From some responses I'm getting the feeling that this movie would have likely been much better received had this not been skinned with the Buzz Lightyear story and had been its own thing. I understand and agree about Tim Allen and knowing why he wouldn't be in this so doing it differently wouldn't have had that strike (for those of us who already associate the voice with the character) amongst other things.
Regarding the whole kiss thing for those not in the know it was exacerbated during the debacle a few months back between Disney and Florida and one of the heads of Disney in a leaked zoom meeting had her stating that in response they would be adding more of that kind of content in their media and specifically mentioned Lightyear as an example as it was said to have been initially cut but with then events it was to be put in from that point.
Regarding the whole kiss thing for those not in the know it was exacerbated during the debacle a few months back between Disney and Florida and one of the heads of Disney in a leaked zoom meeting had her stating that in response they would be adding more of that kind of content in their media and specifically mentioned Lightyear as an example as it was said to have been initially cut but with then events it was to be put in from that point.