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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


Well now I regret choosing Jaeger as it looks like only a couple GAF players are on the server. Is there a way to change servers without having to change characters?
So I have never been able to "sample" weapons. I go to "try now" but nothing happens. Is there any way to fix this or should I just give up on trying.
I've lost interest in trying to play this game. Every time I choose my character the loading screen for the continent gets hung up on 97%. It's a bummer, because I was actually looking forward to playing this. :/

Anybody have any ideas how to fix this? I really want to play this game :(

Reposting for the top of the page, I'm still having the same problem. :(


I played this for the first time last night. It reminds me of a super version of Battlefield 2142 (a game I love.) Although I'm sure there are no awesome abilities like "roller mines" in this game.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
really late night PS2 is empty. But easy way to go around getting XP by capping small bases and destroying turrets with the Scythe.

Did have an epic 1 on 1 fight with a NC guy over a base. I ran in as a Medic, turned a corner, and ran into him (a Heavy Assault). Manage to get distance on him, as taking him on in close quarters wasn't gonna work out for me.

We fought at a longer distance, him using the building of the base for cover and flanking ability, I used a couple large rock formations, my scoped rifle, and my health regen. Constantly doing bits of damage to each other, but not finishing. This went on for 5 minutes or so. At this point, I wanted to up the pressure. There was a base nearby (owned by VS) with a vehicle stand. My plan was to run over there to get a tank, but it was a small base, so it's either Flash or Sunderer. Went Sunderer (for the grenade launcher and job changer). Drove back, and managed to keep him in the building, but still not killing him. I kept it up long enough, that when I got out and changed to MAX, I was able to come up behind him while he was still worried about the Sunderer, and took him out. By that point, the battle lasted about 25 minutes. Vibes of The End battle in MGS3.

Now, with spawning, this doesn't sound like much, but this was entirely without dying, until I finally killed him, and saved the base (takes forever for 1 man to cap a base)
Yeah, so no in-game voice chat is messed up. I really want to play right now, but since I don't have an outfit I need to join a random squad. Thing is, it's bloody hard to coordinate with others through text and it's really easy to end up with people scattered all around the map.

I really want to love the game, but playing alone is just a chore right now. If they want the game to succeed, they need to create the tools for players to easily meet up and communicate. Or it's going to be another PS1 where newbies are confused and lost till they just don't want to play anymore.

Agreed. Everyone here says it's easy to get in an Outfit but that's a bunch of bologna IMO. I am still stuck playing alone and my friends already quit.


Agreed. Everyone here says it's easy to get in an Outfit but that's a bunch of bologna IMO. I am still stuck playing alone and my friends already quit.

Joining an outfit is not a secret, it is not hard, but it is not automatic, you have to put in the (miniscule) effort to seek one out. You really don't seem to want to put any effort into the game, though, so your time would be better spent elsewhere.


This game is turning into Battlefield 2 for me. Vehicles dominating everything, especially those who have taken the time to master the air. Given the lack of AA on infantry, makes it all the more frustrating.


This game is turning into Battlefield 2 for me. Vehicles dominating everything, especially those who have taken the time to master the air. Given the lack of AA on infantry, makes it all the more frustrating.

It seems everytime I get in a aircraft some guy with ground to air AA takes me out in seconds lol
Downloaded, started it, dropped from the sky and some dude on the opposing team was crouching next to where I landed and killed me.

A thousand years later, I respawned and was taken out by a tank within minutes. Promptly returned to Killing Floor!

I'll try again when I have a bit more patience.


It seems everytime I get in a aircraft some guy with ground to air AA takes me out in seconds lol

I wish I could share that experience but shooting with the skyguard AA tank is horrible. The shots are hitting as I can see the little explosions, but the aircraft seem to take almost no damage. I already regret unlocking the whole thing.
This game is turning into Battlefield 2 for me. Vehicles dominating everything, especially those who have taken the time to master the air. Given the lack of AA on infantry, makes it all the more frustrating.

Yea I am terrible at vehicles but pretty solid at the fps part. I usually use a heavy so I have rockets and c4 which is okay for 1 tank but not 30 or 40 which is what the big battles consist of.


I wish I could share that experience but shooting with the skyguard AA tank is horrible. The shots are hitting as I can see the little explosions, but the aircraft seem to take almost no damage. I already regret unlocking the whole thing.

Good to know that I'm not alone. That thing does like nothing, not even to these paperplanes. :/


The skyguard was nerfed right at the end of the beta. I guess they went overboard with the nerf bat.

Good to know. I've managed to knock down maybe 1 or 2 mosquitoes with help of AA maxes, but a liberator can just sit there and not take damage. It's infuriating.


I'm surprised some people are finding the game antisocial. I've experienced more people communicating in Planetside 2 the last three days than I have in three weeks of Halo 4 multiplayer.

Has anyone purchased the foregrip attachments yet? Not sure if it is worth 100 cert for the LMGs.


I wish I could share that experience but shooting with the skyguard AA tank is horrible. The shots are hitting as I can see the little explosions, but the aircraft seem to take almost no damage. I already regret unlocking the whole thing.

The skyguard was nerfed right at the end of the beta. I guess they went overboard with the nerf bat.

Damn :( Skyguard was awesome in the beta, so not only did they nerf it to crap, but they also made it the most expensive gun on the Lightning? In addition to losing the ability to damage other tanks.


So what ground AA is viable now? Max's?
The skyguard was nerfed right at the end of the beta. I guess they went overboard with the nerf bat.

Yea they nerfed its range as well as increased its COF so getting it to hit is hard as hell. I'd rather use AA maxes any day, although I fucking hate getting left behind by sunderers when trying to defend it from rocket pods :/

If anyone does decide to go AA max, def put points in flak armor, I can 1v1 a ESF and survive a whole rocket barrage without dying with just the first tier flak armor. Cant say the same about the poor engineers that come to try to repair me :/

Also apparently the ammo upgrades for the bursters are WORTHLESS. People say they don't double your ammo count, but rather add like 18 bullets...


If you're looking for an Outfit, try to go to this section of the Official Forums, it's strictly for Outfit Recruiting. It should be pretty easy to find an Outfit here:

This game is turning into Battlefield 2 for me. Vehicles dominating everything, especially those who have taken the time to master the air. Given the lack of AA on infantry, makes it all the more frustrating.

Get in the air and take him out or rally everybody up to pull AA maxes.


Anyone get a xbox 360 wired controller to work with this game? I've been working for 1 goddamn day trying to get this shit working. I had game crashes when my controller was plugged in, so I had to overwrite the DINPUT8.dll system file to get past that. Now the game launches with the controller plugged in but still nothing in the game menus under Joystick. Trying to have it plugged in for vehicle support, like BF3.

Anyone got this working or advice?


Trucker Sexologist
Anyone get a xbox 360 wired controller to work with this game? I've been working for 1 goddamn day trying to get this shit working. I had game crashes when my controller was plugged in, so I had to overwrite the DINPUT8.dll system file to get past that. Now the game launches with the controller plugged in but still nothing in the game menus under Joystick. Trying to have it plugged in for vehicle support, like BF3.

Anyone got this working or advice?
From what I hear, joystick support is broken at the moment anyway. They just mapped digital buttons to the axes.
Downloaded, started it, dropped from the sky and some dude on the opposing team was crouching next to where I landed and killed me.

A thousand years later, I respawned and was taken out by a tank within minutes. Promptly returned to Killing Floor!

I'll try again when I have a bit more patience.

Hence why I hammered the game in my review for its poor introduction. It has absolutely no tutorial system, something I've never seen in a game before.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
how do i unlock landmines and c4 for the engy class? I feeling like blowing shit up
They're in the Utility tab in the engi certs. Pretty expensive, but all the utilities are well worth the price.


This game is turning into Battlefield 2 for me. Vehicles dominating everything, especially those who have taken the time to master the air. Given the lack of AA on infantry, makes it all the more frustrating.
Thanks for saving me the bandwidth. Doesn't sound like my kind of game. I hated that in BF2, and I played Karkand no-vehicles almost exclusively.
Thanks for saving me the bandwidth. Doesn't sound like my kind of game. I hated that in BF2, and I played Karkand no-vehicles almost exclusively.

don't listen to him. The map is just too big for that kind of vehicle assaults to be taking place everywhere. Plus you can take tanks down with ease


I believe they cost 200 certs. Does anyone know if C4 is unlocked across all classes?

It's not, the only thing that's universal are med kits and restoration kits. You have to unlock C4 for each class.

Thanks for saving me the bandwidth. Doesn't sound like my kind of game. I hated that in BF2, and I played Karkand no-vehicles almost exclusively.

You have to play it for yourself. Yes there are times when there are a fuck-ton of vehicles but there's also a lot of variety when it comes to Planetside 2. Try it for yourself.
It's not, the only thing that's universal are med kits and restoration kits. You have to unlock C4 for each class.

You have to play it for yourself. Yes there are times when there are a fuck-ton of vehicles but there's also a lot of variety when it comes to Planetside 2. Try it for yourself.

Damn, now I gotta decide what class should get c4 :/


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
if Air vehicles are getting to you, gather up AA Max's and A2A Rocket HA's and force them to leave.
LA is gives you quite a bit of utility with C4 due to being able easily flank. Kind of wasted on any other class

Interesting, I haven't actually played LA at all (been mainly putting points in medic and engineer) but I'll have to give it a try, is the jumpjets you get by default the one to level up?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Interesting, I haven't actually played LA at all (been mainly putting points in medic and engineer) but I'll have to give it a try, is the jumpjets you get by default the one to level up?

I've wondered that myself. I see that other one out there, but never read into the differences.


Interesting, I haven't actually played LA at all (been mainly putting points in medic and engineer) but I'll have to give it a try, is the jumpjets you get by default the one to level up?

I've wondered that myself. I see that other one out there, but never read into the differences.

The default one is a general purpose jump jet, the other one is more specialized for horizontal movements, eg maneuvering during a gal drop.

When it was introduced in the beta it was pretty ridiculous, and could basically be used for sprinting extremely fast while also being able to use your weapon, and you could just jet extreme distances kind of like a helicopter with no vertical thrust. Haven't heard much about it since then.


Amazing how people clamor for hardcore games and then complain when a game doesn't hold your hand the entire time. You can't magically join an outfit. I got invited to one just by joining a squad, communicating, and attacking the objective when a large number of the platoon was all from one outfit.

This game doesn't automatically send notices to outfits saying "This person has just registered on the server and needs an outfit!" You have to put some effort in to join their squad just like anyone else.

And getting into ANY outfit isn't hard at all considering there are outfits always posting recruiting ads with their website in the ingame chat using /yell.

There are plenty of things that need fine-tuning, but to blame this game for not automatically doing work for you and making PS2 buddies is weird. I mean, if I have a really good run as a gunner in someone's tank or Liberator, I'll add them and go from there and you'd be amazed at how many people WANT teamwork.

Edit: To prove my point, I just checked the squads and two of them directly mention and outfit and their site telling you to apply today and that's just what's on currently. I think that's pretty clear to anyone just joining. It's all around you if you take the time to look. Of all the criticisms, that is the one that makes the least sense to me considering no other game takes clans seriously anymore and it's literally just a tag ingame, yet this game does and it's the main topic the past few pages? And if they do follow their 3 year plan and add continents with outfit-built bases, are we still going to be talking about the lack of teamwork or communication? Squads and platoons are what make this game 1000000000x better so don't miss out.


I love this game because it doesn't hold your hand. It gives me a feeling I haven't had since socom 2 and I played that for like 3 years lol


I love this game because it doesn't hold your hand. It gives me a feeling I haven't had since socom 2 and I played that for like 3 years lol

Wow, that's funny because SOCOM is my favorite series ever. This game does appeal to that market of teamwork and lack of hand holding so it makes sense. Just funny you post this right after I mention hand holding and then you mention my favorite game of all time, lol.

One question/complaint about the Liberators though. Does my friend really have to unlock the Zephyr as well just so he can get Infrared for when he guns on MY Liberator? It should promote people using Liberators more. He unlocked the Dalton for his and I have to unlock it too just to get Infrared for when I gun with him. If I unlock Infrared for my Zephyr, he should get my Infrared when sitting there.
ip attachments yet? Not sure if it is worth 100 cert for the LMGs.

Yup, I've got the foregrip unlocked for the Pulsar (VS LMG, not starting weapon) and I'll there was a definite improvement in burst firing. The Pulsar is a little squirrelly at range, but the foregrip tightens it up just enough to be effective.

On my NC HA, I also unlocked the foregrip and it's the only way I will use that damn Gauss SAW - that weapon has mucho recoil. I say go for it on whatever LMG you are using.
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