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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Played a few hours last night. Had no clue what I was doing but eventually started getting the hang of it.

I loved once the night cycle began. Really wasn't expecting it when it happened but the game looks great with all the battles going on around you.

Just try different classes and vehicles until you find something enjoyable, and try to play with people (squad) ASAP. I roll around solo, and it makes the game much more difficult.


Does anyone else wonder about the Warpgate placement on the three continents?

I kinda feel like TR has the natural advantage on both INDAR and AMERISH due to having central placement on an opposing edge (offering a better 'radius' coverage than the NC and VS's corner placing), and on ESAMIR the NC surely are at a disadvantage by having the boxed-in corner.

Seems a little odd that it's set up like this when there's three factions and three continents.

It's like this because these are the home continents for each faction. When the expansions come out and we have more continents there will be only one faction owned warpgate on each of these 3 conts, and the rest will be neutral.

iirc it will VS Amerish, TR Indar, NC Esamir


Do people on the Matterson(sp) server actually know how to take bases? I've been playing on the Jaeger(sp) server and I can't even get people to stand on points. It's like they assume the base is captured just because they are somewhere within the vicinity of the base. I was standing on one point for like 20 mins when it was 1 of 6 people to move the capture bar yelling for someone to come while the base was full of people on my side.
"I do dislike being able to just buy 'the good stuff' though. Logically speaking you would have people specialize into Galaxy flyer, Sunderer driver and so on due to certs, but if you can just buy it straight away that team organisation thing is lost. "

You don't buy the Galaxy/Sunderer? They're available for everyone from the start. You still specialize into them with certs.

I should have been more specific: specializing in particular types of Galaxy / Sunderer / Liberator transport. I don't know how powerful the AA or AT guns are on those, but I imagine a Galaxy could easily be used as a anti-tank (column) weapon.

Those things however, will be unavailable to non-paying dudes like me, like forever. (ok: 300 hours or something, by then...)

Looking forward to seeing some actual teamwork, allthough piggy backing on another squad is also not too bad.
Just try different classes and vehicles until you find something enjoyable, and try to play with people (squad) ASAP. I roll around solo, and it makes the game much more difficult.

So far i really like the engineer. I was finding it difficult to spawn near the squad leader. I thought the tutorial said to press insert but it didn't seem to work. Is it normal for your squad to be scattered around the map?

Also why does some zones have longer wait times for deployment?
GAF lead the attack on the TR (assuming you were on Matterson) last night on Indar and through to this morning. I unlocked some of the squad leader certs which let me place priority targets on the map (which everyone faction wide sees) while also leading a 30 member GAF platoon to help guide the Zerg. Also unlocked the command chat channel and coordinated with my counterparts who were hitting the NC.

At the wee hours of the morning the Vanu liberated Indar from the communists and smurfs, locking both of our misguided enemies in their warp gates where they belong. It was GLORIOUS.

That does sound glorious, even for a Vanu. My TR is on Waterson.


he's Virgin Tight™
Hell I shot a rocket at a tank and this guy from my team somehow managed to jump in front of it and get blown up. I was far... like... very far, and somehow he managed to do that. Very impressive haha



I'm willing to give the game more time because I'm enjoying it and I do think it has plenty of potential, but I also think it was released too early. It does have some fairly strong flaws - not limited to the f2p structure and cert grind - that really haven't improved since beta. The worst are performance, lag and world/base design, which lead to simplistic (zerg-> spawn camp-> repeat) and repetitive (wack a mole capture rotations) scenarios.

The hype of scale and massive battles feels a lot like roaming cluster fucks so far. The battles usually play out the same way: an exhaustive stale mate and grinding down by whoever gains upper hand, which is almost always through air and armor. Bases hardly feel like bases, but instead open TDM arenas where you just kill each other until one of the objectives is met and a team gets pushed out from the conditions I mentioned above. There's no order to it it just kind of happens together. And there's no real sense of progression even when you're gaining territory. It's like you're moving from arena to arena. Shouldn't the metagame be more interesting..?

I haven't seen anything I'd consider impressive in terms of strategy yet either, at least not anything related to terrain control. Choke points are expressed only in the cap spots on the map. Just about the only part of the game I think could be described as high skill would be the flying. Air is currently destroying everything because AA is horrid and people can't gear into the more useful stuff without a shit load of certs. The infantry combat isn't nearly as tight as it needs to be for me to consider skill ceiling high enough to beat everything else out.

My experience with PS1 was limited to one weekend. In that time I saw battles that progressed over land, into towers, base walls/yards, into the bases themselves with different floors and rooms with capture objectives, and so on. There was a much clearer sense of progression and reward that I'm not seeing in PS2 yet. I don't know if that's something I should let bother me considering the games age and state of incompleteness. I guess the most important thing right now is that despite all this it's still fun and very playable haha


spk it sounds to me like you're rolling with pubs who have no idea what they're doing. If you're looking for organization, tactics, and progressive assaults: join an outfit. There is no way around that. Using pub squads and expecting anything like that is tantamount to expecting a good experience from Matchmaking in other games.


I've played with VOIP outfits and squads in beta and launch and while it's a much better experience it doesn't really change my mind about the things that concern me

Some things I'd like to see in PS2:

More ammo types
Ammo pick up from enemies even in meager amounts
More tools/kits to play with like different engi turrets, deployable shields, etc
More variations in certs
Motion sensor and cloak that are worth a damn :p + Infiltrator class that isn't railroaded into Sniper
Large complex urban or indoor areas instead of spam filled/cramped biodomes and repetitive base/outpost design
More fluid infantry combat in terms of movement and gunplay


I've played with VOIP outfits and squads in beta and launch and while it's a much better experience it doesn't really change my mind about the things that concern me

Some things I'd like to see in PS2:

More ammo types
No, every game that has this ends up the same way: one type is better and everyone uses that. Better to simply make good base ammunition.
Ammo pick up from enemies even in meager amounts
Each faction uses different types of ammunition + that would be catering more to lone wolf gameplay in stead of relying on teamwork (infil hacking enemy terminals, engineers dropping ammo, sunderers)
More tools/kits to play with like different engi turrets, deployable shields, etc
They're going to be doing a pass over each class to expand them more, similar to the TF2 class updates I suppose. Light Assault is first.
More variations in certs
Likely coming with the class updates
Motion sensor and cloak that are worth a damn :p + Infiltrator class that isn't railroaded into Sniper
I don't use infil much but I have been able to use it effectively to compromise gens and turn over lots of important terminals before an assault
Large complex urban or indoor areas instead of spam filled/cramped biodomes and repetitive base/outpost design
In the many, many hours I've spent with the game I haven't had two battles play out in a remotely similar way, except in the horrible biolab chokepoints. Those really need an alternative in future continents.
More fluid infantry combat in terms of movement and gunplay
I've really been enjoying the infantry combat and gunplay after the last few passes over it during beta, only thing I would change is a faster base movement speed

This game is so big and there are so many ways to play it that no one has the same experiences, but those are my responses.


PS1 got extremely repetitive, and this is coming from a fan. Yes the sense of progression for a battle was stronger on average, but it was also far more stringent even if we discount the horrible base layouts. I prefer how they've handled it in PS2 for the most part.

In my opinion, the only major aspect PS2 lacks in order for it to reach greatness is the metagame, it needs at least 6 more continents and a system linking them together and locking them out like in PS1. I'm constantly finding myself in a massive push to the enemy warp gate only to lose interested because, then what? Though the gameplay and scale is holding my interest, I hope they add that in sooner rather than later.


Actually yeah, considering what happened to BC2 ammo types is unnecessary. It's good to hear that they'll be expanding class utility and cert variation too.

Right now cloak isn't very useful because it's easy to see through and track damage. That or you follow it until it runs out if you haven't killed them already. The sensor ball would be worth using if it worked more like the BC2 whiz balls. Right now it doesn't seem to ping or pick up targets often enough. Maybe it will with certs, I don't know. The bolt action rifles are good but not a match vs other weapons DPS if you don't get the drop. A shotgun would be more useful with how vulnerable you are. Against vehicles you're screwed. The LA is a better Infiltrator than the Infiltrator is minus the hacking skills.

This game is so big and there are so many ways to play it that no one has the same experiences, but those are my responses.

Honestly defense in my experience most often boils down to: Do you have equal or greater numbers than the offense? If not you'll probably lose (because of open arena design). Like I said it often devolves into a TDM zerg and spawn camp


It would be cool if this game actually invested some time into telling people how to play it. I shouldn't have to google and watch linked youtube videos to find the answer to everything.

Free to play for a reason, lol.


It would be cool if this game actually invested some time into telling people how to play it. I shouldn't have to google and watch linked youtube videos to find the answer to everything.

Free to play for a reason, lol.

Just another one of the reasons the game needed more time in the incubator. The players first experience is the most important one, and there is basically nothing in game telling people how to play atm.

Denying the use of video tutorials isn't a compelling point though


he's Virgin Tight™
It would be cool if this game actually invested some time into telling people how to play it. I shouldn't have to google and watch linked youtube videos to find the answer to everything.

Free to play for a reason, lol.

I agree with this though. very very much


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Ok, about to hop in for a good amount of time. If you want to join me then add me:

Mattherson server

TR, right?

You and your jet killed the crap out of me and my squad last night, as we attempted to hold a small base just south of the TR warpgate on Indar. Seems like 2 or 3 jets would make strafing runs with rocket pods, while we were maybe 5-10 people with no vehicles or air support. It was actually kind of scary, with the lulls while the jets went off to reload.

Once a liberator showed up, we couldn't hold.


TR, right?

You and your jet killed the crap out of me and my squad last night, as we attempted to hold a small base just south of the TR warpgate on Indar. Seems like 2 or 3 jets would make strafing runs with rocket pods, while we were maybe 5-10 people with no vehicles or air support. It was actually kind of scary, with the lulls while the jets went off to reload.

Once a liberator showed up, we couldn't hold.

Oh yea! TR

I usually start piloting when it's necessary. I hate when our faction only focuses on 1 base at a time...which is almost all the time because TR on Mattherson have tunnel vision. Even worse, they dont even pull armor to counter most of the time...they try to foot zerg to victory against like 50+ tanks and aircraft lol. I see the VS and NC tend to spread out their efforts a lot more so I get a mosquito and fly around and try to slow down the push at the smaller bases.

I just discovered the joys of flying a few days ago. It finally clicked! I got used to having roll on the mouse.

sorry caps was on.

Vanu without 'other gaf' aka everyone.gif isn't really much to write about either though. Or maybe I'm playing with euro gaf without knowing it, but I didn't recognize any names.
Just played with a squad that stuck together and moved from objective to objective. Much better experience than last night and I'm figuring out more.

I still have a lot of unanswered questions on how to play. One thing I don't understand is that I resupply with 8 grenades but can only carry 1, can I increase that?

I enjoy all the stats and details the map can provide. You can sit and study it for awhile.


Finally decided to spend some time with this, was just in the middle of capturing a base and then disconnect... bah. Not that I have an idea what I was doing anyway.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, being in a squad/platoon that moves around and in a wave, captures the small bases to cut off the advances of the opponents is good fun. A different kind of fun from what I call "The Crown Syndrome"

Which is: Head to the Crown and proceed to die repeatedly for as long as I feel like it.

But it is a good place to see a prolonged battle.


Just played with a squad that stuck together and moved from objective to objective. Much better experience than last night and I'm figuring out more.

I still have a lot of unanswered questions on how to play. One thing I don't understand is that I resupply with 8 grenades but can only carry 1, can I increase that?

I enjoy all the stats and details the map can provide. You can sit and study it for awhile.

I believe there is a cert to increase number of grenades, there was in the beta at least. The 8 is the total number you have bought with your resources.

Wish SOE hadn't farmed the game out to a third party for us Euro's. Prosieben have been useless so far.


Just played with a squad that stuck together and moved from objective to objective. Much better experience than last night and I'm figuring out more.

I still have a lot of unanswered questions on how to play. One thing I don't understand is that I resupply with 8 grenades but can only carry 1, can I increase that?

I enjoy all the stats and details the map can provide. You can sit and study it for awhile.

By default, you can only carry 1 grenade. Those other 7 grenades are stored for the next time you respawn. You can cert into a suit modification that allows you to carry more grenades.
I have no idea why they locked FXAA to be constantly on, I don't even care if MSAA isn't possible in the game I just want to turn off FXAA. Apparently in the beta you could. I hate FXAA.

Also for being so CPU dependent why do my cores feel so underutilized, needs more multi-core support, and optimizations badly.

For example on my system cpu and gpu resources never go over 50%-ish while playing and I'm getting sub-20 fps in the huge fights, I don't get it. This is with high priority in task manager.


My game keeps crashing out of nowhere :( Anyone else having that? I thought it was usually when there was alot of action going on but it also happened when I was in the middle of nowhere.


Junior Member
Struggling to get into the game. Everything seems artificially slow to progress like alot of F2P titles are - seeing what speed I earn the unlock points is incredibly depressing to think I could play for hours and hours just to unlock a gun which I find I don't even like after unlocking it. Weapons are all very generic and don't "feel" as good as other shooters.

Combat itself doesn't seem as solid or enjoyable as something like Battlefield 3 on big player servers on PC.

Basically what it boils down to is it doesn't feel like there's much special going on, other than the scale, that would pull me away from a ton of great games to play during this busy period.


Ok, so noob question, but I've been fighting on the ice continent forever, need a change of pace, how do I go to the other continents?


Vehicle bundle in the store looks fantastic, I'd get that if you're going to be investing any money into vehicles

Yeah, I picked it up earlier.

For NC:

The M20 Basilisk is just a gun strapped to your Flash.
The Breaker Pods are HE rocket salvo secondary for the Reaver (and are fucking GREAT).
L100 Python HE is is for the Lightning.
A30 Walker is an AA primary for the dropship thingy (I think).
Titan150 HE is a primary for the Vanguard.
L105 Zephyr is a HE secondary (the bomber) for the Liberator (again -- GREAT).
M60 Bulldog is, if I remember correctly, a HE launcher primary for the Sunderer.

Would have preferred the weapons to offer a few more AA or even a single AT option, but whatevs. A whole lot of exploding infantry in the bundle.


Ok, so noob question, but I've been fighting on the ice continent forever, need a change of pace, how do I go to the other continents?

"You can change continents from the Warp Gate by walking up to a console with a globe above it" - paraphrased from a loading screen tip. You can also change continents by responding to the alert deployments if it deploys you on a different continent.
So I played 5 hours yesterday and got 200certificates, that is 1/5 the way to one weapon. Should I be saving all my certificates to get weapons aka 2 a month. Or use them on other things?

Also how do you get those OP mechwarriors? There are like 40 of them pwning me.


someone take a pic of the continent terminal please, and I'll it to the OP

That thing is just temporary btw, the big glowy thing in the middle will be used like in PS1 eventually

So I played 5 hours yesterday and got 200certificates, that is 1/5 the way to one weapon. Should I be saving all my certificates to get weapons aka 2 a month. Or use them on other things?

Also how do you get those OP mechwarriors? There are like 40 of them pwning me.

Trial weapons and prioritize whatever you want to get as it depends on your playstyle

The big guys are MAXes, you can spawn into one at an infantry terminal


"You can change continents from the Warp Gate by walking up to a console with a globe above it" - paraphrased from a loading screen tip. You can also change continents by responding to the alert deployments if it deploys you on a different continent.

someone take a pic of the continent terminal please, and I'll it to the OP

That thing is just temporary btw, the big glowy thing in the middle will be used like in PS1 eventually

Trial weapons and prioritize whatever you want to get as it depends on your playstyle

The big guys are MAXes, you can spawn into one at an infantry terminal

Trial? I didn't know you could do that. I really just want a gun with a scope that isn't a sniper, does that exist?
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