you know you're old when candy cigarettes were still around when you were a kid
Haha! Guilty as charged. Although we do still have these liquorice pipes in Finland.

you know you're old when candy cigarettes were still around when you were a kid
Are you talking about the ones that were endorsed by know you're old when candy cigarettes were still around when you were a kid
you know you're old when candy cigarettes were still around when you were a kid
you know you're old when candy cigarettes were still around when you were a kid
Haha! Guilty as charged. Although we do still have these liquorice pipes in Finland.
Yeah lakridspiber aww yisss. There was fear of the EU banning them recently so people went nuts and bought way too many of them.
Wha? That is the only way to truly enjoy them!We had them with chocolate inside too. I was a dumb ass kid and ate the paper around it too.
Even our politicians started sucking on those great things
just cozying up for bedtime. see you guys tomorrow morni-
Hi GAF boobs!
And I don't even like doge.
I always wonder why the frog is not strong enough to get out of the plant. I mean should she be able to push the plant away? There is not a lot of resistance probably.
just cozying up for bedtime. see you guys tomorrow morni-
rip Clydefrog
Übermatik;88949098 said:he will not be missed
thanks doge
How do you know it's a girl frog?
I'm french, frogs are female by default, we only use he if we know the sex.
"Une Grenouille" so I always get caught writing in French but in english.
Its the same in Spanish.
I always wonder why the frog is not strong enough to get out of the plant. I mean should she be able to push the plant away? There is not a lot of resistance probably.