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Plane diverted as passengers fight over seat reclining

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He measures in centimeters
People tend to lack basic consideration for others. Leaning a seat back 10 degrees to maybe slightly improve your odds of a nap at the expense of causing actual physical pain and discomfort to someone just follows that trend (and blows my mind). If I fly economy I never recline my seat unless I see a child or really small adult behind me.

Yes, the airlines are certainly culpable as they continue to shrink legroom and still offer seats that recline to cut into that legroom more but it really shouldn't be asking too much for people to be aware if they are causing someone else physical discomfort.

Just be considerate.


I am sound like a broken record, but: you can talk with them, if that don't help, ask a stewardess to intervene, since you're mighty uncomfortable. The point is not to accept the situation by buying these blockers, but to have the airline change it, so people can't recline by default.


He measures in centimeters
The thing is, the defender can't be used after he already reclined and beforehand you don't know who it will be.

What? You can't be reclined for take-off so installing a defender isn't a problem.

The more I think about it the more the defender devices make sense.


Well, my BF who happens to be engineer planes for a living (aerospace engineer) points out that those seats are designed to move in a certain way during a crash and modifying it with a seat defender could possibly get in the way of that function (and yes, usually the FAA requires any small mod that could change the way something in a plane operates has to be approved. Like my BF cannot use whatever material he wants to recover his airplane seats in his own little plane, it has to be approved for use on an airplane seat).

So unless the manufacturer has gotten FAA approval (which I'm not sure they could because you have to show the part working with the specific plane usually), they're probably illegal to use.


And just a few days later, the same scenario repeats itself


Alexandre became upset when the passenger in front of him reclined her seat, Suffolk prosecutors said in a statement. When a member of the flight crew attempted to calm him, Alexandre allegedly became even angrier, following the crewman down the plane’s aisle and grabbing him by the arm.

An air marshal intervened and handcuffed Alexandre while the plane descended.


I wish there we more details how it went down. What did he passenger in the front say? Was he dismissing, taunting him? Or was the guy just needlessly fast in rage mode. Anyways he should've talked to the attendant and not grabbing him.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I wish airplane seats not recline at all same with bus seats on long trips. I always seem to be behind someone who just needs to recline all the way. Reclining into someone is a really a hole thing to do.


Man, I wish more airlines would disable the recliner. I freaking hate it when people recline.

I have to fly all the time for work, and it definitely gets on my nerves.

Really, though, I just think flying sucks. We should get on this teleporter thing.

Or do it like Cathay Pacific, where you can recline your seat within a fixed frame.


I always go for aisle too because bigger people constantly encroach on my space (over the arm rests (not that I ever get a shot at the arm rests...), leg area, and I've had a few even want to lift the arm rests because they said there was extra 'space' that way. -_- At least with aisle I have an escape or safe zone on one side of me.

My wife always request the aisle seat on a plane or in a theater and ask me to take the middle seat. Fine but it annoys me when I sit next to someone who is an arm rest grabber. Don't they know that the polite thing to do is to only grab half of it? So I have to sit there and wait for the arm to move off and then claim the rest.

The another annoying habit is when a guy doesn't know to keep his legs together and spreads them open, resting against my leg which is in the confines of my seat. I always have to speak up about the issue when that happens.


ehm, passengers who recline their seats dont do that to be dicks.
I cant believe how they are demonized here and this is being compared to not showering for three weeks or abusing the offer of free sauce at a fast food restaurant. this is just ridiculous.

they are using a feature of a seat exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. this is not a matter of opinion.

I understand some people can be bothered by this, not even necessarily only tall people, I once witnessed a dispute between someone who wanted to eat and the passenger in front of him (tall guy btw) refused to put it back. in the example of the article here, the passenger who used this kneecap defender device seemed to need it because he uses a laptop, not because he is tall. yes planes have limited space, they are uncomfortable, I understand that.

but you need to either learn to deal with this like everybody else or direct your anger at the airline company who designed the seats, certainly not at the passengers who use them perfectly the way they are designed for.
being whiny, salty or an angry dick to them wont help anybody or improve anything. it's not their fault that you need more space than what the seats are apparently designed for, for whatever reason. get over it.


ehm, passengers who recline their seats dont do that to be dicks.
I cant believe how they are demonized here and this is being compared to not showering for three weeks or abusing the offer of free sauce at a fast food restaurant. this is just ridiculous.

they are using a feature of a seat exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. this is not a matter of opinion.

I understand some people can be bothered by this, not even necessarily only tall people, I once witnessed a dispute between someone who wanted to eat and the passenger in front of him (tall guy btw) refused to put it back. in the example of the article here, the passenger who used this kneecap defender device seemed to need it because he uses a laptop, not because he is tall. yes planes have limited space, they are uncomfortable, I understand that.

but you need to either learn to deal with this like everybody else or direct your anger at the airline company who designed the seats, certainly not at the passengers who use them perfectly the way they are designed for.
being whiny, salty or an angry dick to them wont help anybody or improve anything. it's not their fault that you need more space than what the seats are apparently designed for, for whatever reason. get over it.

People pay for a horn on their car. If they are in rush hour traffic and lay on their horn, are they being a dick?
ehm, passengers who recline their seats dont do that to be dicks.
People who litter don't do it to be dicks. They do it because they're selfish and have no awareness that other people exist in the same space as them.

You want to recline? Buy a la-z-boy and park your ass at home. If you recline into me I am going to breath heavily onto the top of your head all flight long.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I definitely haven't read through this whole thread but has this been posted?

Signaling a major turnaround in the airline industry’s fortunes, the nation’s three major legacy carriers — American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines — all posted record profits in the past quarter. --NY Times about a month ago.

Maybe the greedy airlines should give a little back and take out a few rows.

Take out rows? If anything they'll try to find a way to put more in. I mean, do we really need bathrooms?!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
People pay for a horn on their car. If they are in rush hour traffic and lay on their horn, are they being a dick?

You... Completely missed his point. A horn is not meant to be layed on in traffic. A plane seat is actually designed to be reclined during certain portions of a flight.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
It's not necessary to recline your seat during domestic flights so they probably should take the feature out on those aircraft. Especially those little Canadair and ERJ regional jets.


People pay for a horn on their car. If they are in rush hour traffic and lay on their horn, are they being a dick?

yes of course, because, unlike people who recline their seats, they are NOT using their horn exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. they exceed and break these limits. there are even laws against honking in traffic, where I live at least. you will be fined. you can use a horn in many inappropriate situations. a seat in a plance however, only serves one function and can only be used in one situation. and unless you break it to lean back even more. there is no way to use it inappropriately.

People who litter don't do it to be dicks.

same as above.
littering is obviously wrong. and in many places you can be fined for it.
putting your garbage in a bin is doing it how its designed for, just like reclining a seat is using it the way its designed for.
same as above.
littering is obviously wrong. and in many places you can be fined for it.
putting your garbage in a bin is doing it how its designed for, just like reclining a seat is using it the way its designed for.

IUDs are designed to kill American soldiers. It doesn't make you less of a dick if you use them for what they were designed for.
Really now?


My feeling is that if people need special accommodations because they're very large or tall or whatever, they find the seat they need by booking earlier, using miles to upgrade, or paying more or take an alternate form of transportation.

If you're having trouble using a laptop, how about you put it on your lap?


this discussion is just stiupid...
A. its a banned device
B. its banned for a reason (reclining is a feature that you have and are in the right to use.)
C. reclining is aviabel to raise comfort. you beeing to tall isn't the problem of the person infront of you. even if he is a dick because you are to tall. (wich isn't his fault, its the fault of the airline)
D. complaining is just as childish as me complaining about taller people blocking my few in an openairconcert. i am small, so its my fucking problem. (atleast thats how i few it)
ehm, passengers who recline their seats dont do that to be dicks.
I cant believe how they are demonized here and this is being compared to not showering for three weeks or abusing the offer of free sauce at a fast food restaurant. this is just ridiculous.

they are using a feature of a seat exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. this is not a matter of opinion.

I understand some people can be bothered by this, not even necessarily only tall people, I once witnessed a dispute between someone who wanted to eat and the passenger in front of him (tall guy btw) refused to put it back. in the example of the article here, the passenger who used this kneecap defender device seemed to need it because he uses a laptop, not because he is tall. yes planes have limited space, they are uncomfortable, I understand that.

but you need to either learn to deal with this like everybody else or direct your anger at the airline company who designed the seats, certainly not at the passengers who use them perfectly the way they are designed for.
being whiny, salty or an angry dick to them wont help anybody or improve anything. it's not their fault that you need more space than what the seats are apparently designed for, for whatever reason. get over it.

There are many things we can do in this world that are perfectly legal to do. When you're living in the world with other people as an adult, you have an obligation (not a legal obligation--a mannerly obligation) to use some common sense and awareness of your surroundings. Your actions should not be dictated, or limited solely, by the "features" of an inanimate object. It's excuseable behaviour in a child, not in an adult.

I could throw out some examples of other things that are similarly rude. But I don't need to. If you're defining any limits of your interactions with other people by the "design specifications" or "features" of a glorified chair, you need to reassess your importance and how you view other people. You should not be looking to a chair or the chair's designer for guidance on whether you are behaving appropriately.


yes of course, because, unlike people who recline their seats, they are NOT using their horn exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. they exceed and break these limits. there are even laws against honking in traffic, where I live at least. you will be fined. you can use a horn in many inappropriate situations. a seat in a plance however, only serves one function and can only be used in one situation. and unless you break it to lean back even more. there is no way to use it inappropriately.

same as above.
littering is obviously wrong. and in many places you can be fined for it.
putting your garbage in a bin is doing it how its designed for, just like reclining a seat is using it the way its designed for.

But just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should. Sure-you CAN lean back even if someone's behind you. Just as you CAN lay on that horn. But doing either of these is an asshole move.

There are many things we can do in this world that are perfectly legal to do. When you're living in the world with other people as an adult, you have an obligation (not a legal obligation--a mannerly obligation) to use some common sense and awareness of your surroundings. Your actions should not be dictated, or limited solely, by the "features" of an inanimate object. It's excuseable behaviour in a child, not in an adult.

I could throw out some examples of other things that are similarly rude. But I don't need to. If you're defining any limits of your interactions with other people by the "design specifications" or "features" of a glorified chair, you need to reassess your importance and how you view other people. You should not be looking to a chair or the chair's designer for guidance on whether you are behaving appropriately.



So now you can pay $21.95 to be an asshole?

Yeah, it's the person who's tiny little bubble of space is being invaded who's the asshole. Obviously.

Reclining in economy: Just don't.

this discussion is just stiupid...
C. reclining is aviabel to raise comfort. you beeing to tall isn't the problem of the person infront of you. even if he is a dick because you are to tall. (wich isn't his fault, its the fault of the airline)

I'm almost exactly average height for a caucasian north american male and someone reclining in the seat in front of me in economy is a severe detriment to my comfort level. Far more of a detriment than any tiny improvement in their comfort from sitting at 105 degrees instead of 95 degrees. This disproportionality is why you should never ever be the asshole who reclines into the person behind you. Especially if you didn't even ask first.

Hell, the way the tray setups are built you might literally destroy a laptop screen if you recline while the person behind you has it open, no matter how they're using it.


But just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should. Sure-you CAN lean back even if someone's behind you. Just as you CAN lay on that horn. But doing either of these is an asshole move.

I'm not sure how you are getting there, but "you should do it because you CAN" is absolutely not what I was saying in my answer to your post. quite the contrary actually, I was even elaborating why such thinking is indeed a dick move.


people who recline also probably drive 15 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane and hold up the line at chipotle because they have to have a very specific amount of rice


I like to recline if I can and I fly a lot. In the past it had never been an issue.

One time I reclined and the person behind me said "REALLY??". I was annoyed that they didn't say. "Excuse me that is unfortable", but whatever.

Since then I avoid reclining, but if I'm real uncomfortable I will ask the person behind me if it is OK. Usually I can tell that there is enough room to recline or not and will avoid the question altogether.


My knees already hit the front seat without it even being in any angle. When somebody reclines, I have to sit the whole flight with my legs spread.

And I'm only 186. I can't imagine what it's like for 2 meter guys.
If you're going to be proactive about preventing people from reclining, the way to do it is verbally. There are only two outcomes to using a tool instead: either no one will notice (meaning it didn't help you, as no one reclined), or someone will notice and resent your approach.


Authorized Fister
I'm getting a panic attack just looking at that.

I actually got into an argument on a plane for the same reason; you should never recline in economy class. Good thing I put in my contract renewal to only travel business.
ehm, passengers who recline their seats dont do that to be dicks.
I cant believe how they are demonized here and this is being compared to not showering for three weeks or abusing the offer of free sauce at a fast food restaurant. this is just ridiculous.

they are using a feature of a seat exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. this is not a matter of opinion.

I understand some people can be bothered by this, not even necessarily only tall people, I once witnessed a dispute between someone who wanted to eat and the passenger in front of him (tall guy btw) refused to put it back. in the example of the article here, the passenger who used this kneecap defender device seemed to need it because he uses a laptop, not because he is tall. yes planes have limited space, they are uncomfortable, I understand that.

but you need to either learn to deal with this like everybody else or direct your anger at the airline company who designed the seats, certainly not at the passengers who use them perfectly the way they are designed for.
being whiny, salty or an angry dick to them wont help anybody or improve anything. it's not their fault that you need more space than what the seats are apparently designed for, for whatever reason. get over it.

yes of course, because, unlike people who recline their seats, they are NOT using their horn exactly the way its designed for, exactly in the capacity and limits its designed for. they exceed and break these limits. there are even laws against honking in traffic, where I live at least. you will be fined. you can use a horn in many inappropriate situations. a seat in a plance however, only serves one function and can only be used in one situation. and unless you break it to lean back even more. there is no way to use it inappropriately.

same as above.
littering is obviously wrong. and in many places you can be fined for it.
putting your garbage in a bin is doing it how its designed for, just like reclining a seat is using it the way its designed for.

this discussion is just stiupid...
A. its a banned device
B. its banned for a reason (reclining is a feature that you have and are in the right to use.)
C. reclining is aviabel to raise comfort. you beeing to tall isn't the problem of the person infront of you. even if he is a dick because you are to tall. (wich isn't his fault, its the fault of the airline)
D. complaining is just as childish as me complaining about taller people blocking my few in an openairconcert. i am small, so its my fucking problem. (atleast thats how i few it)

These guys are 100% correct. I have never had a problem with someone reclining into me. And if you have a problem (emphasis on the YOU), then let me know, and I'll do my best to accommodate you because I'm not a dick. But I like reclining, and if you don't speak up, then I assume you are like me and do not care.


I definitely haven't read through this whole thread but has this been posted?

Signaling a major turnaround in the airline industry’s fortunes, the nation’s three major legacy carriers — American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines — all posted record profits in the past quarter. --NY Times about a month ago.

Maybe the greedy airlines should give a little back and take out a few rows.

God forbid they should earn a profit after an eternity of losing money...

It’s a triumph for the airlines, all three the products of protracted bankruptcies and mega-mergers, and it represents a new phase in the industry’s troubled history. For the first time in a generation, airlines are generating enough cash to pay down debt, buy new planes, reward shareholders with new dividends, buy back shares, and even raise employee bonuses and salaries.


These guys are 100% correct. I have never had a problem with someone reclining into me. And if you have a problem (emphasis on the YOU), then let me know, and I'll do my best to accommodate you because I'm not a dick. But I like reclining, and if you don't speak up, then I assume you are like me and do not care.

Just. Ask. What makes this dickish behaviour is the lack of consideration. You're putting the cost for your comfort on them, the VERY LEAST you can do is ask them if that's ok. Yes, the seats are designed to recline. But it has a very real impact on the person behind you whether they speak up or not, and you're the one making a choice here.
What makes this dickish behaviour is the lack of consideration. You're putting the cost for your comfort on them...

You can reverse that sentiment as well. An individual wishing to recline to gain more comfort should not do so out of consideration and instead sit in a state of discomfort?

Isn't that the same as the person in the back putting the cost of his comfort on the recliner?

Reality is that both passengers paid for a certain amount of space allowed. When you pay for that ticket, you are paying for the space that you occupy. You have a certain allotment of space under the seat, a certain allotment in the overheads, and a certain allotment in your luggage (and of course, if you have more luggage, you pay for it). As both passengers have paid a fare for their use of the space on the aircraft, it is absurd to say that because one individual happens to anatomically fill more of that volume of space, another individual should give up his or her right to use the space that has been paid for.

By virtue of the fact that the seat reclines, the passenger reclining has a right to that space as part of the fare paid. To ask the recliner to not recline is to ask the passenger to surrender some of the rights for which he or she has paid. Why should that be the case?

If a larger individual -- by either height or girth -- requires more space to be comfortable, the onus is on the individual to pay for more space and not on the other passengers, who have paid their fare, to accommodate the needs of those individuals who fall outside of mean in terms of the volume of space they require to be comfortable.

* Disclaimer: I am in the no-recline camp. I never recline but I don't have any hard feelings for those that do
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