before I can read them clearly.
I was considering buying more Arks Cash but then I remembered that I never saw it on my credit card statement. Anyone know what the charge looks like?
How should I get in contact to join the NeoGAF team on ship 2? I've never messaged anyone.
I bought some the week it went live and it just appeared on my statement today as 'E-PAYMENT SERVICE' with a 25p (UK here) commission charge.
Your post inspired me to check my account. My payment posted on Friday. I wonder if this delay will always occur?I bought some the week it went live and it just appeared on my statement today as 'E-PAYMENT SERVICE' with a 25p (UK here) commission charge.
I have some items that I have no clue what they do or are that I would love for anyone here to identify. The first was some kinda tusk looking thing that came in a yellow diamond and the second item has a box in the item description that also came from a yellow diamond. If pics are needed I will do my best to post them as I don't really know how to post pictures here yet.
There's a link to the guide in the OP. Post when you're online and I'll try to add you.How should I get in contact to join the NeoGAF team on ship 2? I've never messaged anyone.
The fat yellow diamonds are quest items. They only drop when you have an active quest and they stop dropping once you have the amount needed to complete the quest. You can end up with extras though because the game uses your inventory to determine when to stop dropping them. For example killing two enemies at the same time might give you an extra you don't really need or storing your quest items in the bank and then killing some enemies will also do the same.I have some items that I have no clue what they do or are that I would love for anyone here to identify. The first was some kinda tusk looking thing that came in a yellow diamond and the second item has a box in the item description that also came from a yellow diamond. If pics are needed I will do my best to post them as I don't really know how to post pictures here yet.
The fat yellow diamonds are quest items. They only drop when you have an active quest and they stop dropping once you have the amount needed to complete the quest. You can end up with extras though because the game uses your inventory to determine when to stop dropping them. For example killing two enemies at the same time might give you an extra you don't really need or storing your quest items in the bank and then killing some enemies will also do the same.
If you want to identify which quest they're tied to you can flip back and forth between your inventory and your quest list. Once you know which quest it is tied to you can look it up on the spreadsheet to get more info such as who drops the item.
Here's the rest of the item color coding scheme:
- Normal weapons are either orange (Hunter weapon or gunslash), yellow (Force), or blue (Ranger)
- Armor is purple
- Consumables and other special items are fat green boxes. Recovery items, accessory tickets, monogrinders, synthesizers, mag food items, telepipes, etc... all fall under this category
- Techniques (spells) and Photon Arts (weapon special attacks) are green CD's
- Furniture is a fat pink diamond
- Quest items are fat yellow diamonds
- Money is a yellow diamond
- Matter Board items are shiny gold drops with various shapes. They can be in the shape of weapons, armor, or just fat gold boxes
- Rare weapons are shiny dark red drops. If they come in a fat dark red box you have to visit the tekker in the shopping level to identify it
Weapons and units have stat requirements, so you'll have to check if you're strong enough to equip them in the first place.I like how you call the Diamonds fat. Anyways, I've gotton some weapons from red dark chest before but I can't seem to weld it, and when I go to the tekker, it says I have no weapon to Identify, yet I see it in my inventory. I've also gotten a Matter Board weapon, but it was a real weak weapon so I just sold it.
I think it's extremely hard to get a lot of money in the game without using My Shop. With it, it's another story. I can make around 30-200k per day just by logging in and doing the FUN scratch. Having a premium account nets you pretty good amount of points every day + you can get up to 100 every day giving good job to people on your friend list.Okay, what do you guys do for money? I want to buy some outfits for my female newman Force, but some of the outfits are in the millions, and I don't play the game that much! It's also kinda frustrating that from what I can tell, the male equivalent outfits aren't as expensive.
And man, I'm still only at level 26. This climb to lvl 30 is soooooooo slow.
Okay, what do you guys do for money? I want to buy some outfits for my female newman Force, but some of the outfits are in the millions, and I don't play the game that much! It's also kinda frustrating that from what I can tell, the male equivalent outfits aren't as expensive.
And man, I'm still only at level 26. This climb to lvl 30 is soooooooo slow.
This is pretty much the only option if you don't want to spend real cash on a My Shop pass. I'd also like to add that Emergency Quest also come in very handy when grinding for money. If you jump in at the start with a good group and just run to the Multi Party Area you can get +200k in an hour.Keep in mind im a force, have never used a healing item to date and I'm level 31.
I pick up everything i see, bank everything when full and sell everything after each mission for money. No lie, when I do a good run its about 30-40k in 20 min. I'm a male force and have been able to afford everything I want and more so.
This is the most useful PSO2 related piece of information I've seen in weeks. Thanks a ton for the link, added it to the OP.Follow the Emergency Quest bot on Twitter and try to jump online whenever you see the announcement for your ship. It tweets the announcements ~15 minutes before the quest starts.
How can you not feed mag with 3-5 star weapons?! That's blasphemy D:I'm close to 5 million now. I only feed my mag 1-2* weapons (Keii would disagree)
How can you not feed mag with 3-5 star weapons?! That's blasphemy D:
According to that twitter bot, there were no emergency quests on ship 2 today. Sad face.
Nothing? You do know that the Mag doesn't use any of its abilities if it's at 0% energy, right?My mag got whatever I had lying around regardless of star rating. Right now it gets nothing because it's at 150.