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Pixar's Lightyear flops

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To a group of them to their face?
Do you think you'd be in the same amount of danger vs. saying that to Christians?

I've suffered my fair bit of Christian hostility, from school to private life.
Spare me this cretinous questioning.

Nobody's playing the victim here. I am calling you out on your bullshit for accusing everyone of homophobia when none exists.

Oh you poor poor thing.
Making the existence of same-sex parents a taboo is definitely homophobic.

If the people in charge are doing so horribly, how else do you think we can peacefully transition to a better society than raising good people?

First mistake is already thinking you are the good people and the others are bad.
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Oh you poor poor thing.
Making the existence of same-sex parents a taboo is definitely homophobic.
And most of the people here aren't really talking about the movie, and don't want to see it and won't. Disney is obviously pushing hardcore gender ideology on kids, and this is where people draw the line. I agree that if people were openly hating on a movie just for showing gay parents, it would be discriminatory. But that is NOT what's happening here.

The buzz lightyear crap cannot be looked at in a vacuum.
I've suffered my fair bit of Christian hostility, from school to private life.
Spare me this cretinous questioning.
I have as well. In fact I was an atheist for a while, but then I realized it was the people who were supposed to be role models I was disillusioned with and not the teachings.
Ok, I think you've stopped making now sense, I'm afraid. You make a comment about having more kids in the world. I assumed because you were scared too many gays were going to be running about, stopping the gene pool from flourishing.
No, George Carlin said what I said too, about why leadership and the world is bad. It's about raising better people.
The buzz lightyear crap cannot be looked at in a vacuum.

The only vacuum here is in your head, mate.
So keep them inquisition comparisons coming.

I agree that if people were openly hating on a movie just for showing gay parents, it would be discriminatory. But that is NOT what's happening here.

In case you haven't noticed, that's exactly what is happening in this very thread!
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No, George Carlin said what I said too, about why leadership and the world is bad. It's about raising better people.

Genuinely wasn't expecting you to raise someone like Carlin in a defence of your position. You do remember what kind of guy he was, yeah?

And it is all about raising better people. And, as Carlin very definitely believed, those people should not be religious - given all the bigotry that goes along with it.
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First mistake is already thinking you are to good people and the others are bad.
People who want to control others with force are not good... for all of my faults, I am at least not that way.
Genuinely wasn't expecting you to raise someone like Carlin in a defence of your position. You do remember what kind of guy he was, yeah?

And it is all about raising better people. And, as Carlin very definitely believed, those people should not be religious - given all the bigotry that goes along with it.
He was an atheist, yes. He was also someone who could have been very easily disillusioned with the people who were teaching him and not the teachings himself. He was taught the scare mongering way. You could feel that in his performances.

There's a lot Carlin was wrong about, but I thought you would relate better to him than some others I could mention.
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I don't take back anything I said. How is it ok to be anti Christian?

Don't expect a temper tantrum ban request. Just know I don't agree with your ruling.
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Christianity, or Islam, or Pastafarianism should absolutely be allowed to be criticised - ESPECIALLY when they promote opinions that discriminate.

This is coming from a Christian BTW.
I'm saying either every idea should be fair game, or nothing. I'm for everything being discussed.

Children should be protected, however.
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I'm confused, do you mean the "idea" of homosexuality?

Surely you can tell the difference between a faith and sexual orientation?
Do you think I can honestly continue this conversation without being banned... I still enjoy the gaming side of the forum.

"You can choose whatever gender/orientation you like." Doesn't sound like an idea to you? esp. when it's told to children in a classroom.

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Junior Member
Do you think I can honestly continue this conversation without being banned... I still enjoy the gaming side of the forum.
That's not persecution of your faith. Real persecution is what's happening to Christians in Nigeria or Muslims in China.

You're being called out on having opinions that seem to be homophobic, which may have a large part to do with the teachings of Christianity.

Dr. Claus

I don't really want to get into the whole Yamato identity thing. I think fans make a bigger deal out of it than is necessary. Kaido and crew referred to Yam as his son. Yam identifies as Oden. I'm just going to assume she's a he, until Oda makes it crystal clear. I think Oda was playing around with the genders a bit with
Yamato in the men's bath, and Kiku in the women's bath. He even had Kiku note that she doesn't feel comfortable taking a bath in front of the "other men".
So I think Oda has very much embraced the concept of gender fluidity and showing how big of a non-factor it really is. The characters just accept each other however they wish to be accepted, without anyone ever displaying hangups or reservations about it.

Kiku I could understand. But Yamato? Nah, mate. She is a chick. Oda draws women one way and it is absolutely clear reading Wano that she is delusional. She isn’t his attempt at trans or “gender-fluid“ character.
For me the whole gender politics angle pushing is part of a ruse by megacorporations, a distraction to get us riled up against each other, to pull wool over our eyes while they scum and scam money off us and avoid all the real issues.
Why did Pixar advertise that kiss scene? Why is there a kiss scene in a kids movie? Do you notice hetero kiss scenes in kids movies nowadays? Mitchells vs Machines. Nuclear family movie. You see any kiss scenes in there? Other recent Pixar movies. You see kiss scenes in there? It's just an oddly specific thing to push, don't you think? And that scene isn't in passing, it's built up like that opening montage in UP so you really focus on it when it happens. Sure accepting and not harming people because of their gender orientation is important, but isn't being open and accepting to people in general regardless of whoever they are, just not being general assholes, is more important? But no, let's all be assholes to each other, and just be nice to black people and LGBT+ folks, isn't that right? I feel like people's trust in each other, tolerance of each other, of differing opinions, is just at an all time low right now, and instead of helping to mending, I feel like all our media does is to push us and provoke us further towards the extremes. Being assholes is encourages, so long as "you're on the right side of the issue". It's like this: intolerance towards black people and LGBT folks are a deep cut that media is trying to perform surgery on, but elsewhere blood is gushing from multiple fatal wounds of our society that media doesn't so much even tries to apply a bandage on.

Fucking gas, food, and housing prices are through the roof. You want adult issues in kids movie? Ok! The world has gone to shit in so many ways, where are all the movies teaching kids how to deal with that shit? And I don't need no stats to be sure that this shit is relevant and affecting far, FAR FUCKING more people than what a minority choose to do with their sexlife. Yet that's all I ever see in entertainment headlines, alphabet rights, getting that representation in, like that's the most important thing for 90% of us right?

I don't care about alphabet people: I ain't gonna harm you, I ain't gonna hunt you, you do you but just fyi you got WAY more coverage right now in media in proportion to how many of you are actually out there, so I don't really see how you can complain anymore. And you suits up there funding this shit, where's all the movies showing and empowering--regardless of race of gender--people fucking struggling paycheck to paycheck? You know, a large chunk of the population that pays you for their entertainment (not education)?
Christianity is an idea, your sexual orientation is not. You are not born Christian, you can be born gay though.
Religion is a choice, sexual orientation is not.
People aren't born gay, but they don't choose their sexuality either. It develops naturally later in life.

But people can't "choose" their religion either. It's largely a result of environment and life experiences. A Christian can't just decide to be Jewish, an atheist can't just decide to be a Christian, and a liberal can't just decide to be a conservative. No more than a gay person can just decide to be straight, or vise versa. These are all a result of personal values, beliefs, and feelings that are outside of anyone's control. Religious beliefs, political values, and sexuality can absolutely change throughout a person's life, but I wouldn't call any of them a choice.


When I say anti family it wasn't because of the lesbian couple in the movie. It was because they wanted to fight Florida legislation prohibiting teachers from talking to elementary school students about sex. Then you see their leadership in leaked internal videos saying how much they want to influence kids with their agenda. I don't want to support that.

If I want to raise my children with traditional Judeo-Christian values I won't apologize for that. One of those values is respect for others, something that is clearly lacking from the current social climate.
Can you give me an example of what’s anti-family about their films? I keep seeing this brought up but I can’t think of any examples
For me the whole gender politics angle pushing is part of a ruse by megacorporations, a distraction to get us riled up against each other, to pull wool over our eyes while they scum and scam money off us and avoid all the real issues.
Why did Pixar advertise that kiss scene? Why is there a kiss scene in a kids movie? Do you notice hetero kiss scenes in kids movies nowadays? Mitchells vs Machines. Nuclear family movie. You see any kiss scenes in there? Other recent Pixar movies. You see kiss scenes in there? It's just an oddly specific thing to push, don't you think? And that scene isn't in passing, it's built up like that opening montage in UP so you really focus on it when it happens. Sure accepting and not harming people because of their gender orientation is important, but isn't being open and accepting to people in general regardless of whoever they are, just not being general assholes, is more important? But no, let's all be assholes to each other, and just be nice to black people and LGBT+ folks, isn't that right? I feel like people's trust in each other, tolerance of each other, of differing opinions, is just at an all time low right now, and instead of helping to mending, I feel like all our media does is to push us and provoke us further towards the extremes. Being assholes is encourages, so long as "you're on the right side of the issue". It's like this: intolerance towards black people and LGBT folks are a deep cut that media is trying to perform surgery on, but elsewhere blood is gushing from multiple fatal wounds of our society that media doesn't so much even tries to apply a bandage on.

Fucking gas, food, and housing prices are through the roof. You want adult issues in kids movie? Ok! The world has gone to shit in so many ways, where are all the movies teaching kids how to deal with that shit? And I don't need no stats to be sure that this shit is relevant and affecting far, FAR FUCKING more people than what a minority choose to do with their sexlife. Yet that's all I ever see in entertainment headlines, alphabet rights, getting that representation in, like that's the most important thing for 90% of us right?

I don't care about alphabet people: I ain't gonna harm you, I ain't gonna hunt you, you do you but just fyi you got WAY more coverage right now in media in proportion to how many of you are actually out there, so I don't really see how you can complain anymore. And you suits up there funding this shit, where's all the movies showing and empowering--regardless of race of gender--people fucking struggling paycheck to paycheck? You know, a large chunk of the population that pays you for their entertainment (not education)?

Imagine writing all that stuff because there's a same-sex couple in a movie.

But people can't "choose" their religion either. It's largely a result of environment and life experiences. A Christian can't just decide to be Jewish, an atheist can't just decide to be a Christian, and a liberal can't just decide to be a conservative.

That's absolutely not true. You can always question your world view and change your beliefs. Plenty of people have gone from Christianity to atheism and the other way round. Many of them have overcome their indoctrination, otherwise religions would never go extinct and always remain the same. The same goes for your political alignment.

You can't do the same with your sexual orientation though.
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Some will say it's cause the country hates the gays. But really it's just most people don't want these social issues shoved into children's films. Then made the tip of the spear when it comes to marketing cause Disney thinks its going to pay off. Then not use the original voice actor probably causes he's a conservative and instead cast super woke Chris Evans who then goes on to say those who have an issue with the gay kiss are backward idiots and will die off like the dinosaurs.

But yea these people will pretend to be shocked. I enjoy plenty of content that has "representation" but said representation isn't the point of said content or made out to be the sales pitch. When that is the case that is when people know you have an agenda and people typically tune out cause they're not interested and instead go see Top Gun to see cool people do cool shit in cool jets. Not cartoon characters kiss so gay people can feel strengthened in their values, pretty sure they're doing just fine without Pixars help.

Also fuck Chris Evans.
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That's absolutely not true. You can always question your world view and change your beliefs. Plenty of people have gone from Christianity to atheism and the other way round. Many of them have overcome their indoctrination, otherwise religions would never go extinct and always remain the same. The same goes for your political alignment.

You can't do the same with your sexual orientation though.
But you can't CHOOSE to do so, it happens naturally. How is that any different than sexual preference? Plenty of people have gone from straight to gay or bi, but that doesn't make it a choice. I think it's strange how we think of some of these things as a choice, when really they aren't.


It's a good movie, go see see it with your kids!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Can you give me an example of what’s anti-family about their films? I keep seeing this brought up but I can’t think of any examples
I never mentioned their films.

I can say their tv shows always show the kids as being the smart ones and the parents are dumb and deserving to be tricked. I don’t really have an issue with that because that is every kids power fantasy to get one over on their parents. But it shouldn’t be encouraged. I think their shows could do a better job at showing parents and kids in healthy respectful relationships. It might not make for good dramatic television though.


I never mentioned their films.

I can say their tv shows always show the kids as being the smart ones and the parents are dumb and deserving to be tricked. I don’t really have an issue with that because that is every kids power fantasy to get one over on their parents. But it shouldn’t be encouraged. I think their shows could do a better job at showing parents and kids in healthy respectful relationships. It might not make for good dramatic television though.
I’m not familiar with there shows but that’s always been a trope in television/movies since I can remember. I don’t think it’s harmful anyways. I would say Bart fucking with Homer was the best though. I know the Simpsons isn’t a kids show. But that’s what every kid in my era grew up watching.

Home alone is a great example as well. Probably the biggest movie of my childhood. Most kids
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Kev Kev

i just saw it and it was really good. super funny, good story, almost cried a couple times lol

but they weirdly focused on the two women being married part, when it was first said. they went back and forth a few lines, it lasted 30 - 45 seconds iirc, and they seemingly emphasized the "her" and "she" parts. it didnt feel natural. i think it could have been in the movie more organically. as it is it feels like they really forced it in there and made it a bigger deal than it needed to be. it just felt like it was info we didnt need to know. there were other scenes showing one of them pregnant (which i was like uuuhhh lol, but i guess sperm donor or sci fi logic...?), and holding the baby, and then growing old together. all in all those scenes were just a few minutes total (it was like a fast forwarding through their lives kind of thing).

i went with my niece, nephew and my mom. i think they were a little surprised by the gay marriage, i heard them whispering and asking my mom a question. not exactly sure what they asked tho. but it was definitely a "did she say "she"?" or something like that.

but the movie was really good. the kids loved it, hell me and my mom were laughing more than anyone else in the theatre lol. it was really pulling at my nostalgia heart strings. there was a really nice message of perseverance and team work, failure and hope and what not. im hoping there is a sequel, but if it really did flop than i dunno. it seemed like they teased a sequel at the end.
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Yes.. I'm sure you think you are smarter for being an all inclusive atheist, sadly.

Unfortunately we can't fix the world without having more kids and raising them well.

By the way, I am definitely not the type to indoctrinate, if indoctrination means you don't let your kids ask questions or choose their own path in life. All I want to do is try to guide as best I can.

Do you force your kids to go to church?


One of the green rats
But how can you have a toy based on a character that doesn't use the same voice? That would be like buying a Mario plush and having him speak in a Spanish accent 🤷🏻‍♂️
Toys are characterized versions of movies and usually use voice actors that are not the real actors.
I don’t see a issue with Chris evans playing the part from a realistic stand point.

From a marketing standpoint takening away the iconic voice of buzz was insanely stupid.


Biggest Trails Stan
The good news is that the purple hairs at Disney are only there because of quotas and they do not have the skill to make good movies. Trying to pump the propaganda with garbage 5/10 movies isn’t going to get very far, just ask North Korea.
They will be the first to go once Disney is forced to let go of most of its staff due to constant flops
I don’t really give a fuck what adults do in their lives when it comes to their sexuality, but, it’s a kids movie, do we really need some CGI chicks giving each other lip service? There are even cartoons with trans characters in it….why? Children are very impressionable and I think it’s just gonna fuck with their heads and they’ll be confused in life. Let them become young adults and decide what they want to think about it, discover themselves, etc. i saw an article about kids under 12 getting surgery…what the fuck? Kids are kids, they have no idea what they want, this is just fucked up.


I don’t really give a fuck what adults do in their lives when it comes to their sexuality, but, it’s a kids movie, do we really need some CGI chicks giving each other lip service? There are even cartoons with trans characters in it….why? Children are very impressionable and I think it’s just gonna fuck with their heads and they’ll be confused in life. Let them become young adults and decide what they want to think about it, discover themselves, etc. i saw an article about kids under 12 getting surgery…what the fuck? Kids are kids, they have no idea what they want, this is just fucked up.
Your right. I watched two foxes kiss years ago in Disney's Robin Hood and I've been on the search for a sexy Fox maiden ever since. Curse you Disney for forcing furry tolerance and beastie sex confusion on me as a impressionable child.


Disney and Pixar's insisted on presenting this movie as some woke flagship, which is what made the movie be labelled as being riddled with gender ideology, and people understandably don't want their kids to be groomed into being lgbt+. The fact that there wasn't all that much of it doesn't really matter, that's how it was marketed.

I'm glad there is beginning to be a fightback against the woke ideology, it's already doing enough damage, so many poor children are being butchered by groomers as it is.
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Man, some of you really sound like scripted bots.
There is no f*cking "gender ideology" or wokeness in this movie. None.

If anything, the movie promotes very traditional values such as valor, duty, merit, courage and perseverance. Heck, Buzz is essentially treated like a veteran in this movie. He also learns to accept mistakes and assume their consequences and that it is not important where you are, but who you are with. The value of family is also help up high in this movie.

You are all just freaking out over a lesbian couple and it is sad really. Tells me that the hate is still strong in many people.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Man, some of you really sound like scripted bots.
There is no f*cking "gender ideology" or wokeness in this movie. None.

If anything, the movie promotes very traditional values such as valor, duty, merit, courage and perseverance. Heck, Buzz is essentially treated like a veteran in this movie. He also learns to accept mistakes and assume their consequences and that it is not important where you are, but who you are with. The value of family is also help up high in this movie.

You are all just freaking out over a lesbian couple and it is sad really. Tells me that the hate is still strong in many people.

Not often that we strongly agree, but I am giving you a standing ovation here.


Man, some of you really sound like scripted bots.
There is no f*cking "gender ideology" or wokeness in this movie. None.

You are misreading the situation and freaking out. It doesn't matter that apparently there's not much woke gender ideology in the movie, it's that Disney made it seems like it was full of it, marketed it as such and now people don't want to go see it, because people understandably don't want their children to be groomed into being alphabet people.


Simps for Amouranth
You are misreading the situation and freaking out. It doesn't matter that apparently there's not much woke gender ideology in the movie, it's that Disney made it seems like it was full of it, marketed it as such and now people don't want to go see it, because people understandably don't want their children to be groomed into being alphabet people.
I've seen the trailers and the marketing, it looks like a fucking Pixar movie to me.. where the hell you picking up all this woke shite from?
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