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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!

I started playing again recently, and I haven't seen a single person online in the GAF Mattherson Vanu outfit yet. A previous poster said people stopped playing/switched servers. So now I'm kind of interested in what mr_nothin is talking about. With the account wide unlocks coming, switching isn't a big deal to me... but what about the server merges? Is it worth it to switch or will things get better?

I was about to make this post anyways but since you brought up Mattherson.
If you're not enjoying the game that much anymore....because of playing musical chairs with the bases and having your faction not care about backcappers/ghostcappers and they're all about the ZERG......it's probably because of the freakin Mattherson server (at least for TR).

I left my lvl 45 chracter behind and went and joined Waterson, just to try it out and see how other servers performed. Man, I cant go back to Mattherson after being on here for 2 days. I've sat and played this game 8+ hours straight, 2 days in a row now. The Waterson server is much more competitive, the battles are bigger, and the bases/battles seem to hold more weight. Frontlines shift back and forth but it's not quick at all. Fights last a LONG time and they are pretty epic. Also, fights happen everywhere and not just at the Biolabs and The Crown.

I suggest that everyone on Mattherson just try out the Waterson server and see how you like it. It's so much better that I'm starting from the bottom again and I'm finding it 200% more enjoyable. There are less lag issues so far as well.

K so where are all the Gaffies to play this game with? I really like it, but random squads aren't cutting it. If i need to switch servers I will do so.

Via Reddit
A lot of people on the official forums made the allusions to Space Marine Terminators with the melee weapons, and I'd have to agree, an NC MAX with the hammer would be pretty bad ass. They'd have to include a shield or otherwise buff MAXes pretty significantly against AI weapons. The brass knuckles seem kind of unfortunate, I would imagine there'd have to be something a little more creative they could make. Like a Bioshock-esque drill or just cop something else from Terminators like the Lightning Claws or Power Fist. Hell, there are a variety of Chain Weapons they could try to rip off. Fuck it, shut down Planetside 2 and just make a Warhammer 40k MMOFPS.

I also got to say, the addition of the VR training has been awesome. It seems everyone is upstairs shooting at the target dummies, but the downstairs range with the just the wall targets has been super informative in comparing gun recoil and the like. Fantastic addition.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
A lot of people on the official forums made the allusions to Space Marine Terminators with the melee weapons, and I'd have to agree, an NC MAX with the hammer would be pretty bad ass. They'd have to include a shield or otherwise buff MAXes pretty significantly against AI weapons.

I also got to say, the addition of the VR training has been awesome. It seems everyone is upstairs shooting at the target dummies, but the downstairs range with the just the wall targets has been super informative in comparing gun recoil and the like. Fantastic addition.

Yeah, it's given me ideas for add on's onto current weapons. Will eventually get into finding a good control scheme for me, with flyers. I like using my trackball, but it's impossible to fly.


It's a double XP weekend btw. you can get 3k+ xp (10+ certs) for a tank/enemy kill.

e: that figure was including the alpha squad 50% boost



New players fill out this form: Planetside 2 GAF Players

This is for the soldier that you'll use to play with other GAF players; you may submit any other alternate soldiers you want people to be able to find you as on other servers. You can also opt to be sent an invite to the GAF outfits via the form.

The NeoGAF player list can list can be accessed here. Sort the list by your faction of choice and send out friend invites after you submit your own character to the list. Send a friend request and a /tell to outfit leaders or officers to get invited to the GAF outfits in-game, or have the outfit box checked when signing up on the form and they'll contact you. Note that currently you have to be online to be invited to an outfit.

Graph data can be viewed here.

I've cleared out the spreadsheet, if you still actively play the game sign up again pls.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Could also clear out the obsolete servers.

So, unlockables will be cross servers at some point, right?
I think the actual plan was for the GU patches to be every 2-3 weeks, not monthly. The roadmap is an indication of when features are being worked on, not necessarily when they'll release.


about this MLG thing. Seems like the main site doesn't really mention PS2 :lol

They're pretty much just there in sponsor capacity, there is no PS2 event at this tournament but they will be announcing their future plans for working with MLG there


Just played this for the first time today for a short bit, super awesome, but I suck horribly.. this is my first PC FPS, :lol.


This MLG push is really unfortunate. Lots of new players today/yesterday but the game is nearly unplayable, at least on mattherson, with all the issues introduced with GU04. Getting that public test server set up should have been a first priority for SOE when the game went public


I decided to start playing this game. I see I can spawn on my squad so I select the option, game stops at 96% loading. How do I fix this? It constantly happens. Cant play more than me joining a server. As soon as I have to respawn the game locks at 96%.

edit: It seems that as long as I dont deploy on my squad I dont get the issue. At least people seem to revive or they have the van setup to spawn on.
what happened to the performance in this game? last time I played it before updating in early January it was running fine. I played it again yesterday and it was running like crap!!! WTF?


Watching the MLG stream, their plans for supporting competitive play are terrible. They're basically taking everything that makes planetside what it is, a huge persistent war with no end at a massive scale, and throwing it out. Competitions will be held at the platoon scale on specifically designed/extracted continents/maps with specific objectives and time limitations that do not exist at all in the game. This really worries me, forcing the game into this terrible thing that has nothing to do with how the game actually plays, and that they are actually spending time with this shit instead of focusing on making the whole game better for everyone that is actually playing the game
I'm wondering if all the performance issues are lag/server related. I have zero issues going to a lower-pop continent and it seems to get progressively worse as more and more people switch over.

And yeah, I really am not sure what their idea is with the MLG stuff. I just don't see how it benefits the game.
some new info regarding the upcoming ES launchers http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/1ajw0p/turns_out_that_shooting_down_an_incoming_phoenix/

my general summary/quoting of Higsby's comments for those that don't like reddit

Phoenix Stuff:
General info
One of it's biggest limitations is the range, it's only going to go about 300 meters. This is limited mostly by it's slower travel speed and the duration of the control you have over it.
It does similar damage to the default dumbfire rocket launcher (pretty high) to ground targets and a bit more to air, but it is pretty challenging to hit aircraft with unless they're hoverspamming.
It's not going to be absurdly maneuverable, we don't want people using it from inside spawn rooms in towers shoot dudes down below, etc... but it is maneuverable enough to consistently hit targets in open fields.
Each of the weapons has it's own player skill-based trade offs. The Phoenix does a grip of damage compared to any other guided missile.
Regarding firing them from inside spawn rooms
Thats definitely one of the things we're worried about with the Phoenix - it's maneuverability isn't such that it can be fired around 90 degree corners, using it indoors is very tricky.
Regarding range
It essentially has fuel, it has a limited duration.
Regarding render enemies while using the rocket
It's currently based on where the rocket is, since that's where your client is at the time - the Phoenix is basically a vehicle who explodes and which you mount when it fires. However, the range is fairly limited, so you shouldn't be able to successfully nuke stuff out of your render range under normal circumstances.

O and according to his tweet, we'll be able to shoot down incoming phoenix rockets :)

Lancer Stuff:
General Info
The Lancer has 6 rounds and can be charged up to a maximum of 3 rounds, the longer you charge it the more damage it does, once it hits 3 rounds it fires. This makes it have an interesting gambit between maximizing damage and potentially wasting a shot if something ducks around before you let go. If you want to, you can fire it at "level 1" 6 times. Each time you fire it it will have a slight delay, similar to the original Lancer. So, it's very close to the PS1 lancer, but with a charge mechanic in addition you can use
Regarding 1 shotting ESF
Nope, it wouldn't be very fair - it's fairly easy to snipe aircraft with it because it's speed is so fast and the aircraft would have zero warning with the Lancer since there's no lock-on indicator. Coordinated fired with your squad mates can accomplish that, though, and is a very effective tactic with this weapon.
Regarding "dumbfiring" and vs. infantry & maxes
You can charge it up freely, even in hipfire. It will fire in hipfire but it has an accuracy penalty when done, so it will only be effective for very nearby targets. Using it that way works in a pinch, but it's nowhere near as good as a Deci in that role since it needs to be charged for a few seconds to do that amount of dmg.
It's pretty ineffective vs infantry and does a lot less damage to them, you can't 1-shot an infantry with a fully charged lancer. It does more damage to MAXes, but still takes ~2.5 full charge shots to drop a full health MAX. It takes about 4 seconds to fully charge, and you get two full charges per clip, or 6 "level 1" shots. The damage doesn't scale linearly, the longer it's charged for, the more damage each charge does. The breakdown is roughly: Level 1: 20% Level 2, 50%, Level 3: 100%.

Striker Stuff:
General Info
The Striker can fire 1 shot every 0.75 seconds or so and tracks as long as you keep the target in the crosshairs, or can be burst fired which launches all the rockets a bit more rapidly. If this sounds to you like a balance nightmare, you're right. We're still playing with balancing this, so it's subject to change before you see it. However, it is awesome as hell.
Regarding damage per rocket
Each striker missile does a little bit less than 1/3rd of the damage of a standard empire anti-vehicle rocket.
It does a little bit less than 1/3rd of the damage of the empire specific anti-vehicle weapons (Skep/Crow/Hades).


Wait, 3 missiles that each do less than 1/3 of the regular launcher's missile, what's the point?

Edit: Scratch that, it has 5 rockets in a magazine.
Some more about the Striker

regarding switching targets after missiles were fired
it doesn't retarget locks right now, if you drop the lock the missile is forfeit, it'll fly off as a miss. There is some tolerance built in to the tracking so it doesn't need to be crosshairs on target 100% of the time. The striker projectile is also pretty fast, so maintaining lock on most stuff is doable - crazy maneuvering flashes / ESFs can be tough, but that's part of the fun!
regarding dumbfire
lock-on most likely, although we're still messing around with some details like that in our quest for badassness.

regarding damage
The striker will have the fastest vehicle TTK of any infantry based weapon in the game. It reloads fast and fires fast.
They just released an update that fixed the performance issues with GU4. I'd almost say that it seems to be performing slightly better than it was pre-GU4 on top of that, but it could just be false perceptions.
I'm still getting exactly the same FPS problems post patch. I haven't played solidly since the launch wipe (yeah I suck), but the FPS in beta was close to perfect for me.

So to me it appears they've gone backwards in optimisation somehow.


I'm still getting exactly the same FPS problems post patch. I haven't played solidly since the launch wipe (yeah I suck), but the FPS in beta was close to perfect for me.

So to me it appears they've gone backwards in optimisation somehow.

The last hotfix was specific to a client to server communication issue that made it save chars too often, basically every time someone got a kill their char would be saved to the server because the double XP weekend making every kill worth at least 1 cert. They've backed that off so now that's just a solitary server stutter issue bug resolved, not really a patch to address any FPS optimizations.
The last hotfix was specific to a client to server communication issue that made it save chars too often, basically every time someone got a kill their char would be saved to the server because the double XP weekend making every kill worth at least 1 cert. They've backed that off so now that's just a solitary server stutter issue bug resolved, not really a patch to address any FPS optimizations.

Oh okay. I'm on Miller, which I hear has had some problems recently so that might explain it.

Zones on all servers today and tomorrow will be restarted in order to apply a fix for performance issues. Downtime should be minimal. Please see below for your servers impacted time:

East Coast: 3:00 AM PT 03/20
West Coast: 6:00 AM PT 03/20
Europe: 9:00 PM PT 03/19
Australia: 3:00 AM PT 03/20

Per Official Forums
The Lancer doesn't seem to do a whole lot of damage for the amount it charges, but I guess that makes sense considering the travel time is nearly instant. Watching the video a bit it doesn't look like any of them are particularly overpowered compared to the others, but short of a lack of certs or a lack of SC I can't see anyone not using one of the empire-specific launchers. I guess technically that's how things should be for the most part.

Now get working on new empire-specific pistols, I want mah ScatterPistol.
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