The AK sucks in general. The recoil is not worth the extra bit of damage it does over the 556 rifles.
So I should pretty much always been using a SCAR/M4/M16 over the AK?
The AK sucks in general. The recoil is not worth the extra bit of damage it does over the 556 rifles.
If there's a choice I almost always go for one of the 556 ones. The AK can be alright as a pseudo SKS, though.So I should pretty much always been using a SCAR/M4/M16 over the AK?
If you have a compensator it at least works at 4x, not sure about 8x.Is it just me or does the AK absolutely suck at long range? Was just in a match and put a 8x scope on it, set it to single fire, and even then, every shot sends the reticle halfway across my screen.
I wonder if that was the thing in the highlight reel where someone was riding a motorcycle crouched on top of the seat.I just had a weird ass bug where I got caught in a walking crouch state while getting shot even as I pressed multiple buttons to stand up and sprint.
So I should pretty much always been using a SCAR/M4/M16 over the AK?
I just had a weird ass bug where I got caught in a walking crouch state while getting shot even as I pressed multiple buttons to stand up and sprint.
Just wait it out until quantity is less than 2,000. That's when it'll get more expensive due to rareness.I've been on vacation most of this past week, what's the general consensus on when to sell Gamescon items? Held onto 5 keys & crates and was lucky enough to get the black skirt on Sunday which was going for like $150 at the time. Should I sell this stuff ASAP? Hold on to it? Halp.
is twitch having issues for anyone else? wanted to watch some drdisrespect and the page is not fully loading
People are AFK farming in order to get crates.
I can confirm that I've killed 2 people standing in the middle of a field randomly with no loot on them. Figured they just went AFK either due to a disconnect or... life. But never figured people would farm like this.
I just waited until the end of the plane run and acted like an AFK player. There were about 10 of us and only 2-3 were actually AFK. I punched two people to death then the rest of us survivors were mowed down but someone that went and got a gun.
I get an 8x silenced SKS after winning Prison then a camper kills me in the most bizarre spot ever. I think he must have been camping the entire round as I didn't see or hear him there. More than slightly annoying, that's the first SR silencer I've seen in about 30 hours lol.
Man, I'm so unbelievably bad at close range encounters. I miss every shot and mostly the enemy somehow seems to know where I'm moving/going/shooting at any time.Not sure how to improve on that because there's not much room for practising. I see someone near me, shoot him five or six times without killing him. He may even get the chance to reload the weapon while I'm going into defense mode and run for cover. That's a typical close range battle for me, haha.
Am I crazy or does your game look super oversaturated. The colors are pretty bright.
Am I crazy or does your game look super oversaturated. The colors are pretty bright.
I wish there were stats for FPP :T Been getting more consistent wins and kills but want to know what the actual improvement #s look like :T
What is "reshade"?I couldn't go back to default after using Reshade, I made a video showing on and off, default is so grey and dull.
I tweaked mine so it wasn't quite as vibrant. is "reshade"?
It's a post-processing injector that's found some use for people in PUBG to add more saturation to the colours and sharpen the screen.
Holding down is a tighter hipfire.I got the game yesterday and I just got my first win.
It's a lot of fun, but super janky. And I wish there was a hold for ADS option. What does the aim mode when you hold the button do?
Thank Ye GodsWhoops, 900 MB patch.
They unfortunately don't use the Steam patch notes section, and there aren't patch notes on the Steam forum yet. No patch notes on the official forum either but I assume it's coming.
From Twitter, "We are currently updating new leaderboard system and getting rid of Gamescom graffitis and Twitch account link icon."
Hooray for no graffiti!
How often do you guys come across rifle suppressors? Those things are incredibly powerful.
Holding down is a tighter hipfire.
I'm not at all an expert. But, I think it's good if you have an SMG or assault rifle with lots of attachments and are close range because it's faster than aiming down sights and you can adjust your aim more easily. The last game I won was pure holding down hipfire going around a corner on a nearby opponent. The UMP is nice with holding hipfire because you can quietly strafe through buildings ready to full-auto someone.Is it useful in any way, or is it better to ADS or just use hip fire?
I never seem to find them by looting, but I occasionally find them on bodies.IDK maybe every 4th game or so? They're quite easy to find if you get a lot of kills.
Only hipfire if you have no time to ADS or if you're right up someone's asshole. Otherwise ADS is vastly superior.Is it useful in any way, or is it better to ADS or just use hip fire?
So I should pretty much always been using a SCAR/M4/M16 over the AK?
Is it useful in any way, or is it better to ADS or just use hip fire?
Got my third solo FPP win. Sometimes the best action is inaction during the final 10 or so people.
Also, roughly 30 hours played and I still haven't seen or picked up a KAR98. Super rare or what?
Question: Why do people not like kill trading?
If two people fire in real life and their bullets hit they will both die if the hits are critical. In this game if two people shoot, and hit a killing blow with their bullets, only the guy who fired second dies. This is, IMO, bullshit.
Bullets in this game have a travel time and its possible to fire a shot while the bullet that kills you is still on its way. If both bullets hit, and hit to kill, then both players should die. The game shouldn't decide to ignore a bullet for arbitrary reasons. Trading has never felt bad to me in games like battlefield, but the lack of trading pisses me fucking off. Particularly if I die and see one of my bullets hit between my attackers eyes.