There all dead anyway.
Spell check.
Well she did spell there correctly.
reminds me of this
I don't get this one.You were one?
Keep that shit in the creep threads pls.
How much info is in an egg? I would imagine it is very similar as you combine an XX or XY. So we start with 75 MB of data?
The egg (X) as the same amount of information (if we are talking DNA only) as an X sperm and a bit more than a Y sperm.
Though I don't know where they got that 37.5 MB number from. The current human genome reference file in FASTA format is almost 1 GB...
check "Human", release version 71
Apparently, I need to move to Ohio.
Yeah, I'd also like to know what being the worst at tornados is about. Like, I've lived here for almost four years and I've never experienced a tornado or heard about one doing damage out in the rest of the state, so...I guess we're pretty bad at them?