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Plane diverted as passengers fight over seat reclining

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Heh, I hardly ever recline myself. Not out of respect or anything, just never felt the need. But I almost always have the person in front of me want to recline. I dislike it but I just always figured it's my luck.

And of course the one time I wanted to recline either some one was using one of those on me (had no idea those even existed at the time) or it was broken (which was what I was assuming).

Granted, I'm short so I don't worry about my knees... I just usually have stuff on the table and the table down so I worry about the stuff on the table getting crushed if it is something that sticks up (Like a laptop screen or when I had a PDA that I'd set up to connect to a keyboard).

The assholes here are the people reclining their seat without even checking beforehand if they are going to completely ruin someone elses flight. Additionally, why does it feel like it's always the relatively small people in the first place that do this? Total lack of empathy.

Honestly, cause the relatively small people don't encounter the same problems so probably don't even realize this problem. Source: I'm 5'1" and never even realized this can hit people's knees til this thread ;). I always just assumed it was a little bit of inconvenience at most.


Many in this thread against reclining: "How can they be so selfish? Think of MY comfort!"

Many in this thread supporting reclining: "How can they be so selfish? Think of MY comfort!"

Point is, everyone's selfish. But to fix an immediate situation, far more useful than trying to get someone else to be less selfish, is to get yourself to be less selfish.

As a tall guy whose legs hit the seat, but as someone who can't sleep without reclining, I'm not sure how I feel about the issue.

EDIT: And yes, checking before reclining is a good idea.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I'm amazed at the number of people I have spoken to since reading this topic who think it is perfectly fine to recline without asking/checking that it is not going to make the person behind uncomfortable. "you don't need to care or ask because they are made to recline, so it's not your problem" being the biggest arsehole response. The world is truely full of cunts

wow, such anger and hatred.

I fly several times a year, not a jetsetter by any means, but this year i've been to new york, san diego and barbados, two of which required multiple flights for one way.

Never once in all my years of flying have I ever had anyone ask if they can recline, or if I mind if they recline. I've never had anyone complain about me reclining. Almost everyone reclines. I'm 6'0, so not the biggest guy around, but planes are by no means comfortable for me, but when someone reclines, the back of the seat comes no where near my knees.

My dad is 6'2 and flies a lot, (gold/platnimum rewards) never once have I ever heard him complain about people reclining. Only about always getting stuck between two fat people.

Only on GAF have I ever heard so much hate and vitriol over people reclining.

I fly united so maybe their seats dont recline as far back as other airlines.


Why are you so mad? In fact, why are so many people here so emotional about this?
I get that you're annoyed by people who are taking the little space you already fighting with. But Humans can communicate. Tell them, that you would please need the space. This is a flaw where you have to be angry at the airline and not the people who just do what they're told they can do.

You went even further. You just shoved the responsibility of the systemflaw on some posters on the internet that stated that the problem lies not by individual people but the airlines themselves. And we're at fault? Aren't you at fault for yelling at the wrong tree?

I agree, you should speak to them and l never said otherwise.

Also no, I hate the way personal responsibility is shrugged off by saying "it's the system's fault". If it's a small plane with one bathroom and you decide to hole up in there the entire 2 hour flight because it's more comfortable than your seat, that doesn't make you an asshole, right? It's the airlines's fault for not automatically springing the door open every ten minutes! Besides it's only 2 hours, people can hold it!


Oh nice, a device made by assholes for antisocial assholes. "wat I done wrong?"

I have a device that prevents the person in front of me from reclining. My knees. Being 6'8" as soon as I sit down my knees are in the chair in front of me, crushed no matter what.


Recline away. If you have a problem with the space you get after someone reclines their seat, take it up with the airline, not the person using a feature of the seat/flight.

You bought the ticket with the dimensions available. You aren't entitled to anything else.


Recline away. If you have a problem with the space you get after someone reclines their seat, take it up with the airline, not the person using a feature of the seat/flight.

You bought the ticket with the dimensions available. You aren't entitled to anything else.

You don't think that excessive height, something completely out of the control of an individual, should not be covered under ADA?


I agree, you should speak to them and l never said otherwise.

Also no, I hate the way personal responsibility is shrugged off by saying "it's the system's fault". If it's a small plane with one bathroom and you decide to hole up in there the entire 2 hour flight because it's more comfortable than your seat, that doesn't make you an asshole, right? It's the airlines's fault for not automatically springing the door open every ten minutes! Besides it's only 2 hours, people can hold it!

I think that people who rudely don't care about annoying other people are mean. This goes too for the people who exercise their right of reclining on the knees of others. But the thing was the reclining stopper. And that thing and it's defenders and worshipers annoyed me, because it is for people who don't want to talk. They just block it and then wait, if the other stop trying or initiate the talk himself.

On a grander scale they don't try to change the airline, they accept the situation and think their blocker will make the status quo comfortable for them.

The same for those who don't use blockers and kick in the frontseat or just open and close the desk as hard and often as possible. This isn't working to improving the situation, it's childish fighting against the situation at hand, while accepting the problem itself as given.

I am all for not declining, but the protest should go to the airlines, not to single people declining.
Wow. I had no idea this was such a charged issue. I've flown probably a 100 times in the last 10 years and no one has ever asked me if it was OK to recline, nor did I expect them to. Flying is just shitty in general and I have no expectations except to get from A to B. I don't usually recline unless the person in front of me does and the TV screen is practically touching my nose, but I never considered it a big deal when they did, just unlucky.


Recline away. If you have a problem with the space you get after someone reclines their seat, take it up with the airline, not the person using a feature of the seat/flight.

You bought the ticket with the dimensions available. You aren't entitled to anything else.

And you bought the ticket with the dimensions available to you, which includes you within the space of those around you:

I have a device that prevents the person in front of me from reclining. My knees. Being 6'8" as soon as I sit down my knees are in the chair in front of me, crushed no matter what.
It would be nice to have a little more room, but reclining on a flight does seem like a crap move. What if they have their laptop out and you crush it? Plus: all the stories in this thread of people having drinks and things spilled on them. Seems like a bad idea all around.

You don't think that excessive height, something completely out of the control of an individual, should not be covered under ADA?

Your height is not a disability. Come on now.
Aren't these things banned by most airlines? Last time I flew, the guy across the isle used one and was quickly swooped on my an air attendant.


Aren't these things banned by most airlines? Last time I flew, the guy across the isle used one and was quickly swooped on my an air attendant.

First sentence of the article in the OP:

A plane in the US had to be diverted and two passengers removed after one of them started a fight by using a banned device to stop the seat in front reclining.
I'm part of team tall, most of the time they'll recline, hit my knees, keep trying and then awkwardly turn around and sometimes give me a dirty look, but what am I going to do about it? It's their right to do it, and I'll do my best to give them the room I can if they want it but it doesn't mean it doesn't annoy me and if anyone ever complained all I'd have to say is sorry but that's as far as it can go with my knees there.

Luckily on my last few flights the people in front of me haven't reclined so its all worked out.
I try to sit in the emergency exit row seats whenever possible since the seats in front don't recline. Some airlines will categorize that row as economy plus or whatever, though.

Airlines should just get rid of reclining in coach categorizes anyway. Another thing they can add to the list of privileges for business/plus class while making coach equal to everyone.


Many in this thread against reclining: "How can they be so selfish? Think of MY comfort!"

Many in this thread supporting reclining: "How can they be so selfish? Think of MY comfort!"

Pretty much. Anyone buying those things are then of course putting their own comfort over the person attempting to recline. If you have a problem with people reclining (which is a pretty common practice...), why not spend the money for a larger seat instead of discomforting the person in front of you with an banned device?


And you bought the ticket with the dimensions available to you, which includes you within the space of those around you:
The reclined seat is included in your ticket as is the space it encompasses. There are airlines out there with no reclining seats, just fly them.

And if we're going to play the height card, I'm 6'6 and flown for 14 hours straight. Once again, you know what you are buying, take your complaint t up with the airline.
If somebody reclines too much, I just ask 'em to stop doing it, and that works the majority of the time.

If it doesn't work, I just keep banging my legs against their seat at odd intervals, using their seat back as a prop to stand up and "stretch" occasionally, etc. If they're going to be a jerk and make me uncomfortable, I'm gonna do it right back.


Airlines should just get rid of reclining in coach categorizes anyway. Another thing they can add to the list of privileges for business/plus class while making coach equal to everyone.

This is actually a good idea, and one I could see the airlines even going for.


The reclined seat is included in your ticket as is the space it encompasses.

And guess what - if there's something behind you preventing you from reclining your seat, you don't get to recline it.
That's part of what happens when you buy your ticket.

Let's say it was an 800-pound person. You wouldn't be able to recline your seat.
Tough. You just have to deal with it.

You're obviously very unaware of how space works.


And guess what - if there's something behind you preventing you from reclining your seat, you don't get to recline it.
That's part of what happens when you buy your ticket.

Let's say it was an 800-pound person. You wouldn't be able to recline your seat.
Tough. You just have to deal with it.

You're obviously very unaware of how space works.
You can recline it, perhaps not the full amount, but you are well within your right to recline as much as you like. You paid for that seat and it's function. Once again, if you have a problem with the function of the seat, take it up with the airline.


So whats the big deal?

The guy who attached the device should have been told it was banned and then tasered by a sky marshal when he refused to removed it.
The lady who threw the water is a patriot.

My point is we're 250+ posts into this thread, and you come into it positing something that was stated in the OP, which obviously means not only did you not fully read the OP, but obviously haven't read any of the discussion that has taken place then.

If your only way of viewing this is "Was it legal? No. Alright, end of story," then that was taken care of in the OP.


You can recline it, perhaps not the full amount, but you are well within your right to recline as much as you like. You paid for that seat and it's function. Once again, if you have a problem with the function of the seat, take it up with the airline.

You are within your right to recline it as much as you like within what is possible to recline it.
If you are unable to recline it further, then you are unable to recline it further.

If you are not being given the space to recline it fully, then you take it up with the airline.


I'm fairly tall (6'2") never had an issue with knees being crushed.
The reclining is still an unwelcome encroachment and I will try my best not to use it myself.
Bigger issues are armrest hoggers and those who have bodies that...flow into your seat.
Flying is uncomfortable and awful.
If somebody reclines too much, I just ask 'em to stop doing it, and that works the majority of the time.

If it doesn't work, I just keep banging my legs against their seat at odd intervals, using their seat back as a prop to stand up and "stretch" occasionally, etc. If they're going to be a jerk and make me uncomfortable, I'm gonna do it right back.

That's kinda mean, t. Half the people I see recline are doing it in response to the person in front of them reclining, myself included. They're not doing it to be a jerk. What recourse do they have when they're just working within the designated confines or their own little cage?

Personally I wouldn't mind if they just took the reclining feature off completely. It would curtail invaded space on both ends and make everyone less angry in general.
If you want more leg room, pay for the goddamn exit row seat. This is no different than the big fuss a number of years ago when airlines said they were going to start charging severely obese people for 2 seats. It's the correct thing to do, life isn't always fair, nor should it be.
That's kinda mean, t. Half the people I see recline are doing it in response to the person in front of them reclining, myself included. They're not doing it to be a jerk. What recourse do they have when they're just working within the designated confines or their own little cage?

Personally I wouldn't mind if they just took the reclining feature off completely. It would curtail invaded space on both ends and make everyone less angry in general.

You're right, of course. But like I said, I talk to them first. If they're nice and say they're doing it because of the person in front of them, I can understand. It's not a hard and fast rule. I sit in the aisle seats anyway so I don't really care much if somebody reclines, most of the time.

I'm really just talking about the jerks who know they're being jerks and don't give a shit. I think most anybody that flies enough has run into those characters on a few occasions.

I agree about taking out the reclining feature. The main issue is that someone else using it negatively affects the use of OTHER features you paid for... for instance, the tray table. Anyway, I'd be fine with it being only a first-class feature.

Worst flying experience for me was sitting next to this drug addict/dealer who kept trying to push shit on me. His arms were all fucked up and started drinking heavily, and would NOT stop talking about all the shit he does and who he's fucked up and how he's so much smarter than everyone.


For people saying book business class, often business class sells out faster and you don't have the option but you have to take this exact flight. And when you have to work, it's extremely hard to do so with a normal sized laptop when someone reclines. Especially on the cramped budget airlines.
For people saying book business class, often business class sells out faster and you don't have the option but you have to take this exact flight. And when you have to work, it's extremely hard to do so with a normal sized laptop when someone reclines. Especially on the cramped budget airlines.

Take a different airline. Book your flight earlier. It would be a kind gesture for the person in front of you to consider your situation and not recline so you can get your work done. But it is not necessary and certainly should not be expected. They don't like being on a plane any more than you do.


Will drop pants for Sony.
It still baffles me why the seats recline in economy at all when you get so little space. They can't go back far enough to make a difference to your own comfort and it ensures a miserable flight for the person behind.
I agree. I might buy one of those things.
What? You want to recline your seat? Put em up, let's do this.
They need to take out the reclining feature because scumbags will never stop using it if there is a choice.

Some people act like complete scum on planes. They only think of themselves. Recently I was on a red eye from NY to LA and I sat next to the only douche who had his overhead light on for everything but the last hour of the flight. It made so difficult trying to sleep. It was karmic justic when he spilled diet coke all over himself.

We have a differing definition of scumbag.

In my experience especially with transatlantic flights the vast majority of the plane will recline.

I am never an early recliner but if the seat in front of me reclines I tend to do the same to regain the distance between my face and the back of a seat, I do check behind to make sure they aren't drinking or anything mind. Also if I notice the person behind me has reclined then I go all the way to recline city.

I'm flying Manchester - Orlando in 4 weeks and it's our first long flight with a toddler so I will be that cunt everyone hates but 99% of my focus will be making sure my boys comfy. Then again most people on that flight are heading for Disneyworld so a somewhat less than peaceful flight is expected.
Yo I'm 6'8 I don't care about reclining because my knees are already keeping your seat from moving. Everytime I travel by train, tram or airplane I wish the people who engineer the seating for those things a very painful death. I have terrible knees from playing basketball too, so keeping those fuckers flexed past 90 degrees in some sort of terrible lotus position for an extended period tends to get excruciating. It kills me knowing that if they stow like 4 less people on board everybody could be seated in comfort but they just have to wring that last ounce of profit out of every flight. I try to get aisle seats and sit with my legs hanging out into the aisle but it means having your feet stepped on constantly and you having to patrol your legs to make sure people don't trip.
You're right, of course. But like I said, I talk to them first. If they're nice and say they're doing it because of the person in front of them, I can understand. It's not a hard and fast rule. I sit in the aisle seats anyway so I don't really care much if somebody reclines, most of the time.

I'm really just talking about the jerks who know they're being jerks and don't give a shit. I think most anybody that flies enough has run into those characters on a few occasions.

I agree about taking out the reclining feature. The main issue is that someone else using it negatively affects the use of OTHER features you paid for... for instance, the tray table. Anyway, I'd be fine with it being only a first-class feature.

Worst flying experience for me was sitting next to this drug addict/dealer who kept trying to push shit on me. His arms were all fucked up and started drinking heavily, and would NOT stop talking about all the shit he does and who he's fucked up and how he's so much smarter than everyone.

OK. It just sounded like if they said no, whatever the reason, you'd enact Plan: Retaliation. *_*

I always go for aisle too because bigger people constantly encroach on my space (over the arm rests (not that I ever get a shot at the arm rests...), leg area, and I've had a few even want to lift the arm rests because they said there was extra 'space' that way. -_- At least with aisle I have an escape or safe zone on one side of me.

For the reclining feature... yeah. It really seems the only fair way to handle this. It'd be great if the comfort for one didn't automatically turn into discomfort for another, and since there's no way airlines are going to give us more space for free, it seems best to just remove this part for everyone's relative comfort.

And, your airline drug buddy sounds... awesome. Yikes.


i hate people who recline and make sure to knee them as hard as i can. sometimes they keep trying but i just knee back.
It should be a matter of decency. The person reclining or being reclined into should just ask and check if it's ok. Then they can meet halfway.

But fuck tall people whining about their knees. Motherfuckers enjoy a lifelong privilege, but get a all salty when they have to endure a few hours of discomfort, for a few times in their entire lives? Yeah, cry me lemons.
There are no "sides" to this. The seat reclines. The customer pays for that and also knows someone reclining into them can happen as well.

Is it right? Fuck no. But it is what it is and the blame rests solely on the airline for allowing it and/or not creating more leg room.

That device should be banned and people defending the guy using the device are being illogical. No one has the right to prevent someone from using their seat in a way they paid for. Even if it is ultimately using it in a way that makes you an asshole. Which it often does.

Why not just say people are selfish and end it there. If you think that reclining back that 2cm is worth making someone behind you physically uncomfortable for hours then you're just selfish.

I don't care about the legality or what you payed for. Why not be considerate of your fellow human beings.
I only recline if the seat in front of me reclined into my space.

On another note, have any of you encounter people that took off their shoes and shoved their foot onto the back of your armrest? There was a woman that did this to me on my last flight. I had window seat and she just stuck her foot against the wall into my space.

And it smelled too.

I turned around and looked at her and she just gave me the dirtiest look ever.

I started to say something but I didn't because I was an idiot and her stupid foot kept me from being able to sleep against the wall the entire flight.


Being 6'11", people who recline their seats and refuse to be considerate of the limited space behind them are demonspawn and deserve every ill fate that comes to them.


If the economy seat has the feature/ability to recline then the paying passenger is entitled to recline his/her seat. End of story. Sure it sucks but they are entitled to it. Blame the airline for allowing this feature; not the passenger. Your choice is to either deal with the limited space you have or recline your own seat and pass the nuisance onto the person behind you.

All these posts about unwritten rules and "Whoever reclines their seats are dicks" are just very childish.


If the economy seat has the feature/ability to recline then the paying passenger is entitled to recline his/her seat. End of story. Sure it sucks but they are entitled to it. Blame the airline for allowing this feature; not the passenger. Your choice is to either deal with the limited space you have or recline your own seat and pass the nuisance onto the person behind you.

All these posts about unwritten rules and "Whoever reclines their seats are dicks" are just very childish.

You are also entitled to not take a shower for the proceeding three weeks before boarding the flight, there's no written rule that you have to bathe. Still a dick move.


i recline every flight. nobody has said anything and if they did, I would ignore them completely. or hand them a piece of paper with the stephen fry image printed out on it.
The recline button on your seat is basically a practical exam to see whether or not you are a massive, selfish dickhead.

I am 6'4" and have long legs. If the person in front of me reclines their seat, I have a bad time. Super uncomfortable and restrictive. I always politely ask them to not recline. I've only had one person refuse, and after a short "discussion" I told him in no uncertain terms that he was a total prick and asked the stewardess to move me.

Airline seats should not recline. I will fight this until the day I die.

I would have a bad time on a 10+ hour flight having to sit up right and sleeping. Seat has a reclining function, I'm going to use it. Instead of asking the passenger to accommodate you, putting them in an awkward position and making you look the selfish dickhead, just ask the attendant to move you to begin with. Or don't book a seat in economy class knowing you are going to make people's flights uncomfortable.
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