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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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What do you think of this now Ushi? You probably said something but i didnt see it. :/

Wow. I was guessing you know. I didn't say I had inside info or something. And if you think about it, it was unlikely for Kamiya to be the director. Working on 3 projects at the same time... I would've never guessed Kamiya to be such a man.


Sparda and the Umbran Witch version of Eva are pretty cute together. It's a shame we'll never get the crossover game they deserve...

That was so cute! :D "The one in red bites." Haha! :D I love fans' passion for both DMC and Bayonetta. A very few fanbases are like that :)


Oh, and btw, I'll add Scalebound and new Bayo 2 info to the first post. Just give me some time to get rid of the goddamn Finals.


Wow. I was guessing you know. I didn't say I had inside info or something. And if you think about it, it was unlikely for Kamiya to be the director. Working on 3 projects at the same time... I would've never guessed Kamiya to be such a man.

And you were right tbh. It seemed impossible.
Imo the biggest trolling Kamiya pulled on us was the 'vacation and babes' stuff.
It's certain now that he jumped from one project to the other, directing W101, producing B2 and overseeing B1 and now on Scalebound.



And you were right tbh. It seemed impossible.
Imo the biggest trolling Kamiya pulled on us was the 'vacation and babes' stuff.
It's certain now that he jumped from one project to the other, directing W101, producing B2 and overseeing B1 and now on Scalebound.


I wouldn't be surprised if the dude is working on another game right now, too. lol.

Kamiya took trolling to the next level, really. Vacation and babes, the whole "I don't even know when E3 is" thing and so many other stuff. I personally will never ever trust a thing Kamiya says on twitter EVER again. Everything he says has a chance of being a troll. :D
Wow. I was guessing you know. I didn't say I had inside info or something. And if you think about it, it was unlikely for Kamiya to be the director. Working on 3 projects at the same time... I would've never guessed Kamiya to be such a man.
I never said you did I just wanted to know what you thought of it.


I wouldn't be surprised if the dude is working on another game right now, too. lol.

Kamiya took trolling to the next level, really. Vacation and babes, the whole "I don't even know when E3 is" thing and so many other stuff. I personally will never ever trust a thing Kamiya says on twitter EVER again. Everything he says has a chance of being a troll. :D

It's funny because everyone knows his Twitter is 99% trolling, and it has been this way for years, and we're all STILL falling for it again and again, because we're STILL underestimating Kamiya's trolling potential.

And in this case, also his multitasking. The amount of work he must have been doing recently is insane, jumping between 4 projects in such a small timeframe.
I finally started playing W101. After the first proper level I've come to the conclusion that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.


Neo Member
Hey plat-gaf, mind if I ask a vanquish question?

I'm going to really start playing it in a sec. It being a platinum game, is there any sort advanced cancels or anything I should know beforehand?


Hey plat-gaf, mind if I ask a vanquish question?

I'm going to really start playing it in a sec. It being a platinum game, is there any sort advanced cancels or anything I should know beforehand?

Boost Canceling - The roll animation and the boost start up animation have invincibility frames so you can combine both for a long window of invincibility. Performed by boosting for a split second and then canceling that animation into a roll. Its great for dancing in enemies faces while remaining relatively safe and recovering your suit's meter if you do it a few times in a row.

Reload Canceling - Reload and then switch to another weapon during the animation and then back again and the weapon will be relooaded. A faster way to reload basically.

Fire Canceling - While holding the firing button down you switch to another weapon for faster firing. So if you are firing a heavy machine gun and switch to a shotgun the shotgun shot will be instant.

EMP while boosting - The normal throwing animation is kind of long but throwing EMP while boosting throws them by you right away. Great for making a quick get away or locking down an enemy.


Neo Member
Awesome, thanks for the help. Trying to keep up with the speed of this game can get kinda crazy sometimes.

Also, how many people here have unlocked
in Wonderful 101 yet? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to 100% the game in order to do that?


Boost Canceling - The roll animation and the boost start up animation have invincibility frames so you can combine both for a long window of invincibility. Performed by boosting for a split second and then canceling that animation into a roll. Its great for dancing in enemies faces while remaining relatively safe and recovering your suit's meter if you do it a few times in a row.

This cannot be stressed enough. You can basically break the game with this, as it allows you to boost around and REGAIN your energy (as boosting only starts draining it after a slow delay).


I've started up Infinite Space; and it seems to be fairly interesting even though the battle system will take some getting used to. However, I'm having an odd problem - even though I've got a couple of crew members, I can't assign them to anything. The menu just comes up blank.

Best thing is how he was posting stuff like this... ten years ago:
Yeah man I proper love off that game!!! Such a shame some people slate the game for their own lack of skill. There's a lot of things to think about during the setups but once you've got it down you can work insane stuff out on the go.


A combo will start when you dodge and stun an opponent, most enemies will be stunned after just one dodge but there are some with different properties - like the black enemies which need 4 dodges. So the first thing is to learn how to dodge & stun each enemy type.

Once the combo initiates an unseen countdown begins (when you get a V sign below your VFX bar, combo has started). You reset the timer by hitting a stunned enemy or dodging another, this is where you build up points and setup your and their positions for the VFX finish. What's important here is to learn how many hits each enemy type can take before they die - you want to stun all enemies on screen and inflict maximum hits on all of them. The standard white enemies can take 3 taps, the spinning ones can take 5 - the rest you can work out
So work out a sequence setup where you stun an enemy, inflict maximum damage without killing, move to next one, stun - and so on until all have taken it *only then do you start using VFX*

When the setup is finished hit Slow and hold it (the combo ends when you release Slow). Now each enemy you hit while in slow will multiply the combo points you scored during the setups by 1 - so with a good setup where you hit lots of enemies within Slow you can max the combo at 9999Viewtifuls.

So suppose you setup 4 enemies and that gives you 340Viewtifuls - hit all 4 in Slow and that takes it up to 1360Viewtifuls.

Movement during Slow is an art! Animation cancels are vital if you want to fully rinse it, the rule is that kick cancels punch and vice versa. You can get Joe to track sideways quickly in 3 ways: 1. Rapid kick/punch cancels so that he keeps stepping while just about ready to attack. 2. Sliding to uppercut cancel, Sliding is down + kick (when you buy it) uppercut is down and punch - cancel the end of Sliding into just a couple frames of the uppercut then back to Sliding and so up (it's quick when you get the timing). 3. Hold Mach Speed within Slow for extra speed while running. Attack type is vital in Slow - Kicks will send enemied diagonally while punches Vertical or Horizontal depending if it's an uppercut or not. So Make sure you dont smash enemies into eachother, smash them away from eachother so you dont have to move about to reach all of them. Red Hot Kick will always send enemies diagonally up, standing kicks or sweeps both launch 45degrees - punch is simply straight forward, uppercut straight up. Once you learn how to aim enemies and position them during the setups you can smash them up into unreachable areas to get more V cans to fill the VFX bar.

Zoom-In is a shift-key for extra attacks, Zoom + punch is rapid punch, + kick is 360Kick, + Down+punch is rapid uppercut, Zoom + Red Hot Kick is Dragon Kick, Zoom + Jump is a rising attack, Zoom on the way down from a jump is a stomp. All these attacks are VERY powerful in Slow, against bosses are is nothing stronger than Zoom + Slow + punch/down and punch. When you earn them: Ukemi is a tech roll which is just Zoom when you hit the floor, Viewtiful Forever is a counter which you actvate by hitting Zoom when in a slow motion dodge (autoguard within Slow)

You can use Mach Speed during your setups, it acts exactly like normal attack and wont affect your combo but be careful as it's easy to kill enemies accidently. During a lot of sections extra enemies jump in after existing ones go, so a good tactic here is to kill the extra ones during the setup so that once you finish in Slow no more jump in - It's worth learning the numbers!!! As the kills will add decent points to your total.

As long as you follow the rules the combos are easy to keep going and the setups are up to your imaginaton. You gotta keep at Joe so you'll be on form for when Joe 2 comes out!

Sadly, it seems he's not posted here since 2005. :(


Best thing is how he was posting stuff like this... ten years ago:

Sadly, it seems he's not posted here since 2005. :(

So that game wasn't bad either after all...

It's sad that we have to go through this every time a game like this is out.
That W101 thread today really affected me, in a bad way.

I know that i'm a dick for saying this but i think that us gamers are as many today as we were through the 80s and the 90s, whatever it might mean to you.
Oh, it would be this.

I can appreciate how it just kinda tosses you into the fire, but the variety is what is overwhelming about the game, not the inputs. That's what I love about the game, it's inspired madness of the type I've dreamed about since I first imagined games I wished I had the talent and means to create. It's the same step beyond the average game in its genre that I felt about Vanquish once it finally clicked, only moreso. As for the lack of explaining how to play, well, I always spend time when I first play a game experimenting with buttons and combos and especially learning what's necessary to fail. Learning the base of what the game is asking of you is what I consider establishing a foundation, and you build from there. It's obtuse, but it empowers you to improve with responsive controls and addictive mechanics. It is a game where you can imagine what all games might be if the market hadn't moved towards accessibility and unchallenging spectacle as its most desired (i.e. safest-bet) paradigm.

I think the real difference nowadays is that committing to a game is less attractive when there's so much to play, and the industry is basically built upon manufacturing the sustainability of $60 day 1 purchases. And younger players come into gaming with these popcorn titles expecting spectacle and instant gratification from everything, how do you explain to someone who hasn't experienced the satisfaction of developing skill and style how superior it is to being handed an experience? They have to discover it themselves. And for those of us who are older with full time jobs and broad tastes, it's easy to also desire consuming more of less than less that's more. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the embarrassment of riches we have right now, I'm not even saying there's anything necessarily wrong with liking easy games (or if there is, I have no room to talk, look at my top 10 list last year - which admittedly would be almost completely different now that I own a WiiU), I'm just saying that setting aside a game that your gut tells you has the right stuff but you don't want to put more time into is doing an injustice to the game and yourself.

Best thing is how he was posting stuff like this... ten years ago:
Sadly, it seems he's not posted here since 2005. :(

I really wish there was more of this kind of discussion of actual mechanics and systems on GAF. The superficial owns the soapbox far too often, and though I find most discussion interesting, I'd just wish there was a better balance.


I just lost 2 fucking hours in DMC 4 because I didn't realize my progress wasn't autosaved.
God fucking dammit.

It'll probably only take 45 minutes to go back through it, but still
Then I recant my statement and add "he should post in these threads!". I mean, his last post was apparently in 2004 :p

He only made 23 posts, some of them are interesting, like his defense of PN03

1. 3D representation of vertical 2D shoot em up. It's Pn03 that got me thinking about this, that game is so damn clever yet hardly anyone knows about it due to the fact it's a pure skill based game not a movie where you push buttons as loved by so many. This can work and if I were in the industry it's a system I'd love to try and get working. The feeling and state of mind that 2D vertical SHMUPS give would be superb in a 3D shoot em up - but I want to take it further than just that. Pn03 should not stop here, it's so unfortunate that gamers are so narrow minded now and stuff like Driv3r actually sells....Anyway the game system of Pn03 is not understood by many it's all about the constast of smooth organic motion (you) against rigid set patterns (the enemy). This contrast is superb, as you are so agile you can use the enemies against eachother (leading huge laser cannons to point at a bunch of enemies to take them out in one blast as you get out of the way is stunning)

I wonder if Vanquish came close to a 3D shmup for him.

People that say VJ is poor due to their own lack of skill are truly pathetic, narrow minded people like that couldnt even comprehend the depth of tactics or the sheer amount of work that goes into a game like this - it's wasted on you.

Instead of admitting that they need help on a game they come online and slate it - easy way out ennit, losers.

Man, he got a little rude at times
Well, he's been very friendly whenever I've spoken to him via Youtube messages. Obviously he used to get a bit overzealous judging from some of those posts, but that was quite a long time ago. I'm going to assume he's grown up since then, as most people do.

Also, he was ahead of his time with complaining about "cinematic" video games, heh :p


From P* FB page:


It’s getting close to summer... time to bust out those MGR t-shirts.

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