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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Do the prices for these item packs just keep going up?

I got like, two so far. One pair of khaki pants and a red shirt.
Both are complete garbage items.
God, I wish there was an easier way to get out of vehicles on the correct side without having to do some janky ass three inputs at once shit. It sucks ass when you get out of a car, someone pops out on the side you wanted to avoid, and because slow moving vehicles are so janky movement wise it takes you way too long to run all the way around the car and then you have no time to heal up from all of the shots you took.


I hit a crate with a sidecar and literally did like 4 quick flips into the air over a hill once. Swear to fuck the physics on vehicles roll the dice from "floaty to moon's surface"


Had a large string of squad games yesterday where literally half the server would die before the first circle moved. So we'd go through these giant stretches of "free" looting but then the last 2-3 circles became just constant run and move shooting between 8 or 9 squads. Intense.


Also idk if there's a way for multiple squads to land in the same game on a regular server. My squad legit got mad max'd last night as we rolled up on 1 squad in a car and 4 other vehicles rolled up on us and they all shot us before rolling off in a group. Weirdest shit ever.


So I'm still relatively new, but I didn't realize everyone basically runs 3rd person like 99% of the time in this game. It feels super weird to me doing that, but I can see the advantage. I normally did that during long runs to scope things out, not in closer quarters.


lol, poor Doc


some of the vehicle physics in this game remind me of Halo CE shenanigans

The physics are spot on dude
is ANYBODY having this horrible sound bug that occurred from last months big update?

I can't hear gunshots/explosions/cars/plane unless my camera is facing whatever direction theyre coming from. my teammate was taking shots and i couldnt hear him because he was behind me and my camera was facing infront of me. if i rotated it towards him i heard his shots.

almost got hit by a buggy yesterday because I couldn't hear it.

Restart the client when that happens. Had it happen to me once. In the lobby test your hearing just in case, I do now.

Or it might just be the surround sound switch thats messing up on my headset, which is usb and has issues.


I feel like I read a while ago that they were going to add first person only servers. Anyone know if that's the case?

As far as I'm aware it's just been people requesting them, no official word. Happy to be proven wrong though! Would be a game changer.
Hilarious moment where I killed two guys and spent so long trying to shuffle loot around (and decide whether I wanted M4/UMP or M4/AKM) that a guy with only an Uzi and a (misthrown) stun grenade actually snuck up using the red and killed me... because I was trying to reload all my shuffled guns and I only had a Glock out.


It didn't even go on sale for the steam summer sale and still held onto the number ones sales spot so I doubt it.

Ended up finding a 27% off voucher in another e-mail, but if anyone else is on the fence to buy the game for a friend, check your GreenMan Gaming Emails as they are tied to your email accounts.


Two guys were on the second floor and i threw grenade badly. It landed on stairs and one of the guys just run into it. Haven't laughed so hard in awhile


Seems a lot of people are unaware that holding a grenade in the throw position actually cooks the nade as well. I had 2 guys try flushing me out of a 2nd floor building, but as they cooked their nades it blew up in their hands killing them both. Same thing happened with another guy cooking a molotov too long as he tried tossing it on me in another room. Dropped to his feet and burned him to death lol


Hilarious moment where I killed two guys and spent so long trying to shuffle loot around (and decide whether I wanted M4/UMP or M4/AKM) that a guy with only an Uzi and a (misthrown) stun grenade actually snuck up using the red and killed me... because I was trying to reload all my shuffled guns and I only had a Glock out.

I just had the same thing happen. Killed two guys and was kitting out my new gear when some guy got the drop on me.

Dude was clumsy as hell though as he kept rattling off shots like a few dozen yards away, missing most of them. But then my dumb ass hit X by accident and I holstered my weapon, in the heat of the moment I just couldn't seem to get my weapon up again and I died to this chump with a peashooter while I was packing more weapons than Neo from the Matrix.

Guy earned it. I felt really damn stupid. I re-bound the holster key to fucking L with the quickness. To remind me of the L I took today.


I'm really hating the circle tonight. All night long me and my squad got screwed at the last 2 circles because of the fact that it was so massively far away. Died twice out of the zone because of it with only 9 people left and 2 teammates....
I just had a round where the circle was centered on firing range, so I tried to pull a sick move and drive my UAZ straight into the tunnel nearby and just go HAM on whoever was assuredly camping it.

My UAZ flipped over at the entrance, and when I exited I was stuck in a limbo of falling into the wheel well while constantly trying to stand up and fall down, unable to enter the UAZ, while someone who must have been very confused shot at me.

I hope somebody really was in that tunnel and they got a nice show. And that they were trapped in there.


Grenades feel like a crapshoot. Either it bounces how I want or it decides to defy the laws of gravity and phase shift into another dimension so it bounces back at me, never actually gets thrown, or hits an invisible wall in time/space so it falls harmlessly away.


Fuckedy fuck.

Get a great parachute drop and immediately find a suppressed SKS with 8x scope and extended mags and an M4 fully loaded, run into the sewers to take shelter from bombs, kill some dude there and when I emerge from the sewers I notice the circle on the other damn side of the map.

I haul ass and ofcourse, not a single vehicle to be found. Anywhere.

Fucking hell. These guns were itching to kill dudes. I spent like 20 minutes non-stop sprinting to keep ahead of the blue line but it got me in the end.
At least I managed to take some poor sap with me who was stuck outside the circle. Goddamn that scoped SKS just destroys people.

I love the SKS with cheek pad and compensator, I find it better than the Kar98 myself.

Just a heads up, you can "underhand" throw grenades. Left click to pull pin like you would normally but then hold right click to underhand toss it.

Well then...


so i really like this game and all but i've put maybe 20 hours in now and i don't see myself improving at all. even tried watching some good streamers to see if i can learn anything but if they're doing anything fundamentally different from me i can't tell at all.

either i die immediately after dropping or don't see anyone for 20 minutes and then get killed by someone i can't see. it's pretty disheartening.


so i really like this game and all but i've put maybe 20 hours in now and i don't see myself improving at all. even tried watching some good streamers to see if i can learn anything but if they're doing anything fundamentally different from me i can't tell at all.

either i die immediately after dropping or don't see anyone for 20 minutes and then get killed by someone i can't see. it's pretty disheartening.

You have to assess your situation. If you are in the middle of the white circle, then you know that you have to be more careful because everyone can see you. They're all around you. If you are closer to the edge of the circle, then you know no one is behind you and there's only one direction you should be looking at. Towards the inner circle. It's more about strategy and less about skill. Though, skill helps too.
so i really like this game and all but i've put maybe 20 hours in now and i don't see myself improving at all. even tried watching some good streamers to see if i can learn anything but if they're doing anything fundamentally different from me i can't tell at all.

either i die immediately after dropping or don't see anyone for 20 minutes and then get killed by someone i can't see. it's pretty disheartening.

The fastest way to improve is to become more aware. That is, know the hot spots, take a guess at where people go depending on the planes path and then as the match goes on, speculate of where people are coming from.

Ie plane froms east to west through pachinki, you can guess that the majority of people will go to yasnoya, pachinki, razbok, and georgopol. If the circle lands on say, military island, at that point its a game of analyzation. People will be pouring in from the north. Take your relative position into account on where theyll come from. You can guess there will always be a group of people who went straight to military island. There are always stragglers who go to the smaller settlements, those are best guessed by looking for open doors and looted houses. Then its determining if your in the footsteps of another person, in which case they might lie in wait, or if others will come behind you.

Its hard to write out a thought process of it...but basically awareness is key in this game. Its a whole thought process you have to get into as you play.


Yeah, after I upload a video to gfycat, I don't know how to make it so I can link to that .gif.
After uploaded, I think you need to view the video/gfy in your album, click into it and drill use the cog to choose to view as gif, then use that link.

That is all from memory, and it has changed a couple times over the last year so it might be slightly different.


so i really like this game and all but i've put maybe 20 hours in now and i don't see myself improving at all. even tried watching some good streamers to see if i can learn anything but if they're doing anything fundamentally different from me i can't tell at all.

either i die immediately after dropping or don't see anyone for 20 minutes and then get killed by someone i can't see. it's pretty disheartening.

I felt exactly the same way when i started playing. Even though i have a lot of experience playing FPS games. Having a good aim helps, but i feel what is more important in this game is situational awareness. For example when you want to run across the field to loot house make sure you look around using Free Look. I have killed so many people just because they don't check their surroundings and have no idea that i am really close to them, but i see them because i actively check my surroundings. Another important thing is footstep sounds. Make sure you have nothing playing on background or make sure you can hear footsteps clearly. Sometimes you have to be sneaky and listen to footsteps and sometimes have to rush them. I think it comes with experience, the more you play the better your decision making will be. You will also learn how each gun works and that will help you a lot as well. Its more fun learning it while playing with friends than solo.

I like playing aggressively. Getting kills in this game is hella satisfying and i don't like camping. I don't mind dying at all, but the loading times for this game is still ridiculous even with SSD. That's the only reason i hate dying in this game.
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