This is so bad that becomes good.
Fucking :lol[IMG]
This is so bad that becomes good.
Someone get Zone-Sama on the phone.
I like how Rey falls into off topic and disappears.
EDIT: He doesn't anymore HAHAHA!
Eww gross.
How did the spider grow so big?
Übermatik;92087029 said:Fucking :lol
Who is Zone-Sama?
Eww gross.
How did the spider grow so big?
I like how Rey falls into off topic and disappears.
EDIT: He doesn't anymore HAHAHA!
Could be funnier if he was falling into community.
She looks like Tom Baker.104 year old lady in my town on the front page of the news website right now...
they use this photo of her haha:
I guess she still likes Santy.
lolI laughed.