You're a gentleman, I was just about to search for a list of chat commands.
Full list:
Originally Posted by markot:
/l [text] Local chat. This text will be sent to all players within range of you. Can be seen by enemy players. This is the default mode if no slash command is given in the text box.
/y [text] Yell chat. This text will be sent to all players within range of you (longer range than /l). Can be seen by enemy players
/re [text] Region chat. This text will be sent to all friendly players within the same hex territory. Enemies cannot see the text.
/sq [text] Squad chat. This text will be sent to all members of your squad, regardless of location.
/s [text] Squad chat. This text will be sent to all members of your squad, regardless of location.
/os [text] Outfit chat. This text will be sent to all members of your outfit, regardless of location.
/t [playername] [text] Tell (Private Message). This text will be sent to the player specified.
/r [text] Reply (Private Message). This text will be sent to the last player sending you a private message
/squad invite (name of player) Invite player to your squad
/platoon invite (name of player) An invite to join your platoon will be sent to that player's squad leader
Im guessing that /c will let you chat in the command channel if you unlock the cert for it and I'm also wondering if there is a platoon leaders channel (there was one in PS1 I believe it was /pl letting Squad leaders in a platoon converse privately)
Also I think /re only works in friendly controlled territory
We should add these to the OP