This is kinda hypnotic and should nicely balance out the hormone-fueled posts above.
Lookit dat jiggle.
Source on this?
posted on previous page
dear lord when did it go so wrong
Ah, I figured they were going to attack from the rear but what the hell hugging had to do with it....yeah, I'm no military historian.
Crap, I need to post something funny *panics*
dear lord when did it go so wrong
Hector Salamanca is one of the few people who can successfully pull off the fedora look
I've actually just started watching Breaking Bad for the first time. Currently on season 3 and every time I hear that bell ding I get anxious.
also, when you're done, you have a ton of amazing comics to read: (DONT CLICK -- IT HAS SPOILERS)
My lord Zeus, these are's a link without stupid ads