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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


Does anyone here use ATI tray tools to monitor CPU temperatures? The in-game overlay doesn't work in Planetside 2 for some reason, even though it works in every other game I've tried it in.

Is there any way to get this, or some alternative, to work in this game?


I suppose I'm mostly Engineer, since that seemed to make sense when piloting. If I decide to try to mix it up more directly, say because my base is being overrun, I tend to go Light Assault. I think I have the best luck with that gun, I might win 25% of my fights, but I think that's the one that obscures the entire target picture with muzzle flash. I have to stop firing to check if the other guy is still in front of me. After I get tired of constantly dying, and if I cant spawn a vehicle, I'll play as an Infiltrator. I live longer that way, mostly because I'm skulking around in the hills.

Yeah I play engineer when I'm driving stuff, but unless I've got a squadmate MAX or three to heal I never willingly use it in a combat situation. The gun it comes with is still pretty decent, I can get kills with nothing but the 2x sight but I try not to get in straight up fights with anyone on my way to get back in a vehicle.

The idea behind Light Assault is to never be in a situation where the other guy knows you're gonna shoot him. I hardly ever play it but when I do, I unleash my inner chimpanzee and jump around the rafters/trees/roofs of a Biolab on defense.

For vehicles I love the wide blast area main gun (supernova VPC) for the Magrider combined with infrared. That gun makes you more vulnerable to enemy tanks, but NC/TR hate their tanks and a Magrider still has the advantage solo as long as you can Magboost behind him and shoot him in the back. 100 certs for the Magbooster though, and it has a loooong cooldown unless you spend tons on it like me. But yeah, IR lets you instantly spot all those little squishy ants hiding in rocks and obliterate them before they can kill your tank with rockets or C4.

Similarly, I have the high explosive main gun for Lightnings and it actually made me enjoy playing a Lightning. Although you still go down easily, at least you can kill things and it's one 'big' shot rather than the annoying default gun.

I'll look into those upgrades for the LMG. The foregrip reduces recoil/muzzle-climb, I assume? I'm surprised scopes work with all the muzzle flash, but if they do, that sounds like a winner, too.

Foregrip is really useful for strafing while firing. Which you should be doing. I don't really have problems with muzzle flash, I use 1x and 2x sights.

I like how you say, "The Crown, (of course)". I have no frigging idea where or what the Crown is. : ) I'll poke around on the map. Are we talking about a particular continent here, or are all of those places common to all "maps"?

Specific places. You'll frequently see those areas show up on 'instant action' but The Crown is right in the center of Indar. It almost ALWAYS has people fighting over it, and while it sucks to assault it, when your team has it you can rack up tons of kills defending it as anything you'd like. As an Engineer there are almost always some antiair MAXes hanging around and those are EXP goldmines if you can get into their squad (you get more for healing/resupplying squadmates). Combine that with double XP coming up in a few days and you'd be rolling in it.

Mani Biolab is on Esamir (Northern area) and for some reason it's always being attacked on my server (Soltech), and us Vanu are always defending it fiercely. I like the base layout and it's fun to defend. Plus it was the very first place I was dropped when I first tried the game so it's kind of like home.

Likewise on my server the NC love Tawrich Techplant (Indar, bottom right) and that place is ideal for tank vs infantry combat in my experience.

Of course, your mileage may vary but the heavily contested areas will almost always be listed in Instant Action. You can get a rough estimate of how many enemies are there by clicking on the tile...'enemy platoons detected' means there's a lot of dudes. Oh, and remember that you can steer your drop pod and end up in weird places. I like to land on top of main buildings so I can hopefully get the drop on some snipers or turretnerds, but often there are some LAs hanging around hoping for people to do just that.


It's Christmas time in PS2!!!!

I'm going to buy me a battleship with all this cash!

Also, anyone who gets the error that there was trouble activating the points to that account or something like that, just click the points option again and it will go through. It scared the shit out of me at first.

Thanks Jhriad!
Well sitting hear waiting for the captain of my flight I was able to redeem my Walmart cards and pick up the saron, sky guard, a2a missiles, dalton and bulldogs for the Sundy


It's time.


Not much else I wanted since I got that big vehicle pack a while ago. A2A missiles and the AP magrider main gun maybe...but I do fine using rocket pods and the turbolaser in the air, and I've already dumped tons of certs into the supernova VPC. I can wait for individual daily sales.


So let my friend try it out on his laptop and it worked wonderfully at medium! Think he can even push some stuff higher, but overall had lots of fun he said.

Edit, so with 3x SC I have 18,000 SC to spend. The only things I have bought in the game are some LMG's and some carbines and a shotgun with the weapon bundle. Any good weapons to get for vehicles?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Oh Snap, time go gets mines.

I don't see any mention of triple cash in the game. I see it on that webpage though. Which works?

Ok, since I went in and attempted to straight up purchase SC's, I got to the screen where you choose how many, and all the old amounts were crossed out, and triple numbers given. So, I exited back out, and input one Walmart Card. 6000 SC's. 2 more to enter and holy schnickies I'll have more SC's than I know what to do with.


It's Christmas time in PS2!!!!

I'm going to buy me a battleship with all this cash!

Also, anyone who gets the error that there was trouble activating the points to that account or something like that, just click the points option again and it will go through. It scared the shit out of me at first.

Thanks Jhriad!

Happy to help buddy. :)


Oh Snap, time go gets mines.

I don't see any mention of triple cash in the game. I see it on that webpage though. Which works?

Ok, since I went in and attempted to straight up purchase SC's, I got to the screen where you choose how many, and all the old amounts were crossed out, and triple numbers given. So, I exited back out, and input one Walmart Card. 6000 SC's. 2 more to enter and holy schnickies I'll have more SC's than I know what to do with.

You'll go through it pretty quickly... Lol I might get 1 or 2 vehicle weapons for today, but the rest I'll be getting weekly bundles or daily deals. No need to rush.


I'm saving the SC for later, the game is sure to go through a period of rapid growth post January and through the rest of the year and there will be some options that really vary the game. I've spent ~2000 SC so far (before today) and I feel there's nothing else I could buy that would really enrich or change my experience yet.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, just bought about 4 or 5 Vehicle weapons (hey, it's discounted) and I'm down to 15795. Only a couple more infatry gear, could easily have more than 10k to mess with. Should cover till the next Double/Triple day. Depends on the quality of added gear in the next few months.


So.. Hoping to get some Gaf players on a bit later. 8pm Central..

Still not sure what to get, but like I said maybe a better main gun for my lightning and magrider.

Also, for lightning which is better HE or HEAT?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So.. Hoping to get some Gaf players on a bit later. 8pm Central..

Still not sure what to get, but like I said maybe a better main gun for my lightning and magrider.

Also, for lightning which is better HE or HEAT?

Unsure what to get for Lightning. Just dislike it, because it dies quickly. I heard they improved Skyguard, might get that.

I'd say get the gun that can actually take on tanks, but then again, the standard gun looks and sounds cool with it's 6 bullets, ineffective as it is.


Membership and xp boosts are doubled during double xp, allowing 400% xp, according to the announcement email from SOE. Problem is, if I buy a boost my alpha squad one will disappear into the void. Can't believe they haven't fixed it yet. I may get a boost anyway and sort it out with a customer service rep afterwards...


I'm saving the SC for later, the game is sure to go through a period of rapid growth post January and through the rest of the year and there will be some options that really vary the game. I've spent ~2000 SC so far (before today) and I feel there's nothing else I could buy that would really enrich or change my experience yet.

Same here really. I see the rest as an investment for the future so I don't have to spend more money when big new things are introduced to the game.

I'll spend a little bit more over time on the individual sales or bundles and then save the rest for stuff at a later date. I want to buy my own battleship still. :p
The lightning's original gun is hot garbage. The heat is an all around gun and the one you want to get if you are only getting one, decent damage to armor and can kill infantry. The he is weaker against armor but does the same to infantry but has a larger splash radius. I've gone on 20+ kill streaks with it


It's going to be interesting to see how all this station cash floating around changes the game flow. I expect to see a lot more dangerous mags and rocket pod reavers galore. Going to be fun!!!!!

Edit: also stocking up on SC ... 5 cards :). Sadly no Walmart ones are available in Canada. Think I'll get the decimator rocket launcher. And the horn for my sunderer.
It's going to be interesting to see how all this station cash floating around changes the game flow. I expect to see a lot more dangerous mags and rocket pod reavers galore. Going to be fun!!!!!

Edit: also stocking up on SC ... 5 cards :). Sadly no Walmart ones are available in Canada. Think I'll get the decimator rocket launcher. And the horn for my sunderer.

I was thinking the same thung , I expect to see a ton more rocket pods, he/heat tanks and a2a missiles. This will definitely throw the meta game for a loop. I feel like standard infantry will be the ones getting the shaft at the end of all this


The lightning's original gun is hot garbage. The heat is an all around gun and the one you want to get if you are only getting one, decent damage to armor and can kill infantry. The he is weaker against armor but does the same to infantry but has a larger splash radius. I've gone on 20+ kill streaks with it

Yea, the HEAT and the HE kick ass in their respective fields. I use the HE and end up getting insane kill streaks thanks to the splash damage and then I'll switch to HEAT if I'm going up against armor. AP is just too useless at the moment when it should be the best thing for anti-armor. Really, AP's only advantage is its velocity and range making it easier to hit targets at a distance.

I think this triple cash will usher in the era of a shitload of vehicles. Rocket pods, Liberators with Zephyrs or Daltons, etc. Basically what razgriz said, infantry will be getting the shaft for a bit until things cool down or it's balanced out again. Hopefully people picked up some AA to counter it. I know a few people who got the AA turret for the Lightning thanks to this though.

I think I'll buy a few camo options just for fun since I have so much SC. I'm a sucker for camo since the history buff in me goes nuts.


I managed to grab the last Stationcash cards in my local Walmart. The guy told me they were the last they had, even in the back rooms and whatnot.

Sony must be earning some money at least. A guy in a previous page stated that a local Walmart was out of SC cards, but was full on PSN cards.

Try have to get this game out for the PS4 at launch. They'll immediately have a killer app on the line-up and can earn a shitton of money if people buy SC.
Sony must be earning some money at least. A guy in a previous page stated that a local Walmart was out of SC cards, but was full on PSN cards.

Try have to get this game out for the PS4 at launch. They'll immediately have a killer app on the line-up and can earn a shitton of money if people buy SC.

Well, they only had two of the "hangers" of Sony cards (My guess would be about 50 total cards when full) whereas they probably had 500+ PSN and XBL cards on a couple rows of hangers.


I guess nobody else finds it completely stupid to have a triple cash day AND double XP for basically 2 weeks?
1 weekend for double XP would have been just fine. Game has only been out for a little over a month...
I guess nobody else finds it completely stupid to have a triple cash day AND double XP for basically 2 weeks?
1 weekend for double XP would have been just fine. Game has only been out for a little over a month...

Who cares? Getting certs takes forever. Double XP should be the norm
Yea I'm glad it's two weeks, I won't be able to play for the most of it due to lacking access to a computer that could run it so I'm happy ill get at least a few days of it


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Had fun taking back most of Amerish. Tried out a couple of purchases. Like the 2 Magrider guns I bought. Mixed bag on the M40Fury for the Sundy (Faster Grenade Launcher) will need to try it more.

Only got a little work in with the "fast laser" gun for the Scythe, but it did pretty good work on a Mosquito.


I think it's smart to have double XP that long. As it stands right now, this is the time where you keep or lose the players that have checked the game out and giving them double XP and triple SC makes them commit more to this game at a time where people are getting a little annoyed with the continent capturing as it stands right now. Keep them hooked for a little longer until you post the outlines for the game's future is pretty clever.

Basically, they're trying to make sure they retain players while still appealing to new people who can jump in and have fun right away while they get ready to unveil their future plans. This triple cash day and now the 2x XP is what is keeping me playing the game in its current state even though it's just a "continent of the day" strategy right now for each faction.


If you're worried about an increased dominance of air, consider picking up the second Burster arm for the MAX -- be part of the solution!


Had fun taking back most of Amerish. Tried out a couple of purchases. Like the 2 Magrider guns I bought. Mixed bag on the M40Fury for the Sundy (Faster Grenade Launcher) will need to try it more.

Only got a little work in with the "fast laser" gun for the Scythe, but it did pretty good work on a Mosquito.

The M40Fury isn't very good (I have it too) IMHO however it's alot of fun to use. Best way to stay alive with it is to park far away and just lob grenades. The machine gun for the Fury (the upgraded one) is pretty awesome too ... basically makes you a mobile turret.

The upgraded lasers for the Scythe are awesome too, really good for taking out enemy fighters after putting in an A2A missle. They are also decent at taking out enemy infantry and can hurt armour too if you get the drop on one from behind.


Can't believe I've spent close to $200 on this game... :|

I've spent ...

40 on alpha squad and 150 on SC most of which was on double and now triple SC days. I don't regret it even a little bit. I love the game and consider the money I've put in well spent ... better customization/deeper experience for me, and money for the devs to use to continue making the game even better.

I'm betting that SOE made a crapload of money off this triple SC day. Alot of people have just been waiting for it to come before committing any cash, and I keep hearing people say they bought anywhere from 3 - 5 cards each.

I also think it was a smart strategy (triple cash and double xp). Especially with it being Christmas, alot of people will invest time and now money committing themselves to the game. It will also make the game better as we (hopefully) see alot more double burster maxes and fighters with A2A ... the hard counter for Missile pod spammers. I'm actually seeing MORE A2A lately than Missile Pod guys. Lots of fun dog fights happening.


It's possible. And that's with 0 camo and decals. Although today I did buy the form over function pack, and the horn lol

What did I tell you about the damn horn!?!?!? I have a million in SC right now and I still stand strong! haha

I bought the old U.S. woodland camo that's in the game just out of memories. I wish they had some of the newer camos in there too. I think I'll only get camo if it's in a bundle really.


lol I know I know I'm part of the problem =(

But I'm always squad leading and thought it would be useful to let people know we're leaving haha

Ironically the horn's are broken right now you can't equip them.

That's odd. I've been hearing them in game even today.
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