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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


tried ultra config in OP but it changed nothing imo. Or may be differences are too subtle.

Texture resolution and AO quality would be the most noticeable. Then there's subtle stuff like greater high LOD distance, particle render distance, moblur quality, and GI accuracy


Texture resolution and AO quality would be the most noticeable. Then there's subtle stuff like greater high LOD distance, particle render distance, moblur quality, and GI accuracy

How big of an FPS hit does the Ultra config with shadows or something turned out usually have compared to everything on High? I get 60ish in low-medium pop areas, 40-50 in high pop, and 30ish in extremely high pop areas.


Happy new year PS2 GAF! Just got back from vacation and it seems I missed triple SC day and all the discounts lol. How often do they have triple or double SC promotion? I really want to own some new guns.


one of these days i need to come back to this. But really waiting on the optimization patch and or a new vid card as it seems my current setup....well.... works(?) but could be much better


one of these days i need to come back to this. But really waiting on the optimization patch and or a new vid card as it seems my current setup....well.... works(?) but could be much better

It's Jan now. If SOE doesn't show us their roadmap by the end of tomorrow, PS2 is dead! Whoa, sorry, wrong forum! Honestly though, from beta it's odd how PS2 took a step back technically but forward in stability. From what I've read this Jan "patch" isn't really a patch, but a full new client all together. Will it be more optimized for more machines to play, or will it be optimized as well as cater to high end machines better? I'm very interested in this and can't wait on the news of this, but I'm also probably more concerned with their expansion plans of content.

wow, light assault class is really fun. Adds a new dimension to combat.

This is the first game where I can say I enjoyed basically every class. I haven't messed with medics much yet as I didn't have to, but I basically equally invested in all the other classes as I find a use for each of them given situations at hand. It's really enjoyable and helps keep things a little more fresh.

On a side note, they do need to address "Air superiority" a bit yet. ESF's are a little more managable, but now Libs are out of control. Sure, get more ESFs out there, but then you have the skies littered and depending who owns the sky in that cell, it's faith rests on it. If you lose the sky you will lose your cell. Ground cannot have the same impact.
On a side note, they do need to address "Air superiority" a bit yet. ESF's are a little more managable, but now Libs are out of control. Sure, get more ESFs out there, but then you have the skies littered and depending who owns the sky in that cell, it's faith rests on it. If you lose the sky you will lose your cell. Ground cannot have the same impact.

This. They made a big mistake by allowing everyone access to every vehicle. I actually preferred the PS1 cert system better, where you had a finite amount, and had to cert into vehicles to unlock them.
This. They made a big mistake by allowing everyone access to every vehicle. I actually preferred the PS1 cert system better, where you had a finite amount, and had to cert into vehicles to unlock them.

Would have no problem with everyone allowed anything if they had better counters. Anti Air in the game is a joke.


Would have no problem with everyone allowed anything if they had better counters. Anti Air in the game is a joke.

Their argument is that air takes down air. Anti-air is meant more for deterrence.

Edit: Well, Bamelin and I just had an obvious encounter with an NC sniper who was able to shoot through the inner barriers in the amp stations. Specifically, we were in Freyr Amp Station at Esamir. Completely surprised me since I was like it's possible for you to shoot I know through the gate barriers, but not the inner barriers.

Suffice to say, the whole platoon as well as all of Freyr reported him.


This. They made a big mistake by allowing everyone access to every vehicle. I actually preferred the PS1 cert system better, where you had a finite amount, and had to cert into vehicles to unlock them.

The mistake was "air counters air (counters everything)". By that notion, as long as you bring the bigger/better air and wipe out all the enemy flyers, the arena is yours since no opposition can be mounted. Anti-Air being a deterrence doesn't work when actually hitting multiple G2A rockets is dwarfed by a short flee-repair trip. Not to mention that flyers can hear the difference between locking and a missile actually flying, which is totally stupid and diminishes any skill needed in popping flares. MAXes are better as AA, but it still takes multiple MAXes just to take one flyer down. Libs can just stay out of range while they pepper the ground with Daltons and Zephyrs. Add IR or NV scopes and that just got made easier.

In general, AA should have equal or bigger range then flying units since they lose in mobility. Air should also cost a lot more. Vehicles resources are pretty silly in general. What should be a 'powerup' you can work towards is now something that hardly ever matters since you gain vehicle resources at such a fast rate you can always spawn a vehicle whenever you want to.

I can't fathom why devs still insist on giving air the best firepower while retaining superior mobility. Then again, it's not like DICE never got this right (maybe in BC2) either.


SOE really-REALLY needs to fix the "crash/CTD" that the Vanu purposely do.

Oh, and this too as people caught onto it:

lol what a creative use of mag burners.

tonight was great. Enclave (big TR outfit) runs a vid stream and announced they were hitting Eisa (also using /order to pull people there). No time delay on the stream, and some Vanu I guess were watching and then let me and Ender know. One /order later the entire Vanu zerg on esamir instant actioned into eisa before the TR arrived and obliterated them.


We (NC - Soltek) were holding Crown last night with Vanu just zerging us for hours. Then it started. I would get CTD after CTD for about 30min after being in the game for only 5 to 15min each time. I said screw it. I hope they get it fixed this week.

Did all the usual stuff, reboot the computer, turned off any uneeded services just in case. If it is a Vanu exploit that really does make me want to unsub from this game until they get some of this fixed.


Mr.Big? Thanks again for your advice a few days ago re. PC build..stayed in my budget...

i7, 16 GB ram, 1TB HD, blue ray, Video Card
1.5GB GDDR5 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660
Managed to get this at dell.ca, probably over paid a bit, but happy with the end result. Should be on planetside soon! Woot!
In general, AA should have equal or bigger range then flying units since they lose in mobility. Air should also cost a lot more. Vehicles resources are pretty silly in general. What should be a 'powerup' you can work towards is now something that hardly ever matters since you gain vehicle resources at such a fast rate you can always spawn a vehicle whenever you want to.

Yeah, I think the game would work better in general if all the resource rates were cut in half.
Yeah, I think the game would work better in general if all the resource rates were cut in half.

Wouldn't mind that. I've never felt like I was running out of resources. The only thing limiting me is the timers on spawning a new one if anything, but often by the time that timer is down, I've recouped a bunch of my resource.


Wouldn't mind that. I've never felt like I was running out of resources. The only thing limiting me is the timers on spawning a new one if anything, but often by the time that timer is down, I've recouped a bunch of my resource.

Lol Really, I feel like I'm always low on infantry resources because I always get kills with my claymore. Haha :p
I really need to start playing with GAF. I've never known another game that whilst playing solo can go from pure fun and excitement to tedious boredom within minutes.
tonight was great. Enclave (big TR outfit) runs a vid stream and announced they were hitting Eisa (also using /order to pull people there). No time delay on the stream, and some Vanu I guess were watching and then let me and Ender know. One /order later the entire Vanu zerg on esamir instant actioned into eisa before the TR arrived and obliterated them.
That sounds awesome. Sorry I missed it.

I'm going to try to put some time in this week while I have time (going away next week). I never seem to be able to sync my time with most of the GAF squad so I just try to latch on to whatever half-decent looking squad is running around. Hopefully, my timing will improve.


the ones in biodomes have been carried up on top of galaxies.

I was wondering how they got up there. I was a little shocked to say the least the first time I ran out towards a pad and got Saron-gibbed.

I hope we get that info they promised us soon. The girl with the crazy colored hair said in here livestream that there's a new build and it'll address a lot of bugs/performance issues, not to mention content. Guess we'll see.

Here's her stream:


Everyone remember, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE USING THE ULTRA CONFIG, Disable GPUPhysics in the 'useroptions.ini'.

This will generally add 5-20 fps to your game. The GPU Physics aren't working at the moment, but for some reason they are still affecting most people's performance.



Also, I didn't notice my video was added to the first post until I went back to get the Ultra Config a few hours ago...


If you guys liked that video, then you may like this one as well. It's in a different style meant to make PS2's Structures feel cold and empty.

If Vanu Had a Heart

Let me know what you guys think of it. I'm always looking for feedback.


The Magburner is pretty much the only reason I have played this game so much. I can't even imagine using any other upgrade for that slot.


lol what a creative use of mag burners.

tonight was great. Enclave (big TR outfit) runs a vid stream and announced they were hitting Eisa (also using /order to pull people there). No time delay on the stream, and some Vanu I guess were watching and then let me and Ender know. One /order later the entire Vanu zerg on esamir instant actioned into eisa before the TR arrived and obliterated them.

Good thing we just took Amerish while you guys went at it with normal clash of two zergs. Ended up 58-2 with a shitload of captures, so thanks for fighting them instead.

Keep trying to find The Enclave as they aren't our smartest bunch so they'll be a good distraction while the smarter people capture other areas. :D

Can't wait for the continent swapping bullshit to end though.


downloading this from steam. All team are symetrical beside their design ?

No, semi-symmetrical. Everything has a counter, slight advantages and disadvantages to the base weapons of all factions. Not an asymmetrical balance like Natural Selection or Starcraft.


Good thing we just took Amerish while you guys went at it with normal clash of two zergs. Ended up 58-2 with a shitload of captures, so thanks for fighting them instead.

Keep trying to find The Enclave as they aren't our smartest bunch so they'll be a good distraction while the smarter people capture other areas. :D

Can't wait for the continent swapping bullshit to end though.

Honestly, for a few weeks my platoon would take empty continents to cap for Vanu but it got boring ... Nowadays we just try to find a continent that has even population across the factions.

Double xp over the holidays also greatly increased our desire for Zerg farms at tech and biolabs.


Honestly, for a few weeks my platoon would take empty continents to cap for Vanu but it got boring ... Nowadays we just try to find a continent that has even population across the factions.

Double xp over the holidays also greatly increased our desire for Zerg farms at tech and biolabs.

Yea, everyone was doing that. It was sad because it was almost like an unwritten agreement between all sides not to take the Bio Lab in question and to just keep farming, lol.

I hope they come with an update or news soon since I know a few people who got TOO used to the double XP and now it's too slow for them. I think they might have had it going just a little too long to where people got comfortable with it.

Just give me a new continent and make the metagame the focus and I'll forget all about XP.
I registered for the game but never got any confirmation mail and cant log in ' wrong username of passport ' ... I got a bad streak of bad luck with newly created accounts on F2P lately... First Blacklight, then Hawken now this...


I registered for the game but never got any confirmation mail and cant log in ' wrong username of passport ' ... I got a bad streak of bad luck with newly created accounts on F2P lately... First Blacklight, then Hawken now this...

Get on SoE and try to reset.

also complain to them about getting the game from steam specifically, because nearly everyone who has done so has had the password issue and SOE has done nothing about it. It hasn't gotten any discussion by the devs or on community sites and it really needs to be addressed.
I registered for the game but never got any confirmation mail and cant log in ' wrong username of passport ' ... I got a bad streak of bad luck with newly created accounts on F2P lately... First Blacklight, then Hawken now this...

Is your password long? I had this issue because my password (which was set up years ago) was longer than their maximum character limit... I had to just type the first X characters up to the limit and it worked. Can't remember offhand what the limit was, but you can see it by trying to create a new account.
Is your password long? I had this issue because my password (which was set up years ago) was longer than their maximum character limit... I had to just type the first X characters up to the limit and it worked. Can't remember offhand what the limit was, but you can see it by trying to create a new account.

My password is within their 15 character limit.

I can login to their website but the launcher from steam isn't working
they responded within an hour after 8 pm. Impressive. Very impressive. They told me to dl the original launcher from planetside2.eu ... ugh... I google my problem, found a line of ini to add to a file in the SteamApp and it worked.

Played the game. I am so confused. Training and tutorial time.


Since my last whine about this game's players I've joined an outfit and am having a lot more fun with it. Just wrapped up a really long session with 502 kills.


Any news on when the performance patch is coming out?

I hope soon. Along with more continents and deeper meta game mechanics. I still love the game for what it is, but I think it has the potential to be so much more. If they don't increase content soon though they are going to lose alot of people.

With that said, I'm convinced that with the amount of servers they have up, even if they do lose alot of people server merges will keep the game feeling tight pop wise.
Been less than two months, doubt you will see much new content that soon. There's only so much they can add to the game outside of cosmetic stuff on a regular basis, so they got to spread things out. Don't see adding tons of continents helping either when much of the games current real estate is barren.


I hope soon. Along with more continents and deeper meta game mechanics.

I think being forced away from the game has been good for me, I'm not getting burnt out on the terrible meta game atm that pretty much makes The Crown the only place most people spend their time. I've finally had my computer shipped over here, arriving next week, but I doubt I'll log on to PS2 much until continental conquest and its supporting content is implemented.

Smedley's upcoming post for their short term 6 month plan should bring a lot of interesting debate on where SOE and the community wants to take the game.


Been less than two months, doubt you will see much new content that soon. There's only so much they can add to the game outside of cosmetic stuff on a regular basis, so they got to spread things out. Don't see adding tons of continents helping either when much of the games current real estate is barren.

The other three continents (Hossin, Cyssor, Oshur), should have been in the game from the start. Along with the continental lattice. The Lattice forces "traffic" ie. zergs directly into each other, and leads to secure back line bases and secure homeland continents that can't be taken (assuming the game will work like PS1 minus NTU draining) without fighting through hostiles to gain a foothold on an enemy held continent.

The game as it was released is was obviously not "done" but kicked out the door. This probaly isn't obvious unless you played PS1 extensively ... there are major missing meta game mechanics.

Don't get me wrong I still love the game for what it is having put in over 100 hours already .... but I hope they add in the meta soon.
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