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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Isn't Connery the main West Coast server, where alot of the Dev's play? Or do you mean the GAF Connery group?
I saw a continent that did not have a faction that controlled it. It was just blank. How does that happen?

The faction that originally controlled the continent was warpgated (if they lose all of their territory they lose their bonus) but because no other faction was able to get control of the entire map, no one gets the bonus
Does anyone else have a hard time going back to games like BF and COD after playing Planetside 2 for a while? I recently tried playing BF3 again because a few friends of mine really like the game and still play but it just feels so pointless and run and gun. There is no real sense of accomplishment, coherent tactics or great moments of teamplay to be found. The small scale in terms of players, maps and round times is most likely the reason. One or two really good players can dominate a server.
Does anyone else have a hard time going back to games like BF and COD after playing Planetside 2 for a while? I recently tried playing BF3 again because a few friends of mine really like the game and still play but it just feels so pointless and run and gun. There is no real sense of accomplishment, coherent tactics or great moments of teamplay to be found. The small scale in terms of players, maps and round times is most likely the reason. One or two really good players can dominate a server.

I think, this is the COD-ification that happened in BF3. BF2 was more like you describe with Planetside, but without the persistency of course.

I think going away from the arcadey feel of BF2 and having embraced a more one-pop-one-kill style of COD, taking chances in BF3 has changed. The mentality has changed.

I remember BF2 as a game where a crazy suicide scheme was not ill advised if it took down a whole barrage of destruction. I miss that crazy sense of chaos in BF3. But BF3 has very nice set pieces.

But I feel you matey. It's very normal to feel that normal games are small and insignificant when you have spend a lot of time in a world with many, many, many other players trying to impact the world around them. It doesn't really pass TBH. Nothing was ever the same after being in the middle of a 300-400 player firefight in the beginning of Planetside 1. It was literally one of the best gaming moments of my life.
One of the issues with BF3 and Planetside 2 that their predecessors didn't have is the spawning system. One of the benefits off the lattice system is that its supposed to promote some degree of predictability in the grand tactical game. You have to know where the enemy is going to attack from if you want to have a chance to defend. Spawning is kind of the same way, too many options in spawning leads to too much unpredictability and puts too much burden on defenders. TE famously abused the Instant Action system to completely overwhelm defenders. Squad spawn/beacon spawn isn't as bad, but can still too easily give attackers a foothold. And the fact that anyone can potentially pull Sunderers makes controlling the vehicle terminal too decisive because whoever controls the terminal gets the spawn advantage.

In regards to Battlefield, squad spawning was very limited and not prevelant in 2. US almost always spawned on one side and China/MEC on the other and led to more of a "push" gameplay. Whereas BF3 greatly expanded sqaud spawning, making it much easier to get groups of people behind points. Constantly getting shot in the back. Capturing points is more like a dog chasing its own tail.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I don't want the game to turn into "this is the location where the attackers are coming from" That just turns into a standard FPS Multiplayer game. I like that the waves of attacks can come from different angles, based on the ability to hide the large boxes called Sunderers.

But to improve the Defense side of the game, perhaps either remove the ability to hack vehicle terminals, making the ability to quickly pull a sunderer from an enemy base unavailable. Means the attackers would have to plan for someone to grab a sundy at nearby captured base, and bring it over at about the same time the attack force drops in (either by GAL or Squad Deploy).

Or perhaps make the turrets take alot more damage before being destroy, or even invulnerable. Perhaps instead of destroying them (and having it difficult to repair in the middle of battle), have them be "knocked out" for a set time (30 seconds, 1 minute) and turn the turret repairs from repairing damage to deducting the knock out time.

What else is a base, besides shields (and their generators, which have a set timer), and the turrets? Turrets are just too easy to destroy, and they 9 times out of 10, aren't repaired and forgotten.

That could turn into more weapons to unlock for Air and HA's. EMP weapons, to knock out the turrets.

That's alot of writing for me. I want to go home and play PS2 now.

Mikey Jr.

Does anyone else have a hard time going back to games like BF and COD after playing Planetside 2 for a while? I recently tried playing BF3 again because a few friends of mine really like the game and still play but it just feels so pointless and run and gun. There is no real sense of accomplishment, coherent tactics or great moments of teamplay to be found. The small scale in terms of players, maps and round times is most likely the reason. One or two really good players can dominate a server.

I'm probably never going back to those games. MAYBE BF4, but COD is dead to me after PS2.

I have played PS2 non-stop since the beginning of April. Thats how good it is, and every game update just makes it better and better.

Pretty crazy.


GU9 (next week) brings the Lattice system to Indar on the live servers, and for GU10 they're working primarily on user generated bugfix requests and feature requests. The next month should be very interesting, a lot of stuff will be changing...


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So, how was the Lattice system in Test? Worthwhile?

I admit, I'm not a fan of it, as I liked the unpredictability of "where your opponent is coming from." Maybe that lead to more small skirmishes and not as many large scale battles, but to me, that seemed more "organic" than predetermined routes.

But then, I haven't played on the Test server.


So, how was the Lattice system in Test? Worthwhile?

I admit, I'm not a fan of it, as I liked the unpredictability of "where your opponent is coming from." Maybe that lead to more small skirmishes and not as many large scale battles, but to me, that seemed more "organic" than predetermined routes.

But then, I haven't played on the Test server.
It's definitely a huge change but we never got enough people on to test to really form any conclusive ideas of what it will be like. They are adding the lattice in a way that they can flip it off easily if needed. The biggest change though is that indar is completely revamped, every base has been heavily redesigned and are much much better


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
It's definitely a huge change but we never got enough people on to test to really form any conclusive ideas of what it will be like. They are adding the lattice in a way that they can flip it off easily if needed. The biggest change though is that indar is completely revamped, every base has been heavily redesigned and are much much better

It won't feel like a different continent, though, right? Just the bases? I know some are gone (like, there's nothing out there, or just abandoned buildings?) What's the most changed base type? Towers, Amp, Tech or Bio?


Towers have more cover, amp tech and bio proper largely unchanged, satellite facilities are more fortress like now, and now there are 3 types of outposts: light (like what is live now), medium (heavy walls incorporated into the design, and some more large/fortress like outposts. Some bases and roads were removed, some moved, and everything has been touched in the redesign process but its still indar, updated with everything they've learned from the other continents and seeing how the game currently unfolds

e: Lattice now on PTS Esamir



Can't wait for the lattice/"new" version of Indar, plenty of physical terrain changes that hopefully make it look and play a lot better in the top half of the continent.

Still want Hossin more than anything though, I'm kinda sick of the current three continents.
That Esamir screenshot kind of highlights how ridiculous the current hex system can be. Some regions have like 6-7 connections to other regions where the outposts aren't even relatively close to one another.

I mean, all the lattice system is doing is just reducing the number of connections by making sure the connections follow somewhat natural terrain features, roads, mountains, etc. In that sense, Amerish will probably be the most difficult and interesting to set up since that really has the most natural barriers of the three continents.


Lattice tech was just pushed over to Amerish on PTS. I hope they hold off a week or two on pushing the Indar lattice to live so that they can make the lattice connections for Esamir and Amerish, playtest them, and release them all at the same time.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Lattice tech was just pushed over to Amerish on PTS. I hope they hold off a week or two on pushing the Indar lattice to live so that they can make the lattice connections for Esamir and Amerish, playtest them, and release them all at the same time.

Probably what they should do, as it would be pretty jarring to between 2 different types of map layouts. But with how long it's taken them to get Indar down, I don't see getting Amerish done in a couple days. Sure, maybe most of the busy work on restructuring the bases can be "copied and pasted."


Probably what they should do, as it would be pretty jarring to between 2 different types of map layouts. But with how long it's taken them to get Indar down, I don't see getting Amerish done in a couple days. Sure, maybe most of the busy work on restructuring the bases can be "copied and pasted."

Indar time was spent figuring out how to implement the lattice system and redesigning much of the facilities on the continent to current standards, Esamir and Amerish pretty much just need proper lattice connections designed for them, turn around time should be much quicker. Esamir/Amersih may go through some design updates but it wont be required to get lattice functioning on them.


If you guys don't mind answering this Question
Can the PlayStation 4 Handle SOE's PlanetSide 2? I know it can but how well

They're confirmed to be at least looking in to it. The PS4 CPU is clocked quite low and that will be the absolute limiting factor. I would expect 30fps with frequent dips. They may have to segregate the PS4/PC servers to restrict the playercount, but they might as well not even bother porting it if that's the case. They'd also need to make an entirely new UI just for the console version, as the current one is completely incompatible with controllers, though they'd need to be able to support kb/m on the console so that it's an option for competitive congruency
I'm sure they'll get it working on PS4. It would behoove Sony to ship out Playstation 4s with Planetside 2 preinstalled on the system. I would expect them to show off the game during their E3 press conference. I doubt it'll have cross-platform play though.


Today is PS1's 10th anniversary, if you ever subbed to it you should now have a 6 month access sub to it activated, or you will soon. Some people are also saying they have been granted subs without ever playing it on their account


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Today is PS1's 10th anniversary, if you ever subbed to it you should now have a 6 month sub to it access activated, or you will soon. Some people are also saying they have been granted subs without ever playing it on their account

6 Month access to PS1, or on PS2?


GU9 Patchnotes:

The Lattice Link
With recent advances in technology, armed forces across Auraxis have developed the ability to more easily disrupt and manipulate the wireless communication and control protocols used by each of the Empires to take command of a base or facility. This has made the traditional methods for taking control of a region unreliable and potentially dangerous.

In order to maintain the integrity of their control protocols, the Empires have fallen back on an older system – a hard line network that physically connects bases and territories known as the Lattice Link.

While the hard line approach has been able to negate the recent security issues with using wireless technology, the Empires now require a friendly adjacent link to the Lattice in order to take control of an enemy installation.

Indar Battle Flow Improvements:
The flow of combat in the live hex system can be tough to understand and predict, and can give the sense of chaos as opposed to appropriate tactical choices as forces move from one target to the next. We'd like to attempt a different approach that we think will improve the flow of battle significantly.
We have reduced the connections available on the map
Each region is connected to only a handful of other regions, creating clear conquest lanes
This will help direct players to the next fight, and allow you to predict the best places to set up defenses
The Facility Forward Spawns have been removed - in their place are new Small Outposts
These function just like other Small Outposts. Their layouts are very similar to what the Forward Spawns were, plus the addition of Allatum Botany Wing and Saurva South Fortress.
Some underutilized outposts have been removed as they did not improve the new conquest lanes
Nanite Pump Station
Archaeological Dig Site
ARC Bioengineering
Leopardwood Nursery
Spec-Ops Training Camp
Lost End Outlook
Mesa Comm. Station
Blackshard Platinum Mine
Some outposts were moved to locations that better serve the new conquest lanes on Indar
Ceres Farms
NS Secure Data Labs
Seabed Listening Post
Dahaka, Zurvan, and Peris have all had layout adjustments to help improve infantry combat flow in the Amp Stations.
Nearly every outpost on Indar received some work to help secure the spawn rooms and the capture points. Our goal was to make it make it much tougher to impact these areas from vehicles
Crown Capture Points relocated. We moved two capture points for the Crown down onto the nearby bridges. We also moved the spawn room back into the tower
We adjusted the road layout on Indar to better match the conquest lanes.
Viable redeployment points are now determined based off of “connected distance” across hexes rather than “as the crow flies”
Warpgates on Indar that used to yield infantry resources should now be surrounded by regions that yield mechanized resources instead
SCU Shields functionality changes – The generators that powered the SCU Shields have been removed. The SCU Shields now power down automatically when the base is 75% captured.

General Updates
Interactive Tutorial
When creating a new character, players will now have the option to participate in a brief tutorial covering the most basic mechanics of PlanetSide 2.
This can be skipped via a checkbox on the character customization screen
Existing characters can also run the tutorial at any time by going to the Support page and selecting the Go to Tutorial option.
Accessing main menu
Gravity Pads
Control Points
IFF Shields
Equipment Terminals
Recognizing Friend from Foe
Basic Combat
Warpgate Terminals
Instant Action
Instant Action Improvements
Instant Action will first try to find a decent fight on your current continent. If it cannot find one it will look for the best fights on any continent. This should prevent instant action from taking players away from Alerts or off a continent they enjoy.
Added sensitivity slider for aiming down sights (<4x scope)
If the default sensitivity feels “off” from what you’re used to, you’ll want to take a minute to re-adjust the slider to get it back to where you like it
The Helios and Connery servers will be merged with this update.
All characters on those servers will be able to log in as normal, they’ll just find themselves on the new Connery server.

More at the link.
Dunno how I feel about the complete overhaul to the saron, its a totally different gun now. Will have to give it a try once the servers are back up
Sounds good, excited to give it a try. Wish they did a more in-depth pass on grenades. I'm disappointed the nerf to conc nades because I use them so much. Flash nades, on the other hand, need LOS fixes, you can throw a flash into a building, be outside the building behind a wall and be completely blinded by it. And anti-vehicle names desperately need help. Shorter priming time or explode on impact and the price reduced to regular grenade peices. And decoy nades just need to work better.
Wow the ZOE max is fun :D got on a 10 kill streak running around a tower with lvl 4 ZOE, Flak Armor and Blueshifts. Lockdown+Fracture is scary as hell to deal with for vehicles tho, can take out a mag no trouble headon


Lattice is doing wonderfully with the live server playercounts

Very clear where the front line is now:

Some posted this concept on r/planetside, would do wonders for readability and easy of identifying how to get to your next target, especially on Amerish with its very restricting terrain. Would work well as the (default) toggle option between the current direct connections.

Can't wait for Esamir/Amerish to get updated. They should really just get a lattice working well on them as they are now instead of waiting on revamping the continents over the next couple months.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
maybe playing on it will change my mind, but I don't like it. Most places have only one way to go, and at most, the option of 2 places to go.

Looks like the Crown is the only 3 way option, making it just about the most important place again. But strange that Crossroads is now pretty "disconnected" from Crown.


maybe playing on it will change my mind, but I don't like it. Most places have only one way to go, and at most, the option of 2 places to go.

As it should be imo. Large facilities are the only places you find the the 3-4 connection branches, so that you have you can't easily just go anywhere on the map and cut off another faction, eg on the lattice map I posted how the NC still has a lattice connection to the TR that can't be easily broken without the VS taking Mao or Rashnu, and from there they have access to go behind the VS fronts

Mikey Jr.

I LOVE it. Love love love.

Firstly, it hurts ghost capping. As NC, we fought fucking hard for red ridge, then equally hard for scarred mesa. I mean, we fought hard for it. Vanu were pushing back from regent rock, and there was a big battle on the bridge. If the vanu wanted red ridge, if they wanted scarred, they were going to have to fight for it. We didn't have to worry about some solo squad back capping red ridge and screwing us.

And you know what? We lost both. But it wasn't because we were losing outposts all over the place and they could spawn behind us. It was because they fought hard and pushed us all the way back.

Those are the fights I want from PS2.
Some of the most memorable fights I had in PS1 were fighting over a bridge. Not even a facility, just to get across a bridge. When the only place you can attack is on the other side of the bridge you either push the fuck across that bridge or you get some goddamn Gals loaded up and try to fly around them.

Really excited to play when I get home from work. Shame I now like knee deep in Metro, Call of Juarez has gotten some good impressions, and I installed Dota 2. I've been winning most of my games in Dota 2, don't enjoy really anything about it mechanically, but for some reason still want to play.


I missed Mattherson/East Coast prime time, how did the lattice system hold up with more players?

I had a pretty amazing bridge battle over the chasm in the northern sea bed this morning, and nearly pushed out the TR with some public squads I thought I'd join instead of playing with my AT.

Mikey Jr.

I missed Mattherson/East Coast prime time, how did the lattice system hold up with more players?

I had a pretty amazing bridge battle over the chasm in the northern sea bed this morning, and nearly pushed out the TR with some public squads I thought I'd join instead of playing with my AT.

Holds up well. People seem to enjoy it.

Shit, my platoon didnt even want to go to another cont because it didnt have lattice.
Definitely larger, more concentrated fights, but people in Outfit were complaining that its impossible to have air support anymore because with only a few possible conflict areas, theres bound to be a plethora of AA. In the ~1.5 hours I played in our platoon, we saw 1 enemy lib and no ESFs. We did have one of our own fly a scythe for radar but that's about it. Our Gal drops seemed fine though, there was quite a lot of flak but no failed drops during my playtime

Mikey Jr.

Definitely larger, more concentrated fights, but people in Outfit were complaining that its impossible to have air support anymore because with only a few possible conflict areas, theres bound to be a plethora of AA. In the ~1.5 hours I played in our platoon, we saw 1 enemy lib and no ESFs. We did have one of our own fly a scythe for radar but that's about it. Our Gal drops seemed fine though, there was quite a lot of flak but no failed drops during my playtime

I felt the absolute opposite. 80% of my time is reaver gameplay, and I had absolutely no problems when I was playing tonight and there was lots of ESF's, maybe a low amount of libs.

This was Mattherson at around 5pm EST.
I felt the absolute opposite. 80% of my time is reaver gameplay, and I had absolutely no problems when I was playing tonight and there was lots of ESF's, maybe a low amount of libs.

This was Mattherson at around 5pm EST.

Hmm, maybe it just had to do with where we were fighting then, I started playing around 6pm est up around suarva for a bit, then at regent rock and crossroads for the rest of it

Mikey Jr.

Hmm, maybe it just had to do with where we were fighting then, I started playing around 6pm est up around suarva for a bit, then at regent rock and crossroads for the rest of it

Yeah, maybe it was an anomaly. I was flying almost the whole time, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Honestly though, I think w have to give this patch a week and let it stew.

For instance, I think the lockdown on the max is some bullshit. But thats a knee-jerk reaction right now.
Yeah, maybe it was an anomaly. I was flying almost the whole time, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Honestly though, I think w have to give this patch a week and let it stew.

For instance, I think the lockdown on the max is some bullshit. But thats a knee-jerk reaction right now.

Yea it definitely needs some time to normalized, we're seeing a exceptionally large amount of maxes being fielded due to the new abilities but I feel like that number will decrease as we week goes on as the novelty wears off. That being said, seeing a full squad of 12 "Disco Maxes" drop from a gal and rush a cap point is a sight to be seen :D
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