Freeza Under The Shower
You're FPS is being limited by your cpu. You might try enabling the centralized HUD, some people have had slight frame rate increases with that, but mostly this game is working your CPU hard, and unfortunately it's not balanced across all cores (dual or quad), so the ability of a single core to do heavy lifting is more important than usual. I sympathize, as I upgraded from a worse computer than yours where I was getting 15 fps or less in medium sized battles. This game was the impetus for that upgrade...
I have an AMD X6 1100T... it should be enough... :\
I imagine the CPU is not being used optimally though, but I haven't checked with a performance log or anything.
Have you lowered the render distance in the UserOptions.ini to something like 1000 or 750? That really helped on my system, since the default distance is set to an insanely high value.
no, I haven't. Thanks for the tip. The in-game option of 'render quality' doesn't seem to do anything useful.