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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!

Haha that video was really entertaining, especially that chase at the end!

I just started playing this game I've yet to have moments like that but I can dream.

The moments happen, they do. I found that joining an outfit helped me encounter them more frequently.


The moments happen, they do. I found that joining an outfit helped me encounter them more frequently.

Yeah I find I really enjoy playing this game when it gets more lively. Only real problem I've encountered is that all the action is interspersed with long periods of waiting around doing little.

I was thinking of joining an outfit like TEST or something but then I'd have to make a new character. I spent the last while kitting out my NC Medic too. :(
I hastily threw together this video of me farming the hell out of some Vanu during a (ultimately failed) assault on Scarred Mesa Skydock last night. I didn't do a great job of capturing the video. All told there's probably a good 20 minutes of me lobbing grenades from my Flash, totaled up a good 100+ kills with only a few deaths (they caught on to me and started sniping/Lancering me towards the end).



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wonder if I'm on that vid, I stopped by at Scarred Mesa for 15-20 minutes, soloing with the crew who are holding out there (to keep from being cont locked and losing the Continent bonus). I assume Mattheson?
Wonder if I'm on that vid, I stopped by at Scarred Mesa for 15-20 minutes, soloing with the crew who are holding out there (to keep from being cont locked and losing the Continent bonus). I assume Mattheson?

Yeah. The battle was going on for probably a good hour or two. We had the point for a little bit at the beginning, but after that never really even made a push to the top of the base.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I kind of looked, didn't see me. You got mostly the GOTR guys. You wouldn't have gotten me too many times, I'd spot the one flash guy spamming grenades :p

I owe MrNothin a few deaths, though. But he spams the rocket pods and doesn't leave the sky very often :p


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Maybe I've done too much Medic and Engy, or don't have proper assault tactics (and just run towards gunfire instead of picking people off from a distance), but I have a much much muuuuuch worse K/D than you :lol

Now, I have killed Buzzcut more than he's killed me. So I have that going
Maybe I've done too much Medic and Engy, or don't have proper assault tactics (and just run towards gunfire instead of picking people off from a distance), but I have a much much muuuuuch worse K/D than you :lol

Now, I have killed Buzzcut more than he's killed me. So I have that going

That's one of the things that really plagues me. I was even with him for a while, then he got a couple BS kills on me which really grinds my gears.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
There's a guy I've killed 4 times, but a bunch of 3 kills, and he's on there, While (I assume) he's only got me twice (but doesn't show on the killboard).

Terriblegame (TR) has killed me 6 times, and then there are 21 other people who have gotten me 4 or 5 times. So, I have no obvioius nemesis.


Focus test today at Zurvan Amp Station. This is to test out the new spawn room/spawn shield changes and mechanics. New spawn room/shield mechanics are: SCU becomes vulnerable after base has been 50% capped. If SCU is taken out then spawn room shields go down with it also which allows defenders a chance to actually clear out the base and not play wack a mole for 5 mins. This will also allow (read FORCE) attackers to move out from the base and mount an attack/defense at the next available base.

Malorn said:
This is 5/10 0:00 UTC, or about 5 hours from the creation of this post!

Sorry for short notice but we're trying to get some of our experimental changes tested out this week. The first focus test is today!

Objective of this test is for all three empires to capture and/or hold Zurvan Amp Station.

We'd also like to do a stress test on the tutorial which will hopefully be fixed by the time of the test. If it's ready we'll give instructions at the start of the test.


was that on the test server or on all servers?

Test server.

Goal of the Zurvan tests is to specifically look at facility combat with the rush lane system. We haven't seen as much of that as we like to.The Saturday test that both European and North American players can more easily attend will be our continent-wide rush lane test.

For example, Zurvan has two spawn rooms on Test. We want to see how that plays out along with the timing and SCU changes. We'd also like a good look at the disconnected satellite design and how it affects a facility fight.

There will also be a command center stream at 4pm PST preceding the test.


I've often thought about the idea of taking spawn rooms away from smaller outposts completely. If you want to spawn there then place a sunderer somewhere. Personally, I dont think the smaller outposts should act as forward spawns....they should just serve as pit stops to allow you to resupply & pull more vehicles. We'd see a lot more battles that are spaced out and less overrunning of smaller bases.


I've often thought about the idea of taking spawn rooms away from smaller outposts completely. If you want to spawn there then place a sunderer somewhere. Personally, I dont think the smaller outposts should act as forward spawns....they should just serve as pit stops to allow you to resupply & pull more vehicles. We'd see a lot more battles that are spaced out and less overrunning of smaller bases.

That'd certainly be a nice thing to test. Perhaps coming with an increased spawning range, too. Minimum ~5 spawn choices or something like that.


That'd certainly be a nice thing to test. Perhaps coming with an increased spawning range, too. Minimum ~5 spawn choices or something like that.

Yep! Would probably see more 'organized' convoys heading out since more ppl will be spawning back at the larger bases/facilities. Would create more of a back n forth type of battle rather than 1 big force steam rolling everything.

Would help make bases more defensible too since you'd almost force ppl to spawn back there which would mean more ppl are checking on the base (even though they dont even realize it). They need to make fights stem from towers/amp stations/biolabs/& tech plants. Reinforcements should be coming from those areas and sunderers....not every single base on the map. Would make it more about pushing forward to the next big facility to take it out...you know, BASE vs BASE. It becomes a battle over steak rather than fighting over crumbs. Who cares about crumbs? lol

Smaller outposts do not need to be defensible at all and they need to stop trying to make them super defensible. Let them serve as resupply stations/pit stops. Give towers and large facilities SCU's and leave the smaller outposts as is (well like the ones currently up on the test server)
I really want to go into more detail about this on the forums but that place is now overrun with idiots and whiners that cant give constructive feedback. I miss the beta forums where actual discussion took place :/


Post it on r/planetside, slightly more constructive there.

Update on the lattice aesthetic design via higby

Command center should start soon e: live now

Preview of the new intro tutorial. It feels like more of a "welcom to playing an FPS" tutorial than a welcome to Planetside tutorial. It does nothing to prepare players for what to expect in the game. Yes the best way to get people to learn is to let them figure it out for themselves but I really don't see this helping in player retention.

e: got myself 1k SC from the stream :)

This looks to be an automatic crossbow



Post it on r/planetside, slightly more constructive there.

Update on the lattice aesthetic design via higby

Command center should start soon e: live now

Preview of the new intro tutorial

e: got myself 1k SC from the stream :)

This looks to be an automatic crossbow
Awesome news about the new aesthetic design!
I loved the fact that it felt like you OWNED the continent when you took over bases because of how much coverage each hex had. The lattice system on the PTS took away that feeling but the lattice system is better than the hex system in terms of functionality.

This combines both so im happy :D


Played a game of hide and seek in allatum with higby during a pistol only 3 way fight on the test server before todays test. Me and 2 others won 2500SC :)
Yeah, the Magrider would be the exception, it would stay as is. Thats how it worked in PS1 for the Mags at least.

In PS1 the primary gun was on a turret and the secondary was fixed forward and something that the driver controlled. They'd have to alter a few things to make that work in PS2 but it would be doable.


In PS1 the primary gun was on a turret and the secondary was fixed forward and something that the driver controlled. They'd have to alter a few things to make that work in PS2 but it would be doable.

They could easily make main guns for the current secondary position and give the driver a smaller cannon in place of the current primary cannon, so yeah it would be much like the ps1 mag

Alternatively they could keep the MBTs as they are now and come out with heavy tanks or armored assault vehicles that require crews to operate
We'll I'd say they could just leave the Magriders as is because it would be good asymetrical balance and give it the unique characteristic of having the driver control the main gun.

Really, just as it stands, MBT balance will always be a contentious issue as the pendulum swings from too squishy to too dominating. But in general I just feel SOE needs to find a way to cut the number of tanks on the field while making each tank more of an impact.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I'd like to see more Liberators in the skies with less of an impact. Its the other thing that just will never be balanced correctly. The PS1 Libby dropped gravity bombs straight down. I think the aimable gun on the Liberator has made that thing impossibe to balance.


The Detective
Holy shit, are SOE retarded?
Why the fuck do other peoples magriders bounce up and down like crazy?

I just tried gunning in one for the first time in months and god, it made me feel sick!

You would have to be blind not see it and fix it!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
You know, I think Mattheson VS has managed to hold Indar for over a month now, even after that last update that rotated the warpgates. :D


You know, I think Mattheson VS has managed to hold Indar for over a month now, even after that last update that rotated the warpgates. :D

Yup. The opposition will keep trying to change that, day after day. It's come close several times this past week but we keep pulling through.

Mikey Jr.

You know, I think Mattheson VS has managed to hold Indar for over a month now, even after that last update that rotated the warpgates. :D

Seriously, the fuck is going on here?

I am NC on Mattherson, and usually, Vanu are pushovers. Amerish and Esamir change factions pretty frequently, but Vanu are holding onto Indar like I never imagined.

I wonder whats up? Did one of the patches buff their weapons or something?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Seriously, the fuck is going on here?

I am NC on Mattherson, and usually, Vanu are pushovers. Amerish and Esamir change factions pretty frequently, but Vanu are holding onto Indar like I never imagined.

I wonder whats up? Did one of the patches buff their weapons or something?

Those other 2 cont's fall all the time, because there are long stretches of time that it has low pop. All it takes is for 1 or 2 of the larger outfits from any faction, to cap them. Indar, because everyone just fights on it all the time, is impossible to cap. It was sheer luck that VS got it in the middle of a night (along with an alert on another cont.) Pretty sure before the VS Cap, that Indar went awhile with no cap.

But hey, maybe it's all just being buffed up to match the other 2 factions, amirite.
Seriously, the fuck is going on here?

I am NC on Mattherson, and usually, Vanu are pushovers. Amerish and Esamir change factions pretty frequently, but Vanu are holding onto Indar like I never imagined.

I wonder whats up? Did one of the patches buff their weapons or something?

Nope, this happened before on Mattherson. We held Indar for nearly 2 months before losing it right after getting switched to the SE WG during the first WG rotation. The Vanu outfits really like keeping the Indar lock, even if it means losing other continents and alerts


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I've stockpiled almost every "grenade" option I've got. With Premium resource bonuses (as well as the Indar Bonus), I can't buy anything more. Would be nice to have some armor resource bonuses, but I usually don't run into any shortages.
I've stockpiled almost every "grenade" option I've got. With Premium resource bonuses (as well as the Indar Bonus), I can't buy anything more. Would be nice to have some armor resource bonuses, but I usually don't run into any shortages.

Haha same, I'm completely OCD about having 40/40 on every usable item. Sundy pulls are really the only time I have issues with armor resources, especially when we swarm em somewhere lol


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I probably should invest certs into grenade belts, but at the cost of personal armor, doesn't sound very enticing.


I decided to join the Reddit TEST Outfit and make a new character on the Mattherson server a few days ago. I have to say that since joining an outfit this game has become about a thousand times more fun. Participating in alerts where I actually feel as though my team and I are making a difference is very fun.

There's also the inter-outfit relations going on which proves to be a very fun meta game aspect of it. I love it whenever I get the chance kill an Enclave member or when Goku comes to back us up in a loosing fight. The direction playing in a group provides is just what this game needed to become awesome.

I recently bought three months premium membership which comes with 500SC. I got the M40 Fury for my Flash and I've been having a great time sneaking up on dudes with camo only to blow the crap out them when they least expect it.

Long story short, this game became awesome.

Nope, this happened before on Mattherson. We held Indar for nearly 2 months before losing it right after getting switched to the SE WG during the first WG rotation. The Vanu outfits really like keeping the Indar lock, even if it means losing other continents and alerts

Indar is our homeland, we must defend the lock with our lives. We've held it for about 40 days now.
I decided to join the Reddit TEST Outfit and make a new character on the Mattherson server a few days ago. I have to say that since joining an outfit this game has become about a thousand times more fun. Participating in alerts where I actually feel as though my team and I are making a difference is very fun.

There's also the inter-outfit relations going on which proves to be a very fun meta game aspect of it. I love it whenever I get the chance kill an Enclave member or when Goku comes to back us up in a loosing fight. The direction playing in a group provides is just what this game needed to become awesome.

I recently bought three months premium membership which comes with 500SC. I got the M40 Fury for my Flash and I've been having a great time sneaking up on dudes with camo only to blow the crap out them when they least expect it.

Long story short, this game became awesome.

Indar is our homeland, we must defend the lock with our lives. We've held it for about 40 days now.

Enjoy the Fury while it lasts, its getting the nerf bat soon :/ (they pulled the nerf from GU08 because it was on sale the day before but said it'll come in a later patch).

I agree about the interoutfit relations on Vanu Mattherson, they're awesome. I believe it was about 2 weeks back on a Saturday where our 1.5 platoons of AT were fighting both TR and NC for crossroads with only 15% of the pop. We kept the stalemate going for 2 hours before an exAT guy (currently in test I think) decided to call in reinforcements from GOTR, TEST, GOKU and NNG to help us take it. Within 20 minutes, the population went from 15% VS to 60% lol and we took that god forsaken place after about another 1/2 hour of fighting. I think they were all on Amerish doing an alert but came anyway :) All in all it was the craziest 3 way grindfest I've fought in PS2, took about 3 hours but I remember raking in over 100 certs haha


Enjoy the Fury while it lasts, its getting the nerf bat soon :/ (they pulled the nerf from GU08 because it was on sale the day before but said it'll come in a later patch).

I agree about the interoutfit relations on Vanu Mattherson, they're awesome. I believe it was about 2 weeks back on a Saturday where our 1.5 platoons of AT were fighting both TR and NC for crossroads with only 15% of the pop. We kept the stalemate going for 2 hours before an exAT guy (currently in test I think) decided to call in reinforcements from GOTR, TEST, GOKU and NNG to help us take it. Within 20 minutes, the population went from 15% VS to 60% lol and we took that god forsaken place after about another 1/2 hour of fighting. I think they were all on Amerish doing an alert but came anyway :) All in all it was the craziest 3 way grindfest I've fought in PS2, took about 3 hours but I remember raking in over 100 certs haha

Yes! this is exactly what I'm thinking about. My favorite moment so far happened a few days ago during an Esamir Alert, we were doing really well pushing TR right back to their Warp Gate and had the NC at like 20% control with around 30 minutes left. We decided we'd hold the bridge at Apex genetics because we knew there an NC armor column coming shortly enough.

Our orders were to mine the hell out of the place and hold Apex Genetics at all costs to stop any NC push into our territory. I had no idea just how immense the battle was about to get. At around 25 minutes left the NC pushed out with the largest armor column I had ever witnessed, it was immense. I was in the thick of things supplying a lancer squad with ammo so I got to watch the armor column push first hand.

We held them for a while but things were starting to look pretty grim as the NC were gaining a foothold. Just when I thought all was lost and we'd be ordered to fall back, I hear one of the commanders tell us that Goku was coming to reinforce us and that all we had to do was hold.

Hold we did, it was glorious watching our own Vanu-blessed armor push the NC back into Stillwater Watch effectively ending the NC push securing our victory. All this took place in less than 15 minutes but they were probably the most intense 15 minutes ever. Earned a lot of Certs that day.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I decided to join the Reddit TEST Outfit and make a new character on the Mattherson server a few days ago. I have to say that since joining an outfit this game has become about a thousand times more fun. Participating in alerts where I actually feel as though my team and I are making a difference is very fun.

There's also the inter-outfit relations going on which proves to be a very fun meta game aspect of it. I love it whenever I get the chance kill an Enclave member or when Goku comes to back us up in a loosing fight. The direction playing in a group provides is just what this game needed to become awesome.

I recently bought three months premium membership which comes with 500SC. I got the M40 Fury for my Flash and I've been having a great time sneaking up on dudes with camo only to blow the crap out them when they least expect it.

Long story short, this game became awesome.

Indar is our homeland, we must defend the lock with our lives. We've held it for about 40 days now.

Wonder if I have you on the friend list. Few of us in AT, though we aren't on at the same time. We need to perhaps plan a VS GAF squad time.


Wonder if I have you on the friend list. Few of us in AT, though we aren't on at the same time. We need to perhaps plan a VS GAF squad time.

Probably not I only started playing seriously very recently. That said though I participated in a joint ops between AT and TEST last Sunday. I could have run into you then.

But yeah it would be fun to have a GAF squad going one of these nights. Feel free to add me next time your on, my in game name is 'RocheVS'.

Edit: woops posted again instead of editing :/


Whats the server to be on?

Connery is dead since I've last played. Helios the other West server, doesn't seem much better.

Not worried about latency so much as there being a larger player base with some coherent outfits.

VS btw.
Whats the server to be on?

Connery is dead since I've last played. Helios the other West server, doesn't seem much better.

Not worried about latency so much as there being a larger player base with some coherent outfits.

VS btw.

Mattherson is where the majority of us are
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