Do they have any good ideas on the horizon to clean this up a bit? Even tweaking the respawn times would alleviate some of the mess. I honestly can't believe there are instant respawns.
A lot of it hinges on the resources, hex system, and inter continental play. They know they need to move away from sole dependency on the tick based resource system that leads to infinite vehicle resources (and currency) for any faction holding the majority of hexes, but haven't shared what their solution for that -besides some vague talks about mining system, but that would still be automated in such a way that it wouldn't change much unless material supply transporters could be attacked and disrupted- is if they have one; there are many posts, by fans and devs, about this in the forum but the only thing they know they absolutely want to have in place is the hex system, as future plans depend on it. This is where they are asking for feedback suggestions, and where we've already seen major changes happen over the course of the beta directly based on feedback on the forum, so if you think of anything go there and start a conversation.
The inter-continental plan hasn't been opened for discussion yet as we only have 2 conts, but there really needs to be some meaningful interplay between continents and the factions that hold territory on them. When the beta is over and we have our 3 base continents (Indar, Amerish, Esamir) and some additional continents, those 3 base continents will be split up into the home continents for the 3 factions where they have a faction owned warpgate and the rest are neutral, and then the other continents are interlinked via neutral warpgates like in PS1.
For spawning, I somewhat agree. Facility interlinking isn't part of the beta yet, but one of the effects of owning a linked biolab is reduced spawn times. This perhaps points to longer base spawns and then spawn times are reduced when you own a biolab, but you certainly don't want to just put a long artificial timer on it and call it fixed. In PS1 spawn times were variable anywhere from 1-60 seconds based on factors that I can't remember anymore. What I do recall is that spawn time was increased the more you just went into battle and quickly died, which is something I would welcome to PS2. Be glad that you didn't have to experience having the Galaxy as the forward spawn for infantry, you could just bypass any foothold or terrain and flank any position instantly with dozens of infantry that were waiting to spawn.