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Planetside 2 |OT| Closed Beta


Do they have any good ideas on the horizon to clean this up a bit? Even tweaking the respawn times would alleviate some of the mess. I honestly can't believe there are instant respawns.

A lot of it hinges on the resources, hex system, and inter continental play. They know they need to move away from sole dependency on the tick based resource system that leads to infinite vehicle resources (and currency) for any faction holding the majority of hexes, but haven't shared what their solution for that -besides some vague talks about mining system, but that would still be automated in such a way that it wouldn't change much unless material supply transporters could be attacked and disrupted- is if they have one; there are many posts, by fans and devs, about this in the forum but the only thing they know they absolutely want to have in place is the hex system, as future plans depend on it. This is where they are asking for feedback suggestions, and where we've already seen major changes happen over the course of the beta directly based on feedback on the forum, so if you think of anything go there and start a conversation.

The inter-continental plan hasn't been opened for discussion yet as we only have 2 conts, but there really needs to be some meaningful interplay between continents and the factions that hold territory on them. When the beta is over and we have our 3 base continents (Indar, Amerish, Esamir) and some additional continents, those 3 base continents will be split up into the home continents for the 3 factions where they have a faction owned warpgate and the rest are neutral, and then the other continents are interlinked via neutral warpgates like in PS1.

For spawning, I somewhat agree. Facility interlinking isn't part of the beta yet, but one of the effects of owning a linked biolab is reduced spawn times. This perhaps points to longer base spawns and then spawn times are reduced when you own a biolab, but you certainly don't want to just put a long artificial timer on it and call it fixed. In PS1 spawn times were variable anywhere from 1-60 seconds based on factors that I can't remember anymore. What I do recall is that spawn time was increased the more you just went into battle and quickly died, which is something I would welcome to PS2. Be glad that you didn't have to experience having the Galaxy as the forward spawn for infantry, you could just bypass any foothold or terrain and flank any position instantly with dozens of infantry that were waiting to spawn.


The Detective
What the fuck.

I just got into the beta, I signed up and all that, but the stupid system will not accept my user name and password!

I even reset my password and have it sent me my user name just to be sure , but the POS website and client will lie about them being wrong!

I can not even verify my account!

EDIT: No after resetting my password again it is working! (bar the fact that it should not have allowed me to do it again so soon!).


I'm loving this game more and more. Dropping Auraxium and going with certs seems like a pretty good idea. That way you can buy side/upgrades with your real money or earning Auraxium through XP is better. Either way I'm not too fussed.


Dropping Auraxium and going with certs seems like a pretty good idea.

I'm not sure I like this. I'm happy they're basing it on XP gain but removing it entirely means they'll have to monetize certs or cert points. Remember everything you can buy with Auraxium you're going to be able to buy with SOE Cash but if Auraxium is removed character advancement will probably take it's place. No longer will we be able to say the game isn't "pay-to-win" because you really will be able to pay to make your character better, more versatile. I agree that making it all cert based would make the experience a much simpler one for new players and I think it would probably be a superior player experience to having Auraxium at all. I just don't think that the character/vehicle cosmetic stuff is going to be as large a revenue stream as they'd like and I don't think the subscription would be nearly as attractive if they devalue the included SOE cash.


I'm not sure I like this. I'm happy they're basing it on XP gain but removing it entirely means they'll have to monetize certs or cert points. Remember everything you can buy with Auraxium you're going to be able to buy with SOE Cash but if Auraxium is removed character advancement will probably take it's place. No longer will we be able to say the game isn't "pay-to-win" because you really will be able to pay to make your character better, more versatile. I agree that making it all cert based would make the experience a much simpler one for new players and I think it would probably be a superior player experience to having Auraxium at all. I just don't think that the character/vehicle cosmetic stuff is going to be as large a revenue stream as they'd like and I don't think the subscription would be nearly as attractive if they devalue the included SOE cash.

They dont have to monetize cert points directly. They can just sell the weapons directly for a certain amount of station cash instead of selling an equivalent amount of cert points.


venison crêpe
We need to update the google doc/player list to knwo who is playing where. Is there anyone else on US E (Lysithea) or has everyone just stuck on West?


We need to update the google doc/player list to knwo who is playing where. Is there anyone else on US E (Lysithea) or has everyone just stuck on West?

Yes I just swapped Themisto for Thebe on there, but keeping up with that list is going to be awkward whenever the servers change/wipe during beta. If anyone has something that's different than what's on there just post in the thread or PM me and I'll change it, or you add another char to it if it's an alt account.

I'll just wipe that thing if it ever get's too messy during beta.

e: update coming tonight or tomorrow, includes HA weapons (chainguns, lasher, etc), shotguns, underslung rails, and more

XP based auraxium gain is also an unconfirmed addition with this patch.


We need to update the google doc/player list to knwo who is playing where. Is there anyone else on US E (Lysithea) or has everyone just stuck on West?

I'm playing on US E (Lysithea), however, the population imbalances are game breakingly ridiculous (I understand it's a beta so I'm sure it will be fixed but sucks for now). 2 nights in a row I haven't been able to play on Esamir because the NC have 90 percent of the continent's population. TR and my Vanu brothers have basically said fuck it and gone back to Indar to play.

With that said I'm still having a blast playing. Indar with my squad last night was a hoot.


venison crêpe
I'll just keep playing Indar whilst they tidy up Esamir.

I don't know if it's just my eyes but sometimes I have real trouble identifying the outlines of enemies depending upon their backdrop. And I seem to suck in close combat as a result as I can't focus on their head.


Patch last night did a lot to polish the game! Sound got a pretty big upgrade. Lots of small fixes and stuff in there. Shotguns/minichain guns are in. Game is starting to show it's potential more and more.

They also added painfields but they are currently a little buggy and misplaced right now.

Current known bugs are
I dont usualy bump for this but since its my first time asking... anyone have an extra key?

I knew there was a reason I was saving my extra beta key! Chk your PM


Played a couple hours, felt great.

Need 1.5k aux to get the Lasher, but here's its fireing effect


It's using the pulsar model, and the TR's MCG is using the light chain gun model. Must still not be done with the underslung weapon animation set


Ok so yea Esamir has BIG BATTLES but you know what....
That's all it has. Nothing but a gazillion tanks and huge groups of brainless infantry running around with a few air vehicles roaming the skies.

I think I like the playstyle of Indar better. It provides more variety. You can have 2 on 2 skirmishes, 3 vs 12 fights, or 100+ vs 100+ battles. It's never the same thing wherever you go. There's also more variety in the type of fights you encounter.
What an epic game. We had a full platoon at one point and I was leading Bravo squad. Had some epic bunker fights and amazon convoy runs. Will definitely continue to play this game. If anyone here has Skype and a working mic PM me. Im looking for more people to play with, troops & squad leaders.



This is going to need fixed... Everyone will be running at lowest settings to get an advantage

Well even if everyone lowered their settings, they'd still get the same FPS in big battles. There's basically a cap to the amount of fps you can get, as of right now, because the game is CPU bound and not optimized. People wont get more than 50 fps in big battles.

Smaller battles could lead to a small advantage though.

RoF does need to be unattached from the frame rate though.
Smedley just confirmed that Planetisde 2 going to have region locks, at least for Russia. That's some high level bullshit, especially giving the fact that it's known who's going to provide service out here. If there won't be any way to bypass this idiocity, then game is officially dead for me.


I'm hoping for region locks elsewhere too. I dont want to deal with laggy/warping players. I dont see it too often but it still happens too much in the beta right now.
Haven't seen a single warping person for the entire beta-test, so your complaint is probably sucked from the finger. And even if problems exists that doesn't mean that entire country should be separated to play in their own personal
reservation. Make a sodding latency restriction, but for gods sake do not punish people for living in the country different from yours. Especially when you have no idea what a terrible reputation have the company you're signing a contract with.


Smedley just confirmed that Planetisde 2 going to have region locks, at least for Russia. That's some high level bullshit, especially giving the fact that it's known who's going to provide service out here. If there won't be any way to bypass this idiocity, then game is officially dead for me.

I'm hoping for region locks elsewhere too. I dont want to deal with laggy/warping players. I dont see it too often but it still happens too much in the beta right now.

China was the only other previously confirmed region locked area, that I can understand because PS1 had a huge following there and they should have a self sustaining playerbase, and from what I understand they were always over running PS1 servers and degrading US/EU player's experiences in communication and connection.
So what is the difference between the three starting sniper rifles (one for each faction)? Also, I heard that the infiltrator has a decent shotgun, how do I unlock it?


So what is the difference between the three starting sniper rifles (one for each faction)?

The main difference is that the TR Sniper is part of a fascist dictatorship. The NC Sniper is a redneck. The Vanu sniper has chosen to take part of mankinds glorious evolution and is therefore the right choice to make.

Edit: oh the rifles

Serious answer : NC and TR have the better sniper rifles ... NC particularly


I have 3 Planetside 2 keys.

First to quote gets one.

Here are instructions:

To Redeem:
1. Go to www.PlanetSide2.com and enter your key.
2. Go to www.PlanetSide2.com/download and login with your Station name and password.
3. Download Launchpad and run/install.
4. Login with your Station name and password to start downloading.
5. When download is complete, press Play.
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