An FYI to people, Double EXP effects all EXP gains EXCEPT BASE CAPTURES. You'll still get your membership added EXP plus any boosts, but you won't get double for a base cap.
An FYI to people, Double EXP effects all EXP gains EXCEPT BASE CAPTURES. You'll still get your membership added EXP plus any boosts, but you won't get double for a base cap.
Any VS players on Matherson want to play together?
This game needs xbox 360 controller support.
I hope Pinnacle makes a profile.. ask here^^
Shoot, go Engy and repair the shit outta some turrets!
just recently posted, it is a wip very simple layout.
Think it's just better to rack up kills. Been mainly playing HA today just to get as many kills as possible. Your certs go wayyyy up!
You can kill people as Engy, while people soak up your Ammo, and in down time, heal a turret. XP Bonaza!
The Heavy Assault lock Anti-Air rocket launcher is completely useless. I might as well throw sticks at them.
You know, going back and playing BF3 after playing this for a week was a breath of fresh air. I really want to love this game, but they need to fix the frame rate issue and also the pop-in. It's frustrating to have your skill taken away from you due to weird technical issues.
I don't remember PS1 having these kinds of issues, and that is now almost 10 years old.
Yup, they need to make it so the engine isn't so CPU limited. I can't take the horrible framerate anymore. I'm uninstalling until I can upgrade my PC in 1-2 years.You know, going back and playing BF3 after playing this for a week was a breath of fresh air. I really want to love this game, but they need to fix the frame rate issue and also the pop-in. It's frustrating to have your skill taken away from you due to weird technical issues.
I don't remember PS1 having these kinds of issues, and that is now almost 10 years old.
Did the double XP weekend start yet?
This game any good if you play solo? None of my friends have this/care.
In PS2's defense, PS1 (which you rightly mention is 10 years ago) looks like it rendered on a toaster. The fact the game looks so amazing means there are more issues caused by the fact it's doing more.
anybody else having trouble playing right now? It connects to me a server (i've tried multiple servers) and then kicks me out after a couple minutes of running around. I can't log into the computers to spawn vehicles, or chat but I can see other players and shoot. Weird.
Great, now the fucking hackers are here.
There was this guy ilovesherri blatantly using an autoaim hack. Of course, he did the hacker thing of disguising his name so he couldn't be reported.
I'm done for a bit.
That was the biggest offensive I've ever seen at once. Holy shit.
There had to be over 100 vehicles and like 30+ aircraft all in one base.
Damn.. I missed something big didn't I.. Fuck..
Continent and area?
Mattherson TR went up the east flank and just steamrolled a bunch of bases while Vanu captures a bunch on the west at the same time. TR doesn't know how to do things to scale, they go big or go home. It's all offensive and no defense and it's pointless being the only guy at a base to defend against a whole platoon, lol.
A lot of pushes against the NC right now and it's beautiful. The double XP has the servers packed and all the noobs just follow the crowd so it's not necessarily the best night for strategy, but it's a good night to have your mind blown in a video game. To think we've come so far to have that many vehicles in one place at one time.
Will definitely be more tomorrow since it'll be the weekend.
I was playing earlier (Vanu) and you would think with thousands of people on that someone would show up to defend areas yet I literally just stood around for 20 minutes or whatever by myself or with one other person taking different areas. I do that kind of back capping in every flag based game so it's not that surprising but you would think people would be looking at the map to see which zones are being captured... or worse, they are, and are too lazy to come out to defend when there isn't a close by spawn point.
Vanu just kicked ass on Crossroads Tower in Indar. Held back a huge NC offensive with numerous tanks, infantry and air!!! Amazing!!!!!!
even at 1 cert per kill, that still means a 1000 kills for something decent, like the lock-on rocket launcher or those rocket pods.
So I have decided I am not going to go forward with filling bars (I hate the F2P model for this reason) and play something else.
Great, now the fucking hackers are here.
There was this guy ilovesherri blatantly using an autoaim hack. Of course, he did the hacker thing of disguising his name so he couldn't be reported.
I'm done for a bit.
So much god damn exp. I was doing nothing but repairing and dropping ammo packs for MAXs for like 40 minutes.
Mattherson TR went up the east flank and just steamrolled a bunch of bases while Vanu captures a bunch on the west at the same time. TR doesn't know how to do things to scale, they go big or go home. It's all offensive and no defense and it's pointless being the only guy at a base to defend against a whole platoon, lol.
Damn, global cheater warnings. Must be pretty bad.
Damn, global cheater warnings. Must be pretty bad.
What should I spend my certs on first for LA?