so i really like this game and all but i've put maybe 20 hours in now and i don't see myself improving at all. even tried watching some good streamers to see if i can learn anything but if they're doing anything fundamentally different from me i can't tell at all.
either i die immediately after dropping or don't see anyone for 20 minutes and then get killed by someone i can't see. it's pretty disheartening.
The fastest way to improve is to become more aware. That is, know the hot spots, take a guess at where people go depending on the planes path and then as the match goes on, speculate of where people are coming from.
Ie plane froms east to west through pachinki, you can guess that the majority of people will go to yasnoya, pachinki, razbok, and georgopol. If the circle lands on say, military island, at that point its a game of analyzation. People will be pouring in from the north. Take your relative position into account on where theyll come from. You can guess there will always be a group of people who went straight to military island. There are always stragglers who go to the smaller settlements, those are best guessed by looking for open doors and looted houses. Then its determining if your in the footsteps of another person, in which case they might lie in wait, or if others will come behind you.
Its hard to write out a thought process of it...but basically awareness is key in this game. Its a whole thought process you have to get into as you play.