Can you romance the beetle
speaking of which, have they addressed whether romances are in or not?
I'm guessing not, but I'm still hoping![]()
speaking of which, have they addressed whether romances are in or not?
I'm guessing not, but I'm still hoping![]()
Can you romance the beetle
I would take any backer that wouldn't approve and strangle them.
Well, I didn't have any hopes regarding this, but it's still a bummer to know that romances are out.
Dealspawn: One of the things that came out of the Kickstarter pitch: no romances in the game. Was that something that was decided very early on?
Sawyer: We know that it takes a long time to write companions. Period. To write romances takes much, much longer. Romances are a very sensitive thing. It's hard enough to write good dialogue. Just two people talking like normal human beings is very hard.
It's very, very difficult to write romantic interactions between people that come across as believable and that develop in a way that also feels real and believable that you feel as genuine and you can get into. So we looked at that and said "we're making eight companions, it's going to be a real challenge to write all their stuff, and on top of that having enough romance across those companions to feel like we're covering all the options that people would want". Like I want to romance this guy, I want to have same sex stuff, or I want to do this or I want to do that.
I think it's worth taking seriously that people want to have the option of, like I want it with this guy...
But then, we're looking at that and that's a huge amount of work. So we talked about it and none of us thought that we could do that logistically. It's too much work. It was less about our personal preferences...
I mean, I'm not a super huge fan of romances but I think it would be fun to write them. I just think it would require a lot of time to do well. I don't like writing shitty dialogue. That's what I don't like doing. And I know if we rushed it, it would come across as being half-assed.
You can strangle me then. I think it was the right decision to avoid romances. I don't inherently hate the idea but it's not worth the resources to get it done right, and could very likely turn out terrible. More so if they feel forced to cater to everyone and have to create several romantic interests to accommodate this, further increasing the problem.
Before we get access to the beta, what class will your PC (as of now) be and why?
Monk. I always try out the monk class in rpgs. Punching and kicking enemies to death. Up close and personal. Plus, the wounds system sounds interesting.Before we get access to the beta, what class will your PC (as of now) be and why?
Before we get access to the beta, what class will your PC (as of now) be and why?
Before we get access to the beta, what class will your PC (as of now) be and why?
Before we get access to the beta, what class will your PC (as of now) be and why?
When we pledge, does Obsidian store your CC info with no option to delete it?
I'll just buy from GoG if that's the case.
Darren Monahan said:Nope. We use Stripe and PayPal for payment processing and they handle all of that kind of info. Stripe has a "remember me" option during checkout, but that's all handled on their servers.
I will probably be boring and go with a wizard.
I will probably be boring and go with a wizard.
Actually, I don't think there's really any dump stats in this game.
It's going to be a fun day of playing the beta tomorrow.It's going to be a fun day of streams and beta impressions tomorrow.
Romances were awesome in BG2 and PS:T. They added a lot of flavor to those games and made the characters in the game feel even more alive.Romances suck. I'm glad they are out.
It's going to be a fun day of playing the beta tomorrow.
I will not be streaming, but I pity the fools that are on my STEAM friends list. I will be spamming screens all over the place.Will you be streaming?
Do post your impressions here if you get a chance! Of course, if we don't hear from you for 24 hours we'll take it as a very positive sign that the game rocks.![]()
So who's going to be making the beta thread?
How much is the beta-key add on?
~75 bucks? (35 for pledge + x = 110 for lowest Kickerstar tier for beta-access)
"Meet the Beatles"
It's going to be a fun day of streams and beta impressions tomorrow.
Whoever it is better get the title right.
It's 'Meet the beetles'.
Whoever it is better get the title right.
It's 'Meet the beetles'. You got that thread person? You better.
Can't wait to play the beta and see if it's going to change my opinion on the no XP for killing things. Cause right now I'm super fucking butt hurt about it.
Really? I was super excited when he said it.
It's basically continuing on the XP system of the IE games - You earned some XP by killing stuff, but the XP from killing was very low, and it divided by six. You got the real XP from quests, which gave out a lot of XP over really anything, or killing dragons or other "boss" type stuff that could be categorized as sort of a quest. Removing the XP from kills further emphasizes these elements.
Oh no, it has spread to GAF.
This topic has been debated a lot...