I'll be honest.. this is a game I really, really want to like...... but I just don't get it. I get party wiped on every single encounter in probably like less than 10 seconds.
The lore is cool, I like the art style, I like the characters so far... but it's just not clicking.
I'm in the very first dungeon of the very first town playing on normal... and I can't kill a thing. I have the warrior npc and the mage and my character (barbarian). We die almost instantly to everything.
Maybe I'm just a child of modern rpgs and its not for me, I don't know. But its like "your party encounters 2 lesser skalds. Your party is dead." God damn mage get 1 shotted on any hit and get focused on even before combat starts. He cant get a spell off to save his life, to the point where its comically stupid. I even try to intercept with the other dudes with no avail.
I got winged on playing Mass Effect and Dragon Age and The Witcher and Dark Souls... so I get this is totally different. And I want to like it I really do... but its just not happening.
I mean I'm getting ruthlessly obliterated in what I'm pretty sure is the tutorial dungeon. On "Normal". This is harder than Dark Souls. By far.
Fuck me I want to like this game and get it. Please help.
1) be careful about your positioning: whoever starts the combat, have your warrior (who is probably the most sturdy among your party) in the nearest position to the monsters; you can use doorways to bottle the monsters too!
2) don't skimp on using abilities-powers, instead use them plenty! (always use per-encounter powers, like the warrior's 'knockdown' ability: drop those enemies!).
3) concentrate from the start the damage on a single monster (the one that has just been knocked out by the warrior, for easier hitting), so you quickly have one less monster to worry about.
4) develop your party strategically: you have a barbarian who is probably the one going to specialize on offense right? if so, develop the warrior in a defensive way, for example taking the ability to raise his defense in combat in exchange of the attack (I don't remember the name), and keep it on all the time. At the same time pick some spells for your mage that can help the barbarian and the warrior, don't just pick damaging spells; then use those spells at the start of the combat (because the number of monsters is the highest before you've dropped any) to create a more favorable condition for your fighters.