This doge is too cool for school.
Do you dream of being cool like this doge?

This doge is too cool for school.
I love that video.Why would you ask that?
A friend of my mother was attacked by her cat once. Disfigured her. She called the ambulance and when the ambulance got there, they arrested the husband because they thought it was him doing it.
A friend of my mother was attacked by her cat once. Disfigured her. She called the ambulance and when the ambulance got there, they arrested the husband because they thought it was him doing it.
Never forget, cats are dangerous beasts.
Why is your avatar wearing a bib?[IMG]
Why is yours wearing a stupid fucking hat?
Übermatik;92972206 said:Why is yours wearing a stupid fucking hat?
Why is your avatar wearing a bib?
We all know you like to role play Clydeit's a santa beard, you dumb fuck
Spider-Man looks so weird.
Look into your heart you know it to be true.
it doesn't even look like its attached to his's a santa beard, you dumb fuck
I randomly googled your username and this was the first pic to come up:
Marcus Phoenix approves!
grubs at 12 o' clock!
Jack, open this door!grubs at 12 o' clock!
That's definitely not because they rehearsed it.The guy's actually really good
That's definitely not because they rehearsed it.
The guy is also definitely not wearing skin colored shorts.
I had a cat once, and one time she jumped from the floor onto the kitchen table, landed perfectly centered in a pizza (I had opened the box two seconds earlier), panicked, did a burnout spreading cheese, tomato sauce and grease all over the apartment and topped it off by running around the place making greasy little paw prints on the hardwood floor. Couldn't hold it against her, though. Just doing her thing. It did, however, make me realize that there ought to be a risk of cats jumping onto the stove while you're cooking, since they don't know what's going on from their position on the floor. I was so scared of that happening after that.uggh I hate it when cats are being clumsy. Mine would fall off my desk and knock drinks and papers over, sometimes landing on my leg and scratching me.
I miss her though :/
I think that's from Beyblade.Haha! Source please?