Holy shit, i just noticed the floating head.
It's still not funny, and it still makes me sad to know that I'll never get to plunge my head between these two
There is 4000 posts to go. We aren't making to to OT6, Community killed this thread.
these cacti are so weird. the stuff that looks like grey hair seriously feels exactly like old person hair.
i also saw a cactus that had little penises growing out of it.
Tortoises are natural killing machines be glad they are slow in terrain.
White people. xD
Also, hose hound?
Pics that make you |OT6| Laught
I don't get it.
I'd like to eat her liver with some fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti.
ughhh what's going on in that drawing to the left... Those kids do not look happy.
This is more disgusting than dogs wearing stockings.It's a blowgun.
This is more disgusting than dogs wearing stockings.