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Phantasy Star Online 2 Import |OT2| Item Names in English!


From the Bumped livestream 18 recap:

Ranger Buffs
  • Pausing after dive rolls reduced.
  • Adjusted the speed it takes between the firing stance and shooting the weapon.
  • Bullet spread (firing accuracy) improves for normal attacks while moving.
  • PA One Point’s bullet spread (firing accuracy) improved.
  • Reduced PP consumption and increased power for some PAs


Oh it goes much deeper than that, ranger is the start. There is also a whole new divsison in the dev team for balance it took them nearly 2 year to get there
It will be shaking out within 3 to 6 months.


So I tried to sign up for the English Beta, but I cannot download the client because it is a Torrent file. I'm on a college campus and torrenting is blocked. Is there a way I could download the beta still?
Class balance is great and all, but could we get some quest variety? Please? I mean seriously, come on. I would gladly give up changes for the classes if it meant that there could be more things to do.

Or at least some new TA quests to run . _.
Ones that don't require chaining enemies like nab1/2 also please.
I don't even care if theres no TACOs for it.
The gimmick TAs are the best what are you talking about.

Oh no, thats not what I meant at all. I personally love both of the Nab TAs. What I mean is that if you're like me and actually run TAs competitively for low times:
Trying to do things like this....
Only results in being able to do this....

Because latency plays a huge factor in competitive TA'ing once you reach this level. Which unfortunately can lock us out of doing things that the Japanese can do. It's the worst in Nab2, manageable in Nab1, only required once in Lilipa, and not a significant issue in Amdu/Altar. There are ways to get around it but, especially in Nab2, we lose a fairly sizable amount of time. Which is why TAs like Lilipa, Amdu (but amdu is the worst everyone hates it), and Altar are so friendly to non-JP players.

I could probably explain in greater detail what's going on in the two videos and what it all means if anyone cares.
Here's a tutorial Yumi made on how to do just about every kind of dash. And now onto the wall of text explanation.

The way enemies are handled is a bit weird. Everything is handled server-side from what I can tell. In most MPAs enemies will be in the same location for every player with occasional desyncs on smaller stuff due to... whatever reason. However in quests like Tower Defense and TAs the enemies positions and movements are always in sync between clients for obvious reasons.

Now the way things work in TA quests (again to the best of my knowledge/memory) is that enemies spawn all at once in sets. More on this in a bit.

For example, every enemy that spawns in the first room of Nab2 starts off already there, but invisible. And the way they spawn is through you killing whatever group precedes their spawning. Which works like this:
- Kill all of either the oodans or gulfs --> Birds spawn
- Kill all of oodans, gulfs, birds --> zaoodan and fongulfs spawn
- Kill all of either zaoodan or fongulfs --> Garangos spawn
- Kill everything --> gates open
This same sort of thing applies to just about every TA in which X enemy is spawned after defeat of Y enemy. Nab1's room with the 4 teleporters, just about every robot spawn in Lilipa, Nab2's area 5, and many more.

Now what makes Nab2 unique is that every enemy for the first room starts off "existing" and waiting for their turn. And the place they inhabit while in their non-spawned state is the area around the center of the map. So once it's their turn to spawn properly they briefly become targetable, and (this is the important part) killable in the center of the map before they are whisked away to their respective "visible" spawn points where they behave like most people expect them to.

So here is the goal for the first room of Nab2: After killing the oodans and gulfs at the very start, use a strong move that will oneshot every single subsequent spawn all at once during that brief moment before the enemies are moved to their proper location and where they can be killed and are all existing in a single localized area. I guess you could also phrase it as "Kill every enemy before they spawn as they spawn" And as you can imagine, the timing for this is incredibly tight and heavily reliant on your latency to the servers.

This is what we call chaining, in English, or reskill (Respawn Kill) if you're Japanese. It's something you've probably noticed from time to time where you mysteriously kill multiple enemies in one move that logically shouldn't have necessarily happened. And each chain has a different timing, some are slower, some are faster, it all just depends.

What the foreigners are most familiar with are chaining with foie, rafoie, ilfoie, cluster bullet, additional bullet, basically any move that has some AOE and lasting duration of more than a moment. However, Japanese can chain with moves that we can't with. Assault Buster, Heavenly Fall, Backhand Smash, Rodeo Drive, Namegid, the list goes on. Their options are far more varied and convenient than ours.

Now in an attempt to wrap this wall of text up, here's the quick rundown of what happens in the first room of Nab2 for the two videos:
The Japanese FO (named Bob) zondeels together the first wave, kills them all with ilfoie. That same ilfoie has a wide enough radius, lasts long enough, and does enough damage to subsequently kill every bird, zaoodan, fongulf, and garongo, in order within moments of their spawning because as stated before, they all originate from roughly the same area in the middle of the map.
Now when I tried to do the same thing, the birds did not get hit and die (as a result, me missing that last oodan was irrelevant since I couldn't kill birds). While it was not in the recording, had I attempted to do the same thing but for zaoodan/fongulf to garongo chain, i would have gotten it. Because of latency and respawn timer differences.

And this is all because of latency. It's weird and it sucks and its the best thing and its the worst thing.

And finally, very quickly. The way Bob was killing those bosses so fast was using a bow with T-atk (in this case Vibras Bow), shooting Banish Arrow at the bosses' weakpoint, then hitting the boss with a strong spell (nafoie for rockbear and fang, ilbarta for ragne) so that once Banish Arrow exploded it would do a ton of damage.


Saint Nic
Running Tweaker, I get this:

Program started...
Program opened successfully! Version [OK!]
Checking for updates, please wait a moment...
Downloading Update...
ERROR - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Loading sidebar page...
Checking for PSO2 Updates... Done!
Checking for updates to patches...
Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed
Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed
Current Large Files version is: 2014_03_06_largefiles
If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them.

Any clue what the error is?
Who's going to be checking the .SEA version? I know a bunch of people will probably stay in the JP one but there should be a few of us who intend to play an English native version of the game.


Running Tweaker, I get this:

Program started...
Program opened successfully! Version [OK!]
Checking for updates, please wait a moment...
Downloading Update...
ERROR - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Loading sidebar page...
Checking for PSO2 Updates... Done!
Checking for updates to patches...
Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed
Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed
Current Large Files version is: 2014_03_06_largefiles
If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them.

Any clue what the error is?

Getting the same error, too. Please help. I'm currently trying to install the story patch and then manually opening the file. It just need some time to download the file.
Who's going to be checking the .SEA version? I know a bunch of people will probably stay in the JP one but there should be a few of us who intend to play an English native version of the game.

I might switch to that one. I only played my JP account in small bursts since beta and have no where near the amount of time put into it as some others. Depending on the events they get and what not.
SEA is region locked. Will need a vpn.

Not that there was ever any reason to play on SEA when you've got the Japanese servers right there and wide open.

I was actually afraid of the Japanese servers going behind a region lock once this launched. Good to see it's the reverse of my fears.
SEA is region locked. Will need a vpn.

Need source for that info, didn't see it anywhere so far.

(At work and on my crappy phone right now so can't actually check)

edit: got home and dug around, still no official statement and until they actual say IP block and act on it it's fair game still.
I saw that but can't take it official yet, it's not on their main website. Only when people actually try and there is an IP block in place then I'll believe. Played too many MMO's over the years where the publisher said they'll block but there was none.


It's Asiasoft. Don't forget their Ragnarok Online II debacle.

Personally I'm from Singapore...but I'm rather wary of Asiasoft and using their services again.

They got a real tendency to kill off some of my favourite titles in favour of their big buck titles MaplestorySEA and Sudden Attack SEA

Still hurting from the closure of KongKongSEA and GrandChaseSEA (server closed on April 15th, which hurts more as it was my birthday ;_;)


A person under the username of Eclward@Sega posted a message earlier on the pso-world forums, the title read 'The Current State of PSO2', with the subject matter as follows...

Hello everyone. It's been quite a while and now that I am at liberty to do so, there are some things I would like to share.

Being an official public relations rep with Sega put severe restrictions on what I could and could not say, and it was very upsetting to be assigned the task of monitoring this forum and listening to the frustration of you all, the fans and being more or less obligated to respond only with variations of the same response. But it's important for you all to know that during this time, I really *DID* compile and present your collective posts albeit they ultimately fell on deaf ears. Although I am no longer employed by SEGA (having willfully resigned to move on to different opportunities) I was still legally required to refrain from divulging information pertinent to the game that was not already cleared to be released for a specific length of time; this has since lapsed and now I am free to speak to you without fear of legal reprisal.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is *NOT* going to be released in the West. It is not simply being delayed; it is in fact, cancelled.

The reason for this is that projected sales and profit margins are miniscule in comparison to those projected (and ultimately fulfilled, exceeded even) in Asian territories.The cost effectiveness of creating and maintaining official servers to provide the PSO2 service to such a comparatively small (although avid, especially from my experience in the forums) just isn't deemed to be worthwhile when those resources are better concentrated where there is more money to be made.

Although I do believe that you all, the fans deserve to know that there is a specific reason why SEGA has neglected to publicly announce this, and it does bring quite a sense of relief to be able to tell it; while it IS true that PSO2 will not be localized to the West, there ARE plans to do so with some of the other Phantasy Star titles recently released, as well as ones to be released in the very near future. To openly publicize after so much media promotion of PSO2 that it has been decided NOT to deliver would be detrimental to the advertisement of these future games.

Again, I am truly sorry for having been obligated to withhold this information. It is my personal experience in the industry that it is ultimately you, the fans that are responsible for the successes of SEGA (or any company in the gaming industry for that matter.) With that being said, I hope to find that same sense of support over at NCSOFT (where I now work in Public Relations.)

Best of wishes to everyone!

Apparently the username is in reference to Edward@Sega, where this 'person' was a community manager for PSU. The same 'person' has an account on pso-world under a different username, EdwardAges.

EdwardAges may only have existed in a professional capacity. i.e. Public Relations. And upon being laid off, the entitlement to said account was no longer assumed. Who knows? But the topic of Edward@Sega being laid off was recently discussed on the Official Sega PSO2 Forum. Where it was confirmed that he had in fact been laid-off last year.

Looks like Edward@SEGA might have been let go when SEGA announced some layoffs last year 

The staff layoff announcement: (1/10/2013)

The last post from Edward on the forums was - 08-27-2013, 12:06 AM on the Godsrule forum.
His last forum activity date - 09-17-2013 11:48 PM

Also looking at the SEGA blogs page, most of the staff have been removed. Only clumsy an Kellie are now listed.

If this is true, I hope Ed wanted to go quietly. After all the PSU dramas he went through, I am sure there would be a load of people wanting to say goodbye to him! 

Anyone at SEGA able to comment?

He no longer works for SEGA, which I hope was on his own accord.

This was confirmed by Clumsy, as I sent him a PM a while ago wondering about Edward's inactivity.

The weirdest part about all of this, to me at least, is how Eclward@Sega ended 'his' post. He left to work in Public Relations at NCSOFT - where the same thing is being done to Blade and Soul right now.

According to the localisation team's linkedin profiles, a year or so was spent localising Blade and Soul before they had even announced a western release; only to have it put on hold after it had been announced in 2012 - probably fully localised by that point (pre-patch), and brushed under the rug as they say.

Troll or truth? Sad if true, that's for sure. :(

P.S. If somebody could create a thread regarding this, in the main Gaming forum, that'd be great. Thanks.

Edit: The Current State of PSO2 - PSO-World


A person under the username of Eclward@Sega posted a message earlier on the pso-world forums, the title read 'The Current State of PSO2', with the subject matter as follows...

Apparently the username is in reference to Edward@Sega, where this 'person' was a community manager for PSU. The same 'person' has an account on pso-world under a different username, EdwardAges.

EdwardAges may only have existed in a professional capacity. i.e. Public Relations. And upon being laid off, the entitlement to said account was no longer assumed. Who knows? But the topic of Edward@Sega being laid off was recently discussed on the Official Sega PSO2 Forum. Where it was confirmed that he had in fact been laid-off last year.

The weirdest part about all of this, to me at least, is how Eclward@Sega ended 'his' post. He left to work in Public Relations at NCSOFT - where the same thing is being done to Blade and Soul right now.

According to the localisation team's linkedin profiles, a year or so was spent localising Blade and Soul before they had even announced a western release; only to have it put on hold after it had been announced in 2012 - probably fully localised by that point (pre-patch), and brushed under the rug as they say.

Troll or truth? Sad if true, that's for sure. :(

P.S. If somebody could create a thread regarding this, in the main Gaming forum, that'd be great. Thanks.

Edit: The Current State of PSO2 - PSO-World
Post is fake but don't expect pso2. Sega NDAs the shit out of former employees. and Edward was let go months ago.


EDIT: Nevermind that, apparently they found it was a fake account.

Ouch, caught in the middle of my stealth edit. Thanks for the clarification.

As far as I know, there has been no confirmation as to whether the post is real or not. Just some people saying it's real and others saying it isn't. That's why the thread is still open at pso-world. Nobody knows right now.

Some people may say that the real 'Edward' would never do such a thing, or that Sega would never allow it. Truth is, we'll never be certain but personally I think the post is real. Although, I don't believe it is from the same employee known as 'Edward', but another one, using the name for the statement.

Frankly, it sounds about right. I mean, South-East Asia getting an English client before practically a whole continent of english speaking players (NA) is just odd. PSO2 is not coming. And if this is an example to go by, then Blade and Soul has followed the same fate. This is the end. Unless the fans somehow create a peak in interest and this gets covered by a significant number of publications, it's done. Gone. Forever.

That's Sega for you. People still thought Shenmue III was coming for the simple fact that Sega never confirms or denies anything, ever. PSO2 has gone the same fate.

To those who believe the post is fake and also believe the game is still coming; all I can say to you is keep waiting. Maybe when, in 2015 there is still no news, you'll get the message.
PS with the release of PSO2es, you can now directly buy AC without having to pay large amounts of money through a middleman since it uses Google Wallet.


Well, i downloaded the SEA client. Hopefully it is not region locked and i will be able to connect without going through VPN or any of that nonsense.


I just wish the translation was complete. Too much scattered japanese for me to fully enjoy the game. It is unfortunate, i really want to enjoy it.


Hey all! I just got my PSO2 JP client up and running, as well as my account activated.. About to make a character and got to the point when it tells me I can reference a friend so we can get shiz in-game? Anyone want me to use them as a referral here?
Hey all! I just got my PSO2 JP client up and running, as well as my account activated.. About to make a character and got to the point when it tells me I can reference a friend so we can get shiz in-game? Anyone want me to use them as a referral here?

You can use me if you want. What do you need?
Hey all! I just got my PSO2 JP client up and running, as well as my account activated.. About to make a character and got to the point when it tells me I can reference a friend so we can get shiz in-game? Anyone want me to use them as a referral here?
Got a huge list of referral codes and instructions for their use in the OP!
Do they purge accounts after a certain amount of inactivity? I'm just wondering because I don't want my character to be purged (so I'll be able to continue from where I left off when I come back).
Wow I never knew that there was a PSO2 OT on Gaf. I am KuronekoSayuri in the game if anyone might have seen me before.




Nice to meet everyone! ❤ ☆〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶

P.S. Bonus wild frog Rappy!

What the fuck...
Wow if I was playing the SEA version I would have dropped it like a bad habit.

I couldn't imagine going 100s of hours without a change of clothes.

Well it happened to me too but with a rare weapon I got yesterday in the Japanese version. Though I'm not too sure if it is just for certain stuff.


Logged in quickly to check who's on and stuff and... GAFfer detected.

Wow I never knew that there was a PSO2 OT on Gaf. I am KuronekoSayuri in the game if anyone might have seen me before.

Nice to meet everyone! ❤ ☆〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶
Ah I've definitely seen you around. I'm either on Garteal (65/65) or Kurisu (64/65); mostly on Kurisu though.

Well it happened to me too but with a rare weapon I got yesterday in the Japanese version. Though I'm not too sure if it is just for certain stuff.
Yeah, level 7 star and above weapons and units will be bound to your account. You can't trade it with other players anymore if you got premium, but you can still sell it.
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