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Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (Kickstarter) [Up: Teaser]

For a short moment I was tempted by the $110 digital tier and nudged my pledge to that tier. Then I reconsidered it and went back to where it was - $160 ($20 included for shipping). Does that make me a bad person?

Funny thing, I have this weird feeling of "not enough updates" right now. If only the project updates could come in sooner!

Edair might look generic, but who knows?

Old Lace

I know they're early in pre-production, but I wish we had a clearer picture of the character creation options. When the stretch goals say that we'll fund an extra race, it'd be nice to know how many we started with.


Perfect for me at this point would be a big-brother-esque daily show ( or live :p ) where we would follow the development of the game.

Boy am I a stalker!
But really I would pay for that...
I know they're early in pre-production, but I wish we had a clearer picture of the character creation options. When the stretch goals say that we'll fund an extra race, it'd be nice to know how many we started with.

The Kickstarter page says: "Base game includes three races, five classes, and five companions."


I know they're early in pre-production, but I wish we had a clearer picture of the character creation options. When the stretch goals say that we'll fund an extra race, it'd be nice to know how many we started with.

Character Creation
At a minimum, players will be able to specify their main character's name, sex, class, race (including subrace), culture, traits, ability scores, portrait, and the fundamental starting options of his or her class (gear, skills, and talents). We have not worked out customization details of character avatars, but we believe those are important and will be updating on these specifics in the future.

1.1 million, Base Goal – Achieved!
Base game includes three races, five classes, and five companions. We have ideas for these, but we want to hear your opinions on what you'd like to see. Stay tuned to Kickstarter, our website, and our forums to join in on the conversation.

Hope that helps.


New digital bundle is exactly what I wanted, up to 110 over 35. Thrilled we're going to hit 2 million no problem. Any guesses at what it'll cap out out? I'm thinking 2.4 million myself.

You are forgetting about the funding boost that Kickstarter projects get in their last few days (especially the last 24 hours). This project will at least hit $3 million. It has been averaging a little over $40k a day for the past 5 days now, so even without a boost, that pace would bring in $800k more before the end of the Kickstarter.
You are forgetting about the funding boost that Kickstarter projects get in their last few days (especially the last 24 hours). This project will at least hit $3 million. It has been averaging a little over $40k a day for the past 5 days now, so even without a boost, that pace would bring in $800k more before the end of the Kickstarter.

If you compare it with Double Fine Adventure through Kicktraq, they're following a very similar pattern.


Double Fine was at around the same amount (a little under $2 million) after 12 days of fund raising as PE is now.

So, like you said, they'll probably pass the $3 million mark in the end.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Yeah I've heard it can be a real nightmare.

I've also heard that if publishers decide they don't like and/or want your project anymore, they can try to make the milestone pretty much unreachable so they can cut the developer out of their last payment while canceling the contract.

People do this all over the software industry. Hell, they try to do it in the construction industry as well, but the contractor is usually lucky that they can point to a physical asset. I have a cousin who runs a general contracting business and he have told stories on very large home building organizations who would try to delay their final payments through arguing over POCs for no more reason than to ensure they wouldn't bounce a check or because the TVM was higher than the initial court costs and eventual settlement, and the contractor will take the settlement because the contractor has to pay his employees. It's unfortunte that there are so few points of redress for ethical violations.

Not really. I'm bad at history but I'm pretty sure there were no elves, dwarfs, magic, etc during Medieval Times.
I saw a little person the last time I went. He was getting all the hot women.
they need to show something tangible at this point. A bit of gameplay or screens.

Yeah, seems kind of shady. I'm wondering how many backers will be pissed when they realize that the game is going to look more like Baldur's Gate 2 than current RPGs. Will the game even be in 3D? They should at least show what they are aiming for.


Klendathu Club Owner said:
I'm wondering how many backers will be pissed when they realize that the game is going to look more like Baldur's Gate 2 than current RPGs.

None? They said that's how it's going to look in a interview that was published on day one of the campaign. 2D backgrounds with 3D characters.


they need to show something tangible at this point. A bit of gameplay or screens.

I think they've just come up with these concepts in the last couple weeks. They are a long ways away from gameplay. But I agree that it would be cool to see more visuals, concept art, etc. Basically anything they can show will be helpful.


We only saw Wasteland 2 first screenshots months after the end of the campaign. These projects are on the pre-pre-production stage, though I would love to see something more substantial, I'm not expecting that months from now.



Part of the reason was because the unusual choices of characters, equipment, and landscape made it difficult for a person to look at a scene and think, "This is a fantasy setting."

As someone who is fond of weirdness in fantasy settings, that shit is just depressing. How do you look at the fantastical and not consider it apt for fantasy? People need to broaden their minds and stop rejecting what doesn't conform to cliche.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
As someone who is fond of weirdness in fantasy settings, that shit is just depressing. How do you look at the fantastical and not consider it apt for fantasy? People need to broaden their minds and stop rejecting what doesn't conform to cliche.

I feel the same way. I like weirdness in my fantasy settings, that's a large part of why I like them. I'm reminded of Yahtzee's review of Dragon Age: Origins
And there's something terribly weird about the standard fantasy setting, not least of which the fact that the phrase "standard fantasy setting" can be uttered without irony. Look at this, we're a civilization so steeped in escapism that we've managed to find mundanity in something that doesn't exist and never will, whatever your Otherkin friend might say
As someone who is fond of weirdness in fantasy settings, that shit is just depressing. How do you look at the fantastical and not consider it apt for fantasy? People need to broaden their minds and stop rejecting what doesn't conform to cliche.

The amount of people that think formula is always good writing is staggering.

I refer to the episode of Castle which was set on a daytime soap. Castle wrote an episode and made it his own, but there was an ultra corny line, to which he responds "I have to stay to form". There are ways to make formula interesting and new (Chuck and Grimm are prime examples), yet 99% of the time, it's just not there.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap

As someone who is fond of weirdness in fantasy settings, that shit is just depressing. How do you look at the fantastical and not consider it apt for fantasy? People need to broaden their minds and stop rejecting what doesn't conform to cliche.
I hate this shit. Weird fantasy all the way, traditionalists can go to hell. I'm playing PS:T now and half of its charm is that it is so strange. And it's not even that strange for me.

Hype died a bit :(


I hope so. It's not even breaching $100k a day anymore.
100k/day is crazy and no one's done it before. At the bare minimum they've gotten yet in a day (37k) they'll get to 2.8m and that's not counting the last day rush, plus other spikes on big updates, etc.
If that's the case, how come games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest go on to sell millions of copies? I'm aware of many people's love of the JRR Tolkien archetype, but it sounds like they're making excuses for why they can't be more inventive.



They actually want to make the game they want to make.


In terms of the art direction they played it safe.

Lets admit that.

It is easy for us to demand they take risks on everything.



Good. Looks like me and Sawyer are on the same page here. I don't want the crazy fantasy bullshit to ruin armor designs. Very few games even get armor right in my opinion. Armor is one of the things that should be simple, but people seem to mess it up more often then not. I am hoping they keep to the plan of a more grounded armor design and don't just go wild for the sake of going wild like some people seem to be asking.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
In terms of the art direction they played it safe.

Lets admit that.

It is easy for us to demand they take risks on everything.

It is SUPPOSED to be risky. Fuck that noise, I'm bitter about their decision. If they show one more generic piece of art I will decrease my pledge. Not a threat to them, but the game will lose some of its potential value for me.



As someone who is fond of weirdness in fantasy settings, that shit is just depressing. How do you look at the fantastical and not consider it apt for fantasy? People need to broaden their minds and stop rejecting what doesn't conform to cliche.
Seconded. I really dislike the played out typical "middle ages" fantasy art style that is prevalent in most western media.

I'll always hate the "it's not relatable" excuse as to why so-called visionaries refuse to try something new, and usually its the reason why we end up with so many boring dull human characters in Fantasy and SciFi settings.


Honestly I can't really think of an Obsidian developed art direction that was great (or even good really) since they turned into Obsidian.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Good. Looks like me and Sawyer are on the same page here. I don't want the crazy fantasy bullshit to ruin armor designs. Very few games even get armor right in my opinion. Armor is one of the things that should be simple, but people seem to mess it up more often then not. I am hoping they keep to the plan of a more grounded armor design and don't just go wild for the sake of going wild like some people seem to be asking.

Its not necessarily about "wacky" armor design as much as it would be about the kind of armor that would arise in a, call it an alien environment or culture. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the art directors behind Magic: the Gathering lately. I mean, we could be reading waaaaay more into that comment then intended, but...


It is SUPPOSED to be risky. Fuck that noise, I'm bitter about their decision. If they show one more generic piece of art I will decrease my pledge. Not a threat to them, but the game will lose some of its potential value for me.
It is supposed to be what they want it to be, being risky has shit to do with Kickstarter. If they don't want to do silly JRPG-esque armor or something and instead opt for a more realistic tone, that's their creative choice to make. If you don't like it, don't pledge money for the project. Kickstarter is all about offering the creators the freedom to make the kind of game they want to make. Of course they can listen to fan feedback in some things, but ultimately it's their decision.

EDIT: Given how Obsidian has handled many of the universes they've gotten to work on, I find it silly to whine about the graphical style. Even if it is "only" humans, elves and dwarfs, they'll likely do something very different from the norm with the setting, not just reprise Tolkien's lore.


Its not necessarily about "wacky" armor design as much as it would be about the kind of armor that would arise in a, call it an alien environment or culture. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the art directors behind Magic: the Gathering lately. I mean, we could be reading waaaaay more into that comment then intended, but...

I see what you are saying and I am thinking of Morrowind. Some of the armor in that was made from the local alien materials and was interesting to me.

The perfect mix for me would be to have the armor and weapons practical and believable. Even if slightly generic as some would say. While have the world be fantastical and full of very interesting things. Something like Morrowind or maybe imagine some over the top JRPG like world, but where people actually use practical weapons and wore practical looking armor. Didn't fight half naked with a broom for a weapon.


Yes I agree with Nirolak: Obsidian has had some questionable art direction. As I've already mentioned, I hope they have hired some new blood or at least "motivationally" punished the ones responsible for Alpha Protocol and Dungeon Siege 3.


Why people assume that fantasy=weird worlds, bombastic armors and shit ?

Fantasy created for sake of fantasy is bad fantasy in my opinion. Just look at WoW and other countless MMORPGs. Gigantic nonpractical armors, dumb swords, oversized hammers buildings with wings and creatures which whole existance is to be killed by player.

Whole above just scream: I wasn't created to fill a hole in ecosystem i was created to look like fantasy thing.

I'm all for realistic looking armors weapons that look practical, creatures that look like part of ecosystem and places that were created for something other than "i'm a fantasy place" with certain purpose in mind.

Planescape wasn't per se more earth like but world had logic in its existance it had believable rules, races and creatures that even when world was crazy felt that they are part of some ecosystem.

Sawyer isn't saying there won't be high fantasy stuff, he is just saying it will be realistic with it's presentation meaning no fantasy for sake of fantasy, no flying building because it looks cool and no weapons that are looking like some 10 old kid wet dream.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I see what you are saying and I am thinking of Morrowind. Some of the armor in that was made from the local alien materials and was interesting to me.

The perfect mix for me would be to have the armor and weapons practical and believable. Even if slightly generic as some would say. While have the world be fantastical and full of very interesting things. Something like Morrowind or maybe imagine some over the top JRPG like world, but where people actually use practical weapons and wore practical looking armor. Didn't fight half naked with a broom for a weapon.

For a great example of the development of "recognizable but slightly alien" check out this article on the costume design for a gothic-horror themed world for Magic:



I think that Obsidian's biggest problem is implementing art direction into a game in an effective way. Often, the actual art direction in the form of artwork, paintings, and general conceptual stuff meant to lead the look of a game isn't bad. If you dig up profiles and portfolios of artists and art directors who have worked on Obsidian titles, you see a lot of great stuff.

But unfortunately when they try to translate that vision into an actual 3D game... it often looks underwhelming because they seem to kinda suck implementation. Back when they were at Black Isles, I think they had less of a problem with this because the backgrounds were all pre-rendered bitmaps, which made it much easier for the artistic vision to be implemented without compromise.

tl;dr: I don't think Obsidian has poor artists, I think they have shitty 3D graphics staff.



I think that Obsidian's biggest problem is implementing art direction into a game in an effective way. Often, the actual art direction in the form of artwork, paintings, and general conceptual stuff meant to lead the look of a game isn't bad. If you dig up profiles and portfolios of artists and art directors who have worked on Obsidian titles, you see a lot of great stuff.

But unfortunately when they try to translate that vision into an actual 3D game... it often looks underwhelming because they seem to kinda suck implementation. Back when they were at Black Isles, I think they had less of a problem with this because the backgrounds were all pre-rendered bitmaps, which made it much easier for the artistic vision to be implemented without compromise.

tl;dr: I don't think Obsidian has poor artists, I think they have shitty 3D graphics staff.

I'll agree with this for several of their games, but I feel Dungeon Siege 3 was kind of awful even on a concept art level, at least for the characters.

But yes, I don't feel the concept art in this thread is poorly drawn. It's not... especially exciting to me, but it is technically quite competent.


I'll agree with this for several of their games, but I feel Dungeon Siege 3 was kind of awful even on a concept art level, at least for the characters.

But yes, I don't feel the concept art in this thread is poorly drawn. It's not... especially exciting to me, but it is technically quite competent.

Dungeon Siege 3 is a pretty bad example of an Obsidian game! ._.


For a great example of the development of "recognizable but slightly alien" check out this article on the costume design for a gothic-horror themed world for Magic:

Thanks for that. I found it interesting. Though I do have to say while I really really liked some of the stuff in there. Some were the same kind of stuff I was complaining about. Though I see what you are saying. As when you look the the designs though the eyes of the "alien" world they inhabit it would allow room for more interesting designs.
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