It's also possible that the XB1 has a pretty huge lead over PS4 for the month, maybe even so much that they are neck to neck LTD. (which is bunker worthy because the XB1 is 100 $ more and also the "weaker" hardware.)
That just doesn't tally up though, why would there be these continued price drops and deals for the Xbone if the huge demand was there.
They'd need to sell over 300k in the month to be neck and neck, and just not happening.
Now if the Xbone was selling out everywhere i could buy the theory, as it stands with the other evidence and hints from he who should not be named, theres no way its selling 300k more in a month in the US.
And as for your $100 more, thats not true anymore because of said deals.
you can get a new Xbone for $430
in the UK retailers are selling it at the same price as a Solus PS4 with Titanfall.