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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!

I poked around on Connery a bit, the pop was low so I didn't have a chance to find a good sized battle, but flying around in a Mossy I could definitely pick out infantry on the ground from much further away. Might be as much a blessing as it is a curse. I can see pilots dropping IR/NV in exchange for zoom optics and make things a bitch for infantry.


GPU particle effects may now be turned on again using the new nvidia driver 313.96 and adding these to the rendering section of useroptions.ini




I'm getting 50~60 fps when gpu limited, all settings on ultra and rendering at 2880x1800. GTX 670.


PhysX murders my framerate into unplayable territory. I have no idea what game you guys are even playing when you say PhysX has no FPS hit, it's not the same one I'm playing, that's for sure.

Also getting GPU limited? You must have a beast of a CPU and have it overclocked. I'm CPU limited with everything on it's lowest settings


PhysX murders my framerate into unplayable territory. I have no idea what game you guys are even playing when you say PhysX has no FPS hit, it's not the same one I'm playing, that's for sure.

Also getting GPU limited? You must have a beast of a CPU and have it overclocked. I'm CPU limited with everything on it's lowest settings

I'm pretty sure he meant CPU limited


No, I said what I meant. I have a 3570k @4.4ghz, but when downsampling from that res and all the settings turned up I bump into the limits of my OCed 670 in lower pop areas where the CPU isn't as stressed, which is where you would want to test GPU effects that are not CPU reliant. I can't speak for other people's systems but it works fine for me.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
played a bit, first time in awhile. Alot of GUI improvements, and it sounds like voice audio has been improved.

Managed to get up to 400 certs. Wondering if Revive Grenade for Medic would be worth it.
played a bit, first time in awhile. Alot of GUI improvements, and it sounds like voice audio has been improved.

Managed to get up to 400 certs. Wondering if Revive Grenade for Medic would be worth it.

It can be. If you manage to find a bottleneck, the most revives I got with 1 nade was 15. The XP just rolled in.


How are the server pops? I burned out and have taken an extended break. I'm on vacation right now but when u get back I'd like to get back into the game again.


played a bit, first time in awhile. Alot of GUI improvements, and it sounds like voice audio has been improved.

Managed to get up to 400 certs. Wondering if Revive Grenade for Medic would be worth it.

Was watching a stream where someone brought back around 30 people with a revive grenade, and it tipped the battle in their favor. I'd say worth it.

How are the server pops? I burned out and have taken an extended break. I'm on vacation right now but when u get back I'd like to get back into the game again.

Matt is still Med pop most of the time. Seems to be a pretty big drop in VS pops across all servers though for some reason. All they did was balance the Magrider and it's Saron and they all either jumped ship to another faction or just quit. I'm going to guess many took a break especially after this last patch fiasco that basically broke the game. I have to give them credit though, they are working hard and fast on PS2, probably getting it ready for the PS4 launch! :)
I kind of wonder if they'll announce or show something off at the event on the 20th. Imagine how sweet it would be if they announced 4th faction cross-platform Planetside 2 for the PS4.

But yeah, can't understand why the VS population dropped so much. Only "nerfs" to the VS were the Magrider and the warpgate rotation (put VS in the bitch spot in SE Indar) But even then, on Mattherson the VS are doing way better than NC ever did in that corner.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I had burned out a bit, but I kind of want the whole "Faction Championship" fiasco (with VS winning the contests but "losing" somehow) to have caused some VS departures.

See 2 new weapons. A submachine gun and some sort of anti-vehicle turret? Any info on how "good" they are?


av turret is great. I haven't used the mana turret since early beta really, but this can actually be used for stuff. mostly a defensive weapon though
smg is now my go to cqc weapon but its useless even at medium ranges


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Seems like it's the SMG is limited to Light Assault and Engy, right? It'd be hard to change over from my rifle (w/Grenade Launcher). But hey, I've got a mountain of station cash.


Battles on Indar atm are the most Epic they've ever been. There are real frontlines that shift around now rather than random crap happening across the map. The game is infinitely more enjoyable now. I'm going to be playing this crap forever, especially with continent locking coming in next month! I saw the FNO interview with the lead character artist and the talk about the new armor that's coming, is exciting. I cant wait for the more darker, scifi-military, special role type armors that he talked about. Right now, we have what he called the 1 size fits all armor and now they're making armor for different playstyles/roles.

I cant wait!
I'm interested in seeing how continent locking will work out. The problem right now is, and its funny saying this, the continents are too big. Right now, its a constant three-way fight, you push one empire, the other pushes back. Indar on Mattherson hasn't had an owner in weeks. Realistically the continents should be about 50-75%, enough to comfortably hold two empires, with the third joining in as a spoiler instead of a three way fight that just slowly pushes back and forth without any real progress.

Esamir can have the SE corner lopped off, and Amerish can lose the SW.


I'm interested in seeing how continent locking will work out. The problem right now is, and its funny saying this, the continents are too big. Right now, its a constant three-way fight, you push one empire, the other pushes back. Indar on Mattherson hasn't had an owner in weeks. Realistically the continents should be about 50-75%, enough to comfortably hold two empires, with the third joining in as a spoiler instead of a three way fight that just slowly pushes back and forth without any real progress.

Esamir can have the SE corner lopped off, and Amerish can lose the SW.

Continent locking/linear continent progression will alleviate that. There will be more 1 faction vs 1 faction fights with 3 way fights being more rare...which would make them more awesome.
Just installed this over the weekend and good god, they dont help themselves in letting new players get really into it, I was so lost, when I finally figured out how to find out where battles where taking place, I got completely owned, engineer doesnt even have a Rocket launcher lol.

Thank god for the OP, will watch all those videos and try again later, I was ready to never play this again.

Im hoping this game can rekindly my love for FPS, Battlefield 3 completely killed it and I have so many good memories of BC2 matches.


I'm waiting until they do something more with the maps until I get back into it. I logged in a little while ago to see if I could finally figure out how to fly in one of these games and the answer is nope. Are there any good videos teaching how to fly, what controls to use for nubs like me that can't seem to learn it on their own?

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Unconfirmed Member
I'm waiting until they do something more with the maps until I get back into it. I logged in a little while ago to see if I could finally figure out how to fly in one of these games and the answer is nope. Are there any good videos teaching how to fly, what controls to use for nubs like me that can't seem to learn it on their own?

Actually there's something I was missing for a while until I found a small flight tutorial.

With M+K you have ctrl as descend and space to ascend. Made all the difference. Felt like a total dipshit for just WASDing it. Yep.


Just installed this over the weekend and good god, they dont help themselves in letting new players get really into it, I was so lost, when I finally figured out how to find out where battles where taking place, I got completely owned, engineer doesnt even have a Rocket launcher lol.

Thank god for the OP, will watch all those videos and try again later, I was ready to never play this again.

Im hoping this game can rekindly my love for FPS, Battlefield 3 completely killed it and I have so many good memories of BC2 matches.

I'm waiting until they do something more with the maps until I get back into it. I logged in a little while ago to see if I could finally figure out how to fly in one of these games and the answer is nope. Are there any good videos teaching how to fly, what controls to use for nubs like me that can't seem to learn it on their own?

This is something that will be alleviated in the next month or two, with the addition of a virtual training area separate from the actual play area, and a tutorial system to accompany it. Don't expect that to exactly tell you what to do inside the game though, beyond how to use stuff, because PS2 is player driven. SOE puts down loose rules and then players do whatever they want. Until then check the OP and search yourself for specifics on how to do certain things.

If you're just starting out with PS2, try not to get too invested until later this year. The game really isn't in an optimal place in terms of being able to provide a large scale meta-game expereince because of content that just hasn't been able to be produced and implemented yet. There is currently a period of rapid growth and by July/August the way the game works will have completely changed to provide a much more compelling and lasting experience.

Actually there's something I was missing for a while until I found a small flight tutorial.

With M+K you have ctrl as descend and space to ascend. Made all the difference. Felt like a total dipshit for just WASDing it. Yep.

In addition, try binding tilt up/down to mouse buttons. I have it bound to left/right keyboard arrows and then have left/right mouse scroll bound to the left/right arrows. It can then be used for smooth and tight turning in aircraft, rotation in vehicle/turrets, and still useable for left/right scrolling in other applications.


So I am starting to get into this again because my brother is addicted.

I must be doing something really wrong though. I have already put in around 25 hrs into the game and only have earned around 450 certs.

Is that normal? My brother is at around 45 hours and seems to have already racked up and spent around 1,500 points. Of course he is a sniper and grinded for a while around the crown.

It just seems like my only options are the get thrown into the Indar meat-grinder to grind certs. Or go on a boring base rush on the other continents with no one to shoot.

I am feeling a bit burnt out because I just can't get the specialization going that I want.
I basically want three different playstyles.

I plan to get the SMG for my Infiltrator as a CQC and infiltration weapon. I figured I can always hack terminals for a sniper rifle if I want to sit back and snipe.

I also want to get rocket pods for my Sycthe. These two upgrades will allow me to play like I used to on my PS1 NC main. I used to basically strafe the battlefield with my Reaver before landing to take bases and attack from behind enemy lines.

And last priority is getting the Lasher for my Heavy. I like how good it seems at Supression and I play a Heavy usually when the battle turns into a deadlock around a base.

However just to get the first two weapons alone will cost me 2000 certs. At my current pace that seems like it will take over 50 hours. I just can't believe how long it takes to actual get some meaningful upgrades. I guess I am just aiming too high for my first real unlocks.

Especially since with the current meta-game you are forced into zerging the crown if you actually want certs.

Any advice for me? I really like the core game but for me the progression is just so slow I am having a hard time getting hooked.
I mean for the 1000 cert unlocks which are a large majority of the new content, wouldn't you basically need something like 2,500 kills?
Of course that isn't taking into account base capture xp and such but even still it would end up being something like 1,500 kills. Seems kind of ridiculous just for one gun unlock....


18 certs/hr is quite low. You could be getting 30-50+ c/hr by joining up with an appropriate outfit (one that isn't too huge eg The Enclave as you will hardly see any action as an individual). This game really is about numbers, you need a lot of people to take big objectives in high reward skirmishes. Once you join an outfit like Azure Twilight or the 666 devil dogs or AOD etc you'll be able to participate in large scale outfit "competitions" and such where you're not just a couple guys running up against the zerg, but a platoon or multiple platoons organizing for maximum effectiveness, and then you'll eventually run in to opposing outfits that put up the real resistance. You'll also see opposing outfits occasionally organizing events for pushing on other continents while we're stuck in this 3 continent trudge that allows people to always stay on Indar, but that wont be necessary for too much longer

imo though, if you like the game and want to stick with it, throw a few bucks at SOE whenever the next double/triple SC deal day comes up and use that to buy weapons, save the bulk of your certs for real upgrades
Yeah I do feel like I am progressing too slowly. I always join the open platoons that are online in order to try and get into a decent fight.

I feel like I need to practice at Sniping and maybe bite the bullet and spend some certs on a scope for the stock VS sniper rifle. Is that thing actually usable with a better scope? It's current form is probably my least favorite sniper in any game ever....lol

I also heard that getting the re-supply mod for a Sundy and placing it near tanks during a large battle can rack up certs easily. That is kind of tempting actually as I like to get Sundies when I have the resources just to use as mobile barricades lol.
also this!

Sir Hibgy of Camelot's Twitter said:
We will have a game update tomorrow morning, mostly bug fixes, new SMGs, render distance tweaks & misc. optimizations. Enjoy!

This was posted after midnight (according to twitter) so not sure if tomorrow morning means today, or tomorrow


Yeah, not sure why they're calling it GU3, there's no added content really.

And I can't really fault SOE for the low pop servers. You either launch with too few servers and deal with long queues or too many servers and end up with some emptiness. I do wonder how they'll handle the mergers though, just roll some low pop servers together or fold them into the larger servers like Mattherson/Waterson/Connery so Indar gets poplocked and fights move back to Amerish/Esamir.
I know this is going to be a shock to everyone here. Brace yourselves. Sit down if you are not already.

The patch has been delayed.

I know. I know, no one could have guessed something like this would ever happen. We will get through this. They've said it should be out Thursday Morning*




Thanks for the Enemy Activity filter feedback! We are redesigning the map interface and wanted to see where it should fit within the revamp

Oh good, they're revisiting that. I just hope it includes the deployment screen being merged with it, because it being off on its own menu isn't working well.


Was thinking of getting back to this game.
1) Is there EU-NeoGAF outfit? Or at least Outfit with EuroGAFers. Faction and server?
2) Am i limited to one Empire per account or not? Wondering because i'm not sure where my friend played, if it isn't the same faction as NeoGAF, i'm not sure which one i'll join.
3) No third question... because i forgot it.
EDIT 4) oh yeah, hows the performance on lower end systems? I remember that during beta i could play the game on lowest settings though bigger battles were nigh-unplayable.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
starting back into it as well. GAF East VS is pretty much dead, deceased, kaput, it lives no more.

Anyone on Matterson VS know of a good outfit? I mean, guess there's AT and TEST.


So game servers are up but the site is not?

How can I create an account? xD

They just brought the stats site online so I assume they did some web maintenance that brought some stuff down. Seems to be OK now.

Here's my profile on the new site

The live view of maps from the site is great

Higby posted server merge info, among lots of other things

The following servers will be getting Merged:

US West:
Genudine and Helios -> Helios

US East:
Mattherson and SolTech -> Mattherson
Waterson and Jaeger -> Waterson

Cobalt and Lithcorp -> Cobalt
Ceres and Mallory -> Ceres

Connery, Woodman, Miller and Briggs will not be part of the merges.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
heh, haven't checked my stats in awhile.


That premium sub xp bonus has helped, cause my K/D ratio and my accuracy suuuuucks :lol


GAF on GAF Crime


heh, haven't checked my stats in awhile.


That premium sub xp bonus has helped, cause my K/D ratio and my accuracy suuuuucks :lol


GAF on GAF Crime

Only a few days ago too :D

I've been flying the mossy soooo much since release. Half my kills are from it. It's funny because I was almost full on infantry in the beta and couldnt fly for shit.
NC is gonna get the raw end of this merger. Apparently SolTech has some pretty impactful VS outfits and some decent TR outfits, but from the sound of it the NC don't seem too organized.
Guess in the near future, can hook me up with an entrance into AT. I know the website, but haven't read into it much.

I've been on and off for the past 2 weeks but yea I can get you an invite to AT if you want, add Razgriz417 when you get the chance after the move.


NC is gonna get the raw end of this merger. Apparently SolTech has some pretty impactful VS outfits and some decent TR outfits, but from the sound of it the NC don't seem too organized.

Really? I play on SolTech with one of the largest NC outfits (NC10) 500 members. We run a tight outfit mainly focusing on Esamir and Amerish over Indar. I would say VS is the least organized of the server. Terrans have a few great Outfits we go up against quite a bit E911 is one of them.
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