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Pics that make you laugh |OT5| Origins

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Kills Photobucket
Honestly, they couldn't have cast it better. I tried to defeat their logic, but I couldn't. This picture is just perfect.

IF they were going to use Amy, doesn't it make more sense that she would be the Princess?

Not really since Fry and Leela are the couple as are Chono and Marle.
I had a cat once, and one time she jumped from the floor onto the kitchen table, landed perfectly centered in a pizza (I had opened the box two seconds earlier), panicked, did a burnout spreading cheese, tomato sauce and grease all over the apartment and topped it off by running around the place making greasy little paw prints on the hardwood floor. Couldn't hold it against her, though. Just doing her thing. It did, however, make me realize that there ought to be a risk of cats jumping onto the stove while you're cooking, since they don't know what's going on from their position on the floor. I was so scared of that happening after that.

Genuinely LOL.

Hahaha this .gif is so good, the guy waiting for a high-five, the girl giggling because her breast are bouncing, that bald guy screaming of excitement than closing his mouth like nothing happened and the one clapping and probably looking to the stadium screen were he and his friends are being showed.
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