I've just now finished setting up Planescape on my MacBook to run through a VM... Goodbye world. I'll be checking in here though to follow the updates. hehehe
I'm actually getting the PS:T itch as well. Good thing I always keep in installed just in case.
I have it on my desktop, but having it on the laptop will ensure that I'll finally finish it.I think I'll go create a let's play thread to have some companions in this trip, and also to discipline myself to play it to its conclusion...
"While there are social concepts of good and evil," he added, "the game does not track an alignment for the player. Instead we will use a reputation system to keep track of what different groups in the world think of you. Consequences of your actions will matter in Project Eternity."
Multiplayer isn't ruled out. "Interest?" Tim Cain mulled. "Yes, but not if it risks reducing the scope or quality of the single-player game in any way. Single-player gaming is our focus."
Oh, and Project Eternity "will have guns", Cain told me, "but we are not going into their details right now"
This game keep sounding better and better! Shit, I have to scrap some cash so that I can up my pledge...
Also, just relating to what was talked about earlier in this thread:
Oh, and Project Eternity "will have guns", Cain told me, "but we are not going into their details right now"
Guns?! WHY?!
Man, first said thing for me...
Guns can be a nice break from the regular weapons you expect to find. But, we shouldn't read too much into this - We don't know anything about them yet. For all we know they're like Forgotten Realm's gun - Rare and unwieldy in forms resembling hand-held cannons and such. They might be new "super-weapons" recently developed by some empire, so they appear only in hands of enemies. Man, there are a million cool things you could do with guns in a fantasy setting.
Guns?! WHY?!
Man, first said thing for me...
Guns?! WHY?!
Man, first said thing for me...
Guns ? Arcanum 2 indeed
"While there are social concepts of good and evil," he added, "the game does not track an alignment for the player. Instead we will use a reputation system to keep track of what different groups in the world think of you. Consequences of your actions will matter in Project Eternity."
I just spotted something interesting, don't know if it have been noticed in the thread (sorry if so):
A tweet of Avellone asked about the Onyx engine" and he answered: "No, we will not. We like the Onyx engine, but it'll likely be too expensive considering the middleware attachments."
I'm surprised, I thought it would be Onyx but I never considered the middleware costs. Makes you think about our perceived value of creating a game against the real deal.
So I don't know. Does Obsidian have other engines beside Onyx?"Those budget numbers are just right for what we are trying to make," Cain answered. "We have an engine already, and we aren't using an established IP with pre-defined game mechanics and an art style that we have to mimic.
It was posted before, last page I think. Right now I think Unity is the most popular bet regarding engine. But then again, in the Eurogamer interview Tim Cain said:
So I don't know. Does Obsidian have other engines beside Onyx?
Tim Cain is man who created Fallout 1 engine also he worked in team who created Arcanum engine. If they want to create 2D game they already have man for this job.
With a budget as limited as a Kickstarter project's I think they are going to modify an off the shelf solution like Unity to fit their purpose.
I would be happy if they would create Arcanum spiritual succesor.
It'd been buried there for centuries... a beautiful sight... its blade as black as onyx, and carved in ancient runework, and I held it in me hands, and it CALLED to me... The Bangellian Scourge... the most evil piece a' weaponry ever wielded by any soul in the land a' Arcanum. Legend says it was forged in the blood fires a' the Bangellian Deeps, and that virgins and children were thrown into the fire to keep it stoked...
BTW, If we're talking about breaking fantasy conventions, what I really want to see is a different take on fantasy music. Not that I don't like large orchestras playing dramatic music, it's just that I really want to see a game try for a different aproach. Less instruments, less dramatic, maybe less european. I'd love a game with music that sound like this for example.
With a budget as limited as a Kickstarter project's I think they are going to modify an off the shelf solution like Unity to fit their purpose.
Unity? Why would a big company such as Obsidian use Unity? Nothing wrong with it, but in my opinion this engine is for those game developers who can't create their own engine. And Obsidian has such manpower that they can make a new engine or use one of their old engines.
Arcanum's soundtrack is strictly western but if fits your other criteria.
I need another game with music like this. Preferably this game would.
Crazy-as-hell-suggestion: Who actually owns the rights to the Infinity Engine?So I don't know. Does Obsidian have other engines beside Onyx?
Manpower costs money. Building a new engine from scratch would eat up a *massive* chunk of their budget. Heck, possibly all of what they've raised thus far; I've only ever worked on iterative engines, so I don't really have a benchmark for the cost of starting from scratch, but a lot of work on the projects I worked on was done on the engine level.Unity? Why would a big company such as Obsidian use Unity? Nothing wrong with it, but in my opinion this engine is for those game developers who can't create their own engine. And Obsidian has such manpower that they can make a new engine or use one of their old engines.
I know, I played ArcanumOne of my favorite OSTs ever.
As for the engine - If TIm is reffering to Unity it's a little strange, because they didn't mention it before. When he says "we have an engine" it implies to me something internal. I'm guessing they're not going to create a whole new engine under this limited budget - I think maybe Avallone was wrong and they are using Onyx?
BioWare?Crazy-as-hell-suggestion: Who actually owns the rights to the Infinity Engine?
Tim Cain is man who created Fallout 1 engine also he worked in team who created Arcanum engine. If they want to create 2D game they already have man for this job.
Crazy-as-hell-suggestion: Who actually owns the rights to the Infinity Engine?
Unity is incredibly efficient to make games in, which is actually very helpful to lower budget products.Unity? Why would a big company such as Obsidian use Unity? Nothing wrong with it, but in my opinion this engine is for those game developers who can't create their own engine. And Obsidian has such manpower that they can make a new engine or use one of their old engines.
Crazy-as-hell-suggestion: Who actually owns the rights to the Infinity Engine?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_Engine said:BioWare used it again in the subsequent installments of the series, but also licensed the engine to Interplay's Black Isle Studios.
I'd much rather them use a modified Unity and focus our money on the more important details of the game.